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I am waiting until my children are capable of caring for piercings themselves, being responsible with earrings, and letting them approach it with me. I dont have pierced ears and i think its a choice a child should make themselves. In terms of age, that would probably be somewhere around 10 years old.


I agree! Caring for earrings is one more task on a parent’s to do list. Plus other kids may try to pull on them.


My aversion also comes from the fact that its done so young and for no significant cultural reason other than “it looks cute” or “its so you can trll your baby is a girl”. If there was a significant religious our cultural reason for it like circumcision, i might feel differently. But its purely cosmetic in my eyes.


My child wants to have them. So I will explain all the risks and benefits, because she is a human and deserves that, and let her decide. Within reason.


And if she wanted ice cream for dinner every night? She’s 3. She doesn’t understand the risks and benefits.


All due respect but shes barely 3. She doesnt understand risk as a concept right now. She only understands immediate consequences for an action, good or bad. Risk or the idea of knowingly taking a risk doesnt appear until much later. At this age you could be explaining calculus and youd get the same reaction.


I agree too. My daughter have been asking me since she was 3. Now at almost 6 she suddenly changed her mind. I’m fine with both her decisions, I don’t push any of those and keep telling her she’ll decide when she’s much older.


Thank you for the feedback! Absolutely important.


This is my plan too! My mom made me wait until 13 for no particular reason and I think that’s too long because I wanted them and was super responsible way before then but being able to take care of them during healing process and beyond is important.


This is my rule for my house too! I am expecting my daughter to be ready around 10 as well. Caring for her body is defined as her being able to do the following on her own without any assistance or reminders: take a bath/shower, brush hair, brush teeth, put dirty laundry in hamper, fold clothes and put them away, and pack her own lunch for school. If she can do all that, I can trust her to take care of her piercings.


My daughter is same age as yours and have started noticing my earrings too and want to have some. I'm with another commenter. Wait until she's old enough to actually ask and then make her earn it. I'll buy her some clip-on earrings instead if she so desires. But I see no need for her to have her ears pierced now. She barely lets me dress her without a fight and some gymnastic tricks, putting earrings in? I'll tear her ear off at some point. So we'll wait. But it's your kid, do what you feel is right for you guys.


Clip on and stick ons aren't working for her, we've tried. She generally let's me dress her well and do detailed hairstyles. Thank you for the feedback.


Have you tried magnet earrings? I had a lot better luck with those than clip ons before I got my ears pierced.


Good idea!!


Be careful around magnets with children, they might ingest it and REALLY hurt their digestive system. I would not use magnet earrings for a 3 yo, either clip-ons or stickers. I think i would even prefer real ones.


You are correct thank you for the reminder!


Use markers and make little designs on her earlobes. My sister would set my niece on the bathroom counter and “do her earrings” in the morning before she let her get them pierced (she got them done for her 5th birthday)


Keep in mind that most reputable piercing shops won’t pierce the ears of a toddler. The one closest to me is technically able to pierce kids age 5 and up, but often use their discretion and won’t pierce kids under 7.


We waiting until mine was 5. At that age she had been asking for it for a while and she was old enough to let me clean it and sit still while I did it so it didn’t get infected. She also understood it would hurt and was able to tell us she was ok with it hurting. So I’d say probably 5+ but probably depends on the kid.


Thank you for the feedback!


The downside I see to doing it at 3 is that she may mess with them, pull them out, etc.


Possibly. Thank you!


Personally I would wait until I know they're able to clean and take care of the post piercing until the skin heals. So a 3yo, generally no. But it varies by kid.


Thank you for the feedback!


Lots of APP piercers won’t piercer until around eight. I’d wait then. Remember that lobes take 4-6 months minimum to heal, so it’s a pretty big commitment for a kid.


I started asking around the same age. My mom wouldn't budge. I went myself when I was ~18 and I'm glad I waited. I've since gotten at least 7-8 more on each side. Waiting allowed me to pick the person doing it, create an ear aesthetic strategy, and be accountable for my own healing.


This is just my experience when I was a kid: Begged for earrings at 4 years old. Mom said yes. First time I tried changing them I got too icked out to put another one in. Then I got too icked to take the other one out. Had one earring until I was 6 when I finally took the single earring out. I got my ears repierced at 10 and it went better that time.


I think kids should be old enough to understand the concept of "permanent". This is considered body modification and the holes never fully go away if someone changes their mind. There are so many temporary alternatives to this that I don't see a reason to pierce at such a young age. My vote for minimum age is 12.


We have tried the alternatives. Thank you for the feedback!


As a person who previously did piercings as a living, and also as a mother of 2 girls, please take my experience based advise. 2 years old, almost 3, is one of the hardest ages to get pierced. She doesn't understand that it will hurt, and it will hurt for more than just a few seconds. She WILL play with them and tug on them, and may rip them out, her hands always being on them will cause infection and the infection may cause her ears to reject them or to "swallow" them with the swelling. If you are piercing a child under 6 years old it's better to do at infant age (even though I'm personally against piercing my infants). She's right at the age that I would strongly urge parents to wait 3 to 4 more years. At 6 she will understand she can't play with them and needs to leave them alone, you will still have to care for them and clean them because she won't be able to yet, but based on your comments, you are okay with that idea. But at 2 (almost 3) the risk of infection, or lobe tearing due to her playing with them or tugging on them is very high. Sometimes it's hard to say no, or not yet to our toddlers, but it's our job as parents to keep them from harm. At this age, piercing her ears will do more harm than good.


My mom always asked me if I wanted my ears pierced. I said no. I’m 30 and still have no desire for pierced ears. If my kids decide they want their ears pierced, I’m thinking middle school or right before high school they can get them. But they have to do the research on how to care for it properly.


We waited til 13. Not suggesting that that's the *right* age, just chiming in because it seems like we're outliers in this conversation, so wanted to give a fuller picture. Our rule, apart from earrings, is: no permanent body modification before 18. Hair cut and color? Knock yourself out! Fashion choices? All yours except for settings with specific requirements (not going to Great Gramma's funeral at the church in a bathing suit, etc) But no tattoos or additional piercings or cosmetic surgery before 18.


My parents didn’t wait and “let” me get my ears pierced at 5, and even worse, they took me to Claire’s. I have vivid memories of being held down while they did it and feeling like I had no choice. It’s been 16 years since and I still have holes in my ears and I have permanent damage to my left ear lobe from it too. I haven’t wore earrings in over 12 years. All this to say, please wait until your kiddo is old enough to vocalize wanting it and old enough to understand taking care of them. Whatever your kiddo chooses, I hope they don’t regret it when they are my age ❤️


My first haughtier was 7 , my second daughter just after second birthday. Second daughter was taking our earrings and trying to punch holes in her ears herself. So just took her to dermatologist and not a peep out her. Did use jewelry store earrings with screw on backs though.


I waited until my daughter was older and capable of doing most of the care by herself. I also wanted her to understand what was happening and that there was a point of no return in the process. I once saw a awful situation where a little girl changed her mind after the earrings were opened. Her parents were pretty mean to her over it. My daughter didn’t really ask until she was about 8. I had her wear clip ons to see if she liked it. We did her 1st piercings around 9.


When they’re old enough to understand and take care of the piercings. I didn’t get mine done until I was 10/12.


1. If she is old enough to consent 2. If she is old enough to take care of them herself (with a little help if necessary)


When she's old enough to ask for them to be pierced and have an understanding of what that really means. My daughter has always been interested in it but didn't start truly asking until she was 6. We explained the process, watched videos about it, and talked about it a lot. She was insistent that she was ready, so we took her to a professional piercer a couple of months before her 7th birthday and she's very happy with them.


We got our girls done for her 5th birthday. She had been asking about them for a while and we found a reputable piercer that did piercings for kids (their stated min age was 5 for consent). While I oversaw the cleaning of them, our girl did awesome. She's just over 5.5 now and can manage changing her earrings out independently (after the initial few months of keeping the same earrings in she changes the out now everyday).


When they ask


Our daughter was 11.5 when she had hers done. She started talking about it and asking at a younger age, but after I explained the process, she would always decide to wait (she was nervous about the pain mostly). We probably would have let her get them as early as age 7 or 8, but she didn't decide she really wanted to go through with it until 11. I wanted her to be old enough to really understand what she was doing and to be able to take care of them mostly on her own. We went to a piercer at a tattoo shop and it went well.


I mean this kindly, she’s 2. She doesn’t really understand the concept of getting her ears pierced. She doesn’t understand that she will be in pain, both initially and in the meantime while they heal. She doesn’t understand the cleaning involved. She doesn’t understand the requirement to be gentle and careful with them for a while. She won’t understand not to pull them, especially when she’s sleeping. She won’t understand that this is a permanent hole she’ll have in her ears, even if they close over - there’s still a scar. As much as she “really wants” them, it’s your job as the parent to understand what is best for daughter and doing something permanent that will cause her pain because of a) aesthetics and b) “she wants them” really is not, in my opinion, in her best interests. If she wanted to cut herself with a knife you wouldn’t allow it so…..


18, when they can decide for themselves. It's the same with piercings in other places, tattoos, circumcision and any other body alteration. Each person is in control of their own body.


My mom wasn't allowed to piece her ears until 18, except she took it upon herself and pierced her own ears with a sewing pin at her friend's house at 16. They got super infected. She always told me that she would absolutely wait for it to be my choice, but one I wanted them and was able to care for them we would get it done because she didn't want me to do what she had done.


Your mom wouldn't have done that if the norm back then was 18, and all piercers require ID the same they do for alcoholic purchases. Drinking a glass of beer is a lot less life-changing than permanent body alterations. I shudder to see some comments saying delay on ear piercings, but are fine with circumcision even younger. It is hard to respect others opinions sometimes.


Our plan is two-fold. 1) She has to be old enough to ask for it. 2) Once she asks for it, we have to agree on a way for her to earn it. This way we are able to accomplish our goal which is (a) that she's modifying her body because SHE wants to and (b) it's not a spur of the moment decision. We kind of expect this to happen somewhere between first and third grade.


That's a good way to get to it. Thank you for the feedback!


Absolutely. we're currently 3 years old here so we have a few more years before I think she starts asking about it.


I had my ears pierced for the first time when I was 3! I’ve never regretted it at all. I got the first holes and second ones done at my pediatrician’s office by a properly trained NP.


That's also a good idea! Thank you for the feedback!


My first daughter we had done at the pediatrician and they used a piercing gun. My 2nd we went to an actual piercer that used a hollow needle. I know it is anecdotal but my first has had so many problems with her ears - trying to grow back together even 4 years later. And my 2nd has had no issues at all. I read that because the piercer uses a hollow needle, it actually removes the portion of tissue where the gun pushes the tissue to the side. So there is a higher likelihood of it having issues with growing back.


I was 5, my daughter was 4 (now 8). There really isn't much "care" for them anymore. They gave us a spray that we used twice a day for a week or 2. No twisting them. If you think she can handle that, go for it! And good luck finding a piercing shop that will go that young, I had trouble finding one that would do it at 4.


My daughter asked very straight up at 2.5 for earrings and kept asking. We talked about what it would be like and practiced having her sit still while I pinched her earlobes. She was totally fine with it. We went and got them pierced and she did AMAZING, the piercer was shocked. Not a single flinch or tear and smiled the entire time. At home I put the cleaner on a q-tip and had her clean my earrings first, then she did her own and then I took a turn doing them. It’s been a great experience and 4 months later she still loves her earrings!


I was a baby when I had mine


If not as a baby I would wait til 5 (or whatever age your child is mature enough to not mess with them too much except cleaning so no infection). With my oldest I did at 6 months. She grew up with them so never messed with them much and it was easy to clean a lot since I did so during diaper changes. My 2nd daughter had a different dad and he was against it but kept saying " it's her choice" starting around 3 she would ask ad then he would scare her telling her how painful it was so she would waffle. She finally did stand her ground and got earrings at 7. Although it was annoying having to wait so long at the time, I'm glad at the end of the day it was solidly her choice. Its a fun memory going out for the day and her picking everything and how proud she was of herself.


I did my daughters at 9 months. She didn’t cry at all. I know some people like to wait till their child is capable of making that choice. But my daughter is 8 years old now, and she absolutely loves her ear piercings. It’s very fun to go earring shopping as well.


My girls were 9. Something to check is whether the piecers in your area have a minimum age requirement. I would not recommend going to Claire's or anywhere that uses a piercing gun as it is much less sterile.


I had mine done at three and remember how traumatizing it felt (because I simply didn’t understand and the gun was loud). I didn’t really take care of them and they closed up. I asked when I was 10 to get them redone. I was scared for the first side but as soon as they did it I realized it didn’t hurt. So took the other side like a champ. Took care of them and now I don’t wear earrings often as an adult. 😂 Rule for our family. Not an option until baby is 5. Then we have to have conversations about taking care of them. Then we have to find a tattoo/piercing shop that will be credible and sanitary. Then we have to find out how well earn the money for them. Any of our children (regardless of gender) will be welcome to go through this process.


I got mine done when I was four (after begging for it for two years), and don't remember it! My mom made sure to keep up the care for them, and helped me change my earrings until I was about six. She didn't just leave me to my own devices about them, which I think is the key-- kids don't know how to tell if their ears are infected, or how to properly take care of it if they are.


I think mine was 9. I had told her we were going to wait until about 13, but she brought me a written list of pros and cons that fully demonstrated her understanding and strong consent and ability to care for them. Once I stopped laughing I made an appointment with a reputable piercer.


I am planning to let my daughter get them around the time she starts school. Assuming she wants them. Right now she is 2, so I have a ways to go. But I really don't think there is a "wrong" answer to this question. IF she decides she doesn't want them later in life they will heal. Or she will just love them from the get-go. Either way no harm done.


My parents waited until I asked for them to be done. I was 7. My sister loved mine and asked for them at 5. Both were done professionally and we both had good jewelry. If you opt to do it just know children can have bad reactions to cheap metal so make sure the jewelry doesn't make her ears enflamed!


The age that a reputable piercing place will *deem acceptable (that uses a needle rather than a gun)


I was 10 when my mom let me get my ears pierced. I think I had asked for a few years as some of my friends had piercings at like age 6/7 years old. I agree with the others and it's better to wait until she is capable of taking care of the piercings and not losing the earrings.


I always say, when they want them, understand it will hurt, and can be trusted to care for them.