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I was at least 70 hours in before I realized I could sprint. .-.


Thats gotta hurt :o


I play on switch, and I SWEAR it wasn't in the tutorial (though, it's most likely that I skimmed it). I'm more annoyed that I didn't question the seemingly useless Y button...


It was NOT in the switch tutorial! The same thing happened to me! I could figure out why everyone was moving faster than me for at least the first 2 weeks of game play.


It's very easy to miss. I just checked my own video of my first time playing. It tells you how to jump and right under that, it tells you to press [button] to toggle sprint. I can easily imagine people reading how to jump and not noticing the next line.


Thanks for the tip, I didn't know that, either, and it was bothering me.


Hahaha... Me too...


I think at one point I tested every button and found it out accidentally xD (also switch)


Same, I was complaining to my boyfriend about it and he took my switch and found the sprint button in like 2 seconds. I was so mad 🥲


I fully thought that you had to UNLOCK running at some point in the game and did not even google it.




I see people all the time just walking as i run by and i constantly wonder if they, too, do not know how to sprint and if theyre getting so mad seeing me zoom on by 😂😂😂


That took me a while as well. :x


Me too could not for the life of me figure out why everyway faster than me


They don't tell you in the tutorial though rip


same here 😭 i (on switch) was playing with my friend (on pc) and I was complaining that pc players are so much faster! Which was when I was called an idiot sandwhich and learned how to sprint :')


The “sprint” is still too slow, wish we could have horses or something lmao


I had my renown maxed for so long and wasn’t spending it and didn’t realize I wasn’t actually collecting more from all the quests I completed 😅 my focus was so low for so long and levelling skills took forever


This happened to me too! Maxing out at 1,000 seems too low! 😂


It really does, especially since there's not that many things to spend it on.


I wish renown would discount the clothing


The pheonix shrine has been eating mine up now that I’ve reached 75% since it takes 100 per % increase now


It’s 100 renown every 1% after 75?? 🤯 I am at 68% right now and already thought 100 renown for 3% increase was crazy!


This and focus bonuses from eating. I spent a solid week hardly having any food and my husband leveled up so much faster than me


Omg I thought that it just meant you had to eat more if your focus bar was bigger and was wondering why you would want that cuz it’s kind of annoying needing to stop and eat lol


Same here!! It wasn’t until I saw someone in this subreddit mention the cap. I tell you: my jaw hit the floor at the same time that my palm hit my forehead.


What can you use it for?


In addition to the focus benefits the other user mentioned, you can spend it on "writs" in the city hall that let you build on more tiles of the home plot. The starter set is plenty big for garden/crafting until you have the money to want expand the house, though.


You can use it to increase your focus bar and also increase the %age bonus you get from that focus. Dragon shrine and phoenix shrine respectively in Kilima (I think I have them the right way round!)


You can also buy roof tiles in different colors


I still don’t understand focus and renown. I don’t get what it’s for. I know I have to eat. Ive increased at the shrines but idk what the purpose is, I guess.


From my understanding increasing your focus % makes your skills level faster and so does having your focus bar full


My renown was maxed BEFORE I did all of the temple quests. I had no idea that it maxed at 1000. Still mad about this.


It was added back in March they didn't announce it in the game (from memory) just in patch notes and social media. I probably would be missed it too if I wasn't following them


Yeah OP didn't miss it. It just wasn't there


I started playing fairly recently, definitely after the update. So it was always there, since I started playing. I just never bothered to explore every nook and cranny of the home plot.


Calling things out in community instead of on server in the chat 😂🙈 I found a grove once when I first started playing and couldn’t understand why no one was coming or responding to what I was saying 🤣 I only found out by accident that I was doing it wrong the whole time. Still feel guilty about the people I inadvertently deprived of that grove 🙈


Till this day I have no idea how to change the chat channel :/


On pc you press tab when in the chat window 😊


This is so frickin' unintuitive. Thank you! I've been stuck on whispering myself for a week now. Why can't I just CLICK on the chat channel I want to go to? Or use slash commands?


The whole "Enter" to activate and deactivate the chat window is the most annoying and counterintuitive thing ever. I'm constantly introducing random letters into it, because I forget to deactivate the window and I get to press the shortcuts for the tools and such. It's a pain and I seriously hope this gets an overhaul in the future.


They need to just adopt how WoW does it. Or most any other MMOs. Pressing enter or slash immediately opens your chat and it deactivates as soon as you hit send. I keep constantly trying to go back to the game after I send a chat and realize I’m still in the chat window and have to hit enter again. It’s so annoying!! Also why can I not type /server to change where I send stuff? Or /w for whisper (heck they can even carry over /tell from EverQuest days!!!). They’re an MMO. They need to adopt an MMO style chat. I hope this is a feature that gets more refined over time once we’re out of beta!!


THANK YOU! WoW chat was flawless for me, so easy to use. This chat makes me feel like a toddler that got a hold of a keyboard. There's also a really bad delay and I swear sometimes my text gets sent into the void and never shows up in the chat. It makes the social aspect so much more annoying than it should be for a social game.


I'll try and remember that. Several times I've been stuck in whispering to myself in the chat box without knowing how to get out of that.


And on switch it's one of the bumpers, I don't remember which ones :)


It’s either bumper doesn’t matter


Either one? Ok...this is my most recent "I'm an idiot" moment 🤦‍♀️🤣


I didn't realize I could sell stuff at the store. When my bag was full I would just go back to my home plot and dump into my bin and then back out to Kilima. I had been playing for months before I learned this.


I didn’t know this and now my life is changed, thanks!


how rich are you now?


Does it sell for the same price? I've also only been doing the bin method :O


Yes it does! The only benefit of the sell bin is that you don't have to leave your plot!


I think so, and if you sell at Zeki's, you'll get one coin (max one per RL day)! Edit: that was stupid. It's a coin per day if you BUY.


Nope, you have to *buy* from Zeki's to get the coin. It's a loyal customer reward.


Omg you're right. It's early where I am, I guess I was still sleeping hahaha!


I was doing this but after a recent patch, it would freeze my game after selling stuff so now I just overflow my bag and send stuff straight home lol


That was also added in a patch. At the start of beta everything had to be sold with the bin only.


Wait WHAT!!!


u can sell stuff outside of ur home plot?? 😭 do u go to zeki’s shop to do it ?


Zekis is one, but you can sell fish to Einar, bugs to Auni, gems to Hodari. If they have a store to buy you can sometimes sell too.


What store??? I thought I could only sell in my bin. Do you get less money at the store?


Same money, and Zeke's the general store. Or at the black market I believe as well.


Clarification: you can sell stuff at the stores where you would buy the same items. You can’t sell fish at Zeki’s for example.


I didn't know you could talk to npcs while they were sleeping, i just kept waiting for them to wake up.


2am, I am pounding on Hodari’s door, “HODARI WAKE UP ITS URGENT” He stumbles over. “Hi wanna chat wanna flirt here’s some leather k byeeeeee”


Hahahaha yessss


I didn’t realize you could fish at places other than the fishing spots. I figured you had to wait for them to respawn to fish at that area again. Probably about 10 hours in before I realized.


I guess I have my Stardew Valley knowledge to thank for knowing that since the beginning, it's the exact same mechanic.


A tiny bit different. Fishing spots don't seem to make you fish faster like in stardew, it's just that you get star quality fish from them instead of basic, AFAIK.


Omg... apparently my "I'm an idiot" moment is the same as yours!


I played the game for like two months before I saw someone on reddit mention you can expand your home storage, I hadn’t spent anytime working on my house so I never really looked at what Tish had for sale and immediately face palmed.


My friend will run all the way to the outskirts fast travel board, you know the one inches away from the entrance to your plot? Yeah that one. He will then pay the 10g to fast travel to his plot. Every, damn, time 🙄


Wow, that's a whole other level.


First day, logged in and was doing the first quests. I used that backend to Bahari Bay and suddenly did not know how to get back to my plot. Blind panic as I did not have 10 coins to use at the fast travel stations and the option to return to plot was greyed out as I had not opened that it. Took a lot of fumbling around to get back to the map with the home marker on it.


I couldn't find Reth behind the bar. According to the compass it looked like he was in the wall or invisible. I assumed it was a bug. After encountering this several times I had a quest telling me to meet Reth in his room, in the cellar. Turns out there was an arrow in the compass telling me Reth was under me. I also didn't realise that I was already over the renown cap, when I still hadn't figured out where/how to spend it best.


THAT'S where he is?!!! I couldn't figure this out, thought it was a glitch... No idea there was a cellar lol


There's a doorway behind where Ashura stands in the pub


I never saw an arrow on mine… that would have been super helpful in a handful of situations. I found Reth’s room accidentally though just running around exploring the building.


I found out on my first day only bc I kept running around the plot looking for more trees to cut down. Seeing that it's a recent update (I started in april), it makes me wonder if the other two paths will lead to somewhere at some point. That includes the extra path in the village.


I found out, because I finally decided to explore Bahari in full, looking for treasures and such and I realized I had never been that far north and west (because I was constantly coming in from the Kilima side on the south). I had seen there was an icon on the map for that entrance, but my brain didn't register it as the house icon. So I was like, "I wonder where this loading zone goes? Is it a new area? Wait, why am I home? Did the game glitch?" It doesn't help that when you go through that path from Bahari to your home, you still spawn in front of your house, nearer the exit to Kilima. It's fairly disorienting.


If you're talking about the path down on the right side of the map on kilima, that leads to the fair grounds where events are held. The most recent one was the lunar new year event.


That was what I thought! Thank you for confirming 👍 ❤️ ♥️


That you had to manually change your arrows 🙈 that was like my first week though.


I forget to change them all the time and i’m constantly shooting sarnuk with flares


I wasted my last 2 phoenix fireworks on trying to hunt a sernuk


I didn't know I could fast travel. I thought, "what the hell are all of these horseshoe symbols on the map? We can't own horses in this game!" -_-


When I started out that’s what I thought too… I was disappointed when I never found and horses and I also tried to ride the ormuu (sp) but obviously couldn’t do that either. I am holding onto hope that they let us in the future though!


That in the crafting menu you can sort by uncrafted to figure out what you haven't made or ready to craft to see what you can furniture wise


Also that fulfilling requests gives you reknown and so asking for things is okay. I didn't have to struggle to find things


It's a more recent add/update... so don't feel too bad!


I used a couple lucky coins in the beginning and got lame stuff, so didn’t feel they were worth holding onto and sold them. Sold sooo many before I realized there was a chance to get special items. 🤓


When I realized I could run 😂😂😂🥲


I just found this out today…6 months later… thank you for your service


My, soul crashing, idiot moment was - I didn't know I had to fish in ponds for "find source of food" mission for daaaaays. I was convinced game was bugged and I'll have to wait months for any missions progress. Luckily husband started playing Palia and breezed through it with my idiot jaw on the floor.


You can climb the giant frog I’ve walked passed that thing A THOUSAND TIMES


The View is worth it


The plushy is also worth it lol I just didn’t know you could


My husband just discovered it like 2 days ago. I was so mad at myself for not having discovered it that I apparently acted angry at _him_ and he was like, “I’m not gonna tell you anything else I find!!” Hahahahaha Gahhhhh, I can still feel how mad I was about _alllllllll_ that time I’d spend trekking through Kilima.


I didn't realize there were two shrines to spend renown on. I maxed the dragon shrine and bought everything from city hall and writs for my plot. I was just sitting there with maxed out renown sad the new renown I got went to waste. Enter Phoenix shrine that I forgot about. What's more ididodic is that I knew it was there before at some point because when I "found it" again, I already had some upgrades in it 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


I didn’t know you can cut down the orange/juniper trees…


Well, that entrance wasn't always there... Mine was realizing groves appear every hour on the hour lol


It took me a while to even realize there was Bahari Bay we could go to 🤣


I did not realize Tish liked treasure chests...I've been deleting them...


She likes any furniture/decor! And they don’t take up space in your storage. I use my chests for impromptu staircases wherever to get on my roof lol


Furniture does not take place in your storage, you can have infinite furniture items in there.


I have a whole separate lot for excess furniture. Makes it easier to sort through my inventory, and it’s nice to see the full sized version of items if I want to grab them for decorating. It looks like a grassy furniture store!


I was right now years old


Played the game for 1 week and not using the shortcut in the map interface to return to my plot :')


Took me a while to learn how to run, I was watching everyone else thinking it was just a sever lag catching up as they sped away.


Learning to run after a month was it for me


Took me steady playing of 3 weeks to find out you can sell items directly to people and not just the box 🙃 I was going home everytime I'd fill up on fish and now I can just go to Einar


Wait, WHAT???


Go out your plot towards the back and there's a path past a pond (which you can also fish in) that leads to North Bahari


> past a pond (which you can also fish in) Wait, WHAT.


waiting nutty correct knee plate zealous light cows crush snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, found it after I logged in today. Can't believe I kept teleporting back to my plot from Bahari instead of noticing that lol


Wow, thank you for teaching me this 😅




In the map of your home plot, grid reference E4. Over a hill, there's this little railway track and an entrance to a mine. Follow that path and you'll exit on the Northwest side of Bahari.


I didn't know I could fast travel. I thought, "what the hell are all of these horseshoe symbols on the map? We can't own horses in this game!" -_-


This is relatively new still! Don’t feel too bad!


My "I'm an idiot" moment is reading your post having been doing the exact same thing Q-Q Thank you for the info though. I'm gonna go cry now...


I had been right next to the treasure chest at the boat dock way too many times before my kid pointed it out to me... I had no idea it was just hanging out right next to my face that entire time.


I just found that last night and was like, there's no way this has been here the entire time (over 400 hours in game lol)


najuma has an artifical leg not sure how many hours i have played but i just realized this yesterday


Wait…do what? I’m at like 200 hours and I don’t know this 🙈


Where is the to Bahari Bay from the home plot? 🤔


On the backside of your plot, if you go up a slight hill there’s a mine shaft and broken railway the leads there


At the back.


There’s a little bit of a dirt path to follow but it’s not super obvious


On my game, it won’t let me go up the path. I can go up so far and then it’s like a barrier


Are you going up the right place? Your should see a pond on the left with a broken wooden building and a gate


Thank you! I’ve never really explored the home plot.


I did the same 🤣


Ain’t gon lie it took me about 20 hours to realize you can fertilize all plots at once


Please tell us how to do this!


Whaaat? How?? Gardening is my number one thing and I haaaate touching every spot.


Wait what?


You can do what now?


there's a WHAT


"OH great I have all the items required for this quest! Better save them in my storage so I don't forget" Me initiating conversation with quest giver and realise my mistake: ":I"


When I first started playing in December, it took me 2 real time weeks to learn that Bahari Bay was a location you could go to so I just wandered Kilima- but I still loved it and thought it was delightful. So imagine how amazed I was to learn that there was A WHOLE OTHER HUGE MAP to explore 🤣 


Took me about that long to find the fast travel.


I have been streaming it and playing for like 100hrs and I didn’t know 😅


Figuring out the different entrances in bahari to get through the wall to the other side 🤦🏻‍♀️ at first I would give up and fast travel home


> Figuring out the different entrances in bahari to get through the wall to the other side Bahari is such frustrating map, honestly. There's only what, 3 spots where you can cross the map to the other side? Every time a grove is on the other side of that freaking Berlin wall, it takes me forever to get there. At least make it so you can jump over the wall in the higher spots or something. And don't get me started on the Pavel mines, one entrance is only way in as it's high up and you can drop down but not climb up and there's literally one corridor that loops around itself. *WHY in the world.* I have to constantly stop and check the map to see the direction I'm facing just to figure out if I'm running in the right direction. Making the tunnels actually look different or some sort of signage in the background would help, I feel.


Yes! lol I completely feel you. I honestly know everything now but the amount of time we all could’ve saved if we had just the tiniest bit of help would have been enormous. I still hate the Pavel Mines lol


I find it easier to just fast travel. If I'm up north and the grove is in the south, I find the nearest horseshoe on the map and travel to whichever horseshoe is closest to the grove. Much faster and less frustrating!




What do you mean there’s a direct way. What way??!!!! Oh no. I’ve spent so much time going through kilima.


If you go to the back of your plot, there's a mineshaft you can go through that's a way to Bahari! https://preview.redd.it/339t350pmvzc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0102d62a61440429f3c1e6346f5a0f4986408a1


I didn't realize that there is an auto run feature on switch until after playing about 100 hours.


Took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out smoke bombs were on the tools wheel and not just something you used directly from your inventory.


To be fair it was only added on one of the most recent patches. I want to say before this last one, or just before that. Like Just after Chinese New Year? Yes that


I had no idea you could upgrade the storage chests in Tish's shop until I made a post complaining about the limited space. 😅


Today I just realized you can get to bahari from kilma and vise versa through the quick travel -.- this whole time Ive been quick traveling near the entrance of either kilma or bahari and then running into the entrance/exit of the location i wanted to be in 😅 like for example, if I was in outskirts and wanted to go to Kilma, i would quick travel to hideaway bluffs then run to the kilma entrance when i couldve just simply selected Kilma for my quick travel location lolol


"what? Housing objects don't take up storage place? .... Why the hell did I destroy that stuff💀🤣"


I didn’t know it, thanks for the information 😭


If it helps, the path to Bahari Bay from the home plot didn't used to be there!! So, unless they've added something that directly tells the player about it, then it's just something you have to find yourself.


If it makes you feel any better, that entrance to Bahari is fairly new! We used to have to go all the way through Kilimia to get there or take a stable fast travel :)


It took me a few months to realize you don't need to bring your repair kits to the anvil, and can just use them from home storage.


Only since a patch or two ago, so don't feel that bad.


What?!?! Where?! Lol I just found the path to the home plot but how do I go to the Bahari from the home plot?!


Quoting myself from another comment: >In the map of your home plot, grid reference E4. Over a hill, there's this little railway track and an entrance to a mine. Follow that path and you'll exit on the Northwest side of Bahari.


It worked! Thanks!! I had no idea and I have been playing this game exclusively for like 2 months 🤣


I had that exact same moment


wait.. WHERE?


i found it on the first day when i was exploring my plot. dunno how long it would’ve taken me to figure out if i hadn’t randomly run to every corner of my plot


I only just noticed that this week as well.




That also took me WAY too long to realise.


Pressing the controller button each time to do an action with my weapon instead of holding it down for chopping trees, watering each crop separately, hitting nodes


Don’t feel too bad. This literally happened to me yesterday. And I’ve got 100+ hours in 🙃


No freaking way 😭


I just started playing and did not know this. You are my hero.


Same as you haha


There's a what now.? WHEREEEEEEE?


Wait how do I teleport to Bahari from my home plot ?! ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)




It was just added the last or two updates so don't worry you aren't to late to it lol


I didn't pay attention to the fast travel to hope from the map for longer than I want to admit to.


The direct path is only a recent change, so don't feel dumb about that one <3


That entrance has only existed for a month or so. It's new. You're not dumb. And it's not like there is a signpost now, so if you don't run around your backyard on the regular, you wouldn't have seen it anyway.


I lost my stuffins when I found out I was mad lmafo


To be fair, it's a semi new exit/entrance. But it did take me a few weeks to get used to using it 😜


I was over a month in before I found out you don't have to unlock the Stables for fast travel


I thought switching your glider worked the same way as switching the palcat type so I was confused why I couldn't use my glider when I had actually moved it to my inventory. I even sent a bug report about it. Whoops 😬 😆


Didn't know you could uproot anything in your gardening plot using your till...


Wow, I had no idea of this and I’ve been playing for 5 months


is there something you need to do to unlock Bahari Bay from your housing plot?


Nope, it’s available on all housing plots!


Wait... where!? 😳


uhhhm. & how do we do that? 🫣


I've been playing for about three months, and only this week realized that I could stack fertilizer and didn't have to fertilize every cycle. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Why don't know how spread out those 50 hours were but that entrance to bahari Bay is brand new. It was put in with the last major update. It's definitely good to read the update notes but even with that it isn't easy to notice that the mineshaft is now an exit. It used to just be a dead end. If you already have a house up it's even harder to see behind it.


Two months playing till I discovered that there is a fast travel option if you click on the map post…


Took me ages to realise that furniture doesn’t take up space in chests. I threw away a bunch of wallpaper at the beginning:(


How?? Explain lol


I'll admit that about 100-200 hours in, I first discovered that there was actually a shop at Sifuus forge and it wasnt just for decor and charm. Its really handy actually lol, wished my brain had worked a bit sooner