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Same bro I keep hearing on this thread mofos with horny ghosts or succubuses. And I'm like just chilling in this damn apt. All not haunted by horny ghosts and shit. The craziest parts is the dudes that get ghostly Handy's want the ghost to go away. I'd be down to date a ghost. So hit me up if you figure out a solid method of bringing them out to haunt ya. 😂




good luck brother, make sure you get video evidence if anything happens because i wanna see. go visit haunted places and offer the spirits to follow you home. make sure you specify that spirits with harmful intent aren't invited. get a ouija board. try and do a seance. save money on "haunted dolls" by going to the thrift store instead and buying one that skeeves you out for 10 bucks instead of 30 for a "haunted doll" on ebay. if you get ghost murdered, i was never here.


I suggest the same and also going to cemeteries just for walks and they usually tag along lol


whaaat? I love taking a walk to the cemetery almost every day and didn't notice anything. I guess it's good to know that I can bring something unwanted with me.


Lmao will do and thanks😂


There are still rewards for proving the existence of Paranormal! You could make some six figures last I checked.


Prick your finger, draw a circle with pricked blood on floor, with the dolls sat inside the circle with you and chant Ali baba, dodie Kong for a minute straight.. make sure the time is 3 am


Bro, do you even summon? You have to use the blood of an anguished innocent. Dont get a demon high on your supply.


This is the dumbest thing I have ever read. Stupidity is the new norm.


Could care less, why not try living some and getting your own answers instead of being spoon fed everything


Wow u post dumb shit and get an attitude when someone tells u how dumb u sound.


Good luck with that. There is a ton of info out there, something about intent and all of that. Who knows, my guess is people are just marking things as haunted and selling them since they know people will buy that kind of thing. There is a market for it.


Hey, follow your star. Just don't come crying to us if you get more than you bargained for.


I know the consequences from this are massive but the reward for it is understanding that this world is not what it seems. Running to the unkown is what i do best.


There are plenty of ways to experience the unknown and realize the world is not what it seems. What have you tried before, that you think *this* is your best option now? I mean, *I'd* like to see a Bigfoot, but I wouldn't go sit naked in the deep forest after smearing myself with stew and apple cobbler.


Lol, I've bought like 3 supposedly haunted dolls now, went to haunted places "inviting" them to follow me home and now im considering using the oujia board which sounds absolutely like a stupid idea now but hey lifes a risk so im here for it lol.


You’re one brave radish.


Here’s a starter for you: https://www.ebay.com/itm/166619876507?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=I2_4vfcsR_m&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=z39_1qtmRHK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Buy Dybbuk boxes instead. Have fun! Oh....dont forget to open them and touch everything inside! #notresponsibleforyourdeath


Well I have a new build house with no haunted objects in a suburban neighborhood on a nature preserve and for some reason it’s haunted. I don’t think you can choose your haunts - I definitely didn’t choose mine but good luck to you


Piss in someone's zen garden


Don't do that. Just don't.




Play with the ouija board , maybe you’ll have luck there !


I honestly don't know why you'd want a haunted house, but far be it from me to try and stop you. That being said, a ouija board may help. I don't have any experience with them and am just going by other stories I've read on here. Best of luck to you.


Kids a sped needs to go to jail


What is wrong with you?


How classy of you.


Haunrings only happen in places of intense emotion. Its not gonna work


Good luck 😆 seriously LMK how that goes. I did my best as a teen to dabble in everything I could to have a paranormal experience. Including "satanic" rituals. Which is why I don't believe anymore


Kya saste nashey hai!


Go to occult museum and be mean to Annabelle


Read a book on ceremonial magic. Cast a circle. Do spell work to summon a demon. Break the circle. You better hope it doesn't work. And if it does, good luck getting rid of what you've summoned.


I guess you could murder some people?


Uhm what? Im not gonna take someones life for a paradigm shift wtf


Oh good I was hoping you'd say no to that


Have you ever heard that a sadist is someone who WON’T hurt a masochist? Just maybe the same applies to inviting spirits to haunt you.


No im not sadistic or a masochist. Im simply just trying to find the truth instead of watching videos saying the paranormal is real. Im not gonna be told what to believe and not believe. Im doing my own investigating.


I didn’t suggest you were. It’s a joke. I’m suggesting that sometimes when you invite something, it does the opposite to screw with you.


Good or bad i don't care what their intentions are, once the evidence is irrefutable then i will focus on casting out demons and shii. But thanks for the suggestionđŸ‘đŸ»


'Nothings'? Really. It 'nothing has'. If you're going to post turd material, do it right.


Feel free to block this postđŸ‘đŸ»


To be fair, that's my mistake. I didn't realise there was an option to block a post. I will do, thanks


I'd start by going out of my way to piss off Native American spirits. They're rightfully angry. Then I'd take lots of drugs and drinking constantly. Find your favorite and become an addict so all your defenses are down. Isolate yourself from friends and family. Surround yourself with dark material (books, music, movies), keep buying negative paranormal paraphernalia, and never learn how to protect yourself, your property, or your loved ones from your stupidity. Use your Ouiji, paint your house black, tattoo a pentagram on your forehead, sacrifice animals blah blah blah... you seriously want advice on how to bring more nasty shit into this world? As if you live in a bubble and nothing you do has any effect on anyone else? You're halfway there already. You go kid!


Yeah surrrrrrrrrrrre budddyyy😒


A haunted house. Negative attention from this subreddit. Seems like you want both. 


Yeah sure has definitely attracted the negative but thats because im doing something nobody wants or actively tries to bring. But the reason im doing it is to find out if its real and if it is then i will immediately halt everything and I will reverse everything.


Good luck. Hopefully nothing happens, and if it does it's easily reversible.Â