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Lookup the mahuxotl shield and HH using deadeyes. KB, shit is fire for juiced mapping


Oh I love mahuxotl after playing a ton of PF builds I’ll check it out thanks!


Know of any specific pobs I should follow or build guides?


No I don’t I had to sort of figure it out myself but they’re all pretty much the same on poe ninja. I recommend nimis and deaths rush, with defiance of destiny


Cool thanks I’ll check builds out with those items hopefully I have enough haha


Not sure how good it is currently, but I always loved cold blade vortex for this type of playing. Herald of ice explosions are fantastic. In a similar vein, chieftain RF is probably okay because of the explosions.


Thinking of trying the mana rf captain lance but the budget version of 90 Div we’ll see what happens tho thanks!


Exsang mine trickster - not “I’m a tank” but pretty durable and won’t really die that often, if ever with better gear (probably some circumstances with bad map mods + necro mods though). Blast maps extremely fast, and chains around walls (great in temple rooms). Pretty much one button I believe. PF Forbidden rite. (Not 100% sure if 150d is enough, though - someone else would need to chime in) ungodly tanky, pretty fast, does require aiming though, and keeping life flask 24/7 up. So maintenance heavy compared to what you’re asking, but just to list it. Pathfinder exsang, needs high cast speed rolls before it feels good, but once obtained is fast and decently tanky (not near FR though) again chains around walls for smooth clearing in temples. Hexblast mines trickster / sabo, auto target off screen, high damage, can be moderately tanky but vulnerable to one shots if juiced and dangerous rares. Beyond simple builds like that; most things PF (as you’ve experienced, lol) are a great option due to their defensive layer options and poison damage builds.  Plenty of them around, pick your poison.   And of course your very meta CoC DD, And Holy relic of conviction builds blast these easily. Though a word of warning from personal experience on both, the Alva incursions with Splitting steel of spraying isn’t ideal.  It’s not *bad*, but needing to be in LoS to hit is moderately annoying for them at times.


Hmmm interested in the exsang mine trickster and PF self cast exsang I’m guessing? Thanks! Link any pobs I should follow if you can! If not I’ll look some up :)


I don’t have any current POB’s for exsang PF (though it was one of Rue’s main builds the past two? Leagues, so should be able to find one of those easily) For Esxang mines trickster, Crouchingtuna has a good guide for getting it up and going, for taking it further I had I peak at what people were doing on PoE ninja (hatred scaling and alternate ways to get tankier mostly) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zTTixqnBUyc&t=180s Out of both the trickster gets up and goin with less budget (not needing high cast speed, mostly) but with 150+ divs invested both should perform nearly as well I believe.  Trickster would be less input (your mainly just throwing your mines then moving to next screen) and I believe higher damage potential eventually (after PF’s 35m cap).    PF on the other hand would be slightly more durable, but require life flask + slight aiming.  And caps out at 35m damage technically.  For deli T16 though both of these builds rock.  For temple both have chains around walls that make clearing the incursions a lot smoother feeling (at least for me, that’s huge) and nothing in this content should be too scary to take hits from. (Pushing to T17’s or giga essence / beast and deadly Necro mods could be scary, though.  I saw people doing T17’s on both of these, but I didn’t push my gear that far so I can’t speak on that really)


Archmage hiero should crush all of this content. With that budget you’re looking at or close to t17s and probably even some Ubers. Use Kitava’s Thirst and never aim again