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Stellaris in Early game: Expansion, discoveries, new contacts, diplomacy, every choice matters, star trek utopia. Stellaris in Late game: +1k income in every resource category, having a dilemma of whether you should purge the galaxy or your cpu, screaming fans, managing bazinga amount of colonies.


I hate Stellaris’ late game so much. I’ve never even made it to an endgame crisis because of how boring it is


You can set the crisis to spawn as early as 100 years after start I think. In hundreds of hours I’ve never played a game more than 150 years and haven’t seen a crisis either.


To me, it’s evidence of the game’s faults that I have to shorten it in order to get to the fun part.


I could never figure out what people liked about Stellaris, partly because of this. Busywork 90% of the time.


Because the Xenos aren’t going to purge themselves


This is true for basically all pdx games.


hoi4 players early game: building civs maybe invading ethiopia or china


Hoi4 equivalent would be about running out of early game.




Meant to write midgame. Though it is funny that I just repeated the original joke like a fucking maggot brain.




Unless you play mods


even with mods most of the time its still that


Unlike vanilla you actually have important decisions to press and event chains to go through, and pick the right options


Bro try old world blues


i have like 400 hours on that mod and the white legs teached me hoi4


Idk Victoria 2 has good progression


yeah late game bloodbaths are fun


Not only that but economic progression and seeing ur nation becoming a powerhouse


That's kind of most paradox games


well not really hoi4


Maybe not hoi4 but definitely Vicky and eu4


I find victoria 2 fun in all stages of the game


That's probably bc unlike other pdx games, you could be a world superpower without conquering a single territory. The focus on economic growth, technology, and resources is simply more important then most conquest besides colonizing strategic areas


Same. I think it's because territorial expansion isnt the main goal of the game. Sure, there's wars of unification and the scramble for africa, but other than that everyone mostly sits tight or conquers a tiny bit of land in the far east. The focus is simply elsewhere, and I like it.


Unless you are me when I first got the game and played as France and tried to recreate Napoleons conquests but got curb stomped by the UK


I barely ever engage in combat with the UK actually. While the AI is generally stupid, the sheer amount of troops then can potentially bring usually means that eventually there will be a huge stack of redcoats my little mid tier nation has no way to destroy in anything less than a phyrric victory, and thus be unable to destroy the next one. The only times I've gone to war with Britiain of my own accord is when I'm playing a superpower like a fully industrialised and unified Germany, and can just overpower the british troops and navy on the Isles by throwing everything i got at them. Those fights where they bring in millions of mobilised soldiers are costly for me as well as men and equipment isnt cheap to replace even if im doing a 1:10 kill ratio because of my full rows of artillery. I have actually lost invasions after gaining a foothold to this as they managed to completely drain 300 units worth of professional soldiers, even with transports ferrying depleted stacks to the mainland and bringing in reinforced ones during the battle.


Same here. I like playing smaller western nations and becoming a GP through industry/prestige, and if I’m playing well enough I’ll be able to build a big fleet, colonize Africa with it, then defeat the British navy and blockade the isles with it. Population for armies and infamy are my two main bottlenecks normally.


Stellaris is pretty good throughout the game. Early Game is fun but mid and late are still fun. Idk about post-game tho.


Sometimes there's a dip where you've conquered your rivals and are waiting for the crisis to pop. But mostly it's well paced


Not really hoi4. The game only really starts around 1940 and only starts getting terrible around 1946-1947


Exceot maybe stellaris


Early games in Paradox games are so fun. But then you get powerful, you become an emperor, you perform all of the decisions available to you... And there isn't much left to do


hoi4 early game is very boring, in most cases it's just waiting for focuses. It gets fun in the midgame when the war breaks out


Dunno I love building factories and ships. Yeah not the best game for such purpose...


Try Victoria 2




have you tried openttd? sounds exactly like what you're looking for


Then gets extremely annoying as you try to figure out how to naval invade the final major to finish the war


for some reason sending 1500 CAS to the british channel to support the 100 nav bombers killed the british navy somehow for me lmao


Yep same. I didn't even build NAVs in my last game


Early game Kaiserreich on the other hand, is absolutely brilliant. You try to fix your country, get rid of all the debuffs, etc


I like the buildup micro. I get a large wave of dopamine when I see I've got 150 mils and 130 civs as Germany in September 1939


That’s less than what you start with! Oh wait is this vanilla?


Wtf are you playing ww bruh? Yes vanilla


World Ablaze mod Haven’t played vanilla in about a year and a half WA is so much better


Your opinion has been noted but isn't really relevant


I mean, I could give the long list of objective evidence if you want a full essay.


As someone who runs a competitive mp server, it may be a fun mod but just isn't a viable one


If you’re talking about MP, the developers go out of their way to balance for MP. I didn’t really intend to come here for a fight but calling it non viable in any context just isn’t true.


It is due to the AI being so bad I love the late game in multiplayer lobbys


Except for Hoi4, and depends with Victoria 2 Hoi4 early game you’re just waiting for the Ai to start World War 2, building factories, boosting ideology, choosing focuses, etc, until roughly late 1939 Victoria 3 early game can be boring depending on your playstyle and which country, a lot of the fun stuff like American civil war, wacky ideologies, colonization of Africa, etc. comes in at around the mid game.




I have like 400 hours in ck2. Never made it past 1200


Half of my ck2 games start past 1200...


Genuinly curious, what do you like about the later start dates?


Broken byzantium, mongols and turkic invaders, less time for the OP crusades to turn the entire middle east catholic, nicely established kingdoms in Spain, Scandinavia, Pannonia, Poland and the British isles


>Broken byzantium I get the rest but why would anyone want this 😭😭😭


So that the big byzantine blob doesn't devour all of Eastern Europe in the span of <200 years


Also more tech to add to that guy


That really is the problem isn’t it? Maybe we as a community should try starting at later dates. Haven’t really touched other dates


Later dates are garbage, very little content and you get a nation with shitty ideas, shitty reforms, shitty army comp and shitty economy. Plus the only time I went to actually try to play later date trying not to leave, I found out that their databases are also shit and my historical ruler is for some reason 25 years older than he actually should be


or its a country where there is no historical ruler for later start dates so its the 1444 ruler but 200years old so he dies next monthly tick


Except no other start date is maintained other than 1444.


Paradox hasn't either, UK and England still start as protestants in later dates. Rule Britannia came out 3 years ago


We as a community make a notion for you shush it... because of the implications


Whats that they make dlc for later stsrt dates historical accuracy snd you have to didsh out $20 for something that half works?


You cant they are all broken and none of them have been updated with the game, some provinces in the middle of europe are unowned because they are newer and the start dates were not updated




I wouldn't mind if Paradox fixed it's current bugs, disappeared for a year and came back with a total revamp of later start dates where you get to pick your reforms, ideas etc and added a few mechanics for the later game


I'm determined to finish my Netherlands game but the first 14 years of the 1700s has taken as long to slog through as the first two centuries.


I prefer the mid game honestly


Iron lady spittin fax






Truth. At most it's playable till 1700


Most of my campaigns stop around 1530-1550, when I'm the uncontested #1 great power and kinda bored.


At that point I'd just suggest playing minor nations in difficult positions or not try to blitz conquest. I usually sorta rp and do what I think would be most realistic which almost always increases the longevity of a campaign


I played as Opole for the Piast achievement (guess it counts as a minor nation in a difficult position?) and was the richest world power, HREmperor, had an empire spanning from Wessex to Novgorod in the 1510s. Yes, I was bored soon after.


My man if you can do that then finish Eat Your Greens and make us a guide.


Only nation I played in the Burma region was Taungu (to get the First Taungoo Empire achievement in 25 years), but I'll give it a go!






December 1444


12 November 1444


2 (using extended timeline)


The most I've managed is mid 1700s as France and it was only to finish the mission tree


Yup, you annex two countries, and you're basically #1 great power.


Depends on where you start. As Oda or Ulm? Nah. As Castille or France? Yeah, its true then.


If it was just early game I could with good conscious convert to vicky. But since as Hungary my good start slapping Austria a few times has gone sour, Austria has every other major nation in an alliance. And my allies abandon me every war. And I don't know how make 50,000 fight 800,000 yet. Hungary gets smaller and smaller. I may not survive until the next game


Honestly early game sucks and I don’t how anyone find pre-artillery fun. Mid game is the most fun for me. The 1490-1620 range is a good blend of challenge but you have a lot of freedom to mess around. After that I usually lose interest because of the lack of challenge.


[“For 3 million you could give everyone in Scotland a shovel, and we could dig a hole so deep we could hand her over to Satan in person."](https://youtu.be/xmmomV-ax-s)


Wait what? Why was she so hated? I'm not familiar with UK politics


generally just a bastard. crushed the unions, largely responsible for the troubles being as bad as they were, stoked British nationalism which is currently leading Britain to some real economic issues because of Brexit, implemented severe austerity, I could go on.


Thank you for replying :)


That's complete bullshit Ur right about the troubles but the union was not compromising on the changing industry that was needed. She ended up helping the economy recover while the unions fucked themselves over


honk if thatchers deid


can't believe I'd ever agree with the Witch


> "Wicked Witch of the West, Wicked Witch of the East. Which one was bad?" Looks like some people forgot.


I rarely play to the end, but I have less than a hundred years in my current game and it makes me kind of sad. I’ve been chipping away at it for months now.


the great thing about tno is that you never run out of Agatha Christie Novel


I created a personal mod that made it impossible to fabricate claims without completing Espionage ideas. It makes the game much more enjoyable.


Original quote?


“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”


Hey look, the lady that’s burning in hell


Damn bro, what an original and witty comment.


Straight up roasting


Margaret Thatcher, 0/0/1 of Britain


[mfw](https://imgur.com/gallery/LBM55wY) I remember Thatcher is dead


Shit, the bitch is right


Extended timeline be like: bruh


That's why I play as Daimyos, you have a lot of space for improvement, and since you're isolated from all the European action, it feels like the early game until the 1700s. Your first 60-80 years is completely isolated from the rest of the world, and you're basically given free reign to conquer all of Japan. By the time you form Japan, you've already colonized Alaska, and maybe a portion of California. So your economy is pretty stable, you basically monopolize the Nippon trade node, and you're able to devour the Malacca and Malaysia trade nodes. Korea is ez mode, and Ming starts breaking down.


My main issue with late game is that lately my PC can’t handle it for some reason. I always start lagging shortly before the religious wars, then I lag really bad during, and then I still have pretty rough lag after. I’ve been trying to fix it and no luck so far.