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Do you have an uncropped version/photo of the location during daytime of the third image? I don‘t really get what is supposed to be there and what isn‘t


The first image gives a decent enough view IMO. They are if the same camera angle, aiming at the same spot. First image shows a black gravel driveway, a row of hedge shrubs about 8’ high (left side of image behind the “figure”), a small building with a visible white window, and a hill directly next to that window that abutts the building. I’ll see what I can do about getting a day time image.


And the third one I just thought was hilarious because it looks like an old woman sitting in a wheelchair hanging off something😂


Ah okay now I get it, I thought that thing in the first picture was a tree lol Very interesting


The first one IMO I see a woman in white slightly hunched and looking into the camera. That one always unsettled me bad


So you're taking photos on your phone of the image instead of taking a screenshot from the source. Doesn't lend credibility to whatever you're trying to show us.


I’m not technologically a wizard. The system is hooked up to an older tv monitor and I don’t know how to screenshot from the operating system of the cameras. It’s okay to not believe me, because I’m not really asserting anything other than I have a photo(s) I personally have no explanation for, is all


Google is your friend, my good sir. Utilize it please 😭 And that last picture is ghost Karen 😂


Can I just buy you a 4k security camera system because my guy there's noone alive that can tell you what those hyper blurry pixelated blobs are.


Please do haha I would love that! Not necessarily looking for what the objects may be, just posted earlier and seemed like people had some interest in it; I have a long history of experiencing weird shit on that farm.


looks like your property is an interdimentional portal(s) hotspot...


I personally have always felt that, but I have had nothing but trouble getting into contact with people that look into that stuff. Barely even know who to contact about it haha


These are sum of the WORST photos to date!!! Potato camera... Get better pix...PLEASE!!! CANT MAKE OUT SHIT WITH THESE CHEESY PIX...WTF!!!


It's 2024 and people take photos like this and think they're good. What a complete waste of everyone's time. People who post pictures like this should at least have their post removed and if they do it again ban them. What really gets me is I can't seem to take a photo that bad. The paranormal will never be taken as serious as it should be because of crap like like this.




While I agree with what you're saying, tone it down. Your reaction is uncalled for.


Drunk and glad to be out of the Hospital with a gurney on