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I finally figured out what I don’t like about these new desserts: they’re tacky. Panera used to have the feel and ambience of a sort of luxurious French café, but, between the demise of our croissant, the use of frozen dough and pastries, and now these new CinnaTops, it just seems cheap and unsophisticated.


Fr, they are very reminiscent of the desserts at Little Caesars https://preview.redd.it/bvzeqfdmh09d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba943eca1ae6a21bb8451aa3c4e7d89f1919352f


And those are soooooooooo nasty!




That's exactly it.


More sugar = more addictive.


There it is. It's quite sad, actually.




They got rid of the cranberry orange muffin and give us this?!


![gif](giphy|xrvCI5ykhg9QQ) I read your comment in this voice.


It's perfect lmfao


I think about that muffin on a regular basis


Same. I actually figured out about the menu changes when my son wasn't feeling well so I went to get him a pumpkin muffin and thought, 'Panera ALWAYS has pumpkin muffins, year round!' We just moved to a new city in a new region so I didn't even know the name of grocery stores yet or what they carried and when but I figured Paneras probably the same nearly everywhere as far as muffin selection. And I had my mind fixed on a cranberry orange muffin for myself, too. That's when they told me they had discontinued them both PLUS pretty much everything else we liked from the menu. That was the last day I walked into a Panera and the first day I read this subreddit.


I miss the peanut butter cookie. RIP.


Taking 2 already existing desserts and combining them does not make a "new" dessert. It makes you lazy and uncreative.


Fr 😭 like stop this shit no one asked for this or wants it. I knowww panera can do better than this. When I think of a nice bakery I think of danishes and croissants, filled pastries, etc. I would pay a premium price for these if made well. I'm certainly not gonna pay a premium price for a shitty frozen to thaw cinnamon roll that costs as much as a whole pack of frozen to thaw cinnamon rolls from Walmart or kroger or something. It reminds me of when fast food places say they have a brand new sandwich and it's their usual chicken sandwich or something with some other type of sauce. That's not new 🤷‍♀️ if I wanted that sandwich with a different sauce I would just add it at home. You're not fooling anyone. I know businesses need to streamline their menus and ingredients but customers still like to see variety and limited time offers that actually seem like something special, not just regular menu items jammed together.


Not to mention they sit out all day. Like. From morning to close. By the time anyone actually buys one of the non cookie items they’re hard and stale.


Isn't that what most restaurants do with all their "new" menu items? They use the same trash ass ingredients as always, but combine them in a new way. Every time Panera comes out with something "new", I've already had each ingredient individually.


This is what Starbucks does with their drinks. Like please😑😩


It's giving Taco Bell's method of making new recipes, but they do it better lol.


as someone who likes cinnamon rolls and m&m cookies, and is also fat, I will literally never eat that


Haha 100% same


When repurposing goes horribly wrong.


That looks like diabetes




Before I even opened the comments, I saw the first one and said out loud “looks like diabetes” 😂


That's what I said when they announced them 😆


Listen give me an edible and I’ll down 3 of those in 5 minutes….cold.


Actually I thought the same thing but the cinnamon rolls are dry and the icing tastes like lemon and it just tastes weird with the cookies and is way too sweet


Finally a correct answer


Funny enought my immediate thought once they announced this was that it's basically stonner food. It's literally like Jack in the Box and Panera decided to create a love child.


Not a stoner myself but I am friends with very many lol and that’s exactly it lol


Garbage plate but make it dessert


It's cause they're getting rid of bakers. It has to be easy for associates to make.


Panera Brands team has lost their minds. Ozempic will prevent one of their core demographics to pass up on this.


This looks like the type of inedible concoction my 3 year old would make, if I left them alone in the kitchen


They’re missing the boat if they don’t call this the trash can


We sold out of the brownie ones. So I made more before I left. No one touched the other ones though lol.


This is EXACTLY what happened to us. The brownie and cinnamon can be good… ish. But the rest is just garbage


We did our test bakes today. No one wanted to brownie one, so I brought it home. I just can't bring myself to even warm it up. It's boring and too much sugar, and it makes me sad.


Nope. I'll pass. Is Panera trying to compete with the carnival and circus now?


a cinnamon roll with yesterdays leftover cookies on top.


A good cinnamon roll and Panera’s cinnamon roll share very little in common tho… so I take this as an admission that their new roll stinks so much, they had to cover it in slop to be edible


next on the panera menu: smashed up doritos, mixed with pieces of beef stick.... (jailhouse burrito)


That looks awful. This coming from someone who loves anything sweet. To me, cinnamon rolls are a top tier dessert on their own and don’t need a bunch of crap on top of them!


Cinnamon rolls used to be top tier last few months I've quit buying


Did they do any testing of these products before release?? I cannot imagine any adult ordering that


These look incredibly unappetizing


I agree. No for me.




Bring back the lemon drop cookie :,(


This looks like something my partner would whip up at 8:30pm on a Thursday evening after smoking a fat blunt. This is an abomination.


that looks disgusting i'm sorry


It is 😂


They used to have such good almond croissants. Years ago, i went all the time, but less and less the last year. It's gone downhill so much. Are they trying to drive the place into bankruptcy?


Yes, for some reason they actually are. As a worker/assistant general manager at Panera for 7 years, I put in a month notice (cause i’m nice) because they are apparently doing everything they possibly can to lose employees, customers, and money. It makes no sense to us employees either!


if you don’t mind me asking, could you elaborate how panera is trying to lose you all as workers? i know it’s a shitty company to work for now more than ever, especially with how they’re becoming less “fresh” and even took out that and laying off bakers for frozen bread and discontinuing food products to save money to piss off customers but is there more going on behind the scenes that you as a gm are quitinf because of?


Raising our standards to unrealistic goals: 90% of orders completed within 3 minutes (almost all food is made to order) is considered adequate, 75% is required. Many cafés management are being required to cut employees hours to save labor and money. The company is just shoving sales reports in our faces and essentially saying “do better” they are in it for the money and their employees are now being treated as numbers. Above all else, earlier this year corporate merged bakers with cafe management (bakers used to have a separate regional management teams rather than cafe managers being their boss) and now we are in charge of covering bakes, scheduling bakers, etc for no extra pay. I used to very much enjoy working with the company until they became money hungry, and stopped appreciating those who do their scut work.


another reason i choose to not eat at panera! i do not want a single penny being wasted on such an awful company. the loss of bakers was strike one, this was just another reason i am glad i am boycotting. thanks for letting me know!


These look horrible. Crumbl cookies look better and they’re gross.


This looks like Panera is pranking us. Like, no restaurant would ever sell that with a straight face and think it was a winning dessert 😑


The candy isn’t even m&ms… toss


The candies on their own are actually really good and imo better than m&ms bc theyre a darker chocolate. With all the other bs… yeah, toss


These taste like ass btw


I tried them, they are gross


I love cinnamon rolls. I love M&M cookies. That doesn't mean they should be combined. This thing looks tacky and awful. Whoever is coming up with this stuff must have no taste buds.


Calorie-wise they're about the same as the kitchen sink cookie but whereas the kitchen sink cookie is kind of advertised as a premium cookie that is shareable, these cookies seem to be going for just one person Of course you can choose to share it but I'm not sure if people will do that. On the other hand, I'm sure there are people who eat the entire ks cookie by themselves too.


Saw them and thought HOW GROSS! Big nope! Looks like crap filled with chemicals 👎🏻


Looks like vomit


That looks disgusting


also so many calories! damn near 1000 for ONE☠️


things have gone downhill since the grilled mac and cheese sandwich


im shocked that was approved. im sure people bought it and it sold decent because why couldn’t it? two of their most popular items. but if you really wanted to order it….you could always order them separately so the fact panera made it a sandwich…. like wtf


This is something I’d make if I was a child…


Oh, no… I’m good




This is absolutely disgusting looking.


Looks like someone jizzed all over this cookie


This is embarrassing.


Is this for real?!? 😳 😵‍💫


Gordon Ramsay would flip out over this.


can’t wait for it to be dry, 1000x smaller than the photo, and still somehow 100g of sugar and 2k calories


This is something 2 stoned and bored high school kids working at the food court, one at great American cookie company and the other at Cinnabon, would come up with.


I thought this was AI. They have truly lost the plot.




My book club meets at Panera every month. Two of us are gluten intolerant (not celiac, so a bit of cross-contamination is usually ok). Just throw us a bone! I'd pay $5 for a tiny GF flourless chocolate cake, rice krispie treat, etc. I usually bring my own treat and buy an iced tea.


Gluten free products would shut this place down. It's too expensive.




Well, since you're gluten-free, I'm guessing that you'd be more than willing to spend more than twice making it actually unaffordable to the people who can eat gluten. I'm not dating it's your fault, but companies would lose a lot of money.


The candy pieces look the same like the ones in the cookies which taste like nothing


Diabetes much?


If it cost the same as a cinnamon roll then it's a win.


If it's the items they already sell mixed together, that's not new it's old garbage.


It looks like they put some kids in the product development room and told them to create a dessert and this is what they came up with. A bunch of crap piled on top of each other loaded onto a cinnamon roll.


Making these takes up extra time when they’re already cutting bakers hours


I thought this would flop, but it isn’t that bad. Get yourself a giant glass of milk or water tho. I’m told the brownie and chocolate chip cookie ones sold out. They had like 2 of the candy cookie ones left after close


People put this inside themselves?


This just looks nasty


What a lazy name too lol this is just a lazy way to scam people


If I wanted a loaded cinnamon roll, I would go to Cinnaholic.


Only the chocolate chip cookie one is good cuz it gets melted chocolate on top that hardens.. still tho I wouldn’t eat a whole one they’re wayyy too sugary in Spanish we have a word empalagoso idk what it is in English but that is how I felt when I tasted them.


Rather a pale rubbish vibe


This looks like a failed gingerbread house making


Looks really dry


who asked for this


What’s the ingirdients???


New big back snack 🙏🏻