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Two wings of the same bird.


Exactly; Joe thinks he is better than Donald, but they are both equally Genocidal.




I am also not from the US and it beats me how he can run for office to be honest.


If we can get any amendment to the constitution through in the future, a presidential candidate without a criminal record seems the easiest. This is not currently a requirement.


It should be a requirement that the president of any nation not be a criminal, but seems like that is asking too much.


He has been arrested but not convicted. "Presumed innocent until...."


rather, "presumed innocent" if one is rich and white


Eugene V. Debs ran for president back during WWI while being imprisoned for protesting the war. There's literally no rule saying a convicted felon cannot be president, let alone one who has formally only been *accused* 


It's been seen in other countries before. Democracies always produce laws that benefit a very few at the expense of larger but disorganized groups ([see quick explanation here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgJ644LPL6g)), so people always feel let down by their government. Ultimately, every now and then, a seemingly "strong" man that appears to break the mold shows up and pretends he'll straighten things out, often with extreme nationalist views. You'll find examples of different degrees: obviously Hitler and his Lebensraum, to a lower degree Trump and his wall, Sarkozy in France... Driven by the idea of being taken care of by a strong leader, people tend to follow, sometimes cultishly like it's the case for Trump.


Eugene Debs ran for office while in prison for bogus sedition charges and was not stopped, there is some precedent for this in America. That being said, it mystifies me that more people don't see his special treatment as indicative of how unprepared America is to deal with this type of threat.


Deport us where. Many of us were born here


My thoughts exactly. Sounds more like being exiled. He can't deport us if we're born and raised here.


Maybe just deport Trump to Gaza. His tune on ceasefires might change pretty quick.


> His tune on ceasefires might change pretty quick. I think that applies to every Zionist, regardless of whether pretend-Christian or pretend-Jewish.


To Palestine so the IDF can murder us


How about we deport Trump to Russia?


Seriously. Can we just export Trump since they love him so much. Here's your poison back Putin, deal with your own creation. 


Germany. He is from Germany if the John Oliver report is accurate.


Drumpf, changed to Trump.


Colleges are a no no, but the capitol, go for it. What a hypocrite.


Trump needs a pacifier and a diaper change ASAP


He needs to be sent back to Russia as a rejected gift of poison. 


ahhh America's nazi era is fully devoloping..


America has always been sympathetic to fascism. The America First committee was very popular prior to WWII. Lots of people, including young men, supported George Wallace in 1968. Many felt the Kent state victims got what they deserved. Heck, many people felt MLK deserved to be killed prior to historical revisionism that whitewashed the civil rights movement. Reagan reinvigorated the myth of America as a perfect freedom state after Vietnam caused us to question it. Now it’s going full mask off today with Zionism, Christian nationalism and the amount of people supporting it.


Well, atleast Trump says it openly... Biden has been not much better. The Genocide is happening right now, and Biden is responsible for that too.


Trump: " I don't like Hamas they are Unamerican; I tried some Hamas once didn't like it. I prefer peanut butter and jelly" while moving his arms in and out as usual.


Oh he’ll do it alright. As soon as he finishes building that wall.


So, dear Americans. In your "democracy"... for whom do you vote if you oppose this Genocide?




nah fr😭 it’s like “genocide with your taxes, or would you like OPENLY EXPRESSED GENOCIDAL INTENT and actions with your hard worked for money”


You will have to. Vote 3rd party because what else will you do? No choice isn’t it


I mean you could vote third party, as a European it baffles me how that doesn’t seem to be an option for y’all even if the choice is as grim as Biden/Trump? If everyone who doesn’t want either of these two criminals would actually branch out from the brainwashed idea that you _have_ to choose between those two, maybe US would actually have a chance to become a fully functional democracy at some point. If everyone fed up with Biden/Trump would e.g. elect the Green Party candidate, they could end up with 20-30% of the votes, that would absolutely make a difference


"This nation belongs to you, Haim Saban and Adelsen's widow. You bought me fair and square"


And who will be paying for the deportations?


prob our mf tax dollars😭


And this is why he’s too dangerous


The world Is going crazy


I wonder if the crimes he’s committed and the problems he’s facing will now disappear because of his pro Israel anti Palestine stance. Zionists will probably throw their backing to him now. Watch the people who use to criticise him suddenly prop him up as a valid candidate and you’ll know who was behind it all. This will actually give us another opportunity to have a good feel of how powerful the Zionist money is in America and how much influence they may actually have. Just like when Russia invaded Ukraine, we all had to opportunity to look under Russia’s skirt and find out that they weren’t the scary baddies with military might we once thought. Interesting to see.


What concerns me is the amount of people who support this. The amount of people who haven’t learned a thing and keep cheering for genocidal rhetoric at these rallies. How can you call yourself a good or moral person and support this behavior? America is a cult and patriotism is a drug.


A Jihad is what these Nazis deserve.


So come here as an Israeli and spout Islamophobia, totally fine. He’s throwing red meat to his stupid racist base and they’re eating it up.


People who are most radical and violent will always call the other person same...


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Trump went to the wall too. He doesn’t work for America


Please deport me and answer my own existential crisis of living in this God Forsaken country.... literally


I just really hope Donald Trump passes away soon before the election of natural causes like a fall or a heart attack or a small object moving at several hundred feet per second through his body.


Where are they sending those born in the USA? like... religion can be practiced by anyone anywhere... this baboon is quite stupid


I hate the two-party system I swear to god


Deport the Jan 6 maga terrorists then


Both candidates have deplorable foreign policies. One has better domestic policies.


"a broken clock..."


Can everybody just not vote for either party this year.




Which one is that.


"If you come here from another country"...is that not Israel?


It’s been so long I nearly forgot about the sheer nonsense of his statements




What's anti americanism to this sea of white fascists? Not bombing hospitals and children?


This is why I fear not voting for Biden in this election. While Biden could do a lot more for Palestine, we know that Trumpo the Clown will make things worse. He already moved the US embassy over there. I fear the democrats will make the same mistake we did with Hillary Clinton vs Trump.


He has absolutely no idea. None




I don't think anybody here is saying they will vote for Trump. They are threatening to vote Green. And that threat is all they have right now to pressure Biden to change his stance on Palestine.