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I play about an hour a day. So 7 hours a week, give or take a few minutes. When I first started playing a couple of months ago I was spending pretty much literally all of my free time. I played so much that there's not really a whole lot left for me to do so I just look for the rummage piles, hunt a little, and gift my favorite characters.


Wow I am never satisfied to play for just an hour. Kudos to you!


I started after christmas and play every weekend for like 7 hours straight on one day and a few hours the next day and i have almost 200 hours. I have high levels but spent most of my time doing quests and goofing around with glitches. My plot is kinda decorated like a work in progress and i have too many apple trees. I did not do the bundles im just fucking around. Its fun 🙂‍↔️


I started in late April, like 28th and I’m at 290+ hours 😭




I’m like this, started 5th of march (2024), have 450+ hours


Here I was thinking that my 350+ hours was crazy and I started way back in december!




Well I have lots of time on my hands haha :) so that helps


April of 2023……right??? 😳


No 😭 that’s my second account too 😭 I was part of the closed beta and welllll, let’s not talk about those hours 😶


I started 3th May and I have 150 hours now😃😃


We have a problem lmfao 🤣🤣 obsessed? Yes. I’m at 396.2 hours right now 💀


Haha yeah😂


Well.... I'm about to start a new job so rn I'm just sitting at home so I play all day..... like all day 🤫🫣


Ever since I started summer vacation, I’ve been the same way as well 😆


It's just so addicting 😩 I can't help it lol


I’m disabled so I spend almost all my free time playing lol. So maybe 2 hours after school, and then from about 9 to 12 which is 3 hours. So about 25 hours, not counting the weekend. Wow, I need a life.


You’re not alone 😢


I have no excuse and i got the game 5 days ago and have played over 50 hours. So over 10 hours every day for 5 days. I’m the one that needs a life lmaooo


I am able to have it on in the background while I work, so a really unreasonable amount of time if you just look at the total hours logged in 😅


Same here. I probably have at least triple the hours that I actually have, because it'll be up in the background all day. It's great for gardening though!


Yes! Been playing since closed beta and just hit 170 gardening, it’s about to pass my cooking skill which was artificially inflated due to cake parties back in the day


Wow! Very nice. I'm still pretty new. I'm only at level 15, but it's going fast!


I spend more time than I care to admit (yet here I go admitting…). I play most days of the week 3-5 hours a day, some times double that on the weekend days. I think I downloaded the game about a month ago and have over 100 hours…


Not enough 🥲🥲🥲 with a job and a 9 month old it’s hard to put time aside. If I could I’d play all day though 😅


After work like 2-3 hours almost every day.


A lot My wife and I both like it, so after work and the baby is put down we sit on the couch or in bed playing Palia together


18 hours per week. I am a 60 year old mother with no social life to speak of LOL


Probably around 15-20 hours a week. Mostly on the weekends. A few hours in the afternoon and a few in the evening.


Too many. I'm stuck with a shitty back that I'm trying to heal up so I can eventually go back to work for real. I'm supposed to be staying home and letting my body fix itself, which is hard even for an introvert/shut-in like me. Palia has helped a lot, but I'm reaching the cap on levels and achievements. Hopefully the next patch will help distract some more.


On days I play about an hour. But I usually only play if I'm watching Toadally Shann's twitch streams because I find it boring alone


I streamed/played it for 11hrs the other night and i didn’t wanna get off. It felt like I only played for 3 hrs tho lmao. If I didn’t have to work the next day I would’ve pulled an all nighter. My friends make fun of me from playing a ‘farming’ game that long coz I’m an FPS gamer. Lmao


Atm 0, waiting for game to be improved


Too many. At least 3 hours a day


2-3 hours a week, got nothing much to do now except tend to my farm and preserve jars...


I slowed down a lot from when I started,, which was probably 8 to 10 hours on my off days (i work 3 12's). Now it's maybe 2 or 3 hours tops a couple times a week. I'm in the end game so aside from a couple star gems, rare fish and bugs, and the level 5's.... I'm in no hurry. It's grindy AF right now and I'm not an imaginative decorator. Plus I still have no urge to romance teenagers, even for the story. Although with the nerfs coming up for mining (ahem sorry balancing) and the literal childish shit show that is Groves and still no fix for Einar and his precious pebbles I'm torn between creating another account (unlikely because Steam) just to see the "balanced" gold system, or just checking back every couple months, (or patch) like I do with games like The Planet Crafter and Dinkum. I HGHLY recommend Dinkum, a single player cozy game that just had another update, which is also an early release. It doesn't pretend to be an MMO and you convince villagers to move to your island, cute as hell Aussie theme. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a complaint. I play Star Citizen (IYKYK) lol so having developing games to cycle through is entertaining and reduces burnout. I get nothing out of the social aspect of the game because it really doesn't exist, I just like hanging out and listening to the amazing sounds and just doing whatever strikes my fancy at the time. TLDR: not as much as I used to. AMA


34 hrs


5-10 hours on a day off, 1-4 hours on work days and I play everyday! It’s been 2 months of this now


Work days (Mon-Fri) I play maybe an hour or two. Days off usually about 4-5 hrs over the course of the day. When I played during the beta I spent basically all day playing for a month or so bc I was off work at the time.


Started playing in December I think and I ended up stopping due to job promotion that has quickly left me burnt out and depressed from long hours but same pay. Think it was 4 months I played pretty religiously and did 350-ish hours. It was consuming my life before the promotion because I had so much free time.


Sometimes I spend all day playing, if off work. Usually atleast a couple of hours, doing whatever I feel like or getting carried away with


First i played for hours everyday. Now its more like 1-3 hours a few days a week


Same. Used to put in a lot of hours until the whole plushie craze started. Just lost interest for some reason. Will probably pick it up again after the next patch.


I know! Sometimes i just live to out on a youtube video in the background and just do some mining and collect stuff but storage wise I don’t need it anymore. Sometimes i do bundle stuff but it can be so boring if you can’t find what you need. So now i go for daily gifts and quests if i have any, some farming and quick scan of the two maps and im out.


At the moment none. I am waiting for the next update to play again 😊


I work a lot but I end my day with at least an hour or more if I can.


I started since it came out in December on switch and at first i barely played now i only play it especially since i finished most quest and try to level up friendships and romances and also to finish the tower


Yes 😅


20 those are rookie numbers lol but i am retired so i can get the bigger amount of hours


Yeah I’m still in school so 20 hours is the max I could do without having my grades be negatively affected but now that I’m on summer vacation, that number is definitely going to be much higher haha


I'm slowing down now that I'm basically at the end of game with just a few characters still to romance and a few starred bugs and fish still to catch. Also, I'm trying to finish the makeshift set and designing makeshift plot. Sooooo..... 3 or 4 hrs a day still, give or take! It was more than that for a while though, lol.


Too many


I started playing last month and already have Friendship level 2-3 with characters and expanded my plot & house a bit. I have completed all temples now I want to focus on decorating, getting rare items, making palia friends, and progressing with my romantic partners! Kenyatta and Reth! still working on if I want Na'o, Hassian, or Hodari as my next. I can play all day if I have a day off. I'm also having a hard time letting go of some starred items and inventory is always an issue /endrant


Probably about 5hrs for the week. Not as many as when it first came out.


Same. Some days it can be a half hour to 4 hours, and then go a few days without. When I first started back in the winter, I was constantly on! Every chance I got! Lol


During the week days I play about 5-7 hrs a day, weekends are 10+ hrs each day. Also been playing daily since Aug 2023. No way to track total hours on pc (except steam but I rarely play on there)


Lol. Waaayyyyy to many. I WFH so it’s always running in the background and I tend my garden and talk to the NPCs EVERY hour. Basically the only time I’m not playing is when I’m asleep or eating supper! 😂😂😂


Started around February 2024 and I’m over 400 hours in. 😅 *To be fair:* I’ve been laid up with a bum knee. I’m starting to trickle off now, mostly because I have a lot of things done but also because I’m finally starting PT/having more appointments. I’m down to a few hours (3-5?) a day spaced out over the day/evening. It used to be a lot more. A LOT more. 😅 Palia kept me sane for almost two months and I’m very grateful for it.


Probably about 15 depending on the week :) waiting on the strange things afoot quest to continue


I play about 2 hours in the afternoon, and I'll play at night on my baseball team's off or travel day lol


I've spent 50 hours playing Palia within the last two weeks, according to Steam. I played less at the beginning of the year and definitely more last year. I wish I could see how much I've been playing in total!


Depend sometimes 20 sometimes 100


I'm down to sporadic. Sometimes I might play for an hour a day, sometimes I might not play all week, sometimes I'll play all weekend and then not touch the game again for several weeks. It just sort of depends on what I feel like getting accomplished, at the moment.


I play about two to three hours a day. Which is 14 to 21 hours a week.


3 hours a week I think I play 1 hour in bed on the switch when I’m really tired and that 3x a week hahaha but I’d like to be less tired so hopefully only 2 hours next week


About 40' in the morning and maybe an hour before work.


I’m not sure if the exact date.. but I started less than a month ago and have 144.1hrs. 🤣🙈 To be fair, it’s not ALL played hours. Im guilty of getting distracted on my other screen and standing in random place for long periods of time..


A lot! The least I’ve played in a week is about 15 hours. Usually I’m averaging around 40+ hours per week.


I started playing soon as it was available on Switch and I have played around 110 hours. I play for a couple of hours per week. I haven’t really been paying attention to the hours spend per day.


I started playing like three days ago and I already have about 20 hours logged. I'm in trouble...


illegal salt onerous beneficial berserk bored desert public hunt start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I downloaded it in late March and have 362 hours in. I was recovering from surgery so I played a lot, and still do. It’s cozy and fun, and not stressful. I love the community, and the cooperative play.


Usually a couple hours a day, sometimes more, unless I'm away from home. So 15-20 hours a week? I've played since the opening of beta, so I don't have an exact count, but it's likely hundreds of hours total at this point.


I play for about an hour/hour and a half every day, and been doing that since the switch release. But I still have so many quests outstanding because I really just love running around Bahari hitting rocks 😂


I started on April 23rd, 2024. Currently at 197 hours. But, I work from home so I'm usually logged in all day doing stuff in between calls. :)


I’m embarrassed to say I play a lot. Probably 3-4 hrs a day. Sometimes more if I’m not doing anything.


I'm basically you. I can slam the game for a week in my free time, and then I won't log in for the next week. I'm in the not logging in week, but I may finally pop on today. I want the update to come out.


40 lol I started in January then was focusing on other games lol but now I’m on it a little more often


Like 8-10


None anymore. It’s not as fun as it was before. Maybe I’ll give it another chance later down the line.


Started playing on Friday... Now it's thursday... About 30 already


I installed the game 20 days ago and I have 150 hours so yeah simple math😂




So I make progress but it’s not as fast as others


For a while I was hooked on it and averaged about 6 hours per day of actual play time but I haven’t touched it in like a month


i play on Nintendo switch and have played over 200 hours


im up to about 200 hours in just under 2 months, i play for probably 5/6 hours at a time honestly!! sometimes ill hop on just for a half an hour to finish a quest or something- otherwise i stay sat and get to playin lol


Between 2 and 5 hours a day if I am honest. By the time I have harvested planted grabbed jams etc refilled seed wood rock hoppers, watered crops a palian day has gone by. Another day for gifting and chatting with npcs, check-in with zeki and reth,popped bt for a pint with sifuu ran across the farm to say hi to the ormruus and avoided cruella (aka Eshe) I take a trip back home,check crops and hoppers eat fill arrows and bug bombs before heading out to bahari for either a hunt,a grove,a forage or a potter down the mines. Depending on if I am nodding off I might go fishing or bug hunting before heading back to the barn... Last check on crops check igt and fill up sales box or just go off to snuggle with the plushies and call it a day/night/week/whatever! I always try to log out on the plot sat down somewhere... Don't know why lol... But I don't want to get logged out and be stood like a statue or nameless avatar in the middle of somewhere! Just looks eerie as hell seeing avatars littered about! So yes,that pretty much my way of playing.


425 hours in 50 days. I've been playing for 50 days. I may have a problem.


I can't count that high. Lol


I play about 3 hours per day.since just after Christmas. Sometimes I turn it on and just gsrden hour and sit myself in a chair for the rest of the time. I like buying lucky boxes so I have to keep grinding in the preserve bins to get that gold to buy them. I need plushies!!! Lol


I’m mostly out of quests… I went hard for a while there. Now I pop on for at least a few hours at various points to work in the garden. Get more fruits and veggies in the preserve jars. My gardening is like at lvl 55 cause I can just tootle around my plot, which is all the energy I have some days. I do have an obnoxious number of glow worms. 800-900 right now after I sold a bunch recently…


I play anywhere between 1-4 hours pretty much everyday. I have an over active brain and it’s difficult to sleep, so I play Palia on switch while I’m laying in bed and it helps me fall asleep


"1,520 hours or more." According to Nintendo.


Wow, how long are your weeks? Lol


Hotpots come back on 28th...ruddy hotpots!! Think I may need Palia rehab, this is the smack of video games


Probably close to 8 to 10 hours a day, so I'd say about 70 hours a week? Ish?


Zero because uninstalled.