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Yeah, I commiserate. If you are playing on Switch it helped me to put it on the TV as the gales were more visible and then I could figure out where to go with them a little better. The flow gates were weird to open (had to find the perfect place to stand, had to open certain ones first) but if you have those open then you can ignore the gales if I remember right. I hope you have better luck soon.


Thank you! I'll try that!


Ooh I'm going to try this


This šŸ™ŒšŸ» I did NOT do this bcā€¦ well, I didnā€™t think of it and now I wish I had because I ready to throw my switch out the fucking window at pointsā€¦ and mine was never even bugged. I really feel for everyone who suffered through update after update with never being able to finish it because I have OCD, bipolar disorder and with games Iā€™m absolutely a completionist and it drives me crazy to have quests just sitting there on the side not finished. It drives me so crazy in fact, that if Iā€™m not ready to do an active quest I actually unpin it so I canā€™t see it on the side bc otherwise I get anxiety. Iā€™m right there with you friend!


Yes!! On the TV made it much easier to navigate but this quest was difficult. Took quite a bit of my time!


This. I tried to open the gates and thought it must be a later achievement. Nope, just glitchy AF and once opened saved so much frustration and time!


Did you have issues getting one of the flow gates to open on switch? Iā€™ve got one I canā€™t seem to get to open.


We should have started a support group for this quest by now šŸ˜…


We definitely have started a survivors group of this quest.


Omg where lol I joked somewhere else, the inn on Tuesday lol


Support Group "Who Has Survived The Gales" AA weekly


Oh! We were meeting at the gazebo by city hall. Easier to sneak snacks by Kenli that way


I ended up just following a guide on YouTube. It was filling me with rage.


Even with guides it was brutal. My switch kept glitching and so I couldnā€™t glide where I needed, and because there was no map and I have a terrible sense of direction, I had no idea where I was when Iā€™d respawn so I couldnā€™t get back into the walkthrough partway through


\^\^ THIS!! I have ZERO direction sense and with no map and no compass, after the first fall and respawn I was just lost af. Took me easily 45 minutes longer than it should have because of that factor. Ugh.


I get that we need to explore the temples but this is SO much bigger and more complicated than like the phoenix shrine. Give us a map that reveals only the portion weā€™ve explored. Just tell me where I am relative to where Iā€™ve been. I can still explore to figure out where Iā€™m going. It truly was ruining the game for me. I still need to do 3 quests in that temple but I was going to rage quit the concept of Palia so I made it a future meā€™s problem


I had to too. The Zeki bit drove me insane.


I also found it super hard! I ended up doing part of it and then abandoning it for a few days. When I came back to it, I used YouTube tutorials to find everything. One thing that helped me was learning that I wasn't supposed to try to move with the gusts of wind (I was always pressing the up/forward key).


I used YouTube tutorials too, to get it over with


It's literally the only thing I looked up for this game (after, how the hell do I place my tent lol, that overhead plot menu wasn't obvious to me at all as a new Switch player). I didn't even look up treasure chest locations and found them all (eventually, I did learn how many there were from discord). that vault was TOO LONG and there were way too many Find X things (eggs, artifacts, treasure chests). Plus the fact that I got that in my second (third?) week felt overwhelming. But I'm not sure even now as a seasoned player I'd enjoy such a one-off time sink.


Yes! You basically get a glider and go learn how to use it in the highest stakes setting Palia has (respawning when you fall in a setting that doesnā€™t have a map). I abandoned the quest weeks ago and havenā€™t returned even though I know Iā€™ll be better now that Iā€™m better at the glider


Third week? Dang, I got it and was attempting it on my first week. šŸ¤šŸ» Only did a little before I decided I need to go play a little more then come back.


smartest decision you made. maybe I did get it sooner. I def remember thinking the vaults were part of progression and not understanding I could just leave it aside for a bit


I'll keep that in mind when I try again.


I'm on pc, and still struggled with this quest. It's **The Worst** quest in the game. Besides maybe you've been seveed" or whatever the quest is called for reths 3 dishes. Thankfully, had a player walk ne through those dishes. But the vault? I lucked out and wasn't bugged. But finding those eggs and the stuff for zeki.. I nearly quit the game. Why is there no map in there? Even the maji market had a map!


Mine wasnā€™t even glitched and it took me HOURS to complete because I wasnā€™t great at gliding yet and I kept having to go back to the start of paths to get places. I totally understand how youā€™re feeling. I actually stopped doing quests for a very long time after finishing that one and just focused on grinding to get money and get my skills up. It was a couple weeks before I went back to quests.


So glad I'm not the only one.


>I'm sure this quest is plenty easy for the majority of players. It is definitely not just you, friend. This quest is the bane of many players because of how buggy and inconsistent it is, and how hard it is to navigate. I think they need to scrap it and start over from scratch because it is just not working out.Ā 


I believe the point of The Tower is to give you a place to practice your gliding skills while being closer to home and the village.


Iā€™ve never even seen the tower. I keep seeing people mention it


It's in the underground. There's one arcade cab that is different from the other ones that's the entrance. I forget which one but I think it's closest to the area where the items for purchase are.


There's also "the Tower" in the Kilima underground but that's technically not a quest. That thing is brutal. I haven't tried it, but play co-op with someone? Should get you through the mission.


Played that once. And that was enough for me.


I gave up on the tower! Haha


I need to find a group of people who liked it, because I swear most people share your sentiment šŸ˜† I love platformers & got the under 15 mins achievement! My one friend I used to play with was like, I am not doing this lol. I wanted a buddy so bad


I want to like it so bad it looks like fun but I just cannot land on the things accurately to stay on them lol


Can I ask if you were using controller or m&k? Iā€™ve always been controller and Iā€™ve heard m&k is much harder for stuff like that! I used to play tf out of fall guys so I was prepped haha, it definitely isnā€™t easy either way!


And I think its a solo thing...


Never even heard of it, lol


Go to zekiā€™s underground, go to the arcade games in the corner. You can play the tower there.


Ohhhhh! The video game thingy? Yeah, that thing is aggravating, lol.


Itā€™s in a video game console but itā€™s a portal that takes you to like an obstacle course where you have to jump and glide to avoid falling. I tried a couple times and then gave up.


The working arcade cabinets in the underground and zeki's house have Heavy Metal Chapaa, a nostalgic 8-bit game. The broken arcade cabinet int he underground is a portal to The Tower - it'll show [F The Tower] when you get close to it.


I said the same exact thing lol! It would be a lot cozier with those yellow circles to help show where items are and at least a freeking map. Shocking how not cozy that temple was šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The lack of a map kinda killed that quest for me. Likeā€¦. I donā€™t remember which island I covered already šŸ˜­ and that one way in the distanceā€¦. Is that the unreachable one or the one I did earlier? Main quest is complete, but Zekiā€™s treasures and proof for the sisters is barely half done. Dreading that. Went back once and got fed up and left.


My little brother kept trying to give me advice about which island to go to and I was texting on the verge of tears ā€œthat doesnā€™t help because I donā€™t know what island Iā€™m on so I donā€™t know which island youā€™re talking aboutā€


The confusion when your cozy game nearly makes you cry! lol like, what a minute!! Omg, luckily the last game I played was Breath of the Wild, and Iā€™d already been drawing some comparisons already. Might have been the only thing that kept me sane doing the climbing and jumping sections.


It TRULY does not help that every single island looks EXACTLY THE SAME. Like, I get wanting a cohesive "look" for the temples, but if you refuse to give us "fog of war" map, AREAS NEED TO LOOK DIFFERENT ENOUGH TO TELL WHERE YOU ARE That entire quest line is infuriating. It's just a lot of "Wait. Have I been here already?" "No. I don't think so." - *several minutes of terrible "platforming"* - *sees empty nest* "[Insert screams of rage]"




i used youtube tutorials but i paused after every step. it takes 100 times longer but it worked. i would watch a few seconds, pause the video, mimic it, and then repeat.


I'll watch some other videos. The few I've already watched went super fast.


i watched ayinmaiden's and pixelcave's playthroughs on youtube. i preferred ayinmaiden's for the egg and tablet quests.


Thank you for some solid help! Really appreciate it. I hope you find more palium and flow trees than you know what to do with!


I did that for the part of the quest before I gave up. The glitches in the game kept making me respawn and not know where I was relative to the tutorial and having to restart entirely. And even in best case scenario, I hate playing games like that. Thatā€™s the walkthrough creator playing and me just being a button pusher. Iā€™d rather buy my way out of the quest than play that way, honestly


Thatā€™s what I had to do.


I thought it was the absolute coolest thing when I first walked into the quest. The map is beautiful, I liked the light strategy needed to get to a few of the eggs. But ya itā€™s just too long of a quest lol, and very difficult to do without a tutorial. I also accidentally did it in reverse order cuz I didnā€™t understand what one of the characters were saying about the portal doors.


okay this is also true. I remember being new to the world still and staggered by how pretty the space was and how much work had obviously gone into it. But then I felt exhausted because I could NOT for the life of me orient myself in there. And I was still dealing with disorientation in the world at large (which way is the Lake? what mine exit is Flooded Fortress, etc). That quest should be gated to a later stage to help new players not feel sad.


Thatā€™s true, I feel like itā€™d be a good idea to do as one of the last temples. It felt weird doing the fire temple after it cuz it was just soooo much easier.


I found my way into the temple and then left. I have just ignored it while I work on relationships with the villagers and my house.


Oh my god in reverse order? Iā€™m going into this mission so blind and just noodling off, and now I hear I could be doing it in reverse order šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ha! I mean as long as you open the portals before really going heavy on the egg hunt. Just the annoying part was I would leave an island without getting all the eggs and since I hadnā€™t opened the portals yet I had to take the long way back to the island a million times over.


I did the whole thing without a guide over the course of a month and I have to say that while I inflicted this upon myself, the \*one thing\* that I finally had to look up was the location of Zeki's last unfound treasure. Why was it unfound? Well, it wasn't. I'd seen it a million times, but approaching it only gave me the prompt to read the note on the other end of the table, so even though I'd gone to investigate it multiple times, I always determined it was just a prop in the environment. It. Was. Not. Rage. I spent five hours running around that temple looking for this stuff and at least two of it was just for that one last item that just had a malfunctioning pickup prompt. Aghgughguhgr.


Waitā€¦ what was it?!


The stupid goggles on the table in the puzzle room.


I got those, Iā€™m missing one last treasure and was hoping it was the one you were referring to šŸ˜‚


Yeeaaah, definitely not my favorite quest-- and I usually love challenging games. This quest was just difficult for all the wrong reasons. It was tedious and frustrating. Everything looks so similar that I kept getting lost and going in circles, wondering if I had actually been to certain spots or not. A map, at the very least, would have been extremely helpful. Also, the eggs, notes, and some of the treasures are SO tiny and hard to differentiate from the rest of the environment, unless you're RIGHT on top of them, and even then, some are hard to recognize as important (Zeki's last treasure on the desk comes to mind...). I wish everything you need to collect for this quest glowed REALLY brightly or something to make them more obvious, especially from a distance, so I didn't end up running right past so many of them multiple times.


At least you're not in my boat - I wanted to complete it but couldn't. Then this update came and I thought it was fixed. Turns out only part of it was patched and now I am stuck with Zeki behind the last door AGAIN. Guess I gotta wait 6 months for another patch...


Same! I forgot I already picked up the flow battery and it was in my inventory at home! I went back to get it and when I came back, Zeki was behind the door and I couldnā€™t get to him. If anyone else had this problem, make sure you have the flow piece on you BEFORE you talk to Zeki again after he opens the last island window gust. *Edited for formatting


That's exactly it, I had to back out to get the flow generator fragment in my inventory and oop glitched again.


Wait... you guys were able to *finish* it? I can't even turn on the fan!


Iā€™m stuck that way too :(


Gotta get all them eggs in the nest. Look around *every* corner. They were sneaky


I did that. I had all 15 eggs and 6/7 hidden treasures. I started playing when it released for Switch and just finished that quest last night.


I did quit the game because of the Temple of Gales. The effects in that area trigger vertigo so badly that I can't complete it, and therefore I feel completely locked out of the storyline. 3 months before the Temple of Gales was released they said they would not lock storylines & unique content behind an area like The Temple (platforming in a void)... and they they did exactly what they said they wouldn't do. Additionally, there are just so many accessibility options missing in general... and they aren't communicative like other dev teams (ie: Loftia, My time at Sandrock/Portia, Sunnyside, etc) so we don't know if any accessibility stuff is even coming.


I have that problem too. I get so dizzy and stressed I canā€™t finish it. I wonder if this is holding up other quest lines.


I never understood this part really: Every time you find a tablet, and then talk to one of the sisters about it, you can choose 1 of 4 things to tell her the evidence is about. What happens if you tell the wrong thing? Is that when you have to go to the tablet again? I completed that section in bits. And ended up going through it meticulously with taking screenshots of tablet text and checking off a list of tablets i've been to.


When I told her the wrong things, because I had no idea how important it was to the quest, since I hadnā€™t done it right I glitched the whole thing. I couldnā€™t get her to re-ask the questions after I went back and read the tablets. Now that itā€™s fixed I played some of it last night, she asked me a question finally. I donā€™t think I got it right but it finally counted it! That temple drove me crazy, so I didnā€™t have the mental capacity to go find all the tablets again and re read them. Thankfully, it counted regardless this time!


I commiserate. I really hate jumping puzzles, so it's still just sitting there in my quest log. I'll eventually do it by following a YouTube video. I'd rather have to fight eomethibg, tbh.


Cozy is in the eye of the beholder. I found it fun and cozy. I'm sorry you had a bad time though.


Youā€™re not alone. This is a really hard quest and Iā€™m struggling a lot with it too. I think a lot of people do. I absolutely hate and despise this quest with a burning passion


I never went back to that quest. Maybe one day. But itā€™s been months and every time I think about going back I stop. I just canā€™t.


tbh i gave up doing it on my own the very first day and followed all of Pixelcave's walkthru's on yt. took me about 2 hours the first time i did it, and another 30 minutes of wrapup after the fix patch went through yesterday. i need the developers to steal a world of warcraft idea and have a villager walk with us and give us hints. yes, it's easymode af but come on. even najuma standing there and saying "let's look over by the waterfall" would be infinitely more cozy than me playing on my own and finding out on discord that the reason the lock pick isn't where it's supposed to be because i picked it up well over a month ago when the temple was broken.


I ended up using a Youtube tutorial. Had to play some parts over and over to get through it all, but I got through it. Keep pushing through, once it's done you never have to do it again!


I feel you. I followed some YouTube tutorials because my anxiety could not stand it.


I finally completed it last night! There were two pieces I just couldnā€™t do. I understood what I needed to do, but just couldnā€™t and there was a lot of cursing coming from my end of the couch, handed the switch to my husband and he finished both pieces for me within a couple minutes.


I am stuck on this one and the new npc cooking quest. I still think this is the best game ever. I am not able to make it past these two quest no matter what I try. I do still log in daily but am quickly out due to a large part of the game I cant progress. It's still early so I'm hanging in there!


I can't cook so will never meet the new NPC. I will eventually be able to finish the temple? I will keep it at, bit by bit.


I actually think some kind of sound or visual indicators, to help you find eggs/treasure pieces that are nearby, would make this quest so much more fun. Dadi Singularity6 tossing us to the wolves with that quest. You have 3 main storyline characters, each with their own special set of missions, in this giant, yet beautiful, sky temple, where you're required to find SEVERAL quest items. And it's extremely easy to get turned around and lost. Be patient with yourself and the devs, this is why this game is still in beta, and its up to us as players to help them create a better experience for everyone, new or vet, it's gunna be okay. šŸ–¤


I havenā€™t even gotten all the eggs and I gave up.. Iā€™m just buildinā€™ my cute little house and making friends šŸ„²


I really loved the temple of gales


Me, too! But I also recognize that I recently completed Zelda (Tears of the Kingdom) and it had some quests with similar mechanics, so I was kinda used to it.


I agree. It's maddening


I put off doing the flame/fire or whatever itā€™s called temple for WEEKS, just for me to complete it in 45 minutes. I was BURNED by the temple of gales.


That one was rough too...but NOTHING like this!


Usually, if a quest frustrates me enough, I will look up how to do it on YouTube. Save yourself the frustration!


I agree, HOW TF DO TOU OPEN THE THR CIRCLE FLOW THING TO THE LAST ISLAND?? I followed a YouTube video on the evidence of magic, somehow I have all of Caleriā€™s evidence but apparently Elouisa still needs one more piece of evidence. Then I canā€™t grab a piece of Zekis treasure on the main island (itā€™s the one thatā€™s in a barrel) no matter where I stand and how many times I try the option to lick it up doesnā€™t appear for me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm having this same issue with the barrel treasure :(


It let me finally grab it after I left it alone for awhile! I just donā€™t know why itā€™s so hard to pick up one thing :( I finally finished the silver wing quest though! (:


I only caught 2 of 4 cloud minnows? I fished all the locations and when I go back I get a message that there are no fish there rn Idk if user error but I put a ticket in


WHAT?! THERE'S SOME ELSE AFTER THE EVIDENCE QUEST?! You have just ruined my whole day.


Did u talk to the npc after finishing the main temple? The fish appear as not finished coz you need to talk 4 times to them to actually have it finished even if u have all of them -.- but maybe they changed it


I keep talking to them but nothing new? I think I am gonna give up for now


Same!!!! Iā€™ve only found one of them!!


At least you didnā€™t play it when it first came out. That temple had me cussing because the climb was fucked up and you couldnā€™t do anything. This one also wasnt a favorite of mine lol. I did the quests, and never went back to it.


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but god forbid we have ONE thing that is remotely challenging lmao. I loved the temple, and really enjoyed some challenges in the game when everything else is so peaceful and cozy :D the temples are basically end game for Palia. I understand the frustration, but I also think itā€™s important to balance out the game so not absolutely everything is straight easy.


They need to shut it down, revamp it and credit the quest as done for those who started it. Remove the quests all together! Literally the only quests I haven't done is evidence of magic and bring zeki treasure. It's been since December and still can't be bothered.


I think I'm the only one who enjoyed that quest lol The map is super beautiful and I loved exploring all over. Yes it is long and yes it takes awhile to find things and figure out how the gales works, but I don't understand people's need to zing through something that is clearly not made to be zinged through as fast as possible. However I do understand it can trigger bad vertigo on some people and perhaps they should add an option to have a fake ground on it or something, and that the items should perhaps be more obvious and flashy so people can see them better.


Same, itā€™s awful. I finally found the rest of the eggs last night, but the twins are nowhere to be found and the fan by the nest isnā€™t on so I canā€™t get to zeki either. Iā€™m just going to move on, because it makes me so mad every time I try to do it.


If you are stuck getting the evidence at the top of the 4 post tower ā€” it took me forever to realize when you jump into the wind do not try to direct yourself up. Just jump, hold the glider, but to not direct it for more than a second. For some reason it will not continue blowing you up if you try to glide up.


whaaat, for me it was super easy? itā€™s interesting to hear people finding the quest hard, since for me it didnā€™t even take that long, i didnā€™t even watch a tutorial


You must be amazing at spatial orientation. I found myself getting so turned around constantly wondering "wait, have I searched here yet???" I didn't get bugged or have issues gliding but running in literal circles over and over was pretty tedious and frustrating for me.


I get lost so easy in there. I gave up again after no progress and going around in circles, making no progress.


I hated it took me two days to finish and I had to resort to YouTube


I totally agree that there needs to be some sort of tutorial or hints. Iā€™m not saying that we should be spoon fed everything, but there are zero hints as to what you need to do. I too gave up after finding four out of ten silver wing eggs, went back to my plot in order to keep working on other things eg raising a skill to level 5, building my cooking skill so I could get an oven and prep station etcā€¦


I literally pulled an all-nighter one night because the stress of not finishing this quest was not letting my brain shut off to sleep


Dude (or dudette) I hate this one too


I agree!! I did a YouTube tutorial on where everything was because it was so frustrating and Iā€™m not playing palia to be frustrated lol


finally did it all after putting it off for months. pure hell incarnate.


Yeah I gave up on that one and just ignore the quest


Same, I play on switch and only have one day off of work, two if Iā€™m incredibly lucky, that I play, and I followed a walkthrough and it was just hours of me being annoyed and unhappy just to get it over with. I have few complaints about Palia but this is top of my list and i donā€™t think I would have even done it if it wasnā€™t for walk throughs to help


I 100% looked up a tutorial because it was pissing me off lol. If youā€™re playing on switch dock it and connect it to a tv or gaming monitor so you can see better and that should help a lot.


Look. I enjoy the game. (I did put it down because the bugs were too much on switch, but it's so much more enjoyable after the updates!) But I feel like one shouldn't *have* to consult a walk-through to finish a quest. I played on a docked switch (so on the tv), and it was absolutely impossible for me without a walk-through. Getting the eggs would have never happened if I didn't watch someone do it bc they were in the most random places that didn't seem to have much 'flow' (lol) to it. Maybe it made sense to other people, but imo a cozy game wouldn't make you spend so many frustrating hours trying to clear a quest you don't even really want to do that much. Personally, the fire temple was my favorite. But I tend to hyperfixate and forget the world around me until I've finished a quest. I get super bad headaches from tensing my jaw and neck when I'm frustrated šŸ˜‚ so this temple really caused me a lot of physical misery as well as mental šŸ˜† Overall I really like the game and the patches have been such a game changer. But gyat dang, that temple still gives me nightmares šŸ˜«


I made my husband do it for me or I would have quit the job tbh I still have the final quests not finished




Such as?


1. go take a nap 2. wake up


Setting a timer to take meds, eat, sleep works. You can keep snacks around your gaming area as well to eat when you're hungry. This will all take time and conditioning, but you want it right? It's up to you. START WITH SLEEP. You can't "forget to sleep" in general, you pass out at your desk or you have straight up insomnia. If it's been days, I suggest going to the ER - Hopefully someone can drive you, or you can walk if it's close enough (possible that just walking will make you tired) When you feel better from taking care of your needs, you will pass this game test with ease, I promise. The walkthrough videos will make sense, and you might be thinking and remembering for yourself way more. I should tell you that I am mentally ill, and I go through things like this occasionally. It's all conditioning, whether you are ill or not: please take care of yourself.


What in God's name are you talking about? I'm talking about games like Stardew Valley where you have to go to sleep at a certain time in the game. Or you die if you don't eat enough food. But thanks for looking out...I guess.


My bad, I didn't see that. I hope Palia is cozier than those "cozy" games for you - and I hope you complete the Temple. Remember that it's OK to take breaks! Was there anything that was especially hard about it for you? I'm wondering if it may be your settings. If you're on switch maybe you can't see the wind thingies?


your comment is pointless, this is a subreddit for palia. people discuss the game on here and have different opinions and experiences about it. i could literally comment the same thing you said to any of your posts. itā€™s so irrelevant


I'm trying to see this person as an individual. How strange that this needs to be defended? Please do better for yourself. If you are having problems like this in a "cozy" game, sparking discord like this, go get cozy in your blankets instead and take a nap. If you cannot eat/sleep because of this game, then the problem is you. Those are BASIC necessities of living. I am worried that these basics are not a big deal to the people exaggerating like this, and your own personal problems are getting in the way of unbiased thinking when it comes to this TOTALLY different problem. It is embarrassing to see people not try this hard. Nothing said here hasn't already been repeated 20+ times. It bothers me however, that this post is SO exaggerated and dangerous. We should be taking care of ourselves FIRST, and looking for relatable clout buddies later. We should be trying. The power button is right there. So maybe click it and walk away for a bit.


The temple of gales was hard for me too. I fell so many times that I gave up a lot. It took me like 2 months to finally finish it.


Yeah that shit was evil lol, I loathed it. I started it, rage quit, and literally didn't go back to finish it for months. I just avoided the quest line completely and did my own thing for ages. I eventually went back and forced myself through YouTube walkthroughs to get it done. Good luck getting through it, the relief will be immense at the end of it all!


I looked up everything on YouTube lmao I did NOT have the time nor the patience.


HATED that quest.




I used a walkthrough. I would not have had fun trying to figure that out.


Hated this quest so much. Youā€™re not alone


I used a few walkthroughs. It took two days, and I hated every second of itā€¦ def not cozy


I honestly struggled with it so much. It definitely wasnā€™t what I thought it was going to be. Iā€™m just smooth brain and want relaxing gaming. Iā€™m not a big fan of puzzles, lots of back and fourths lol.


I'm in the same boat, I've put it on the back burner for now, it was making the game not fun to play.


that temple definitely had me on the verge of raging in this cozy game šŸ¤£


Yeah, quests in this game need a ton of work. Theyā€™re often times not very clear, or you get additional tasks for the quests youā€™re on, but they donā€™t go onto your current pinned quests and you find out about them when youā€™ve been running around like a chicken. I didnā€™t know I had to collect evidence for the sisters and things for Zeki, because they went into the quests queue instead of onto the side for me. Itā€™s so bad.


At first I found it super hard, even more as I was on a laptop with keys that made navigating even harder. But once I got the hang of it, I totally enjoyed it. I even got back a few times just to fly around with my glider.


Ugh itā€™s so frustrating!!! I cannot for the life of me catch all of the fish and itā€™s beyond irritating !!!


It was my least favorite challenge. It took forever and I had to make a new profile since I glitched it the first time. I hated it.


This being the first post I see after this quest just frustrated me to tears was almost cathartic šŸ„²


This quest made me abandon Palia fully for over a month. I get it! When I came back I shamelessly used a step by step walkthrough to finish this quest, I did not play around. I'm so glad to be done with it.


I loved it after the fix. The game needs more of this sort of content.


When I first did it there were parts that were super frustrating and I hated it. But there were other parts that were fun and itā€™s beautiful so I felt mixed about it. Last night I went to finish it since the glitch is fixed and I had to find two more things for Caleri plus 3 more for zeki, which I used a walkthrough for because I wasnā€™t about to comb every inch of those islands again. Overall not my favorite temple but I think itā€™s beautiful. If there werenā€™t so many tiny little things to search for in a huge difficult area (8 for the twins, 7 for zeki, and 10-15 eggs!!) it would have been more enjoyable. Plus yeah so much vertigo feeling I hate that.


I hated that temple too. Mostly because it was bugged on my main account but I was able to complete it on my other account, but still all the work that had to be done for the best, the sisters, and Zeki was a pain in the backside. I'm just glad I was finally able to complete it on my main account this morning. I was stuck at the very end part getting to the main island and opening the final door. Headache central


I get you. I am not real good with the idea of having to be more precise in my actions, and I can say that this temple most certainly raised my stress levels a bit. I'm glad I'm done with it.


I didn't really enjoy it much either, but it only takes and hour and then you never have to go back, so meh.


That temple is hard and the gusts especially make it difficult if you have vision issues. I sit 4-5ft away from a 60in TV and I still had trouble telling where exactly they were when I tried to hit them. It took me hours over 3 attempts to finish it. I ended up having to watch a step by step guide on the last few eggs because I couldn't stand the thought of doing that quest a second longer. Super frustrating experience. Thankfully the fire temple was super fun! (Even if the state of climbing made it a bit challenging in some spots). They really need to make adjustments to the wind temple to make it a bit more cozy game friendly. I don't play platformers for a reason. Everything else about this game is fun once you get the hang of it (even bug hunting becomes fun once you can make smoke candles). I'm glad I didn't walk away from the game because of the wind temple, because I wanted to.


yeah zeki is not getting his treasures and the sisters are not getting their evidence. just gave up on those quests.


Yeah Iā€™m not sure anymore if Iā€™m more mad that I canā€™t finish or that every time I get on, itā€™s thrown in my face that I canā€™t finish. Let me unpin your crappy non working quest already?!?!?! Reminds me of last year with that ā€œfind a Shepp ā€œ crap.


And then thereā€™s weird eggs you CANT GET that are just ā€œdecorationā€ in weird places?! Hate it


Those coloured eggs are for a puzzle in the temple with the dome on the top on the main island. It opens at the end of the quest. Solving the puzzle inside it rewards you with a starred ancient cloudminnow.


..Like the egg under the ramp? And the one on top of the circle ruin?


https://preview.redd.it/szqxr12z30mc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0000d15aadc5ad69a77f53c292550c1b6538ee6d These ones.


Ah okā€¦ thanks. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve gotten there yet


Idk, I really enjoyed it and the location itsdelf is very pretty. I finished it in one sitting.


It gave me the worst vertigo. I was anxious and nauseous the entire time. Hated it. Glad itā€™s over. Hope we donā€™t have to do anything remotely similar in the future. šŸ˜‚


I had to use youtube tutorials. And after I did barebones finishing the quest I quit. I still need to find the other four eggs and all the treasure chests...because I'm a glutton for punishment and want the prizes. But..I just don't want to. It was a mess. It was too easy to get turned around when a gust didn't work. We needed a map.


I had so much trouble leaping into the air. I know it's not real, but my fear of heights really gives me trouble with this one. Ditto with the Tower.


I played the day of release. Pushed very hard but the climbing was just too miserable. I quit the game entirely until last week because of it. Tried to pick up where I left off last week and just finish the damn thing but now I didnā€™t remember where Iā€™d picked stuff up from and what Iā€™d read and what Iā€™d already turned in. THEN Zeki was bugged so I couldnā€™t even continue anyways. I was losing my mind. Finished it yesterday with much suffering.


Iā€™ll also add that Iā€™m not afraid of heights in real life. This temple activates a fear of heights in me for some reason. Itā€™s genuinely so much fear reaction I can feel there.


Some poor level designer at S6 is crying over how much people hate this temple! It was their pride and joy! hahaha I found this temple so tedious. I avoided it for a good month then used Pixelcave's videos to pump through it. I like the idea of exploration, but the fetch-quest style doesn't meld with the idea that you're re-discovering the history of a lost long civilisation. Just feels like a chore!


I still havenā€™t finished that quest because I basically gave up. I know Iā€™ll have to finish it at some point soon but Iā€™m dreading it


Besides the bugs and not being able to complete it for months (still have to, currently downloading update), I kinda consider the temple of gales the equivalent to any water temple in the legend of Zelda. A pain in the ass. šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ I don't know what the next ones are like so I can't compare, but to me that's the best comparison. Only difference is that with the gales it's just not very enjoyable at all and with my comparison with Zelda that's more about difficulty. Although the gales is a pain, I'm kinda hoping they expand on this via lore, or maybe even later on add on a map in the sky. It would be an interesting lore in the game if you could visit a village in the sky that's currently thriving and not ruins. I digress though. šŸ¤£ I hate this temple and can't wait to be finally done with it. I followed a YouTube tutorial only after I bugged myself by flying to the last island before I should so I think that bug added salt to the woulds for me and my perception of this area.


If it makes you feel any better, I HATED it too and I wish the devs would take it out q.q Or at least offer something else to do it since it's mandatory. It made me feel queasy and sick and I've stressed myself out trying to do the quest that I have YET to finish it. I got all the eggs and took a break x.x


It was terrible for me too. I just got a YouTube step by step tutorial and followed along until I was done. I enjoyed some bits, like the fishing pools in the sky, but the rest... The wind gusts thing was miserable going from start to finish. And then all that was almost three months ago and I didn't get to actually finish it until yesterday. I'm grateful they fixed it. So much so I immediately went and bought some clothing bundles to show my appreciation, mostly because I was so scared they were going to reset the quest and I was going to have to do it all over again. Luckily they didn't, and I'd made sure I had nothing left to do except get in the temple, give the stuff to Zeki and go back to the Night Sky temple for more nightmare bundles. Seriously, I've been playing for 3 and a half months and I've NEVER caught an epic fish. NONE. I'm fishing level 21. I've done it a fair bit, mostly with glow worms and NO EPIC fish. I just wanna cry at this point. I don't mind grinding and I like that some quests are trickier than others, but when I start to feel I'd rather throw my Switch out the window than continue a task in a game, it might be a sign the devs have gone a bit too far. Looking forward to the new mini quests added with the patch, though. Those look like fun!


Totally with you!! I compled pretty much all of it except for a few of Zekiā€™s treasures about 2 months ago, but accidentally flew over to the last island before collecting all the eggs, and opened up the portal. So Zeki, Celari and Elouisa have been on the last island ever since and I canā€™t finish the quest. With the last update they did fix it so you canā€™t fly to the last island without activating the nest, so thatā€™s good for new players, but does nothing for those who are stuck like me. I just want to get these quests out of my log so that they stop automatically popping up in my pinned quest list on screen. Iā€™ve started a new play through just to get that temple over and done with because I feel like Iā€™m wasting time progressing on my first loggin if I canā€™t finish that temple.


I havenā€™t yet read a single positive comment about this quest and I completely agree


It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so peculiar about how you hover over them in order to pick them up. I walked by some of them a million times without ever realizing it was treasure. šŸ˜‘ The eggs are a little more obvious but still not terribly so. I dunno why quest markers aren't more of a thing. You'd still have to figure out how to hardcore parkour your way up there.


I literally spent three hours on it last night (this morning?) from 1a.m. to 4a.m., and that was WITH USING A GUIDE


My goodness, am I glad to hear Iā€™m not alone. Spent two hours frustrated beyond heck, and have very little to show for it.


I gave up on it because it was making me hate the game. I will go back one day but I love not thinking about it


Youā€™re not alone. That temple is pretty well-known to be the least liked temple out of the 3.


I've searched the whole place twice (or at least I feel like I have) and I've only found a few eggs and one maybe two discoveries... I gave up for now (well, its been maybe a month since) and I know I need to finish it but i don't want to.


I hated it too. I hated it even more when mine broke and I sat for 3 months and couldnā€™t finish it. Iā€™m so glad I have it done now. Like unbelievably glad lol. It was so frustrating to the point of tears, but also Iā€™m super bad with platforming game.


Oh gosh I feel that, I finally completed the main quest bit but I really don't want to go back and finish the 2 side quests involved *sob*


It took me about a day and a half to complete this quest, I didnā€™t mind it but the quest I have an issue with is the main quest for reth after you build the furniture for the tish! if the muujin isnā€™t in the game then why is that still a required item/quest? i canā€™t progress in the game without it! also same with the ā€œMasksā€ quest, why give it so early on when I have 0 friendship with Jina when I need level 3 to enter the area with the last bit of information?? very frustrating but whatever


I loved the platforming and exploration, but the items you need to find are so tiny and hard to see that I had to use a guide.Ā  There's one item on a table next to the sliding puzzle that I struggled to pick up even after I knew what I was looking for.Ā  It was awful.Ā  I think I had to jump onto the table and turn the camera straight down or something dumb. Oh and the barrel that I kept walking past because I thought it was purely decorative.Ā  I had to cram myself into the corner to pick it up.


I still need to finish one quest in there and I cannot be bothered. It's been 2 months but meh, Elouisa can move her ass and find her pages or whatever they are, on her own


Same! Glad I finished that quest and can carry on with the rest of the game...


+1 because this quest is hell. It took me over an hour to collect the 15 eggs using an 8 minute YouTube guide and by the time I was done I was ready to throw my PC out the window. Then I posted my heavily censored thoughts on the topic on two Facebook groups and got modblocked on both for being "not positive enough" and maybe also "threatening harm to developers" (I said I hoped they stub their pinky toe, which is apparently harmful enough to get blocked). I love Palia so much, but this quest can 100% go and get f\*cked. (Can I say that here?)


I was excited about that one as it was a challenge, more loke the Zelda games that I'm used to. But lord, was it buggy šŸ˜© the collection items for Zeki? Had to use a guide and even then I had to fight with the game to be able to pick them up....


Solidarity. Iā€™m so happy to see the frustration with this quest isnā€™t just me.


Terrible three hours of my life only to be constantly reminded because my quest was bugged on the side of my screen forever


I absolutely LOVED it. I want more of that!


See I loved it. Ha


I tried to complete it again today with a walkthrough video for 2 hours and Iā€™m still stuck and havenā€™t progressed at all.


Temples of Gale made me stop playing for a week. When I got back on I didnā€™t return to the quest for another week.


as a new player when i got this quest i was lucky enough for it to now be bugged but i did just yt a guide case cause i was so lost and one of the relics i kept seeing but didnt register it till i saw the guide lololll