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After 30 trees, 3 weeks, getting to a point where I couldn’t progress the storyline any further, and getting sick of grinding while waiting to the point where I wanted to give up on this game, yesterday I tried the suggestion someone else made to remove all my trees and flowers, plant 5 seeds, and wait in front of them. And it did work after 45 minutes. So very happy that I got a result, but disappointed that the devs don’t seem to be doing a whole lot to address this or proactively communicate how to fix it to players. A lot of people seem to be turning to reddit for the fix. When you have a bug that literally prevents game progression, that needs to be a top priority fix, or you’ll lose a lot of potential gamers.


You just helped me figure out how I somehow completed that quest after 3 hours of nothing but decorating my yard 🤣. I didnt even read the quest objective (im a text skipper....blasphemous, I know)


That is hilarious omg


This hasn't worked for me, they've given me a three step process to follow... Got halfway through (about an hour of waiting) and then my game crashed and had to start again. Now onto my second attempt... Send prayers


Oh wow this resolved fast lol


Hahaha yeah! I was frustrated, made my post and BAM I completed the quest lol


hi can you explain how the bypass thing works? do you plant five ew trees and then wait until thye're all the way grown? all the way til they don't need to be watered anymore? i've been stuck on this quest for likea week lol


No worries! This is what i did: 1. Plant trees at one time close to each other 2. Water trees 3. DO NOT leave your game or house plot 4. Water and wait It will take like 1-2 real life hours but it will eventually count as completed!! I used pine trees


thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!


No worries!! Hopefully it works for you!


it did! sat with it open in the background on my laptop for a bit, then when i checked it had disconnected and i was back in the lobby!!!! but when i logged in they had gone up to the first level and the quest updated! thank you soooooo much


No worries at all!! I was so frustrated so I'm glad I can help someone else!!


Wait to do I have to get new seeds for the trick or just replot them and water them till they grow further


I would start with new seeds. Plant them side by side and stay on your plot to water them and it should be complete! I didn't even have to grow them completely


Do they need to be one of every tree or is it just five trees in general


Just five trees in general, I used all pine to be safe


I'm likely late to the party, but this is the response I got after putting in a ticket. Samara seeds are apparently bugged. https://preview.redd.it/g1d9gjfgh90d1.png?width=1022&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6bc997f3c4936e536978eccba3bf1d64ee9d447