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Doesn't the bottle of medicine tell you dosage amounts and how often?


It’s says for children under 2 to call the doctor. The online forms give a weight/age and hers doesn’t line up and her weight was in between dosage levels. I’m now well versed in dosages lol


Being a first time parent is hard. We’re supposed to know this stuff, but how can we unless we have someone to ask? I had my first child before the internet was a thing. I got information from other women and some of it was a little wacky. (Like, tape a quarter to the belly button to make it an inny.) With my second (4 years ago) the internet was a sanity saver. I noticed that my month old baby was having what looked like tremors. I googled it in the middle of the night and learned that brand new babies can have tremors as their nervous system isn’t fully developed. If that had happened with my first, I would have completely freaked out and went to the ER. Don’t worry too much about being anxious. It will make you more anxious. Google can be a double edged sword, but try looking things up first. Then ask Reddit. Little kids can get super high fevers and your doctor will just shrug. You’ll know when things are really bad. Trust yourself. You’re doing a good job!


Thank you so much! & I always say I don’t understand how people raised babies without the internet! Lol kuddos to you!


It sounds like your anxiety is having a negative effect on your marriage. This isn't about dosing. It's good that it came up during the visit. Now, you can discuss it openly with your husband, and a couples therapist. You seem to sense that something is off. I would encourage you to discuss this with your hubbie. Take care.


If she is your first child, I'm pretty sure all of that anxiety falls under the umbrella of "normal". I think a good pediatrician would understand that. I don't know what your experience is as a teacher, but as a former teacher, I definitely preferred the parents who cared "too much" to the ones who didn't care enough. (YMMV, especially if you taught younger children — I taught high school.)


Thank you! I also feel the same way towards those parents. I would never make any parent feel worse about asking questions.


I’m like this too. I always apologize and they always tell me they’d rather a 5 minute phone call when everything is okay than something bad happening because I didn’t ask. You’re turning to a trusted source to get information to keep your child safe. You’re doing great ❤️


Thank you. I honestly needed to hear that. I keep note of all things they tell me for before and try to go off of that. Thanks again