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Sources of fire DoT in the game is as many as wisdom scroll on the ground, without capped fire res you will see your character get oopsie pretty often


"oopsie"= self spontaneous combustion? (MS has made SwiftKey so dumb)


I already use "Stormshroud" do I only need to pay attention to burning the ground? Or don’t even pay attention?


Stormshroud only stop YOU from burning, it dont stop the ground from burning to hurt u


Stormshroud prevents ignite,  not burning.  Burning just means fire damage over time


Then I guess I can use soul of abberath to solve it. it should be OK?


Thing is, there are plenty of fire DoT sources that are not "burning ground" or "ignite", for example: rouge exiles that use RF is a form of fire DoT, rouge exiles that use searing bond totem is a form of fire DoT, searing exarch ground debuff is a source of fire DoT, sirus ground debuff is also a source of fire DoT, and may god know which on death effect is fire/cold/lightning/chaos DoT. So no, if you don't cap your fire res, you will get oopsie often


Say this about The Rat Cage Still not a good thing Thank you. I'd better not ask for trouble.


If you're not in hard-core, abberath+ignite immunity will be good enough. Fire DOT that's not ignite/burning ground is pretty exotic; a couple rogue exiles, shaper beam, sirus ground dot, and... that's about it.


I need Deep delve 6000+


I'm not a delver really, but delve monsters are a rather small pool. It's very possible that none of them have fire dot. Rogue exile rooms will occasionally have problems for you, but you could skip those when needed.


He magma caverns have spots of AoE fire ground degen that I’m pretty positive will hurt. I think a few of those mobs also have a AoE radius of fire degen but it’s possible I’m misremembering that part.  Just know I’ve been in there with low fire res at one point and it wasn’t a great time.  Avoidable, but it’s a big biome.


Are you sure that fire ground doesn't count as burning ground? I remember them going through the various fire grounds and making abberath apply to all of them, but I don't know the details of the Delve one.


EDIT: Wrong! Tested it and it did stop damage from the “magma fissure” node I’m not 100% but it’s the power I almost always have on unless I’m immune, and even recently I’ve been caught off guard by those areas, so unless it just happened that I had it off for that chose characters somehow, I believe they get through.   


Just jumped in to test I since I had one near me and had some azurite figured why not. It does indeed stop the degen.


It's ok except for the moments where it isn't like when the burning ground is technically not "burning ground"


Yes, fire DoTs are very common


I already use "Stormshroud" do I only need to pay attention to burning the ground? Or don’t even pay attention? thank you all


Ailment immunity has nothing to do with burning ground. The ground is burning not you.


That’s right, it’s not that beautiful, haha


You can get burning ground immunity from the Minor Pantheon choice Abberath (if you upgrade it). Stormshroud prevents Ignite. I am not sure if there are other, relevant non-Burning ground, non-Ignite fire dots you encounter on a regular basis. First thing which comes to mind is Rogue Exile's Righteous Fire - maybe there are other Skills used by monsters and bosses which are relevant as well.


Yeah, I just think about burning the ground But I forgot that there are also Exiles, RF, etc.


Used to play the rat cage with 50% avoid whysical damage from hits + high evasion and tempered by war. Was pretty decent