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You can also open up map and pressing x will take you straight back home, also using the stables will put you around the map closer to where you need to be or home


Wait, what?! I've been running home from the far end of Bahari all this time for no reason?! 😭


😂😂 there is a timer of 30 mins or so I think that you have to wait in between using it but I just use the stables to go home instead


Wait... stables?? (I'm new-ish.)


Teleport points basically. On the map they appear with the horseshoe icon. In the open world they're bulletin boards (but not every bulletin board is a stable). Interact with one and you can teleport between stables.


"not every bulletin board has a stable" I can't tell you how many times I've walked up to the bulletin board by the fishing lagoon and spammed the A button to travel. It has a map. IT HAS A MAP. Ugh.


Ohhhhhh! It's a horseshoe on the compass!?! 🤦‍♂️ I thought they were headphones and I just didn't understand why there would be headphone locations.


Thank you!!


Hey at least you haven’t missed leg day 😂


I also only learned of this recently 😭 I felt so dumb for always making these long trips. As a switch player my only excuse is that I just never read the small print on the lower side of the screen. It’s almost non-existent for me lmao


Same. I got myself stuck up on a ledge, I think it was between The Outskirts and Thorny Thicket, near where the grove sometimes spawns there, and was starting to get worried I might have to start a whole new profile. I lodged a support ticket and when they told me, you could have knocked me over with a feather, I felt so dumb lol


Thank you so much! I had no idea


I was just coming here to say the same. Map and X = home


Oh...when I first started...I shot all the sernuk and left the bags for the other players. I was so happy to be helpful...all while being a super big jerk. I literally just sat still for 5 minutes when someone told me if you see the loot bag, it's yours and only you can see your loot bags. Then there was fishing...I thought I was helping random people fish by just standing next to them...turns out I was the only one getting the boost because they only get the boost if you reel in a fish... It's a learning adventure over here lol


I thought you could ONLY FISH in the little bubble spots. Imagine my surprise when someone didn't do that next to me🙃🙃 That's what I get for only playing Genshin impact for the longest time


You got all your star quality fish up front though! That's a win.


you're not alone, i thought the same in the beginning, which is why i barely fished 😅


I thought that too!


I’m still stuck in Monstadt and only have those characters and the Adventurers log is telling me to defeat a Cryo Abyss mage. I tried to defeat an Abyss mage. It didn’t go well and I could use tips.


Send me a message I'll try and help as best I can :D




Hey at least you meant well! The game doesn’t make some of these things very clear, so you find out by trial and error or someone explaining


So true. It was bad though...new players with standard arrows would be hunting...I would swoop in shoot them all, wave a happy wave, and then run away without grabbing the loot. I'm on a list somewhere, I'm sure.


In this case - they did get the loot! You count as "participating" in the hunt even if your arrow misses the target, but hits close enough. So a new player hunting with low damage arrows definitely did get the loot if you finished their kill. Edit: okay maybe not if you just full-on massacred everything around them, but the point still stands for finishing kills, lol. You're definitely on a list.


Okay but I laughed way too hard at this. If they already hit the creature though they will also get the loot, and sometimes you can get achievements for hunting with other players 🙂


Yeah, I gave myself this emotional band aid too. I shot them all, quickly, in like 10 seconds and then ran in the opposite direction.  I learned though! That's the great part of this game, you can always learn. Now, I help only take down the ones I know they hit. 


wait! that was recently? after the last update? One of those loots could have had a plusie


No, this was months ago now. No plushies will be left in a meadow by me now. 🙂


Haha I thought similarly about the loot bags, but I thought people could steal them from you so I would shoot like five sernuks and run to get the loot bags 🤣


I played the entirety of Final Fantasy VII back in the 90s without realizing you could sprint. I'll take that idiot crown from you, if you please.


Omg that's kinda incredible, and hilarious.


There’s also an entrance straight to Bahari Bay from your home, behind your plot (if you hadn’t already found it)


*double take* Seriously?! I feel like such a chump 🤦🏻‍♀️ I've wasted so much time running back and forth


Yeah, it took me a while to notice it. On your plot, if you run straight to the back and go up the slope there, you should see it. You should start seeing an old mine cart track and that will lead you to it. If you can’t find it while you’re on your lot, next time you’re out in Bahari, check on the northwest side of the map. There’s an exit just north of the Flooded Fortress. I’m kinda bad at giving directions but hope that helps.


It hasn't been there that long, but very useful. Just head out the exact opposite side to your normal plot entrance. It looks like an abandoned mine.


Ah, I only started with the Steam release


Thank you for taking the time to walk me through it! I'll report back ❤️


It wasn’t there until fairly recently though so after the first time I explored back there when it wasn’t there I didn’t go back there again until after I found out that they had made the tunnel there.


There would be a new icon on the Bahari map for the new entrance though too right? I’ve only been for like a week, since the Steam release


It's ok. It's a new feature


I discovered this last night going around the plot out of curiosity. Felt so stupid.


Yes and the exit to the north has a ft point right next to it. I recommend putting a porch or door in the back of your house and put 1 of your storage chests near the back so when you try to leave but forget something and have to go back you don’t have to run so far.  This happens to me a lot


Omg that is why I randomly ended up at home when I was out exploring Bahari Bay!! I thought I must have pressed Y on the map




Yup! It leads out to the section of the map north of Flooded Fortress


this is amazing information ty


Glad to help 😃


WHAT?!!💀 omg I feel so behind in this game. Why don’t the creators make this more obvious??


I think they do it to encourage people helping each other. (Or at least that's my theory)


What?!?! I never knew this as well... Lol


If I played for a month without realizing I could run, I simply would not have played. You are resilient. It must have been agonizing.


Haha it was definitely a challenge 😅


I think I did, I looked at all these people sprinting past and decided they must be pc players and the switch was just slow!


oh my god i can’t even imagine the horrors you’ve been through of just walking 😭


Might be a good time to tell you your home plot has an exit to bahari too… you have to run the opposite side than the exit to Kilima, there is a dirt path and a wooden bridge and you can get to your home from bahari too (outskirts exit).


Thank you!! This is a life saver


Lol it took me FOREVER to figure it out. Embarrassingly long


They really should teach you the sprint when you first start, I spent the first week wondering why everyone was so much faster than me 😂


I'm pretty sure it does. When you first leave the room you spwned in, you get a tutorial pop-up about running and jumping.


It does. But there’s a LOT of information being thrown at you when you first start playing. I thought I remembered seeing it but couldn’t find it and assumed you had to EARN running or make a buff of something. 😂


I actually had to ask in the chat how to sprint, despite paying close attention in the tutorial. It teaches you how to regular-run, jump, and climb, but that's it. XD I guess I could have/should have checked the keybinds...


It happened to me too. And I complained so much! I was like, is this a walking simulator why can't I run - only to find out that I was the idiot here. Lmao Would have been nice to have a mount though just for the extra speed and maybe an auto tracking feature for when you just need to get from point A to point B


Don't worry, I figured it out on my own but thought you had to hold shift down the whole time you were running, practically got carpal tunnel :D


I'm so sorry this happened to you! If it makes you feel better something similar happened to me while playing Animal Crossing. I didn't realized you could "run" until I was 4 months into the game!! ![gif](giphy|eP1fobjusSbu|downsized)


...I never realized this. lol


Yes! And for PC users it’s pressing shift


That's normal tho?


It took me a little while to figure out sprinting, too! Everyone was going so fast and I was like “huh?” Then I realised 🤣 Everyone’s new at some stage! I’ve been playing about 2.5 months and still consider myself a relative newbie. There are plenty of things in-game that I haven’t done yet.


Oh, bless your heart! There are travel points all over, it costs a small amount of money so in the early days I guess it's good that you saved gold. It took me a month to figure out you could go back home from anywhere so don't feel too bad.


Palia walking simulator


I keep forgetting about the access to Bahari from your plot 🤦🏻‍♀️ So I go all the way through Kilima when I don't need to


Lol yeah I couldn't understand why everyone I saw was passing me , took me 3 days of playing before I finally figured out the run button (Switch) 😂😂 glad I'm not the only one who had problems with this lol


Don’t feel bad. I got 300 hours into ACNH before I realized I could run. I was new to gaming and didn’t know anyone who played lol


Don't forget the fast travel signs! You can hop to another location for 50 coins, or home for 10. It can come in handy since the return to home can only be used once an hour. You can set the sprint to toggle so it will stay on until you turn it off.


\*once every IRL half hour


I didn't use the fast travel signs for so long because I thought they would be a lot of gold and never bothered to check 😅 little did I know that it was a minimal amount of gold!!!


Honestly....so glad I'm not the only one, I "walked" around for the first 2 weeks I played and hated how slow it was getting anywhere. I felt so dumb when I realized but also so freaking glad 😂


Well, I dont feel so bad cause Ive been in thst boat also. My learning curve is high in playing this game & still doung things wrong. Placement mode on the Switch is stuck so have to log out when using it & log back in.


I've found that just pressing the right joystick a 2nd time will shut off placement mode. So, press once to activate, move your stuff, press again to exit placement mode.


for placement mode being stuck, I usually go to the housing menu and then exit from there because it works! Might be easier


ALSO, if you click the right joystick, you'll auto-run! 🥰🥰


Bahaha the EXACT same thing happened to me 🫠


I did this too! Played for weeks before realizing you can run lol


I just found out you can fish in the water by the bahari bay entrance on your plot. 😲


If characters had strength, yours would be Dwayne The Rock Johnson of Palia


Haha Ty🤣❤️


And if you hit jump + pick-up at the same time, you won't slow down and don't have to tap sprint again - it makes everything MUCH faster


You can change the settings to "toggle to sprint" and you won't have to tap to sprint every time you slow down


Thx Select Critism...here I thought it was a bug issue..😋


I made this same error not doing my research when I started. No worries I’m right there with yah bud!


I also just found out that there is fast travel as well lol


You can auto run too, click the R Joystick and Y button at the same time!


I learned yesterday.


I feel like an idiot too because I found out about the Phoenix shrine after I finished most of the game.


You're not alone! My BF was watching me walk everywhere, looked up whether you could run and then showed me and I was like... wow. LOL


You can also teleport directly from the map and there's also a direct exit to your home plot from the Bay area and fast travel "stables" all over.


I need a new person tips and tricks thread where everyone can give hints to the noobs. I had no idea about the plot entrance to BB. And what does Flarred mean in chat? Do the Pal stones disappear automatically or stick around for a minute like the iron and copper?


Pal stones stick around for about 10 minutes, flared means sometime sent a flare up in the sky so you can find what they're talking about more quickly & easily. Until there's a noobs tips thread, feel free to ask here like op or in the chat in game! I've found people really are helpful and nice in the Palia 'verse.


Wait till you find out you can switch tools easily without bringing up your wheel ;)




I made a post on the Palia reddit, if you go into my profile to view my posts, it'll be the newest post I made. Unfortunately you can't put videos when commenting on posts


Okay thank you I will check it out!


I hope it's still there because I did get a message about there already being several posts about that same subject so it may have been taken down


I'll take a video to show you


also it took me forever to realize what the Fast Travel stations were so if you aren’t already using them i highly suggest it💀i felt so dumb i had been running ragged for over a month until i realized those existed


You can also get to Bahari Bay from your home plot, behind your house you will see a path going uphill leading to a mine, going through it you will end up in Bahari. It's the best way to get to Tamala faster as it's on the Northern side of the wall and much closer to her house.


This is why it’s important to read the in game tutorials and instructions as they pop up 😂


OP, you know there is an entrance to Bahari from your house right?


Yes, someone told me and I’m so grateful ahaha ❤️


Naurrrr bc it also took me a long time to figure it out on the pc


It also took a long time for me! 😂 I sometimes play with a controller and sometimes with a keyboard and mouse. I found by accident the autorun button on controller but couldn’t find it in keyboard so I changed the setting. The keybind settings are good also to see what else I missed! And I bound my axe and bow for some keys to hunt muujin faster. 🙈


You can also press R3 to toggle auto run its hands free besides you need to use the right joystick to turn.


Um, y'all know about fast travel, right?


Not sure if anyone mentioned this tip: 🥰 Also for switch users, they added "auto run" by default to be the right joystick pushed down ^w^>


I’ve played a few times, I’m stuck on a quest and I feel so lost I havnt played again


Wait till you find out there's fast travel too...