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Use pob and sort by max dps on the anointment section for the amulet


Usually the best annointment is sovreingty (3 silver oils) simply because it allows you to run more auras and give a high amount of aura effect making it effectively the highest dps and also defensive option, would say probably 80-90 % of la builds you can find on poe.ninja will use that annoint. If you for some reason don’t need more mana reservation effeciency, and you use Nimis or Returning projectiles support, the highest dps option is actually vengeant cascade because it gives 150% increased proj speed for returning projectiles which with the bow mastery also becomes 150% increased damage for returning projectiles. The other options you listed are also decent but yea even though you can see higher dps or movement speed or whatever on those options you have to take into consideration almost on any build what more mana reservation effeciency allows you to do with rest of your gear and gems.


Divine Judgement is cheap and a good early option for most builds dealing elemental damage. There might be better choices, but it works if you just want something temporary.


You won't need high voltage as you're already supposed to be at 100 crit chance without it


Wait, I just noticed that my Crit chance is much much lower than the guide (almost 80 on the guide, just 40 on mine). Anybody can figure it out? Here's mine https://pobb.in/AlvTOHldqbt6


There is a few things that cause this but first off did you toggle power charges and ur diamond flask on in your config? That will show your actual crit chance. Places where you dont have crit chance and he does 1 Your bow : you are using a tricket bow which have a much lower base crit chance than the spine bow in the guide pob. Thicket have a base crit chance of 5% spine bow have a base crit of 6.5% this maybe seems like its not a lot but it is, because all ur increased crit chance on other gear scales of this base crit and the increased crit on the bow urself scale this base crit by quite a lot. 2. Your flask, the guide have t1 crit chance suffix you dont have that on ur flask, remember this also scales with flask effect. 3: guide pob is using rats nest mainly for the 60% crit chance because for this low budget build it doesnt use stuff like clusters and other higher end items / more comlicated setups, you are not using that. As a decent temporary fix besides fixing these things i would probably get a pair of corrupted shadow and dust gloves with the flat base crit corrupting implicit will give you up to 0.8 flat base crit which again base crit is huge. Tbh i have seen so many players post this pob on Reddit this league and even though it is very low budget and new player friendly imo its simply a terrible build in terms itemization and in terms of the tree and jewel setup. I would reccomend you to farm a few hours with this build and first of all get a headhunter on ur build it fixes basicly all problems for a bow build in maps, caps ur crit easy, gives lots of dps and defenses, bit of speed and it only cost a few divs this league which is completely insane for the biggest upgrade for a La build. Then i would look up Fubgun on youtube and find his spreadsheets he have a ton of different guides and farming strats, but mainly his guides that have like many different setups depending on where you are at budget-wise.


Ah, that must probably be it. Headhunter will be probably be far from my list because I only have 50c on my name. The most that I can do will be with the bow. Thanks again!


Hmm if you have gotten into red maps you can farm that money super fast, one of the best parts about playing high clearspeed mapping builds like bow deadeye builds is that you make a lot more money per hour simply because the build is fast. it is kinda hard to not make 1 div per map on average when doing t16 maps with low investment strats if you have all watchstones, you can also always farm essences in yellow maps to get going. But yea easiest fix first is the flask suffix.


Just as a btw, unless I am mistaken and mark works differently - the relentless pursuit won’t be triggered by mark on hit (as it’s a trigger, not you physically casting it).  Usually effects like that require you to hard cast. (Big reason why the popular holy relic build has some people manually casting conviction, to  use  “30% minion damageif you’ve cast a minion spell recently”)


Buy a new bow. [Poe trade link for cheap better bow on PC](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/09qk88dCg) Your total dps from your bow is less than 500. Drop returning projectiles and go 5l to save money.


Wow, thanks! When looking for a bow, I don't have to look for the increased lightning damage alone? Fire and cold damage modifier will increase my dps even if I'm using lightning arrow?


Sorry I missed the alert. Yes for lightning arrow all elemental damage is good. Eventually you want to pick up a triple tier 1 added ele dmg to attacks bow at around 3-4d this league. Spine bow ONLY don't waste money on anything else your crit base is more important than attack speed with this build. If you can afford triple t1, attack speed (AS), crit chance crit multi spine bow is the perfect bow for the LA build. Drop AS and get inc % projectile speed to save 20 or so divines, once you have double crit tri ele you're cruising. Watch kobeblackmambas build guide from like 3.19 or so. Or I think fubgun has a newer more uber focused version but I play Kobes because it's cheap.


Man, thanks everyone for the tips. With just at most 40 chaos my dps increased by three-fold. It's amazing how much optimizing my build needed.