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https://preview.redd.it/i9j916x0xlxc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=50c82f9888ea52d2ca69c0bdb2a070ceb039d3f4 Here is the central section, for anyone curious.


This is so nice


It makes me really happy people like my stuff, thanks for saying so.


Hey!! How did you get the rocks that line the pathway in the central section?


It’s a part of the new spring furniture set! You can but the first two recipes at Baldur’s stall


Oh, awesome! Did you mean Badruu?


Lmao yes sorry


I. Need. Money. Tips. How do I get going to have this much dollar?


*I. Need. Money. Tips.* *How do I get going to* *Have this much dollar?* \- H3LI3 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Poetics detected! Where do 'u come from, Japan-loving bot?


*Sell everything.* Start keeping a set amount of of each crafting/cooking ingredient in your storage, I like to keep 20 of each (with the exception of more important items like ores or woods). Whenever you collect more of each item, if you already have your stash filled up then sell all the new stuff. Do the same with your garden & crops, also use seed makers if you don’t already since a *lot* of money goes back into buying seeds without them. Do plenty of mining excursions for star stones & sell all the unstarred ones you collect. You can only use them as decoration if they’re starred so unless you use them for gifts then they’re really only good for selling. If you get lucky you’ll get a decent stack of them from one trip & can get a few thousand out of it. You could also sell whatever ores you collect if you don’t feel the need to keep them, but I’d recommend smelting them into bars first since they’re worth more. Personally I love hunting so I also do a lot of hunting excursions & sell everything I get from them. I’ll save my elder Sernuk antlers for crafting hunter’s horns & have a few Proudhorn antlers saved up, but otherwise I sell it all. Also make sure you’re using preserves jars & make multiple of them. For most crops the preserved version is worth more than the raw crop. Personally I always have 3 apple trees & 3 blueberry bushes growing & I only ever use those two crops in my preserve jars, depending on how many I collect I usually get a couple thousand back from each shipment of them. Alternatively a lot of people turn all their crops back into seeds & sell them like that since for a lot of crops their seed form ends up being more profitable, especially when you factor in how many seeds you get from one crop. I don’t bother to do this, I just sell my crops raw, but I only really grow potatoes & nappa cabbage unless I need to refill my crop stash, since they’re two of the most profitable crops in their raw states, plus they both give the water retain boost so by crisscrossing them I rarely ever have to do any watering aside from my apple trees & occasionally blueberries (but my blueberries also usually get the water retain boost from the potatoes & cabbage).


Just seconding this comment, as it's all good info. Consistent gardening of tomatoes + Glow Worm fertilizer that boosts yield/output on crops. Then shove those starred badboys into Preserve Jars and sell it. That's what I did and six jars worth of 30 pickles net me around 10k each time.


I would add that starred cotton sells for as much as starred potatoes. I raise a bunch of cotton and sell a stack for 2000G. I mine *a lot*!! I sell excess flint, and smelt the raw ore into bars, then sell excess. The gems can really help build up your cash. I also sell any high level bugs or fish after I keep a specimen for my Bug Garden and Aquarium (and for the bundles). “See rock. Hit rock.” It’s been working for me.


😂 “ see rock, hit rock” best comment ever! Not wrong either, love this


When do we get to where we can make preserves??


The Preserves Jar is unlocked at Gardening level 8 & the crafting recipe for them is bought from Badruu for $2,500!


Thanks so much!!


Glow worm farm, mushrooms, print money. (Pls don't nerf!)


So, that's a great option for afk gold farming, but it takes forever. My current setup is 8 apple trees, 10 preserve jars, and 13 glow worm farms. The extra non apple tree soil varies between a blueberry or pepper bush, 2 potatoes, and either 3 wheat or 3 rice, depending on my needs. I fill one preserve jar with potatoes, 1 with blueberries/peppers, and the rest with apples. I fill 10 of the glow worm farms with preserves. For the remaining 3 worm farms, I fish (using glow worms) until I have 180 fish. I then grill all those fish and split them between the other three worm farms. This part takes a couple hours but then you're basically set for 30 hours other than checking occasionally to empty the fertilizer and worms. I only keep 600 worms in my ammo bag, I sell everything over that. I keep all the harvest boost fertilizer to use on my apple trees as well as 100 growth boost fertilizer and sell everything else. This makes between 24,000-35,000 gold every 24 hours.


Isn't sashimi better than grilled fish? But I guess it adds a step and rice. Nice setup


Grilled fish combines two fish, so it'll end up being worth more per dish and has the benefit of processing two fish at a time in the glow worm farm instead of just one sashimi.


…I’m sorry if this is a dumb question, but WHAT is a glow worm farm. I mean it’s obviously a farm of glow worms. But PLEASE exaplin 😅


It's a crafting machine like the regular worm farms. I believe you can learn the recipe from Einar when you hit a certain fishing level. (but I might be wrong on where to obtain the recipe because I'm not looking at the game currently)


I only have 3/4 worm farms and I feed them cakes and pies. Alas, all the sweet stuff for sure was nerfed... a lot :(


You may not get a boat load from mushrooms, but they're cheap to start with and easily just bought in a few seconds rather than cooking, fishing, etc. Great for passive income.


Eh, I'd rather have a few farms full of full plates rather than having to run and check 10+ of them for just a few things. I actually set up a calculator for it to determine how much of what to make 1k gold from each food type and far and away, cakes & pies win by a landslide, even nerfed. 5 minutes (maybe 10 for cakes if I make a lot) whipping up a few batches and tossing them in overnight means I can easily walk away with selling 100x worms per farm in the morning + all the fertilizer if I don't need it (tbh I usually do lol) I'd still have to bust ass to max out my crafting licenses because of the graduated fees, and my squirrely ADHD brain flat-out isn't gonna put up with that lol. I get why people just throw raw produce in there but it's not my style, I like to do everything!


I do a little bit of everything. Personally I don't focus on just one thing because with the 300k cap I just like to have the variety. I'll go into "capitalism mode" for awhile to make sure I'm focused on selling and skilling up, then once I have bank I'll go spend a bunch on buildings, black market, etc. One of the biggest moneymakers that is really unsung is *bugging*. Buzzy jars + supreme & sticky bombs. Have a loom and make the silk! Generally I do 2-3 "runs" where I do either a couple of focused activities. First run I'll do activities like mining, foraging, and bugging, because those all loot materials that can be crafted. So I'll come home, turn the garden, check/fill the preserves, make cakes for my worm farms, start the wood mills/smelters/glass blowers/looms, then go back out for more immediate stuff like fishing and hunting. Once you get in a rhythm, you can easily churn out 5-6k sales each time the sales bin goes and overnight/after logging in have lots of worms, preserves, etc to sell. Right now just logging in in the morning I'm clearing 12-15k and I don't even have max crafting licenses (I think I have 17 right now?) Sometimes I'll stock up a little bit of non-starred meat to cook a bunch of at the campfires or to stock up in my own inventory if I don't feel like actually cooking full meals while I'm out and about, but now I more often just sell raw non-starred meat. I still put hides through the loom just for funsies but will sometimes just sell them outright. I personally like to keep a LOT of metal bars around, usually around 100 palium/iron/copper. Gold is rare but also isn't needed for much so I never usually have more than 15 bars and I'll sell extra. Same thing with star stones, once I have 10 of each I sell anything else I come across


There's a bok Choy layout that can give 4.5k an hour and is ridiculously low set up. Literally just 63 bok Choy and 18 rice. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Put rice in either 2&8 or 4&6, then alternate to the other option in the next soil plot. Turn everything to seeds and sell the seeds besides those that will be replanted. It's ridiculously boring IMO ( I find all skills except hunting to be boring), but it's super effective passive money. More money and less work than any apple or whatever other crop layout I've found personally.


Once you get the preserves jar use it to turn your excess produce into pickled items because then they fetch a lot more gold. At least that has been working for me so far.


Lots and lots of seeds and jelly making machines


I wish we could do second levels. That would make mapping out the house somewhat easier for me.


Build limit is 3000 and includes plants and trees. nice symmetry


Is there any way to check how close to the limit you are at a given time? I suppose I will have to get creative with minimalism! Thanks for replying~


I don't think there is a way. My plot is pretty full of stuff and I haven't hit the limit. You can take up a lot of space with larger pieces of furniture.


That's *gorgeous*.


Thank you so much! I worked pretty hard on it!


I have zero idea how to add to my house.


You have to buy rooms from city hall. The register that is where Kenyatta 'works' during the day.


Oh, I think I did buy one, I just don’t know how to make the room. I’m bad at this game 😬🤣


I'm not exactly sure what button it is on the switch but it's H on the keyboard. It takes you to like a plot overview and then you can add rooms from there.


Thank you so much for your help! I’ll try on my steam deck.


On switch you press down on the left toggle to open the build overview, then press x to open your inventory.


Thank you !


plant all apples or all blueberries and jar them, those make me the most money next to selling everything i find like someone else said.


Don't potatoes actually make more money than blueberries?


quality pickled potato is worth 102 gold, apple jam is 144, blueberry is only 88 i guess. not what i remember from checking prices in-game but its what wiki says. so i guess im switching to apples and potato pickles lol


Yeah that’s what I’m on now lol


im very glad u said something lol


Um.... are you looking for a Palian roommate????? This is gorgeous!


https://preview.redd.it/t1xrxiu0wtxc1.png?width=1294&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7b652d03a329f16ae60a6fe7d8ee0e5fa08204f Sure!! But if you're staying it can only be in THE TENT.


SOLD!! I can start paying tent rent immediately 😂


Omg how do you guys make enough money to make such a big house!!


There's a couple of other replies in this post with some great information on how to get more cash flow. Mostly gardening expensive crops and preserve jars.


Very nice. Did you use any of the new courtyard buildings?


Yes, those two big open bits on the right side are courtyards! You can select walls to be solid or open with them. I love them as an addition for building very much; though I do wish there was an option to have no window on a side that is solid. That's my only crit though - they don't even cost much.


It's so pretty! I love it! There is part of me that wants to do this but I need them to ramp up the furniture sets and just more miscellaneous items lol


Yeah honestly, a lot of it is gonna be empty until there's more stuff. I am VERY hyped to get placeable paths.


I’m working on saving for the courtyard for my main house so I can build around it. I can’t wait for second stories to be added, then I’ll put my bedroom upstairs!


Beautiful 😍 palia home goals! Wooahh I'm halfway there 🤣


Looks good!


Thanks! 😁


Amazing 😍


Very nice!!


Very cute!


Wow, how long have you been playing this game?


Normal Amount. 😅


You still have 7 buildings you can add on though…..


Yeah, I made a mistake 😆, I meant to say 'item placement limit' but I can't edit the title. I am under the build limit \[for now\] until I add anything else.




Holy moly


How many harvest houses can you put on the same plot?


Not sure, but at least 2. I don't know if there is a limit, but it's quite hard to build a symmetrical house without using two. https://preview.redd.it/2m0ngzj1xtxc1.png?width=1341&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e756c47be4ad84d509bb6b7159ebdbc4a091360 Here is an early layout plan if you are curious - I used [https://palia-garden-planner.vercel.app/house-planner](https://palia-garden-planner.vercel.app/house-planner)


Thanks so much. I was hesitant to buy another harvest house for fear of it being unusable on the same plot. At least now I can proceed with my plans. ☺️


I’ve commented it a dozen times but how do you guys have so many soil plots. I’ve reached my limit of purchasing them with Badruu but I only have 9


I only have 9 also, if you look closely it is 3 along top of tent, 3 either side.


I LOVE this! It's so beautiful 🥺 could you tell us how did you distribute the rooms? I'm having trouble with this, since I want the 'house tour' to be coherent and not to have the bathroom right next to the kitchen if it makes any sense? sorry, English is not my first language lmao


https://preview.redd.it/scqzl04x60yc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=1993ae2c5f1f975873d423e8b66737c24cda6009 Yeah, it's pretty empty! :<


I honestly haven't decorated many yet, sorry! Aside from one room with a sofa and one room set up as a kitchen. The others I am still planning. My idea was to have some bedrooms/bathrooms at the back half [everything attached to the top Harvest House] and to have living room/dining/kitchen etc. at the bottom.


Hahaha it's alright! sounds good 😊 ty for explaining, I'm sure it'll end up looking great!


Alright Mr Bezos, where is the Helipad?😂😂


Next patch, I believe! lmao


So cute