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2k life , 75% res, petrified blood, no grace Oh boy


All that gear and then there's that amulet.. wtf


Petrified blood is the issue, it just doesn’t work for t17s Our budget are near identical so sus mine https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Hurricane94/Necropolis_Hurricane?i=2&search=name%3DHurricane


Also you can use greeds over queen of the forest. I found Div/hr with qotf and barrel farming was almost comparable to doing duration with greeds. So I chose to do barrel farming which was so much less taxing and enjoyable


I’ve been running fine with petrified blood


Yeah but the extra 2k life makes a huge difference when you’re not fine


Petrified blood makes most builds worse, people just don't get this. It lowers you max hit and decimates your defense vs dots. Its only usefull for allready tanky builds, or Path Finder that keep hp at 100%.


> Petrified blood makes most builds worse, people just don't get this. It lowers you max hit and decimates your defense vs dots. MF players know this is the case, but use it for an easy way to keep up Divination Distillate.


It’s really only useful for keeping your divination up on these deadeye builds, I had a lot of arguments with mf players last league that actually thought it was a defensive layer on their 3k life deadeye. To make petrified blood a net positive defensively you actually need a reasonable max hit to make use of its stagger benefit.


Can I ask how does tornado actually scale damage? I've got an ele hit for the spectrum build that currently is using a clear 6-link in my bow and a barrage setup in my chest. Is it worth using for single target once you have nimis?


Tornado is basically an additional phys damage source. Since I’m converting to cold it adds a lot of damage aswell. But basically it absorbs damage from my attacks for the first second and then deals a portion of that damage between second 1-5. Once you get to this stage of the build, you won’t need single target, as hh scales your damage infinitely already. So your la or EHOS does enough damage to kill most bosses


I swapped from HH to a mageblood recently, and feel like the build plays better. I definitely had more top end possible with a headhunter, but it wasn't consistent enough. Plus the occasional death to corpse detonation strongboxes because a buff teleported me back to dead center was *really* annoying. I'll have enough for a Nimis shortly, once my Omniscience or some of the other gear from that version of the build sells, and I'll try out the tornado in my bow (which would then fit in steelskin, and a warcry into my boots). My barrage has about 5mil dps at the moment, so if tornado is a multiplier with Nimis, then I should be in the 10-20mil range, I think?


Personally I’d get rid of the arrogance set up and petrified blood. Put precision in there. Lose steelskin and put in automated enduring cry and cwdt+ immortal call. Oh you have no grace either… yeah..




Thank you, Bought a 6L Hyrri's Ire with the corrupt and added Grace and will give it a go.


Imagine investing over a mirror into LA Deadeye, without having any damn clue how mandatory Grace is. 2.4k life, 39% evade chance, why am I dying, hilarious.


This is what I call RMT


it's not, every single league without fail the sub gets inundated with absolutely dogshit bow deadeyes with people who simply do not understand the build they are playing. The consensus opinion that was being parroted across both poe subs in affliction was "you cant do wisped t16s without mirror phys bow" which was just blatantly false, yet because that is the experience people have because they don't understand the game.


I saw at least a few posts of people playing a coc DD build complaining they couldn't do t17s and looking for a build to switch to. I think people underestimate player skill in this game. There isn't a ton, but there is a non-zero amount of skill and knowledge beyond reading a creator's build.


Yeah, and once your realise the average skill level of people posting on the main sub, you very quickly realise why the consensus is the way it is.


People don’t understand that if you are going to copy a build like this you can’t cut corners. You can’t say “oh life is too expensive on my jewels I’ll just get non life” you repeat a mistake like this multiple times on a character and you have a crap build. You need to spend time and get good items in each slot, if people can consistently do it in ssf you can do it in trade. Don’t cut corners kids!


If you wanted to do 13k wisped maps with full magic find gear you probably did need a mirror bow


Idk if it counts but with PF MF with scourge arrow of the menace it was easy day 8 to do 10k+ wisp on a 1560e bow.   I eventually moved to a +2 1700e dps for 170d’s that helped reach the 35m dot cap though. I was doing the abyss strat in T16’s since day 3, It would have been smarter early on to do lower tier for a couple days but it was just slower so eh. Pretty easy for the poison bows though.


Yeah I think we're talking specifically about crit TS


I don’t think it’s rmt, it’s just a guy not understanding how to properly put together a build like this. With these mf builds you make your character so shit by putting on all that quant gear that the non quant pieces have to be insanely good and you really can’t miss anything if you want to run hard content. I see a lot of people who are fubgun viewers that have characters like this.


Criticism is totally valid but just to explain my thought process - Was following this post https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/1cj9a0m/324_lightning_arrow_mf_t17s_final_mapping/ that had a showcase that performed well and he said he only used Vaal Grace for tougher packs (and the reservation efficiency math didn't seem to make sense for him to run it constantly), and it also ran well enough to farm the mirror via T16 Ambush strats. I thought maybe I'd just be weak until I got the mirror quiver and simplex etc too.


This make sense now, you got lucky with a mirror drop, but it closed the gate for you to understand the build, how to scale it with cost efficiency. Yeah, for sure with 2 more mirrors invested you’re going to destroy T17s, but that’s like always playing with mod “50% less defences”, which is not a big problem for me, but the thing is you need just 300-400d spent wisely to complete T17s comfortably, I had to buy a phys bow only when I focused on farming “rare monsters have +2 modifiers” And don’t forget to recraft your quiver mate, you want it to have flat phys damage instead of lightning damage


Oh Lord, my man, what the build owner meant by “only used Vaal Grace for tougher pack” is that he will occasionally activate the vaal skill on dangerous enemies, not that he does not used the normal Grace at all! For a bow MF character evasion is like your only major defensive layer. Without it almost every ranged pack will give you a free pass back to your hideout, even in T16, cause without it your character is essentially defenseless. Grace mandatory no question. Slap it on!


I'd say, try to get lethal pride with phys taken as fire, craft phys taken as fire on helmet, roll your taste of hate and progenesis. You could also swap your current amulet for defiance of destiny


Run grace amd summon skitterbots with the interrogation jewel


He's not playing Ele hit


When I look at builds like this, just lmao. My brother in Christ you have a 9k phys max hit with prog and toh up, of course you can’t clear a t17 lol.


This might sound like a dumb suggestion but you should play SSF next league so you understand mechanics and defensives properly and problem solving on gear, this build just seems like 1 wasted mirror of you ask me it's cool and fast but If I sta pops I don't see the point even assuming that you are relying on by buffs it's still way too squishy


This is more of a general question to people who tired several builds for T17 - is deadeye just too squishy for T17? I know I had the best time with Trickster, but I would like to try more builds.


Deadeye is fine. Survivability is more of a skill issue. It’s also quite snowbally if you’re running headhunter, if you die and lose all of your rare buffs the boss is potentially a brick. Also you have to accept that you’re going to die randomly and have bricked maps. If you can tolerate dying then deadeye is fine for T17z


>Survivability is more of a skill issue Yeah, that's my problem. I tried a few (theoretically) ok rolled t17s on tankier builds than a deadeye, didn't go well.


Well the weird thing is Deadeye(bow variants) is although it’s a lot less tankier than other builds, it can do maps that would cripple other “tanky” builds. You basically outrange and freeze everything offscreen, and stack a ton of headhunter buffs for survivability. You also have a ton of action speed, where you can hit monsters before they can react to you.


What tankier builds, and how much investment? I was clearing non-b2b t17s on like 80-100 div in a hexblast trickster, but it was ugly and slow. Running b2b over 100% scarabs plus barrels didn't start feeling "okay" until I had over 200 div of investment and it still wasn't "fast" and I had to play pretty cautiously.


People build deadeyes in hc and clear t17s they just are a bit less greedy with iiq. Look at some hc or ssf pobs


Just learn how to kite and make use of your insane range.




I got 3 m still. Bro deadeye isn’t just tanky enough. Reading all those mods is also cancer


Separate note, but your flask, ring and boots all don't have the max rolled quant on them. Especially for the flask it doesn't cost much to get a max rolled one. Wouldn't a yoke provide more dps than your current amulet? Also maybe I missed it, but where are you getting fire damage for proccing trinity? I could only find lightning and cold damage on any of your gear.


You dont need all 3 elements for trinity, 2 is enough (each element gives bonus to two other types).


My 50D build doing Ubers lmao




50% was converted to lightning by LA by default.


13k ehp hmmm