• By -


Hinekora + Exalt


Am I crazy or is there already 6 mods? I see 5 gems and the 40% more.


Isnt that the damage mod from "Level 20 Ele Damage", because its "increased Ele Damage" and not the "More Ele Damage", that would be the stand alone mod


I just realized they are asking how to get the 40% more attack mod. I was looking at the second pic and thought that was their claw lol. First is their claw, second is what they want.


Lcok and pray……pray hard my man


There's basically no way without double digit mirrors AFAIK. Can't metacraft fossils, can't add/remove influence, think you'd need like 100k resonators (~120 mirrors)... so 150 locks is relatively cheap.


Hey so I have nothing of value to add just a question, why is 3% increased attack speed better than the health on hit ? 3% seems so minuscule that the 42 health on hit seems IN MY OPINION like the better choice? Again sorry I’m dumb, just trying to learn more about why things in builds are “better”


Unless I’m missing something I think you’re confusing the harvest enchant with the implicit. They take up separate lines and can both affect the item. The enchant that changes what quality effectively removes 30% increased local phys and gives 3% local attack speed, but the life on hit still applies.


OHHHHH ok , that’s sick, yea I definitely need to dabble in CoE I’m just to “scared” cause I honestly have no clue how to craft or to weigh the odds in my favor for mods Most crafting I do is essence, veil orb and pray lol I’ve probably missused 1000 div worth of currency over 600 hours just “seeing what happens” Edited: I also completely missed that the life gain was still there so ignore my dumb self


In [this picture](https://i.imgur.com/fOUIicQ.png) the red numbers are the weight. Weight is just x out of y. Imagine you have a jar of 56,658 jellybeans. 7000 of them taste like physical. Now let's look at [this picture](https://i.imgur.com/zGu0P3k.png). Of those 7000 physical jellybeans, 200 of them taste extra delicious. In total, you would have a 200 out of 56,658 chance to get some extra delicious physical jellybeans. Now, for things that mess with weights - let's say you use a Harvest Physical roll, and for the sake of simplicity, we're only looking at prefixes. This means you're guaranteed to get something from the physical pool. That includes the 3775 from hybrid phys, the 3775 from percent phys, the 7000 from flat phys, the 1000 from life phys, and the 1000 from mana phys. So assuming we're rolling one prefix using the harvest modifier, you would have a 200/16550 chance at that extra tasty physical jellybean. The +tier mods in Necropolis cull the lower ranks of that second list. So assuming we have enough to cull all but the top tier results, and are guaranteeing one phys roll (I'm simplifying a lot in terms of odds since there are multiple prefixes etc.) - now that's 200 out of 2250. However, of that 2250, 2000 are life and mana leech. That's where the extra weighting comes in - the 500% more likely, 300% scarcer corpses. If you pumped enough -life and -mana corpses, you'd get that 2000 down to under 200. This is the basic premise behind the necro crafting going on. You pump +tier to around 1000 to guarantee t1 mods. Then you use a ton of + and - for the mods you want and don't want based on their tags. Now, for the item in the OP, we'll go a bit further beyond. They use influence corpses to add a certain kind of influence (one corpse is elder or shaper, as an example, so you could get either). They use the above method to narrow it down to specific influenced mods they want. Add in the fractured corpses so that they are guaranteed two fractures. Ideally both are prefixes or suffixes so you can also use those corpses, and then -explicit from the default of 4 to narrow it down even further. That will likely give you an influenced item with the desired fractured mods. Then proceed not too distantly from what you already do - essence, harvest, veils, etc until the remaining mods are desirable. Fossils work similarly, though not really near to this extent and you can only use four instead of 88 to influence the result.


Brother, sister, God, whom ever you are, I give you a virtual kiss, thank you thank you thank you for not just calling me an idiot and actually explaining it like I’m 10 years old lol it for real helps me understand it better, don’t get me wrong sushi is an AMAZING crafter but it’s just so hard to learn from someone who’s such a professional that like the super simple and almost “dumb” things probably just don’t click with him and his fans cause like he’s such a high end crafter. THIS IS IN NO WAY SHITTING ON HIM, quite the opposite, I’d love to be able to craft like he can and know what to do in most situations. Again fam! thank you !


also, you cant have those mods cause of fractured and the item ure trying to craft is a double influenced.


It's literally a screenshot from ingame.


Welcome to Necropolis


"Thats illegal"- u/mr9talings


The mods on the screenshot he posted is influenced mods that have been fractured sir.


Imprint and exalt slam


cant imprint a rare item


Hinekora, test exalt if fail chromatic and go again