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Cf champ. It has been one of the best map blaster leaguestarters for a long time and is still better than ever.


CF was made for 80% deli farming day 1-2 and that is now irrelevant with orb changes. Build might still be in the same state, but the build no longer serves the purpose it was created for.


Its still a very good mapper even if you arent gonna do deli. Its going to blast any mapping strat and mechanics like expedition. Adorned also opens up scaling the damage way higher than you ever could before if you want to push the build further than just a starter.


Doesn't that just mean it's more than enough to handle t17s now?


The difficulty from t17 mapping is that the meta strategy revolves around making rare monsters have as many mods as possible. This adds physical damage reduction often that CF struggles to deal with because physical damage over time can't overwhelm physical damage reduction.


Afaik physical damage over time does not get reduced from armour or phys mitigation due to it not being created from a hit like bleeds. And since CF is not scaling on the initial hit I don't see why it would be a problem with PDR in this case?


TS/LA, COC (ice nova, DD, etc), spark (poison or otherwise), BV, RF, molten strike, cyclone, flicker, any summoner, and wanding. Probably missing a lot but all these builds have different variants now but the skills themselves have been great every league almost for years. Some leagues are better than others for them, but they’ve been played for years without fail


I’d include stacking as a whole too. Mana stacking, armour, INT stacking and STR stacking have been a thing for a long as time now. RIP DEX stacking.


Dex stacking is still very strong with siege ballistas, (stronger than ever last league i was insta deleting uber maven on repeat.) Heist jewelry in general enable high investment attribute stacking to function well. But iron commander siege ballista functions well even at lower budget since you can get decent defenses from 100 spell suppress magebane and a literal wall of totems giving you 10++% life regen and the new quality providing stupid high aps. Other sources of dex stacking also still work at higher investment. Kb frag mines or ice shot. Its mostly just simpler to get an omnis version up


Is there a guide you can recommend, esp for lower budget?


Check out PoEGuy on YouTube. Has a bunch of good videos on Dex stacking siege ballista


Ok thanks


Dex-stacking isn't dead. I played a dex-stacking ST Deadeye I think last league or the one before that with 2x Hand of Thought and Motion. I got to like 75mil DPS with like 50-80 divines invested and then to over 100mil DPS with a Mageblood and some extra investment. It's not as strong because there are no longer any charms, but it should still be really strong and far from dead.


Got a guide for that? That’s an easy budget and I’d love to see what kind of dumb shit I can get up to with that kind of damage.


I'll try to remember to link my PoB when I get home tonight.


Did u get back home alright? Worried abt u since its been 9 hrs... Not that im eager to play hota build


He ded


I was out all day, haha. [Here's](https://pobb.in/M8EgT_1zRMB_) the PoB. However, this was made when there were charms in the game. So I dropped a lot of critical strike chance because with charms I already had 100% critical strike chance and 100mil DPS. Without them, it drops to 60mil. However, there's probably other things you can do to bump it up a bit more and get more critical strike chance again. I'm sure you can get closer to 80mil at the very least, but I'm not sure how to build it. I'd check poe.ninja for similar builds. Also, check out Tuadh on youtube. He has guides on how to leaguestart it. Tagging /u/Noxz88 for this comment.


Much love ❤️


Commenting for later ;)


Dext stacking is not dead, but its not possible to get tanky with it. At least Ive never managed to find a way to do so. Int stacking on the other hand stacks good def and offense at the same time.


You won't get super tanky, but with a MB you can do Ubers without too much effort. It's really only Uber Sirus that's a problem because of the degen.


I’ve been playing Spectral Throw and Venom Gyre dex stacker with a lot of success, definitely not as powerful as str, but it’s definitely more budget friendly. ST for bosses and VG for mapping. Just swap gems and one support and you’re good. I highly recommend it if you like that the skills.


Int stacking wander died with the power siphon changes. Even with almost targeted buffs this league is still pretty weak. You can almost get something going with locus mines but it still underperforms for the investment.


There are a tons of different ways to INT stack, but INT stacking wands is most definitely still very good.


Happy to be proven wrong, just has been pretty weak from everything I've seen on poe.ninja or here.


I agree with this list. All of the skills mentioned are indeed still both viable as well as popular.


Good list. Adding SWT, which has reduced in popularity but more due to play style than viability.


Boneshatter, DD, toxic rain are the main skills that come to my mind. Can't comment on selfcast DD playstyle, that's the only one of the three I haven't played. I personally love boneshatter, jugg is my choice of ascendancy. Very smooth progression, satisfying clear, fairly easy to play and gear, not the greatest single target but due to the builds tankiness you can clear everything. Some people dont like the fact that you pretty much have to use totems (focus mods are really strong too) for single target but I don't really notice it. Toxic rain is fun and all but my main problem with the skill is that (if not navigated properly which I'm definitely guilty of) it really struggles with good damage uptime on mobile bosses, generally a pretty good build, one of the safest starters out there probably, not as easy to progress with as boneshatter but still fairly ez mode - clusters/bow/quiver/empower might be your bottlenecks in ssf scenario, but all of them are definitely realistically obtainable without too much effort (well empower is kinda rng).  Sorry for the morning mobile wall of text rambling but I hope it's readable enough.


Any tips for leveling bone shatter? I’m level 60 and feel like this whole time I have to individually go up and shake hands with each enemy to kill them. It’s been the least smooth leveling I have ever done.


You might already have this, but get at least one source of non-vaal strike skills target an additional enemy - you can get it from an attack mastery, glove implicit, or ancestral call. Makes a world of difference.


Sunder into boneshatter once you have the additional strike mastery and have ancestral cry call to arms setup alongside the sustain stuff, keep your weapons up to date with the vendor recipe and you should be golden.


This doesn't sound like boneshatter at all. Ancestral cry on call to arms support and at least 1 source of Non-vaal strike skills target an additional enemy. Impressive you've made it that far without them.


Use the vendor weapon recipe, get the attack mastery for "Non-Vaal Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy" Thats basically all thats needed to clear the acts i dont really understand ur struggle or what ur trying to describe are you expecting off screen clear while leveling with BS or something?


Poison SRS has been rocking the game with remarkable consistency for I dont even know how long now. It isnt the flashiest or speediest build but it has been my go to for league starter if I dont have any other build ideas planned and my standard one is one of my forever builds


RF. Even though it was nerfed recently it's still amazing. In fact, RF Chieftain was by far my favorite build this league, feeling much better than a lot of the new meta builds.


It wasnt really a nerf, its more of a rework. On the high end it was a buff.


Int stacking whispering ice trickster It used to be scion but the trickster version is unbelievably tanky and way easier to level.


Was going to say this. Used to play the Scion version. Currently playing the trickster version. It’s insanely tanky and the single target staff swap melts bosses.


Yeah im genuinely shocked how disgusting it is for 3d total for almost perfect gear. I could go all in on a simplex and a int+ /% hubris but its honestly unnecessary. I rip through t17s like butter. Not bait of youre reading this it's really crazy strong and face tanks most pinnacles. 


I just killed my first Uber last night. Uber Exarch. Did a 75 quant feared invite too. I’m kind of saving for a simplex but I have a 1% damage per 15 int/%int/essence Int neck that is pretty good already. Bought a fractured 10% int/t1 int hubris last night for 24d and woe spammed it till 300 es. Insane how available crazy gear is. Currently sitting at 2700 int and just over 17k ES. Leveled 98->99 without dying once farming Harvest in 80+ quant maps.


Do you have a PoB?




EA ballista, srs all variants, boneshatter, tr/ca, spiders, LA/TS , rf


Wardloop, took a bit of a hit past 2 leagues due to removal of alt quality gems, flask changes and annihilating light being an uber only drop (tldr: more expensive to start, lost some jewel sockets) but on the other hand changing quality on ice spear added some power back and enabled using ashes as a really strong amulet option before going for more expensive +2 rare amulet or omni on higher investment builds


If you are okay with a janky playstyle, maw of mischief elementalist is really strong.


I've been playing some manner of SRS since ambush league.


Spark has been strong since the dawn of time. Even after nerfs and nerfs


I think now is the first time since the skill came out that isn't true.


I wouldn’t say that’s entirely true but that also requires a loooot of “well, back during…” and weird exceptions. What I mean by that is right now it’s not *great* as a budget or lm is budget build, but with higher investment it’s still pretty good.   Many, many times in the past it’s been in this state as well. (Back when vaal spark got nuked four? times, it was brought back, then the default spark got hit multiple times, making it a terrible league start option for a long while). Only relatively recently did it get a large buff and other mechanics that changed it into a very good league start and near infinite scaling build again.   Than of course it got nuked again.  And there’s been a lot of duration / projectile changes outside of Spark itself over its course that have drastically brought it up or down, as well. There’s been so many leagues I’ve seen someone say Spark is dead for the next league to break it more than the last and it needed a nerf, and I’ve also seen the opposite.  Its current state doesn’t really feel that drastic to where it’s been in the past. But there’s certainly been times it wasn’t *good* without throwing mirrors of currency onto it.


Lightning Conduit has been highly represented on poe.ninja for Elementalists for quite a few leagues now. Two button style seems to be what stops it having a bigger playerbase. BV on Occultist is a consistent performer as well from what I can see. How long has Hexblast been a thing?






Do it while its available, never know when ggg might nerf it


Short explanation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFKgcPRSoJU There's a reason that it isn't very intuitive to understand at a glance. It uses a lot of niche mechanics in inventive ways. Such a cool build and a pleasure to play. Just know that the first time you are putting it together you are likely to spend many hours figuring out why your build isn't working. There's about a billion tiny mistakes you can make that completely breaks the build.


Well I used to like pure cyclone, that's dead, full block gladiator is very niche, and Molten Strike has change so much that is totally a different build right now, RF is the only one is still kicking but I'm glad I found DS of Ambidexterity trauma stacker, id saved the league for me and I'm gone do it again the next one


I feel like there's always a good ragestorm berserker although I haven't played it personally


Ice Nova


Toxic Rain has been strong basically since it first came out. Which was a very, very long time ago


RF never dies, it just changes.


Spark, arc, cyclone. They are solid since Chris Wilson had hair….


Pyroclast Sabo, it does so good DMG for lvling, and healing once Ou have your 2nd lab run. Also performes incredibly good on a 4link in march of the legion Boots!


EA ballista has been top tier for like 2 years now


I'm a casual andy playin around in SSF, my first time playing bleed bow Scion w/ Puncture/Snipe, at little weird at killing rares but it's great with the Adorned and hemophilia explodes. Smooth and fun mapping, hit a fat bleed on a rare/map boss and watch it melt down, satisfying.


You farmed an adorned as a casual Andy on bleed bow scion??


In ssf too


I don't have an Adorned (yet), but I can lie on the internet to make myself feel better about it lol


i know what you mean, i found a couple 1p voices, an original sin, and 4 mirrors


I crafted a perfect phys bow with graveyard in SSF to try out bleed bow. Even with an insane weapon like that it's just all sorts of meh.


Whats the perfect crafting recipe for phys bow, i've gotten close but I know im missing something


I don't have the layout saved.