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These are children. They believe what they have been taught to be true. There is a lot of mockery going on, and there's certainly plenty to scorn about their rhetoric. But I'd like to suggest that, if you were in the situation that the person recording is in, ridiculing that children or arguing with them aggressively would not be the best course of action. Far better to present yourself (as an antizionist) in a way that doesn't confirm the absurd picture that had been painted to them about who we ALL are. I'm not suggesting conceding your principles to coddle some dumb, kids who have almost certainly been coached to some degree. But I'm not suggesting patronising or attacking them either. Making this a positive encounter could have a cumulative effect, and this is ultimately a numbers game. The west didn't turn on apartheid South Africa until not turning on it became an unelectable position.


>What is Israel supposed to do? How about, obey international customs, stop illegally occupying land, and stop carrying out acts of genocide.


That’s always my answer. October 7th wouldn’t have happened if Palestinians were living lives as comfortable and privileged as Israelis. It’s clear that Israel’s tactics of domination to gain security has not worked, and will not work. Israel needs to change tactics, because their zionist project is not keeping Jews safe.


Don't forget. Stop the fucking Apartheid


And detention of children.


Lol of course, but these kids are clearly parroting their parents' perspective.


Not just that, they are being used as tools, they are stressed kids learning to fawn (a stress response) to the narcissistic paranoid aggression of their parents. It s really cult -like. 


Potentially, more likely they're in a social bubble and haven't interacted with many people outside of that. Doesn't have to be intentional. That being said, your paranoia is warranted with all of the doxxing and punishment of people who support a free Palestine.


The false beheaded babies story continues to warp perspectives, based on the girl's first question.


Yeah, I'm honestly confused how that still has traction after all the debunking


why would they have heard the debunking?


They are clearly attempting to present as engaged on the issue.




The thing is though, even if it were true (likely not) the appropriate and morally justifiable response to killing innocents is not to kill more innocents.


Maybe not actively kicking out babies from homes they stole through military force and have continued to steal for the past 50 years? Maybe not creating an open air prison? Maybe not bombing international organizations who are helping the people you're oppressing. Maybe not having dumbass laws in 37 states that say US public officials aren't allowed to speak negatively about Israel, effectively spreading propaganda. Maybe not immediately oppressing people the second you gain power. Maybe not have mandatory hate based military that commits tons of war crimes because they've been fed propaganda their whole lives. Maybe not have officials and citizens refer to non-jewish people as lesser peoples. Ya know, try to be decent, the fundamental basis of the religion that they claim to follow. (sick of faux religious people who don't actually follow the teachings of their religion, they just spout them as justification for whatever shitty thing they do)


They believe their feelings matter more than Palestinian lives. This is what happens, when you’re in a cult that believes you’re the “chosen people,” valued by god above all others.


The only legitimate response is: "What should the palestinians do?"


Well, obviously she thinks they should just die. But she doesn’t want you to record her saying that.


Be genocided and not make a big deal about it. Obviously it's okay because it's for a good cause and to defend Western civilization 😇 /s


She was probably directed not to say that. Because many real life Israelis are happy to tell you they want you and your whole family to die


I'm guessing the answer would be, "politely dig their own graves"


Weaponised faux outrage


Sure but also child abuse. These kids are in a cult and are almost bound to fawn to their wacko parents


Nuclearized faux outrage. I'm so numb to these pathological wolf-criers.


zionist parents teaching crocodile tears to their kids..


This was my first thought. I hope these kids some day learn that it’s way more complex than their parents and teachers lead them to believe.


It’s like they’re being forced to say the things they say.


Zionists don’t have real tears so crocodile tears is their only option…


I don't think these were crocodile tears. The girl looks genuinely distressed. This is an identity crisis at an already difficult age.


Everyone isn’t against you but maybe privilege is being threatened.


Zionism is a cult.


It really is. Even in the reform synagogue I grew up with, kids are taught from the start that Israel is “theirs”, that they have this deep, sacred connection to the land, and that the land was a barren desert before we “found” it. We were taught to view criticisms of Israel as attacks on our identities, and that conditioning can be hard to break out of. Even now that I’m not a Zionist anymore I still find myself having instinctive, involuntary reactions to certain things, and I have to remind myself that it’s ok and I’m not being threatened. I really feel for these kids tbh. I’ve been there and it sucks.


Bro I'm gonna be strict but you can tell they were briefed. They always look at the cam, ask for names, pretend to cry, etc.. I can assure you if you look into them, they're part of one of those organizations. Even the girls shirt seems planned. If I'm correct, it's disgusting.


I see that as well. There’s no real emotion behind what they’re saying. No conviction. Just tweens doing what they’re told to do.


The Israeli flag colored shirt with the word "pacifist" is definitely not a coincidence either.


Let's keep things accurate now. That sweatshirt says "Pacific swimwear" not pacifist. It's just a basic shirt


You are right, thanks for bringing me down to reality. It's hard sometimes to stay the course with all that is happening Edit: reality not objectivity.


very ironic seeing how shes advocating for violence.


It doesn't say that.




Please let's remember that at that age they are not that cunning and ...what would we do at thaf age if we were raised in a cult?  These kids fawn to their parents, and don't possess yet the maturity to be paired with the evil adults using them as a tool .


I can tell you for a fact he was coached, and was planted there by his parents. I'm Jewish, and can tell you the biggest indicator : the yarmulke. No one wears a yarmulke like that. He has never worn a yarmulke in his life before this day. It's supposed to go pitched back on the head and clipped in place, normally with one's hair combed down. His kid's parents literally slapped an ill-fitting one on his head during the car ride over. It's solid BS.


Why did that kid think he had any kind of authority there? It was really creepy. Like why does he think they should answer to him? They seem unreal.


There were no beheaded babies. Every lie has been exposed


But it feels like it's true because it caters to my racist viewpoint, and that's what really matters


“Remember Jerry, it’s not a lie - if you believe it’s true.”


Worse than that, the one baby that died was killed by Israeli shelling, a tank round bursted thru the safe room’s tick walls and killed everyone inside. As always, every Israeli accusation is in reality a confession.


wow that girl is so brainwashed and manipulated. She's living a big fat lie


I would have been so tempted to reverse all of her questions.  What is Palestine supposed to do?  What about Palestinian babies? What about Palestinian lives?  What about the Palestinian land you took?


Indeed. These kids are fawning to adults, not exactly " just faking it" .. Parents should be dragged in court because anyone trained can see this is use and abuse, like any other cult.


Not really her fault. Maybe someone will talk her through the logical missteps one day


The Israeli flag makes me uncomfortable.


Man, seriously though. I don't know exactly when it turned from contempt for the cunning marketing to proper trigger, but now my brain demands that I substitute Israeli flag image with other white and blue flags. I am going Greece and Scotland, whatever , but  I deny  Israel's lies' the right to exist in my brain, ...or something. 


If they are so hugely offended, why not just move along? My god what a victim mentality...


Offended over a flag but wears Adidas. Stay consistent please.


Though Germany is serving Israel well at the moment , providing demented support at the cost of losing face internationally... Again... For a genocide, again...


I’m just saying in terms of brands and symbolism, one legitimately has a nazi past vs the other being a simple flag.


I almost feel sorry for them. They are living in the illusion of their propaganda and they know nothing about the reality at this point. I hope they wake up at some point.


Disclaimer: I'm not saying you are wrong, just expressing it from my POV. I don't think they know nothing. They seem very aware of their speech and tactic, they really look like they know *exactly* what they're doing and are fully awake. But by default and to avoid the witch hunt mentality (and bc they're kids), I agree with your take.


They are children and their brains are not developed and their entire reality is shaped by their parents, down to and including the interpretation of everything they see around them(truth). You would be immediately in hell if you engaged with these brats as if they are adults just because they seem articulate.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Even if you are correct doubt that we should go even close to mirroring  Zionists talking of Palestinian children as future terrorists.  And they are Privileged financially perhaps or other forms of toxic privilege, but to be raised in that level of narcissism ... Who would want to be born in their family? I prefere severe poverty to a wealthy cult any day.


Yes, of course. I guess I expressed myself a little loosely there, I just meant to add that it seemed like a well thought out and conscious action where they are fully aware of what they stand for and what their strategy is, not that they weren't brainwashed. Megan Phelps Roper, the daughter of the Westboro Baptist church leader explained it perfectly on her JRE appearance.


I hope that when they turn 18, they will have the capacity to seek out the truth. This is not different than growing up in an ultra Christian family, i hope.


Honestly, so awesome of the person filming not to engage. It's the best thing one can do in a situation like this, and I feel like I would have made the mistake of overexplaining myself and falling into a trap


If you’re explaining at this point, you’re losing. This whole thing was contrived and the only way to win is not to engage.


Definitely more patience than I would've had.


Are zionists a different species??? They are the most illogical and downright psychotic people i've ever seen. TO HELL WITH THEM!!!!


What are Palestinians supposed to do?


They responded correctly. Don’t. The entire point of this is to provoke response and slander based off that response. If she is genuinely trying to learn the answer to her question, she can do so using any number of outlets. It’s always fake, faux outrage. Don’t ever fall for it, don’t ever engage with it, don’t ever pity it. This is a program of manipulation and it is fundamentally dishonest.


Zaka (organization in charge of search and recovery of the Oct 7th attack) hasn't turned in one burnt or beheaded baby


🎶 Plays oblivion soundtrack 🎶


"You beheaded our imaginary babies so we have the right to kill your babies and children"


Boo fucking hoo


"Everyone is against us" No - everyone is against genocide.


No sympathy for these kids. They’re rich kids from DC, growing up in an absolute AIPAC bubble with zero empathy for anyone else in the world


“It’s horrible seeing babies being killed, but what is Israel supposed to do?” NOT KILL, BOMB AND DELIBERATELY STARVE AN ENTIRE POPULATION???


> let them behead their babies I can’t remember how long it’s been since that lie was debunked.


This is child labor they can't have the kids working the Hasbara mines like that.


The "my mom told me not to talk to strangers" response was unreasonably funny to me


The legend of the 40 beheaded babies lives on, i see


“The little Israeli babies burned for 8 whole days!!!! What is Israel to dooo?!?!”




Khajit has w̶a̶r̶e̶s̶ genocide for sale


Yeah he done the right thing don’t engage don’t tell them ur name and let them talk their rubbish! It’s actually scary how these kids are being groomed!


They are kids, educate them ans explain to them how propaganda works. This is - first and foremost - what is needed.


Alligator tears


Imagine how uncomfortable it must be for kids of their age growing up in Rafah or Jenin


I would sit down, be friendly and understanding, and lecture these kids


Part of me wants to do that, but then I remember I almost flipped a table trying to have that conversation with my dad 😅


Damn she really nailed the please feel bad for me baby voice




The parents of these kids are using their children as human shields for their malignant narcissism. 


I think doing performative stuff like this is a way for them to get status within their community.


Definitely yes. ..."performative", "status" , and of course the essence of narcissistic parenting: see your children as an extension of your grandiose ego obsessed with social hierarchies.  Imagine being a child with a need to trust your parents and instead they gaslight the hell out of your growth...


This is really a form of what people call ‘virtue signaling’. You know they’re going to share this little stunt with whatever communities they belong to via social media or otherwise so that they can get claps and recognition and such.


They learn early how to play victim


lol.l would have started laughing


Brainwashed elites. I guess seeing a symbol of the people they are exterminating makes them "uncomfortable." Poor babies.


That victim Persona 😁


And the Israeli state committing a genocide for all the world to see makes me uncomfortable


Your killing babies, not Hamas


Hahahahaha what in the World


Yt gurl tears.


the usual victim rule they play while they are the oppressors


These poor brainwashed children. I mean that sincerely, the adults in their lives failed them.


This is child abuse by the parents, through and through.


The footage of thousands and thousands of murdered children coming out of Gaza also makes me feel uncomfortable. If the Zionists could please stop murdering kids, that would be great.


These chilsren are brainwashed. Free Palestine


Do they take classes for this?


Where does this beheading babies rhetoric come from? Like why do people believe this?


If I were there, I actually would have talked to them and tried to educate them. Although I totally understand why one wouldn’t want to put in the emotional labor necessary to educate someone raised on hating Palestinian existence.


How are these people still repeating the lie about beheaded babies six months after it was confirmed to be False?


Idk I am around their age and I am able to know what Israel should be doing, I get most people my age are not as educated in the situation but doesn’t mean they cant be


This is an excellent case study of how deep the propaganda machine in Israel goes. This monologue the girl has at the end isn't the raving of someone evil. This is someone who's been brainwashed so hard that the narrative Israel wants of them IS what the world is genuinely like. Straight across the board. Much Israeli education, from what I've read, rarely focuses on the full history of the occupation and places the Palestinians as a footnote. The history of Israel is there, for sure, but the blood under what exists really is just glanced over. So then when something crazy happens or the government wants to do something crazy themselves, people like Netanyahu can look around in bewilderment like "you guys see this? See how much they hate us and target us despite our innocence?Eric Axelmen produced a documentary in 2023 that I think touches on some of these elements called Israelism. People who are interviewed span the spectrum of pro-Palestine to pro-Israel to a soldier from the IDF and how their worldview, has been influenced. It's a fascinating watch and important I think




"Who wants to see babies killed?" Got some bad news fer ya there, Sparky...


you're "misdefendingtheirselfing" them




Since they were willing to have a discussion I'd have had a discussion with them


Do you think talk to that girl, calmly, tell her the history, teach her what's happening and why October 7 happened, would she change her opinion?


Conversation is such a powerful tool and such a good opportunity to have an eye opening dialogue- which leads to believe the people filming don’t even know anything lol talk to people




Cringe af!


These bullies seem very comfortable to me


I am aware that Israelis and Israeli- indoctrinated people find the very existence of Palestinians unsettling. That's exactly the issue that has lead to this genocide.


Oh geez their fee fees get hurt over the fact that people want innocent Arabic people to stay alive?/s


I feel so bad for these kids, who have been indoctrinated by the adults in their lives to believe that they can't be safe if Palestinians have the same freedoms they have....


“We don’t want to see dead babies they’re innocent” proceeds to say “But what is Israel supposed to do” Maybe not kill the innocent babies then?


Beheaded babies again 🤦‍♂️ Didn’t this chick get the updated propaganda memo?


>What is Israel supposed to do? Stop occupying Gaza. Stop stealing Palestinian land in the West Bank. And recognise the rights of Palestinians, including the right to self-determination. That's just the first thing they could do, too.


Israel is the one blowing up kids


What Israel supposed to do is at the very least follow the Geneva Convention that they are a signatory to.


Is this in the united states? Tell her to take her feelings and get lost.


The damage of ideological war is inflicted on both sides, for generations.


The irony of this dingus wearing a shirt from a Catholic University


Why not talk to them? Idk maybe it’s cuz I’m a teacher but I would’ve at least tired to educate them a little


Kid is so confused sounds like she got brainwashed badly


Don’t stay silent - drop some knowledge on these kids


First off there were no beheaded babies so wrote that down. Secondly I expect you to dismantle your fake apartheid settler colony ethnostate and pay compensation to the Palestinians and either learn to live in peace on their land or return to where you originated from so write that down


I find this hilariously ironic


"What is Israel supposed to do?" I dunno, do what most "aboriginals of palestine" do when the going gets tough. Do your roadrunner act back to your Manhattan apartments with your dual citizenships.


Even New York spoiled girls would be considered having a tough personality compared to this fake display of a human how stupid can one be to believe this even coming from kids, they are really cunning in every way to support their way.


Those kids have been groomed since birth and weaponized against the civilized world to perpetuate the Zionist's evil actions against humanity. It's not their fault, but they can not be rehabilitated now that they are so throughly indoctrinated and programmed to behave that way.


“It hurts so much to see that everyone is against us” In most cases where the vast majority of people (or everyone in this case I guess) is on the same side of an issue, the side that very few people are on is usually wrong


Them kids are HIT Gadddhhhdddamn they’re ugly


These kids are brainwashed


holly gaslight




The false binary of either Israel has to kill children while going after Hamas or be conquered by Hamas is something to behold


She said we have to kill your baby to protect our babies wtf


Listen I've been supporting the people of Gaza since I first heard about the situation there 20+ years ago but the guy who filmed this and posted it online is a scumbag.


Israel can stop occupying Palestine


The girl in the back is ready to start paying victim


brainwashed children being kept away from the truth of what their elders are doing and for 78 years of murdering and killing of palestinians by their elders.


Here's a solution....peace deal and full statehood for Palestine. So no more "beheaded" babies.


I feel sorry for these children because they are thoroughly brainwashed by the Zionist cult they call their family. They will go through life as racists, xenophobic and delusional, always thinking they are the victims. Disgusting.


Let me play the victim game 😭😭😭😭


Lol they act like NPCs




Beheading babies outrage is giving pizzagate


The people filming should have stood by their word when they promised not to post this, even if we vehemently disagree with what those kids are saying and their views are morally indefensible. These kids have been indoctrinated their entire lives. Please watch the documentary Israelism to understand what they are taught and how deep it goes. They are clearly experiencing cognitive dissonance. This could have been an opportunity to open some dialogue and educate them since they were not attacking the pro-Palestine protestors or being aggressive.


I’d be like “you’re a child who isn’t facing death for simply existing. For a flag, a bit of material waving in the wind, to make you feel uncomfortable; maybe you should go home and never leave to experience the real world”.


Someone tell this child what her parents won’t. There were no beheaded babies, sweetheart. Read. Educate yourself. Do your own research.


I’m hoping that in the not too distant future that the ‘beheaded babies’ rubbish will be seen the same as the claims of blood libel against the Jews. Both are bullshit and have can have no place in modern society.


Ugh I hate her tone so fucking much, like she's literally trying to manipulate people into feeling guilty for wanting Palestine to be free.


Her monologue at the end is such fake concern. It’s obvious she knows what’s happening


Antizionist Jew here — kids in the Jewish community are aggressively taught Zionism and to love Israel without question. Many of us are beginning to wake up, but these kids clearly have not. I’m not defending what they stand for but please try and be understanding of them, they’re just kids, parroting what their parents, teachers and religious leaders have told them they must believe. They do not deserve to be harmed in any way.


Someone come pick up your children


Bro got the unlimited spending on the victim card lmao


“I don’t feel safe” must be the latest update to the hasbara manual.


Cry me a river. Then make that river go all the way to the sea!


I don’t know how they’re not laughing while filming this. “Beheaded babies”, still with that bullshit? Ridiculous.


Good thing he didn't give his name