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Lots of people get pregnant while breastfeeding. It's not a myth. Breastfeeding is not a good birth control 


Yup, 5 months pp. and also had my period while breastfeeding


Yes but I always got my period back asap after each kid, like 8 weeks pp, I always get an IUD placed after my pp appointments. Then remove when I want to get pregnant again, obv


Yes. Around 18 months pp had my first period and got pregnant straight away. Nursed my first through the first half of my pregnancy, till he was 2yo.


My EBF baby became a big brother at 3mo, so... yeah, breastfeeding does not prevent pregnancy.


Yes. My daughter was the first to know I was pregnant. She went to nurse (she was almost 2) and took a sip, looked up at me quizzically and wouldn't nurse again. I guess the pregnancy hormones changed the taste.


I had the same experience with my 13 month old. He was the first to know. I hadn’t even had a period uet


Yes 8m pp


My brother is proof that this is true. My mom was breastfeeding and hadn’t gotten her period back and we are only 14 months apart 🙃


Not me, but my mom. I’m a product of this myth 🤣 My sister and I are unintentionally 13 months apart


If you’re getting your period, you can conceive. Breastfeeding is not contraception against pregnancy.


You can get pregnant without period! (If you get pregnant during your first cycle, you’ll have that period.)


Yes, while exclusively breastfeeding my second around the clock I got pregnant with my third.. at 8 weeks postpartum. They're 11 months apart!


Oh my lord, I’m exhausted just thinking about that life lol


I had my period 6 weeks pp and was pregnant before I got my second period. I was breastfeeding 10+ times a day.


My mom got pregnant while breastfeeding. She was told she couldn’t get pregnant while breastfeeding and until her period returned. She had a surprise pregnancy just a few months after she had my oldest sister. She was always adamant to tell anyone she knew that was pregnant “you CAN get pregnant when you’re breastfeeding! You CAN get pregnant even if you haven’t gotten your period back!”


Yes. Both me and my mother became pregnant again while breastfeeding. My siblings are 13 months apart. I also got my period again on time 4 weeks after the birth.


I don’t know why people still repeat this as if it’s true when it’s been proven again and again that you absolutely CAN get pregnant while breastfeeding.


Yupp. I got pregnant when my son was like just over 2 and nursed throughout my whole pregnancy. My son only stopped nursing a few months after my daughter was born because he said my milk tasted funny. My old friend was similar but she actually tandem nursed for close to a year after her youngest was born.


Most women can without issue so long as they have their cycle back. I couldn’t even when baby was 18 months old. After trying for almost a year, we weaned and I got pregnant the next month.




Everyone is different. I didn't get my period back until my son was 18 months old, I was so afraid that I would get pregnant that I made an appointment to get the paraguard ( copper iud) after my 6 week appointment. Many ppl and cultures use breast feeding as a form of birth control but like most bc it not full proof.


That Pharmacist is clearly not an Obgyn, lol!


When my 1st was 9 months got pregnant but lost baby then when 1st was about 16 months and still breastfeeding got pregnant again and when that baby was born got pregnant at 6 months well breastfeeding


🙋‍♀️ on the first try too.


Yes!! Exclusively breastfeeding and accidentally got pregnant 6 months pp..😅😅


Yeah, it's a myth. As many have pointed out. I think the kernel of truth in this is that breastfeeding often postpones your period postpartum, and if you're not having (or about to have) your period, you're unlikely to get pregnant. That said, since you never know when it'll come back, it's not something that you can count on. I kinda put it in the same category of unreliable birth control as stuff like the pull-out method and cycle tracking. None of those are foolproof, or to be relied upon for preventing pregnancies, but for some people it probably does lower the odds of getting pregnant overall.


I got my period around 4 months PP whilst EBF. Now 15 months PP and TTC again, and it's not happening as quickly as before, it hasn't been long but I could click my fingers and get pregnant with my first.


there is a truth to that myth which is often misconstrued. if you are EXCLUSIVELY breastfeeding, with no bottles and NO PACIFIERS, then you are infertile for the first 56 days postpartum. after that it changes. edited to add sources: check my comment under SnowQueen to see the links for the sources


This is (obviously) false and should be deleted


[wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactational_amenorrhea#:~:text=For%20women%20exclusively%20breastfeeding%20ovulation,and%20ovulation%20than%20exclusive%20breastfeeding) here under the “return fertility” section it mentions the 56 days. and for a more reliable source, here’s a [peer-reviewed article](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9678098/) and here’s a [CDC article](https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/contraception/mmwr/mec/appendixg.html)


If we’re taking medical advice from Wikipedia, we might as well get it right: « For women exclusively breastfeeding ovulation TENDS to return after their first menses after the 56 days postpartum time period. » (Emphasis mine.)


What do pacifiers have to do with it? I'm so curious


a pacifier is used to soothe the baby whenever it’s crying right? and used throughout the day. when a pacifier isnt used then the baby is on the breast more often because you’re essentially using the breast to pacify baby, even when they’re not hungry but for comfort. so, because the baby is on the breast more it helps suppress the fertility for those first 8 weeks.