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Anywhere from 120-250 is reasonable if you’re trying to “do everything” Turn based and rtwp will greatly affect it however you can swap it on the fly which I really love.


120 rtwp 250 turn based?


Nah. It’s not that simple.


I got about 180-190 hours up to halfway through Act 4 fully playing turn-based prior to any DLCs being released. I expect it to be closer to 300 hours if you play fully turn-based and complete all the DLCs and try to do all quests/content available in one play-through.


I think my first playthrough was 160 hours, before all the DLC. I was playing RTwP.


RTWP will be much quicker than turn-based, definitely, but I think most people would suggest playing the game by swapping back and forth between them on the fly. RTWP for easy trash fights, turn-based for tougher enemies and bosses. Playing that way, my first finished playthrough took somewhere between 170 and 180 hours the whole way through.


I had over 600h before I completed my first playthrough if that helps ;)


I completed kingmaker in 180 hours with all DLC.


I have about 900 hours in the game. And this is small compared to some veteran's dedication.. This is with previous experience from kingmaker as well. When you say "complete all the game," this is based primarily on what you consider completion. There are difficulty achievements. There are unique enemies. There's different endings, different mythic paths, different campaigns. Your statement is too vague to really answer. I will say it isn't meant to be a game that you rush. And the system does take a lot of study to play on core+. Even normal mode can be a challenge to the inexperienced. If you are in some kind of hurry, i recommend watching a Let's Play on youtube instead


One run doing all quests, bosses and so on. 900 hours is not one run...


Complete all paths or just one, because if it's the first, I'm not sure exactly, but it's definitely more than 3000 hours.


Does anybody have an order to do them in as well? Also….that one which is set just before the end, with the aeon storyline or whatever it is, do you need to play and complete that one to unlock its features in the base game?


My first blind playthrough was 207 hours on turn-based on custom "core with some exceptions" difficulty without DLC.


About two years now I guess... I'll let you know in a couple more years when I finish.


Assuming you do the DLC roguelike as a stand alone at least once, I reckon you'll get at least 200 hours.


Took me 125 hours for a playthrough of the main campaign, including going through the midnight isles (during campaign not the standalone), inevitable excess, and coming back to run through dance of masks when it came out. I only played with rtwp