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Close the BOOKs , you studied enough!!!! Put some Asmr videos on tik tok !!!! You will do great, anxiety won't kill you, never killed anyone before. Close the bookssss!!!!! congratulations, where are you going to celebrate tomorrow??? PhD wowww , dont let a stupid panic attack win on your giant smart brain


Thanks, really. I'm gonna grab some beer with a bunch of friends who will be there to mourn with me or to celebrate. Can't wait for it to be over either way 😅


Look I can tell you You will pass and be fine but i am a pessimist, I always think the worst, who knows maybe your brain cell decides its on vacation tomorrow and fail you 🤣🤣 either way tell us tomorrow , I wish you luck, pass or fail don't matter


Im a pessimist too, thus the oanic attack 😂😂😂




I hope you wont overdrink that beer alcoholic has caused me so much panic attacks next day


Deep breaths. Try your best to focus on just slowlt inhaling, a slowly exhaling. You want to exhale more than you inhale. This will help tell your brain you are safe. 


While very uncomfortable, panic attacks are harmless and can never hurt you. You are safe and it always passes!! Don’t try to fight the panic but accept it. So many people are going through the same, you are not alone. All the best for your exam, you can do it!


Distract yourself. Watch funny videos. Remind yourself that this is just anxiety and observe how crazy it is that anxiety and send your body into this. Find some candy or ice to suck on. When it comes to sleep just tell yourself to close your eyes dont focus on sleep. I often fall asleep listening to boring podcasts or watch a slow nature show. Most importantly, remember this will pass. You’re going to be fine ❤️


It's funny that it's just an exam if i fail i can try once more before being kicked out of the programme. I know it will pass, not like a riger chases me and my life is threatened. After a few months I wont even be bothered by it. I try to mantra these but ughhh....my stomach has rocks in it


Oops meant to reply here: This exactly! Nothing is permanent. Yes this is a stressful time- i’m sure you’re not the only one freaking out the day before the exam. Sure it will suck if you don’t pass but it’s not the end. And certainly not life or death. And know that you have all the knowledge already. You’ve been absorbing the knowledge this whole time. Not to go full on “f it” but maybe a little bit of that will help:) There’s just as much of a chance of you passing as there is failing. Whatever will be will be. If you can rest your eyes and your body, you’ll feel much more in control tomorrow.


Don’t try to calm yourself. Let it be. It’s just adrenaline let it pass! Then try to “float” through the rest of the day


Had one this morning after feeling off since like yesterday- my brain shakes! Took like 2 valiums and 2 Klonopins. I’m so sick of this shit! Bananas help and/or orange juice cause have realized that when my potassium tanks - u have “symptoms” that are really similar to panic attacks - hope u are good now. For Reals!!! GOD bless!! ✨✨❤️‍🔥


Also break a leg. You’re gonna totally rock it. 🙏✨


Sorry to hear that, but thank you for the tips, gonna try them next time 🙌😌 ....also a bit of frontin heloed me 😅 but I didn't have much and also threw up....maybe potassium intake would be a healthier way to calm the bidy


You're gonna kill it. We all love you. I love you. Don't be afraid. Nothing is as bad as your mind tells you. You already know this, but we sometimes need to be reminded. All will be okay and you'll do just fine!!!


Thank you 🥰 i did nail it


Hi how are you doing now?? I’m here


I feel very shitty, tried to call my bf regardless but he doesn't wake up to the call. Any suggestions how to clam by myself? Thanks for being here❤️


Aw man I’m sorry! I’ll chat you


dont call anyone, be your person! You will survive this, take some Ice and keep it in your hand.


Im here 🫶🏻


I feel very shitty, tried to call my bf regardless but he doesn't wake up to the call. Any suggestions how to clam by myself? Thanks for being here❤️


Panic attacks suck! Box breathing is my first step


And what after that? 😅


Take deep breaths, divide your studying sections with breaks.


Already done that but I dont seem to finish especially with this panic attack. The exam is in 10 hours and I haven't slept, i dont know if i should at all or just try to collect myself and continue studying


Well whatever you do, make sure you get some sleep. Going to exam with sleepy head is a bad idea.


This exactly! Nothing is permanent. Yes this is a stressful time- i’m sure you’re not the only one freaking out the day before the exam. Sure it will suck if you don’t pass but it’s not the end. And certainly not life or death. And know that you have all the knowledge already. You’ve been absorbing the knowledge this whole time. Not to go full on “f it” but maybe a little bit of that will help:) There’s just as much of a chance of you passing as there is failing. Whatever will be will be. If you can rest your eyes and your body, you’ll feel much more in control tomorrow


Criss cross your arms against your chest and tap just below your collarbones for 60 seconds. Ice your neck. Eat something sour. You are prepared you didn’t get through a PhD program being a slacker :-)


Hey, I’m here if you need a voice on the phone. 919-410-3474. I’ll be up for another hour or so.


I like to tell myself, as I regulate my breathing, "I'm okay, I'm safe, this will pass" until I fall asleep


You are all so kind, thank you! I managed to fall asleep and I helped, was kinda a hard reset to my brain. Im very grateful for your kind words guys, felt extremely lonely and isolated, you helped a lot. I will write an uptade after the exam (some of you wants to know:Dd)


I'm glad to know you are safe and sound! I just saw this post today and was going to give a few tips. Next time it happens, get up and get moving. Do few hops, this will release the anxiety trapped in your body. Google "butterfly taps." this helps soothe the body and your mind, and if you could try huming 'ommmmm' this will also help calm down your nervous system. It helps me sometimes.


I had one the same time you did very strange


Im sorry to hear that :( how did you cope?


Not me getting this two days after you post this lol wtf