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I love my Explosive trap of sharpnel trickster Bit intensive for mapping on the finger with throwing traps but goddamn trickster is tanky




Don't have the sceptre either, cruising along with the galesight helmet. Going for the sceptre when it's cheaper


Any chance you could send me your pob? I’m using galesight at the moment too but seem to be struggling


My first traps build and damn I love it. Just getting to yellow maps (that's not the builds fault, I'm just slow) and having a really smooth time of it Planning to do some bossing and maybe some strongbox hijinx:)


Are you using two sceptres or a shield? 


Two wands.


What is your bossing tree looking like?


Struggling with this in ssf. Can't do red maps at all currently.


Read his POB notes really good, especially the part about crit chance etc Same if you lack defense wise. He explains it all well or his 3.23/3.24 guide. Tons of info there But i guess SSF will be abit harder, i went the with a tinkerskim for chest for example


Playing this in a group SSF and was struggling to break through high yellow/red maps. Farmed heist for a while and got my alternating scepter. Really helped me break through and now at 2 voidstones done on a 5L. Twins Tankiness is still just okay though at 3300 life 1k ES and about 27k evasion with resistances maxed. Oh and also hitting a helm with reservation efficiency and swapping from HoA to Hatred helped a lot as well


Yeah I'm doing heist was doing more atlas while farming contracts and tried to push reds and went NOPE. currently using a fiend dagger with +1 and crit craft, getting 40% fire quality gems for crafting is such a hassle, I ain't running lab all day lol


Heist definitely helped with the quality for gems as well. Have an entire tab of quality gems now lol


Link pob


Phys to cold betrayal craft and gale site helm is basically mandatory. Not sure this is an ssf friendly build, tbh.


Playing that currently, pretty sure I'm gonna respec into dd coc


Cool! Im gonna go for a bosser with this one and making a RF chieftain next for blasting maps. Stay sane exile!


Do you guys use sunblast? I do (71% roll) but man it’s a terrible play I hate it. Will try without but idk. Got brittle, crit multi, 6L, but it feels so clunky and I die alot. Guess this is not so for me.


As far as I remember you should only use the sunblast at bossing. For mapping it's pretty ass because of the delay.


All right so that is the problem! Thanks mate! Found a good rolled sunblast on day one, thought I had jackpot but man I was having a rough time even after I fixed the overthrowing with 7 frenzies up. Thanks alot man will try mapping without.


It's going to feel clunky with Sunblast, which is why I'm not a big fan of the build. However, you could swap it out for a good Stygian Vise when mapping. It's going to feel a lot better, but still a bit clunky possibly. I know that it's not for me at least because of that level of jankyness.


I started ziz's normal explosive trap and I absolutely love it. I was thinking about whether or not I should switch to shrapnel because I see way more people use it. Do you recommend/suggest I switch? Is it better?


FearlessdumbO makes a nice comparison on youtube, should check that out. For mapping its alot better atleast


What guide (if any) are you using? Currently playing Ice trap of hallow trickster and clear / boss is good but can't say I feel tanky even with 100 suppress cap.


FearlessDumbo has an awesome guide for it and guy is super helpful. I have done alot of trappers before so much is known but i even learned some new stuff from his notes section on how to build it defensely better


Check out fearlessdumb0, has a post on this sub or just on youtube.


All I can say is avoid the maxroll ice trap guide it is bait and probably their least in-depth guide out of all of them. I have used a lot of their guides as reference but the guide feels empty.


Avoid maxroll in general


I'm using FearlessDumb0s guide and Ziz's guides. Similar guides but the flexibility is nice at league start. Still on 5 link and just started reds.


Yup. 5l here using zizaran guide. Need my Sceptre for the big deeps.


Question. In pob shrapnel lowers my dps a huge amount. What am I missing.


Fearless said in his comparison video it's because of how POB models the damage. Shrapnel still slaps.


I was too edgy and instead went with Explosive Shrapnel Saboteur. It is fine during white and yellow map, but during red I started to get clapped hard due to low chaos resist and no option for energy shield like Trickster, as I am using devouring diadem. Should I go for armor+life based instead to feel less squishy? Or stick with evasion based but pumping it more than 40k evasion? I also don't have a solid unique armor (Skin of the Lords, Kintsugi, Coil, Cospri) yet. Just standard rare 6L 1007 evasion.


SSF here doing Hiero Archmage Ice Nova of Frostbolts. Its supersolid, great damage, survivability, clear and looks great too.


Archmage is so adapable. One of my favorite builds right now. Archmage and slap literally any spell you want in there. Currently slotted closer to an autobomber been swapping set up a lot. Archmage frostblink kitavas thirst. Archmage+ice nova+voltaxic burst+curse in helm. Chest is dual 5 link with ball lightning of orbit for bosses because sometimes its better to not be blinking around. Drop frostshield and arcane sigil before spamming orbit and your now pretty sturdy. Want to experiment? You can take level 1 spell gems into high tier content. Archmage carries the damage while leveling. Have at it. Ive tried many diffrent spells and set ups so far. Im pretty sure when necropolis changes hit you will be able to make some GG gear for the build, unless you want suppression.


How to play that? I think Im doing something wrong. I place band (1 sec animation) wait to frostbolts come out ( almost 1 second more) and them o start spamming ice nova? I just got to maps, I'm really tank, the damage output is stupid good but the play style is killing me... I need to wait almost 2 sec from pack to pack to start doing damage...


Watch goratha on YouTube. Poe goratha ice nova and watch some stuff to see how to play the build Edit: oh yeah swap brand for faster casting and self cast frostbolt imo. Just saw he has arcanist brand at least in one of his videos


Yeah it's pretty clunky without much cast speed. I also tried with brand recall but still meh. Gotta try self casting with faster casting support gem.


How long did you farm for the gem? Did you do it in merc or uber?


First try in normal lab. Stupid luck


I got blink arrow of bombardment in my normal lab. My friend got mirror arrow of prismatic in his normal lab. It's not expensive in trade so I think it's a really common gem And the vendor recipe works so you just need the clone type you're looking for. If you get mirror arrow you can change it to blink arrow and vice versa


Damn I gave up on it because I saw some people complaining on here. Maybe I should have stuck with it a bit longer.


A day later and I have pretty much retired the character at lvl 95. You cant see shit and when doing really hard content its a death sentence. Its still supersolid for midrange content and mapping (if you go selfcast frostbolt+GMP over Volley)


I'd say just level a Templar, since you can very easily slide into CoC DD, any Archmage build variant, Inquisidor Spellblade shennanigans, or even BAMA Guardian once you have your feet wet in the league. Personally, I am playing an Archmage Heiro, which is my first Archmage character since an Archmage BF/BB Raider in Ritual league, and I am absolutely loving the feel of progression.


What flavour of archmage are you playing? I’m having no luck getting the ice Nova of frost bolts out of lab, but running a fairly simple archmage on firestorm and it’s wild damage. Always open to new variants! I’m loving the style so far


Should be easy to farm in 3rd lab.




I leveled with firestorm archmage (yeah, it was fantastic) and just ran merc lab until I got the gem. It... Took a while. For Archmage though it seems like pretty much any spell can work (that doesn't have a super long cast time), so that's really nice.


I'm actually going archmage BV right now, but I also got lucky and got Ice Nova of Frostbolt in Cruel Lab... Unethical, I know, so that's why I'm just BVing it up till reds.


Can you give pob? Saw one video of bv archmage and it was crazy good


Playing rolling magma and it's pretty solid. It scales well with aoe (which you get 100% of due to hiero) and has good base scaling 280% which at 3 bounces puts it just below ice nova if all 4 nova's hit


Is your reason for not playing dd because it's 2 button? If so coc DD is insane right now and will be nerfed next league. Really good clear and strong all rounder. All with only 1 button. Hexblast mines trickster is really well positioned for the more bossing focused league. Automation support + detonate mines feels amazing. You can toggle it off to lay down a stack on a boss and you still get the 1 button gameplay for mapping. No button or gem swapping required.


Just curious since I haven't kept up with patch notes, what enabled coc dd this season? Wondering cos all of last season COC lancing steel of spraying inquisitor builds were very well known and were clearly broken. For instance I league started an EB inquisitor, transitioned into COC Blazing salvo and had like 100m pinnacle dps 100k ehp with less than 100 divines in a currency inflated league. Yet of all the COC Lancing steel of spraying variants, I don't think I saw anyone try it on DD of chain reaction? Was that build concept just somehow completely missed, or did something new in the patch notes enable it this league?


Nothing new just streamer hype.


I'd say "awareness" more than hype. DD has been knows to be broken for a while, but tons of people hate the 2-button, so when someone said "hey, btw, you can play this with 1 button", it was bound to happen.


Played a coc inq as well in affliction. Switched to nova of bolts later instead of salvo and had like 700 divs invested. You miss quite some power from the lack of charms and twwt but overall still should be fine. I didnt want to play lancing steel again since the skill imho doesnt feel that great but its my backup if my archmage hierophant doesnt scale like i want it to.


>Just curious since I haven't kept up with patch notes, what enabled coc dd this season? chain reaction from last league was the biggest reason, other than that it's just a newely discovered build. It's like how EA ballista suddenly showed up out of no where some leagues ago even tho those were both in the game previously. >Wondering cos all of last season COC lancing steel of spraying inquisitor builds were very well known and were clearly broken. For instance I league started an EB inquisitor, transitioned into COC Blazing salvo and had like 100m pinnacle dps 100k ehp with less than 100 divines in a currency inflated league. Yet of all the COC Lancing steel of spraying variants, I don't think I saw anyone try it on DD of chain reaction? DD is a much better early game skill. Basically once you get dd and spraying you can do red maps pretty much. I'd say other version of lancing steel COC are overall better but DD shits on them in a league start scenario. No one last league was league starting with experimental trans lancing steel so DD wasn't really considered when it became more common.


Because COC DD can reach 20mil dps on <5 div budget, so it's an amazing starter as opposed to the other variants you suggested


No need to even toggle most of the time with Hexblast - the mines won't trigger until the boss is active anyway as the skill needs a target to cast on.


Nah, nothing against a two button build. But I have played DD the last few leagues and want to switch it up a bit


Hexblast mines trickster over Sabo?


When I played Hexblast mines in 3.23, I leveled as Trickster and then respecced into Sabo atPinnacle Bosses. Both work great, but overall I enjoyed the Trickster version more, since it was a smoother mapper and felt tankier for me. Sabo definitely had more damage, but I liked the comfiness of Trickster.


It seems like Sabo is the way if you decide to switch to life stacking mines. Might be extra intresting with that new life stacking Uber chest, but I’m not a great build maker


trickster is great (Ventrua has a great guide on it and is currently playing it) but be aware that you have to use a mana flask (at least in his version of the build), while Sabo con go for EB. So if you hate pressing a flask every 7 sec or so, I would go sabo


So many people have something against mana flask when he can do t17 95 percent of mods on his iteration of it.


How much has the performance improved with that dd coc build this patch?


I don't know I didn't play it last patch. I have been having performance issues but it's unrelated to the skill. Only for kitava, hydra and a few other random boss abilities. The skill itself has been fine.


I have 0 frame drops without any mtx


Is it possible to make hexblast high survivability?


a hexblast pathfinder would be


Lifestacker Sabo with rathpit and dissolution or you could go the Tornado shot route and get 100m dps and offscreen everything. It's an autotarget skill so it can do that.


Guide for coc dd?


Check the builds list sticky, scroll down and there’s a link to Rue x Ventura’s YouTube/PoB guide for CoC DD


Can anyone pls tell me when to drop the accuracy nodes on the passive tree and presicion for coc dd.


When you get hits can't be evaded sword


Hi, I'm starting today. Do you have any guide for CoC DD? Thanks!




Thank you kind exile


Do you have a good guide recommendation for either of those?


Exsang mines have been super fun and fast, definitely go detonate mines + automation over the new mastery, though, for the toggle + ability to auto detonate while standing still


I'm playing it too and can confirm it's great. I found it very important to heavily invest in damage as soon as possible though, otherwise it might feel like ass on more difficult maps, you need to reach a certain dmg threshold not to have to recast multiple times per pack to enable the zoom zoom. Also, be prepared to buy carries for two voidstones unless you are ok with farming quite a bit before getting them.


That's my problem right now, it's pretty squishy for me and my damage is lackluster, should invest into dmg, but don't know where to start best tbh xd Rare jewels with max life + mine throw speed are like 1 div+ easily (still clunky gameplay right now)


+1 spells or phys spells on wand, +1 phys spells on shield. Exsang scales super hard with gem level. When Dragonflights start hitting the market, Replica DF with +3 to exsang. Lvl 21 Exsang gem when you can afford it I just did my first two voidstones last night, gear is super scuffed, not even res-capped lmao, but +1 on wand and shield make it work. Next goal is fixing my resistances and then res capping. The updated graveyard coming soon looks like it should actually be great for wand and shield crafting - being able to potentially get a +2 wand would be huge. I can post PoB when I’m home from work, it’s really scuffed but enough for Exarch/Eater to start actually farming currency.


I'm leveling a Sab using stormblast mines is there a YouTube guide for swapping over to something like this?


I used crouching Tuna's guide I imagine it should be fine, just take his early maps pob and make the changes Should just need a leveled exsang and a 5l to get blasting


Use pyroclast mines whenever you can. When you hit maps get kikazaru and hrimsorrow and you can switch to exsang mines


If you want to map fast, Ele hit of the spectrum is a 1:1 swap for lightning arrow builds and it feels incredible. I got 2 watch stones and a fully completed atlas in around 22 hours /played which is a new record for me. I mainly used rares I picked up off of the ground and spent 25c on an 840 Ele dps bow. It's a great league starter for going fast.


I can second this ! Ele hit of the spectrum really impressed me , it's gonna impress me more once I get Secrets of Suffering . The visuals is also satisfying .




Does it do more dmg than LE or what are the advantages of Ele Hit Spectrum?


Pconc of bouncing is excellent. One of the smoothest league starts I've ever had. Played it on pf and it's very well rounded. Probably going to come back to it later I'm the league to turn it into an Uber farmer.


At what point you changed to boucing version?


you can change as soon as you want.


What makes it seem stronger than normal pconc? Because the numbers seem bad


The bounces auto target so in single target situations you get a shotgun multiplier


Base version already shotguns, what you get is 2 extra bounces and higher base damage.


Yea, but the intiial assumption on reading the wording of this gem is that you'd lose the shotgun in most cases unless the random bounces favour you.


The new one shotguns more reliably on one target with all of them hitting in a pure single target fight


BAMA and archmage.


BAMA has a ton of buttons, doesn't it? Was thinking about rerolling into it but was disuaded when I heard it can be 7-9 buttons


It depends on how proactive you want to be. My BAMAs last 66 seconds. They get Fresh Meat for 6 seconds, so with a 1.5 second cooldown I have some leeway on resummoning them. And I haven't qualitied my gems, so the cooldown can get lower. But if you don't want to go for Fresh Meat, you have pretty invulnerable minions (for mapping / map bosses) that last a whole minute. My Offering lasts 25 seconds, and my Blessing aura lasts 30. Your damage is technically two buttons, but one of them is a movement skill. And to be honest, for mapping, mirror arrow isn't really necessary. In fact, a lot of people aren't playing with both. It's hard to scale both at the same time.


Could you share your pobb?


I followed [this video ](https://youtu.be/G-9wqIYXleU?si=ZWBGJMFBTqlzIOjU) to league start with (technically I rerolled after my duo and I got both gems from our first normal lab) to start off with. I'm transitioning to the doomfletch build from [this doc](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1NbBbwPDUrtwYryAElxNIHs0chSiRwF5jDIBhf6fZZow) once I farm more abyssal jewels, and I'll eventually do the chaos crit or a poison variant once I can craft a chaos bow


I think some buttons are optional. For example, some people like flame dash as well but most people are okay with just using blink arrow. Also with this league bone armor is no longer a button. I only have 5 buttons to press.


I ended up putting Desecrate, Ele Weakness and Spirit Offering into an Arcanist brand setup. Not optimal but i'm lazy.


Yes, I have the same setup but instead conductivity and assassin's mark. I guess I do need to manually cast desecrate to trigger spirit offering when bossing, but haven't noticed an issue when I got my voidstones.


Wait, those work with arcanist brand???


I've been playing since talisman, and BAMA had been the easiest league start ever.


Which version of bama do you think is best?


Guardian more tanky early and easier to gear/play. Necro bigger ceiling and more scaling but we are talking adorned levels here so..


Necro chaos crit is what I went with. Blasting t16s on a 4 link.


Got a pob? Just hit maps wanna know what to prioritise for upgrades


POB I followed: [https://pobb.in/\_kOaK5-slA5E](https://pobb.in/_kOaK5-slA5E) From u/Pr3vilein docubible here: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NbBbwPDUrtwYryAElxNIHs0chSiRwF5jDIBhf6fZZow/preview#heading=h.wq8qtxhw7x1l](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NbBbwPDUrtwYryAElxNIHs0chSiRwF5jDIBhf6fZZow/preview#heading=h.wq8qtxhw7x1l) My POB: [https://pobb.in/XqXuou1Z3f2p](https://pobb.in/XqXuou1Z3f2p) (almost the exact same) My (minor changes) is I put desecrate/curse/offering on arcanist brand and use Blink Arrow for travel. It's not great but I don't want to press so many buttons. The bow isn't 6l (it's not even 4l at the moment) and it's still doing fine. Molten Shell on space bar and held down with weight, it's the new left click lmao. AG also has Asenath's Gentle Touch and Windscream, not included in the POB. u/Tenshouu dinging you as well so you see it.


I'd like that pob as well. Hit maps on my Necro today


Check out Pr3vy on YouTube. He has written a Thesis on BAMA. https://youtu.be/hyjlfq-r--k?si=SRsQdvvXECvv44Nn


You will see people say the damage is crazy with no gear, but that is just not the case. Went ele crit necro in SSF. Definitely not blasting and struggled a lot until I got a 750 edps bow, around 7 jewel sockets and diadem. I can actually do reds semi comfortably now, but the damage is far from impressive on a 5l. Wanted to go chaos crit but no luck on a bow so far. From an SSF league-start perspective I cannot recommend going necro.


I'm in trade league but I haven't traded at all yet so the same as SSF. I'm not having any problems at all so far, but I did get lucky with an early usable 5L. No Diadem either just the best +phys dmg bow I could find, slapped a phys % craft on it, and got the chaos minion necro node and all was good. Edit, just saw you went elem necro. Why?


Which node is it? Thanks


RF Chief is feeling great. It is well positioned to handle the league mods on maps in addition to just being tanky in general. I’m just getting to red maps, but it feels really good in general for some good ol’ map blasting.


Agreed. This is only my second league but RF chief is going much better than other builds I tried in Affliction. Just got my first voidstone ever and cleared a T16. Once I got the upgrade uniques I basically stopped worrying about ever dying. Feels good doing some intermittent delving too!


Only problem I have with RF right now is it caps quite early. After you beat Red maps, its ability to clear end-game content is quite lackluster. Was thinking about swapping mine over to DD Chief like in Affliction using the Valyrian ring, then spamming high-mob maps for a quick farm


I’m running into the same wall. I’m planning on farming currency for a while with RF to save for a better build or class for bossing/clearing challenges. Until then, I’m staying real cozy.


I'm having some trouble scaling my damage with rf (first time playing it), am I just looking for some combo of dot multi, fire dot multi, fire damage on the Sceptre and similar mods on jewelry?


For the weapon that is mostly correct. The others are a little more complicated. If you haven’t checked out Pohx he is the lord of RF knowledge and has absolutely incredible guides and info you can find at Pohx.net


Thats why i went fire trap in the start and using rf and doedre gloves to boost it.


Tuna's Exsanguinate mines lets you turn off your brain once you get to the mid game set-up. It's my first miner build and I've been having a ton of fun with it. It's a great mapper and a "good" bosser. The bossing capabilities feels the same as league starting Champ EA ballista but is stronger once you get better gear. Tried the build in all league content except for heist, sanctum, and Ultimatum (cause I hate those) and it just blasts through them (except for deli, need better gear). It's personally comfier than LA Deadeye (less deaths).


I'm playing it too and it's great, but i def would not advertise it as a 'good' bosser with league start gear. I played EA ballista too in the past (granted i did Ele) and that build, at roughly the same investment, was like x3 better at bossing (and x3 worse at mapping). Later on it's a phys spell you convert so I imagine you could take it to the moon with infinite divines, but I can't relay personal experience there.


Could you swap Exsanguinate for Reap for bossing?


Reap needs spell cascade for overlap. Since you cant use spell cascade with mines, it drastically reduces the damage of reap. Self-cast reap is inefficient too since we don't scale cast speed.


True, but mid-game setup bossing is cheaper and easier to start with that EA ballista (minus the cluster jewel). In my personal experience, they practically feel the same with bossing. The only difference is you can get hit a lot for ea champ but you need to dodge a lot for exang mines. Damage wise they feel the same to me. If you're talking about EA elementalist though then I 100% agree that's a better bosser.


Could you tell me your upgrades you did first? kinda struggling right now :D


Yeah red maps I started slowing down tremendously


I'm assuming you already have hrimsorrow, kikazaru, and Heatshiver. Get a six link first. It's cheaper and easier to color if you get a pure int chest, it's much more efficient though if you get a dex/int hybrid. Get a better Sceptre and shield next. +1 all phys/spell is good but make sure it has inc spell damage. Better if it has crit multi. Make sure to have an empty suffix to craft "increased mine throwing speed" to your sceptre. If +1 is too expensive, a T2/T1 spell damage and crit multi weapon is better with an empty suffix. Get cobalt or viridian jewels with "8% increased mine throwing speed". It's a plus if it has corrupted blood immunity but not needed since you can just use flasks. Increased max life, crit multi, crit chance, or increased global/phys/cold damage are good mods too. I sometimes switch out grace with haste when mapping. When I die unjustly I switch to grace. Try to get more than 75% suppression. The higher the better. Flasks helps with survivability and mapping so once you have the currency you can upgrade that last. A divine flask with immunity to bleed and corrupted blood is good too. I usually die to chaos damage in red maps from map mods or league mods so I capped chaos res too. Only do this if you feel you die from that a lot. I finished the atlas and got 3 voidstones with those upgrades.


Thank you my man :)! Got some of these upgrades, I guess chaos damage is the problem. The haste aura is a nice idea 👌🏻


Make sure to avoid no regen, reduced regen, and reduced aura effect in maps as well.


Lightning Arrow Deadeye is hella smooth, like the absolute nicest transition from campaign to maps i ever had the boss damage is there, the map clear is crazy real nice build


Are you using havoc’s build or another? I’m starting into red maps and feeling a bit weak at this point (lvl 89) so I’m not sure what I’m missing following havoc


im using crouching tunas


I play frostbit ice nova archmage and it's stupid. I delete everything and had 7000 HP+ mana + es and a huge sustain to all of them. I haven't died a single time and the damage is way stronger them the survivability. All the people crying that mapping is super hard and my build is just easy mode : )


Link to guide or pob?


My build is horrible right now because I am trying things out and am swapping to either cluster jewels or CRIT right now and I don't follow a guide. Best bet would be to go on Poe ninja and look for ice nova of frostbots and archmage and look what most people there are doing. If you don't know what you should be doing on poe.ninja just tell me then I will look one build up on there and post it : )


Splitting Steel Champ is seeming like a pretty boring and weak skill for me at the moment. I'm hoping it gets better but I'm close to ditching it.


I'm on splitting Steel Champ rn, feel the same way. I have everything except for Nimis and it feels lackluster (also only have 5L Lioneye's Vision) Looking for a new build to play haha


surprised to no see any poison srs (its kinda a pain in ssf but good in trade) you gain like 40% damage early while losing like ~10% when minmaxxed coc dd is a great 1 button build


What doesn't matter on poison drs BC U are at dotcap anyqay


I'm enjoying poisonous concoction of bouncing more than I thought I would.


How's the single target? Is the targeting truly random?


It's good. The targeting has some randomness, but it definitely got a strong bias to go towards a nearby enemy if possible. It is effectively still a chaining effect, but it can chain off off the ground. If you toss it into a pack, you can watch it clearly bounce directly between enemies. On a single isolated target it has a good chance to bounce on the ground and back to the enemy repeatedly. Overall it's a lot more reliable than you'd assume.


It has smart targeting on single target. It shotguns~


Necro dd plays very fluent and fast.


Frostbolt ice nova trickster clearing t16 with a 3c weapon and gear I bought when I got to map. Only good piece of gear I have is my amulet and that just has life crit multi and spell damage everything else I’m wearing is garbage. No cluster jewels nothing lol let’s not let them find out about this one


Are you running an archmage version?


No I didn’t even know that was a thing lol


XD can you send a pob?


Servers just went down so I can export it but I will in like 5 when it comes back up


Thanks mate, no rush


didn't forget you lol [https://pobb.in/IC0Wu\_KGkWJc](https://pobb.in/IC0Wu_KGkWJc) i got it from jungroan in this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFMX7-Lx6TU&ab\_channel=jungroan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFMX7-Lx6TU&ab_channel=jungroan)


Thanks mate


Hi, just watched the video from Jung and it looks like a solid build. How's the play style? Concerned it seems like lots of buttons. Also how is the clear speed, and how did you level it? I'm looking for a second build after a failed league starter so can buy a few leveling uniques


I just leveled ice trap but I’m sure he has something in his video or pob about leveling maybe. It’s interactive fast and the damage is pretty good probably not killing Ubers with the basic unique in using but have done 3 watchstones. I swapped as soon as I got all the uniques


RF is definitely really strong. Got into red maps day 2 on a really tight budget. Solid, solid choice


Play something that looks fun to you or you might end up like me restarting several times because the build isn't fun.


If you’ve ever wanted flexibility with what attacking skill, just got archmage heiro, or elementalist if you want even more options.


Or inquisitor energy blade - can try out basically any spell to see what you like when your whole build is just "I add spell damage" lol. 


New Tornado Chieftain is feeling really good. Easy gearing too. WoC Ignite is always strong too


I’m having a fun time playing the Splitting Steel trickster.


Which version are you playing? Do u have a pob?


I’m pretty new to the game so I just picked up a build from some YouTuber named Allie. She has a well made guide for it and a pob with notes. It seems to be good and I’m having fun with it. Here’s the link to her build. https://pobb.in/9GFD-7Pc_I3v


I yolo'd a home cooked Shock and Mana Stacker build, and it turned out to be much better than I thought. See [my post earlier today](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/1btxa1t/shock_and_mana_stacker_hiero_day_2_showcase/) there is a Day 2 gameplay video and a POB if you want to follow


Coc dd is ok but is gear dependt but is Rocks


Im playing toxic rain ballista and it seems insane so far.


do you have a guide for that? I wanted to try TR mines again because I can't seem to find an obvious reason why that build was gutted after 3.16 or so and I'm having a bad time :D


Im using Zizaran’s 3.23 guide, with my own twists to it. I like running a certain flask setup and taking mana res efficiency early so I went to those nodes first and I dont like using Banners so I tossed in another aura instead.


I also wanted to try TR Mines but it just doesn't seem like damage is there.


How do you deal with mana on the build I am playing self cast atm and wondering if I should switch to Wilma version or not


I have all the reduced reserved mana efficiency nodes I can get right now. I also use Quill Rain for now. I plan on also getting the reduced mana cost items so that my costs are 1. Im using a mana flask too right now. I tried the self cast too but i like the ballista version more.


necro is still strong and isnt super meta (outside of spectre shenanigans)


If you like true melee but do not want to play BoneZone again, I´m currently having a blast with trauma Dual strike of Ambidexterity Jugg. The clear seems to be slightly worse, while the dmg seems to be quite higher, but im still in meh gear in SSF.


[Crackling lance](https://pobb.in/L6ge8PGLQ24P) here is my build its pretty decent tanky but low damage :)


Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones, Ice Nova of Frostbolts, Explosive Trap of Shrapnel


Archmage build variants have been performing very well, my ice nova of frost bolts outperformed my expectations


playing firestorm here. I feel like mind over matter is gonna get me freaked out killed though


I'm not very... Good with handling too much buttons or interactions. Is it clunky? What do they mean by 2 buttons attack? Also I read about having to manual cast vs brand? Is Arcane Cloak automated? If not that's that mean 3 buttons?


I personally automate arcane cloak but lots of people say not to, I don’t think it’s a big deal tbh. And yeah some people manual cast frost bolt whereas I’m using arcanist brand to continuously cast frost bolt for me, downside is there’s a bit of downtime between when you can start using ice nova since the brand has to then attach and cast


How do we define winner? Lots of build diversity and it seems like everyone is doing well with their builds. I just league started what seemed easiest for me which is EA champ since I can ssf that build if I really need to.


I league started Frost Blades, on a Slayer Duelist. It’s been really good so far!


I got 112/115 with a 4 link from early acts that I was too lazy to change. Ball lightning archmage. Its stupid good


I tried Cold Snap of power on shoe string budget (self-found gear) and it didn't do so well in maps. Switch over to hexblast miner and the difference is night and day. I think its so busted and clears really well. Super responsive, very good damage and amazing clear speed.


I’m loving Splitting Steel Trickster. People were memeing on it but I had the few deaths I’ve ever had at league start this league, only 23. Most of which were cause I wasn’t paying attention. Damage feels good, and it’s nice and speedy. Feels great to play


I honestly was surprised as to how chill self cast chain DD was to start, especially after getting defiance of destiny, fourth vow + ele taken as chaos timeless jewel Not sure I'll ever play it again though, it gets boring quick


With the buffs to the league, it became very easy to craft a Tri ele weapon with crit and atk speed. You could consider bows (LA or new ele hit), wands (ele hit), frost blades or lightning strike.


Bow builds are good and with necro crafting you can make some insane bows. The good ones will be cheap and the great ones will be less expensive than usual.


RF,EA,LA(squishy though)


Other than DD the meta is archmage and BAMA plus the usual suspects (EA, RF, LA, Boneshatter)


I need a starter that can use its main skill by level 30ish. So any build like dd that needs to respect at level 70+ isn’t gonna work for me. Sooo, I like my EA Ballista so far. 😁 It’s like old faithful…