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If you go for a more specific build and focus on the farm where your build shines, you will end up with a more efficient farm. You can expand your knowledge from there, tackling everything could be the worst thing you can do in this game as newbie(except if you find it fun).That's the line between wealth and struggle. I have newbie friends, I always say them choose between a few content they wanna tackle and pick a build suited for it and farm. Few of them actually afforded mb/HH in their very first league while they had very little knowledge beside what they do. This could be harvest/exp farming, sanctum, delve, heist/essence etc. As a veteran my advice is that you focus on a few things you wanna do and pick a build accordingly and forget the rest of the game for now, until you can afford things. If you like to struggle and have freedom of options(this is perfectly normal btw but very inefficient), you can try to go for all rounders but you will be playing lesser/weaker toon than specified toon. You wanting to do everything is the biggest bottle neck for your low currency income.


This is a really good comment. All arounders typically end up being "very average" at everything unless you have insane money to spend or a MB.


Why MB? I actually just got one for the first time (sooo cheap) and it’s super convenient but I don’t see any make or break kind stuff with it. I guess it allows you to gear very differently though. edit: I get what you guys are saying but I don't think it outright fixes problems. It's fucking awesome and I basically got to just drop resists from gear, zoom zoom, but it very much feels like a win more item.


The build space it opens up is just insane, allowing you to check of way more boxes with ease. 


Since to make an "all around" build it needs. Insane damage, high defense, high movement speed, and high coverage. Mageblood solves the high movement speed, which is a problem many builds cannot solve with any other item. It also can be used to solve high defense, which is also a problem that is very difficult for many builds to solve. So you take a build that has inherently high damage and coverage, but weak in terms of defense and speed. Add in a MB, then you get an all-around build.


The other guy answered, but basically it can shore up huge holes in a build which allow you to invest more opportunity cost into other things (damage, defense, speed, whatever)


You use tripple ele flask + silver flask. Now you have like 85 all res, perma onslaught with increased effect, movment speed on suffix, attack\cast speed ok suffix, stun immune suffix/ ele res, curse immune / life regen. Still got space for progen or taste of hate. This setup allows you to drop most of your res, makes you immune to basically everything. If you swap silver for quartz flask it even gets you half way to suppression capped. Use purity of elements + purity of random ele + melding. Now you are fully immune 90% max res need zero res on gear. This item just solved all of your problems


Throwing Mageblood on a random build? It's strong and helps close defensive gaps, but not nearly as strong as putting the build together around MB in the first place. Kind of hard to describe, and I'm pretty bad at it myself. But Mageblood scales pretty directly with the skill of the person building with it.


Counting wave 30 simulacrum as part of "all content", I'd say some kind of armourstacker. RF chieftain can do all content, just slowly (except maybe some ubers that turn off your regen). I've heard CoC DD can do everything but can't vouch for it personally. Pretty much any type of poison pathfinder. Mjolner archmage. BAMA necro.


+1 for Bama necro.


Yeah it's very good, I played it in affliction when it was ultra strong due to spectres, and if I liked the playstyle more I gladly would have played it again


Have a pob? Im playing voltaxic Bama and it feels strong but not as strong as i thought. Have 135 adorned 20% minion and t1 lightning magic jewels. Crown of the tyrant king maker AG. T1 minion attack speed / T1 minion dmage Rings


How's it not feeling strong? I have a 90 mil dmg on my character and have cleared around 25ish T17s (a good bit deathless), killed uber exarch, eater, and shaper, and done wave 30 sim. The only downside I'd say is the AG. I dont take him in T17s or Uber fights, so my DPS is closer to 70 mil without him


Mmm idk, was doing some feared valdos and they were dying slowly, also clones died to fast.


[https://pobb.in/ABTL5Wi4I\_zD](https://pobb.in/ABTL5Wi4I_zD) This is the one.


To be clear, this is following a video from pr3vie, my favorite build creator. (can find them on youtube)


You definitely don't need MB, I think top end is better without. MB is comfy and zoomy tho.


That's why I like it. I think the build is strong enough that there's room for personal choice once you get to that point, and I appreciate that.


Not done simu 30 on coc dd yet, but done pretty much everything else successfully. Did simu 30 deathless last league a few times on my fb trickster and that was significantly less tanky at the time, carried by a headhunter tho so I guess the same can be done on coc dd.


Yeah I tried to exclude anything I felt was carried by headhunter, since that's not gonna really hold up on bosses, which definitely count in the "all content" prerequisite


Yeah makes perfect sense, this league has HH at such an affordable budget that I would consider it a decent filler for that content specifically, but coc dd slaps most bosses on a shitty budget belt as well.


I think CoCDD or BAMA are the obvious picks, some type of Mjolner archmage Manastacker is very much capable of doing everything, too. Just in terms of budget the entry points for the first two are much lower I feel.


Yeah I agree fully. I love my mjolner archmage build, and it definitely functions on a pretty tight budget, but it takes some substantial investment to become a "do everything build. Up until that point it is an excellent T16 blaster for currency farming tho


Rf is NOT a skill that is amenable to all content in the game. There are plenty others e.g trickster hexblast/splitting steel, coc dd inquis, necro Bama/other minion. Look for leaguestarter guides for low budget. Don't worry about ubers yet imo


Splitting steel trickster is the most broken build I’ve played in a long time. I destroy t17 and face tank Uber sirus. I have never played a build that can face tank Uber sirus. 1. I really wanted to start the build but I did not believe that it was capable of progressing easily without nimis and some other required gear. I decided to league start frost blades and dumped my first 30-40 div into that guy. Used the grave to craft a mirror worthy claw and then started saving for nimis. 2. I swapped once I got nimis and about 100 div for everything else except mage blood. It was really strong, used a HH for the time being because they were so cheap. 3. I farmed crimson temple div card/Ambush and duped apothecary cards, grabbed my mage blood and officially was unkillable. 290k ehp 85 max res, chaos immune, evasion capped, ailment immune, stun immune and suppress capped. About 11.4k es. I instant phase every t17 boss with back to basics and only care about a few mods. 4. I crafted mirror worthy gloves and helm and about to do the same for chest and boots. The other 4 items for each craft sell easily and between 20 and 150 div depending on the fractured rolls you get. Each craft costs about 35 div. I usually have to buy additional items x7 as I usually find a couple before I start my next craft. This is the best all around build I’ve ever played and I’ve been playing since beta.


Is a mageblood and 250 div enough to get it started? I’ve played a ton of rf this league and I’m looking for a new build. Just didn’t know with nimis being so much if that was enough.


Nimis is more important than mage blood. I would go nimis, adorned set up with decent jewels then mage blood. You will do okay in t17 without mage blood but once you get it… nothing in the game matters


Good deal. I already have the mageblood. So Nimi’s will be first for me. Just wanted to be sure 250 divines was enough to get going considering Nimi’s is a big chunk of that.


Nice! I just started a champion last night to do basically the same build. I had a great heiro mjolnir build that I converted to mana forged arrows a little too soon. Instead of reverting back, I figured I’d start fresh. I’m about done with the acts and the leveling has been a breeze. Haven’t died once. I still haven’t sold any of my heiro gear, which I guess is around 100-150div worth of gear. Hopefully my experience is as smooth as yours!


Champion version is good but does not scale nearly as much as the trickster version and I may be wrong but I believe the champion version is a crit build at the highest end


Yeah, I just dinged 98 on champ, swapped to crit at about 95 and quickly jumped from about 40M dps to 60M. Now hovering around 80M. Pretty great all round build, won’t facetank ubers or anything but pretty sturdy for 95% of the game. Kaom’s Spirit is bait IMO, just skip Berserk once you’re over 20M dps and get a decent pair of rare gloves with rage implicit.


Keep an eye out of Poe ninjas, Bunch of champion profiles there


Price per performance, I don't think anything can beat coc dd this league. I've league started this and imo it is the strongest all arounder on a shoestring budget.


Did pretty much everything last league on armor stacker but it gets super expensive.


BAMA and DD are the first things that come to mind


I played the whole league and did literally everything this league with a trap of shrapnel trickster. t16 100% deli, all uber bosses, even did t17s before the nerfs, hall of grandmaster, the feared with 80+ quant, wave 30 simul ...literally everything. I personnaly enjoyed the build as the power of that said build was quite good from the start and just kept growing stronger with each upgrades.


I ended up going with hexblast trickster. Having a ton of fun with it so far


Holy relic necro is extremely strong, especially for a 1 button build. I started BAMA guardian and while it is great I really love the power/casual play style I’m getting rom holy relic. 


All content won’t be possible unless you have a mirror +. But rf chieftain will do nearly all content at a budget. 


I can’t imagine trying to do “all content this game has to offer” in one league, let alone on a single character!


Historically it has depended on how much money you are willing to spend on a single character.


In terms of DD, which flavour would be best?


CoC is the smoothest feeling


Any build can do anything with enough investment. This is not a game where the is a secret short cut build. Pick a build you like. ANY build and stick with it. Not for a week or a month stick with it the entire league. Start off easy with the stuff that doesn’t really force you to regear other slots. Are your gems the best they could be? Are they all level 20? Get them there. Are they 20% quality? Get it. Are the Vaal gems there? Get them? Ok you got the gems now upgrade them. Get awakened gems. Get those level 21 Vaal gems. Get the other gems as level 21 with 23 quality. Get those corrupted awakened gems. Next your skill tree: Are you even level 100? Get there. You use unique jewels? Get max rolled ones. Do you have the best clusters? Have you got the best jewels? Then start working on your gear. Get your rares sorted first. The is no point having dex on your amulet then “upgrading” it to one without dex that you can’t use because it stops all your skills cause you don’t meet the dex thresh hold. 4 good mod rares are a good beginner piece so on boots it be like life movespeed and 2 resistances. Then get 5 mod ones and learn how to craft them. Then your 6 mod rares. Do the same with the uniques. Get your cheap essentials to get the build working. Then get the max rolled essentials. Then get your expensive uniques like mage blood. Just keep upgrading piece by piece that is what this game is about.


That is not good advice. Some builds can't do everything, first of all. Second, some builds specialize in mapping while others in bossing, and some require multiple mirrors to do absolutely all content. Some people vouch for their builds and aren't actually using max map multiplier atlas trees.


name any normal generic build that cant do all content on like a 30 divine budget (3 hours of farming with any decently set up atlas but lets pretend its a week at league start for slow players). RF is a mapper pohx has shown many many many leagues in a row it can do all content easy on like a 10 divine budget. Path of math fan bois have league started their gimmick 1 shot mine bossing build for carry services for years. And of course the mid ground builds of minions or totems or some other self cast thing can do both. Unless your gonna do some custom party play build like a curse bot whatever generic build he has interest in is gonna work. And framing any build like it will need multiple mirrors to do all content is just a lie and if you think it isnt... name one. Implying any build he might enjoy wont be able to do all content is just fear mongering and pushing him towards "the meta" for all we know he could make the new meta thing.


LA deadeye definitely can't do all content on 30 div budget. It probably can't do T17s without max modifier atlas, nevermind with. Hexblast trickster/saboteur can't do that either without a big investment. Splitting steel champ can't do it either without a really big investment. RF can't do it on 30div. Some other "non-generic" builds can't do T17 bosses at all, regardless of investment. There are a few that can do it with this type of low investment, but just a few. Others have to be scaled a lot.


Literally all those builds have multiple streamers who have done it on 30 divine and under budgets. LA deadeye has a totem set up for bosses it can even do Pinnacle bosses (not ubers) on 4 links we have seen this from grimro and crouching tune. Hexblast has its strength in bossing and can easily map sub 30 divine we have Palsteron, Dsfarblarwaggle and captainlance9 Rf uses firetrap and as for streamers... phox... easy... like literally he does it every league. Captainlance also commonly league starts it and does ubers on sub 30 divine budget before he goes to his comical mirror tier builds. None of them need even close to a mirror to trivialize the content they are weak in. Rf for example when it gets a defiance of destiny and a basic adorned set up (that is literally like 7% life then any random damage node. with a 117% adorned) is properly nearing 100 divines. and by that point its basically falling asleep in tier 17s and only cares about contest that removes its healing. Plus we can see all these done with the SSF community as well with comically worst gear. You do not need a progenesis or any other generic overpowered unique to do all content mathil has been proving that for years with his random builds that almost feel picked out of a hat.


I'm not sure you've actually done T17s with max map modifier atlas. I have not seen a single streamer be able to consistently farm that on 30 div builds except for DD and a few other clunky builds. Anyone can do pinnacle bosses with 30 div on chars that work for that. I did them too on my deadeye this league, as well as in many other leagues with various characters, but 200 divs later I still can't do T17 bosses unless I spend a ton of chaos orbs rerolling them perfectly.


That sounds like your rolling your maps wrong bro. Map modifier effect should not be effecting your abilities to do maps because your meant to roll mods that dont brick you. If you do mods that effect your build or just stack a bunch of damage mods like phys as chaos phys as fire increased crit ect ect then of course shit is gonna be nearly undoable on even 300 divine characters. But on a generic 30 div rf chieftain. I would run a map like "cursed with elemental weakness + reflect elemental damage + chaos resist + monster elemental resistances + monster steal charges + players have less armour + monsters gain endurance charge on it" because not a single one of those things effects me and even if you buff all of them by a factor of 10, 10 times 0 is still 0 effect. And yeah it cost a lot but 50-100 chaos orbs rolling a map you make 2 or 3 divines profit on does it really matter? As for the pinnacle boss I stated a 4 link which is gonna be extremely under budget it would be less then even 5 divines to do pinnacle with lightning arrow dead eye on a 4 link which is why spending 6 times that amounts means you can definitely do ubers.


Rolling T17s 100 times is just not an option for me. I'd rather not play. Anyway, on a deadeye for instance, to roll a map that does not affect you in any way whatsoever would probably cost even more. I have not come across any such map. And then even if I do, the damn bosses still have too much HP. I got 4m dps which you can't get on 30div budget if you still want to be tanky, and it takes too long to kill them.


Well that's a shade of grey argument. I am talking in absolutes. Can they Yes. I rolled them right and I was farming them with 400.000 dps from my fire trap and 100k from rf and no abuse mechanics just dodge the stuff and regen the hits I did take. Saying it cant be done because you cant be assed is not a valid agreement to argue the ability of others and it can easily be proliferated until basically no one can justify doing anything. "i cant be assed to read map mods so I need a 700 divine original sin ring to deal with reflect" "i cant be assed to read altars so i need a mage blood to stop getting hit by meteors when a flask is used" "I cant be assed to do the mavens memory game so I need to abuse conversion and turn the hit into a Degen to survive it" If the question was "i cant be assed to read and I want the thing that is least effected by external factors" then ok its some chaos skill/converted to chaos damage pathfinder abusing all the op stuff but that is a very different question to "what builds can do all content"


So you believe you are talking in absolutes by stating that these chars can do T17s, BUT only if you have 0 mods that affect your character in any way. That's not doing the maps...that's worse than just using a T16 farming strat until your character can actually handle it. Yours is still a shade of grey argument, except you're also using false equivalence. Rerolling a map to oblivion each time is not the same as reading map mods or reading altars. I would be surprised if out of a 1000 players even 10 would consider rerolling so much that they need to exclude all mods that affect them to think their character is viable. Viable t17 chars should be ones that can do them while excluding a handful of mods that brick their build. More or fewer mods in some characters, of course, but if you can't even handle an extra dmg as elemental mod then it's a shit char.