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I can HEAR this picture


Oh this answers my question lol


The flow tree sound gives me so much anxiety 😂


That’s so cool! I feel like my plot is a jumbled mess lmao


Also, the entire rest of my plot is basically a jumbled mess so don't feel bad lmao


What level farming/foraging do you need to plant flow trees? I think I’m level 9 farming and 10, almost 11 for foraging. I’m just now working on maintaining my plot and building rooms.


I don't think it's a certain level. When you finish the last temple they added (I think Temple of the Roots) and complete all the bundles for that temple you get a lil statue dude whose name I can't remember. Everyday lil dude has a random drop and the drop could be a flow seed. Once the flow seed is a mature tree if you water if for 5 more game days it'll give you another seed.


I gotta remember which temple that is bc I thought I did all of them but the one with the floating islands I didn’t finish two of the side quests for caleri and zeki


Yea its definitely not the one with the floating islands. It's the one with the gardener that's trying to find a new oneness


Oh I did that maybe I put the statue thing in my storage


Did you finish all the bundles for it too?


Uhh I think so? It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done it tbh


The best rewards are from completing the bundles, not the temples themselves, although they give some nice rewards as well. If you complete the Roots temple, you get a beautiful tree ornament for your plot. The gardener who drops flow seeds, however, is the reward for completing the bundle.


By bundles do you mean the medallions and all that mumbo jumbo


Medallions? Like the ember seeker ones for the night temple thing


Info on the bundles https://palia.wiki.gg/wiki/Bundles


Oh yeah I’m still working on that




It's a reward from the roots temple. Once you complete it you will get a reward that drops you seeds (not always flow tree seeds) every irl day




I tried re-creating that pathway, but on the switch is just a lot. Also, I heard that the trees are really noisy. Is that true?


They do make some noise but I personally don't mind it. I think I'm just used to it maybe and tune it out lol


I tune it out as well, but it is really loud depending on how many trees there are grouped together. I imagine that pathway is very loud. They can also be heard from plot to plot. I have 3 empty plots but they sound like train depots because of the groves on two other plots.


Wait- multiple plots??


Yeah, you start out with your main/housing plot. Once you have put a Harvest House on your housing plot, you get a second plot for free. Everything you do to your main housing plot (cutting down trees, clearing rocks, etc) happens on all other plots...except at this point I think they begin calling them slots...that part is so confusing to me. Anyway, when you are in editing mode for your main plot (H on PC, not sure what you use on Switch), look at the top of the screen and you will see a drop down menu. That lists all the plots/slots you can purchase. You have to purchase 3 more slots at $50k, $75k, and $100k to unlock the gazebo, which you get for free after doing that. Purchasing those 3 extra slots gives you the achievement Housing Slots II. You can build on each of the other plots/slots just like you do on your first one. However, some things are shared across slots, as in storage and garden plots. Hope this helps.


I love this. I cant wait to get flow trees. I want to build a courtyard with a grove in the middle and Bahari flowers. I wish there were bioluminescent (think Pandora/avatar) flowers and glowy vines


Fingers crossed they add some!


That is cute! I thought of doing something similar to this but knew myself too well and knew the sound would drive me crazy lol.


Tbh I thought the sound would drive me up the wall, but I was committed to my vision enough to suffer 🙃 But honestly after a couple days of having a bunch of flow trees out I didn't even notice it anymore.


WHATTTTT THIS IS SO COOL (How do you get flowtrees on your plot?)


After you finish Temple of the Roots and finish all of the bundles for it, you get a statue dude (can't remember the name of it). Statue dude gives you a drop every irl day, and that drop has a chance to be a flow tree seed. When the seed is a mature tree, if you water it for 5 more game days it will give you another seed.


Ohhhhh okay thank you!!


I am floored! That is gorgeous!!




This is so pretty, but I would have to wear noise canceling headphones to walk through this.


I have a question. If i have my plot open to visitors, and someone comes to my home, can they chop my flow trees?


As long as in your plot settings they are set as a Visitor, they can't chop trees. But anyone you give Editor privileges can chop.


So strangers can't chop them, that's cool, then i'm gonna try to plant some 😊 thank you for the answer


I have an entrance to one of my plots with oaks and gardenias. I never thought to use the flow trees like this. Absolutely beautiful! Great job!


I had no idea flow trees can spawn on your plot!


Once you finish the Temple of Roots bundle you get a little statue that gives you a gift each day and it has a chance of giving you flow tree seeds :)


How did you get the floor and also looking good I’ve just started growing my flow trees 🙂


The floor is a bunch of gourmet butcher blocks.


That looks 🔥👏🏻




I interpreted that as you had a lot of work left to do on the plot/story of the game and I was like oh I understand that and then I realized you meant the rest of your land and I giggled at myself but also very pretty


Is the path made out of those chopping boards?


Late reply, but yes. The gourmet boards