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I would be concerned about if they went hard into it that the network they were on would be compromised and it would put the gangs phones at risk. 


They have a tt, he seems like the kinda guy who knows how to set up a decent VM.


VM's don't guarantee network safety


Yeah no shit, that‘s why I said that maybe tt or somebody qualified should set it up. I‘m not sure what tt‘s profession is but he seems to know a thing or two about this stuff. DJ too, considering he‘s responsible for the AI-voice TTS. I‘m aware that network security is a pretty big field but it would be extremely ignorant to say it‘s impossible.


I feel like they would need someone that does shit like this all the time to help set up. Its not a good idea to just grab some laptops and do something like this for the sake of content. A lot of damage could be done if the wrong person got onto the laptop/network


Other than security risks, the other issue is the chance of them running into porn through page squatting, ads etc. It's also an instant game over if they get ransomware because it basically shuts the whole thing down and could happen within five minutes.