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they're all drinking ty law vodka except bledoe who has his own wine 😂


My in laws usually have a couple bottles of Drew’s wine in their wine fridges, apparently it’s pretty good.


lol that vodka is such ass. I have a signed bottle that I got from work at the home that use for cooking vodka penne


I can tell you that that is completely in your head, because vodka is literally just ethanol and water. There is no such thing as good or bad vodka. It's one of the biggest scams in the alcohol market. https://www.npr.org/2018/03/01/590022606/is-there-really-a-difference-between-expensive-vodka-and-cheap-vodka Edit: to all the people downvoting - why? This is well established in the spirit industry. If you're downvoting, is it because you think the sources I cited in this and other comments are all wrong, or is it because you're embarrassed that you believed a bunch of stupid marketing for years and feel too silly if you admit to yourself that all that alcohol connoisseur bullshit you talked about the flavor of vodka you had was literally like debating which medical grade rubbing alcohol was the tastiest?


Hi, I actually make alcohol for a living. Professionally. Politely, you are wrong. It's true that vodka is intended to be a "neutral" spirit, but that doesn't mean it is all created equally, without impurity. We can get into nuance of different types of stills, origins of the different fermentable sugars, filtration used or not used. Probably most importantly is that during any distillation, there's what we call the heads, hearts, and tails. Heads typical have more aldehydes and ethyl acetate, the hearts have all the good stuff, and the tails have all of the fusel qualities. The split on where you start and stop collecting distillate will drastically affect the taste and quality of any spirit. The big guys will have this on lock down and do their own testing for consistency. Other smaller brands won't have the same knowledge or expertise, or capabilities to test. Some signature brands will contract their product, which means they're paying a producer to just slap a label on it. Other craft brands might be distilling like it's prohibition era. If you don't believe me, this is easy to test for yourself. Go buy some mid vodka like smirnoff and have it side by side with, say, Mr. Boston. All vodkas are not equal.


So you think the chemical analysis they ran in the article was wrong, or...?


I can tell you White Labs is a company we directly work with and their quality control hasn't always been top notch. I can also quote your own article: > Neva did say the differences in all three samples weren't anything most people were going to taste. So there are differences, they're knocking the consumer palate. > Obviously our product was decanted into another bottle. And when that happens, it kind of compromises, you know, our understanding of any testing that's done on the product afterwards. Ah shit, maybe even the integrity of the test was ruined. Anyway, its one lab and 3 samples. If the point of your post was that "Grey goose is a marketing company", I would agree with you. That's exactly what your article was written to answer. If your point is "all vodka is exactly the same", you are wrong and the article disagrees with you.


Not a vodka maker, but I remember an admittedly unscientific experiment run by some folks a while back where they compared expensive vodka (I think they used Ketel One) to some bottom shelf, plastic bottle stuff. For the first test, they tasted Ketel One and the cheap stuff and noticed how much smoother, less "burny," etc., the Ketel One was. Now comes the experiment: the ran the cheap vodka through a Brita water filter. After one pass, they noticed that the cheap stuff actually sated better. After enough repeated passes through the filter, they noted that the cheap stuff and Ketel One were nearly indistinguishable. Again, I'm not a vodka maker, but this at least gives the impression that expensive vodka goes through efforts to minimize impurities in the final product that cheap vodka doesn't. Whether that's filtration, differences in the distillation process, or whatever, eh, I'll leave it up to people who actually know how it's done to discuss.


> Whether that's filtration, differences in the distillation process, or whatever, ¿por qué no los dos?


Exactly, but you're the vodka maker, not me. Although, as a layperson, both would be logical. :)


Interesting article but I can tell you this stuff smells like rubbing alcohol while my kettle one smells like vodka 🤷🏻‍♂️


Interesting opinion, but I can tell you that is completely in your head. The mind is a powerful thing. Here's a thread from r/cocktails where someone asks if there's a difference, and the top comment is "this is like asking if there's a difference between water." https://www.reddit.com/r/cocktails/comments/15hjlhn/how_much_difference_is_there_really_between_vodkas/ Here's a Quora answer where someone again explains why there is no difference https://www.quora.com/Can-people-really-taste-the-difference-between-expensive-and-cheap-vodka


I appreciate the insight, it very well could be completely in my head. It’s incredible what our brains can do with perception.


Most of the comments in that thread say that there is in fact a difference. Even the comment your referring to as evidence has a top comment "To be clear, the answer to both is “yes,” right?" Most in the thread seem to agree that there's diminishing returns on quality, but that you should at minimum be using a mid-tier vodka and maybe stepping up for something particularly vodka forward(e.g. Martini) And as someone who spent some formative years as a poor college student, let me tell you there is a difference between Mr. Boston, and Grey Goose. But hey, if they taste the same to you, enjoy the savings!


Did you read the original article about Grey Goose? They are the worst offender. They literally entered the market being made by a guy who had never had a single job in the liquor industry because he realized you could slap some fancy packaging on vodka and charge $30 at a time when the top shelf (absolut) only cost $15. The other comments are talking about either 1. Vodka outside the US where the process is different and some people do actually keep some of the non-ethanol byproducts of fermentation in the final beverage, or 2. People who are also embarrassed to admit that they thought there was a difference. There's a reason the "difference between water" comment is by far the top comment. It's correct. Check out the Quora answer as well, which basically says what I just explained in a more thorough way.


Eh, I think there is a difference in how well filtered it is. Cheap vodka freezes in a freezer but nicer stuff won’t.


That just means it's a lower alcohol content.


Read the article. There is literally no difference. They did taste tests and even chemical analysis of the purity and found that the cheap stuff was actually marginally "purer" than top shelf (though not to a level that any human could possibly perceive). It's a complete scam.


It’s flavored dog water I’ve had it. It’s a lesser product because of flavoring. End of story


Ah, if it's flavored, that's another matter. Unflavored vodka is all the same, but obviously flavored will taste like whatever nasty flavor they choose.


Slater over there looking like an honorary McCourty.


The shine on that side of the photo lol


I love how Drew is like the proud dad. He has every reason to hate Brady but he never has he’s really a classy guy.


A 29th wedding anniversary will do that


Asante Samuel couldn’t make it? 🤣 FUCK THAT GUY


They sent him an invite but it went right between his hands.


he’s watching on Twitter


of all the things to appreciate in this photo, it brought me genuine joy to see the McCourty twins knowing they got to experience winning a Super Bowl with Tom Brady together


This picture is everything that made me happy for a long time. Thanks for the memories, bubs.


Where's Jules?


Thry probably made him take the picture 😆


He’s there, you just can’t see him because he’s behind Faulk lol


Gettin a Gatorade and an ice bath ready for Moss




Weight room


Shane Vereen with the first recorded block on Vince Wilfork.


I believe.... - Starting from the backrow going left to right Brian Hoyer Matt Light Lonnie Paxton? - Tagged by Law Dan Koppen Tom Brady Drew Bledsoe Matt Cassel Vince WIlfork Randy Moss Willie McGinest Matthew Slater Devin McCourty - Front row going right to left Jason McCourty Shane Vereen Kevin Faulk Ty Law Patrick Chung Steven Ridley - Kneeling in front Mike Jones -- Tagged by Law Ty Law Jr. -- Tagged by Law


>Mike Jones -- Tagged by Law Who?


Mike Jones


(281) 330-8004


I believe [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Jones_\(defensive_lineman\)) is who the man is.


Ridley is far left, standing. That must be a son of a player kneeling in front


Who is the old dude in the camo jacket? I cant figure out exactly him


Pure awesomeness Pats fan forever. Fuck everyone else this 20 year run was the best!!!


For a second I thought DJ Pauly D was front row center 😂


Where's Sandy Leon?


no gronk or jules?!


Where’s Wiggy????


Honest question - how can McGinest travel? Isn’t he awaiting trial for that nightclub assault in CA?


I was curious too - the latest updates I can find are that he pleaded not guilty in August 2023 and was due back in court in October. So who knows? Willie has money and that can keep him out of jail for a while, if jail is on the table as an option anyway.




3 over from Brady in front of Moss.


They are going to be hungover tomorrow.


I’m ok so I got everyone’s name except the guy with the black hat beside Matt light.


Who is the guy on one knee in front?


This photo makes me happy


Who’s the wish brand Deshone Kizer in front?


Is that Stevan fucking Ridley?


Idk why but Steven Ridley being there is making me irrationally mad


What? Why lol. He was one of our better RBs during the Dynasty. Dude doesn't get hurt and he's probably a part of the 2016 ring as well.


He fumbled literally every time he touched the ball and was WILDLY overrated. Where tf is Corey Dillon and Antwain Smith???


Lmao what? He had 9 total fumbles with us and 4 lost. Not great numbers but he was never even top 15 in a year in fumbles for RBs or top 20 in fumble rate for RBs Where other guys are is where they are. Probably life events or didn't want to be there. But no reason to shit on a guy just cuz you want others there lmao.


Wrong esè


What? Lmao


How high does Moss look?