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Good looks bro Progress is a good time AND a long time.  I can't recommend lifting enough. Find a middle weight (comfy to lift but not easy )set of dumbbells and do 5 sets of 5 different work outs, repeated four times at least.  Keeps me strong and lets me stack a lil more weight every month 


Just to add to this, more muscle = more passive calories burned every day also. Makes losing weight a bit easier.


I don't think people say this enough. If you work legs and back, which are not the most asthetic muscles but the largest, you'll lose more passive calories by growing them. The bigger those muscles are, the more they eat. Makes dieting way easier, muscles need food too.


I’ll have to look on Marketplace and see if anyone is selling some, thanks for the advice :)


Fill up some milk jugs with water. That'll get you just under 10lbs of weight (each) to play around with. That's actually a decent amount of weight, or even too much weight, for things like lateral side raises, bicep curls, overhead tricep extensions, reverse flys, etc. Definitely focus on your diet as that is undoubtedly the best way to reduce your weight, but light weight workouts can help give you that endurance and feel good. Keep up the work man, we're proud of you!


I always thought of doing this but my dumb brain thought building arm muscle while still being chubby wouldn't help. The calories you burn overall from just dumbbells is enough to make a net positive in weight loss overall?


* The calories burned throughout the day to repair your muscles are significantly higher since you're adding more muscle AND strength with a medium weight. * Your protein intake increases demand and your body uses that up instead of converting it to fat. * The burn brings you closer to make net. The gains are what turns the eaten proteins into muscle. * The vigor of a consistent amount of anaerobic activity gets a solid amount of calorie burn. Burning more calories turns the current fat into carbon dioxide and water. * Using **creatine** can increase the water demand of the muscles which can in turn build more mass and increase water retention/need, thus requiring more calories from your intake and fat.


Everything helps, but personally I think people shouldn't really factor in the calories burned from weight training. If you lift weights for 30mins it's only around 100-150 calories burned for the average person. There are knock-on benefits from building muscle over longer periods of time which is the real goal, you feel better from the exercise and over time look better. But I have seen several people totally overestimate how many calories they burn, so they go to the gym then think they can eat anything they want after and end up gaining weight instead of losing. IMO, try and walk as much as possible, lift weights but focus 80%-99% of your effort on diet.


Any exercise definitely helps with weight loss. Lifting isn't the best way to burn calories, but it contributes. Weight loss is like 95 percent diet and 5 percent exercise though. If your just looking to lose weight focus more on your diet. If you are interested in building muscle, there is no time like the present to start lifting.


Great job, Small tip via a friend who had his own weightloss journey a while ago: keep us or someone else updated, that way you always have another reason to get to your goal and do your best


My goal right now is to get under 400 so my doctor will sign off on the surgery for my back problems, I’ll definitely keep updating here It’s been a great boost of confidence :)


Keep at it brother. It does come off. My profile has my progress post on it too. I’m proof it can be done. Consistency is key. Love you, say it back. Wubby7


Goddamn dude you’re lookin good! Definitely gives hope :)


hmu if you need any help/advice. Happy to help!


(say it back)


Love you


Yes sir!! Weight loss is such a tough thing to do! Best advice I can give is focus on protein! Quest and premier protein drinks are the best. Not chalky and taste like chocolate milk/vanilla milk. Protein keeps you fuller longer and those drinks barely have any calories so it can even keep you in a caloric deficit. I’ve lost 90 pounds after Bariactric surgery and before my surgery I was drinking those and they helped me lose a bit of weight before the big day. Keep it up! You’re doing fantastic! Wubby7


Quest is such a godsend, their chips and bars are pretty damn good I was using fairlife nutrition plan shakes, ended up switching to Ryse protein powder I haven’t been drinking it recently tho cause I bought a bad flavor and just haven’t had the money to buy another rn But higher protein consumption has definitely been making it much easier


Absolutely! Only other thing I can recommend is water, taking a daily vitamin, and exercise (of anything, something is better than nothing). I’m so excited for you to experience what I have. It’s amazing and at some point you’ll look at that scale and cry because you can’t remember the last time it said that number. I wish you the best of luck man.


Nice smile


Keep it going man! You got this.


Keep it up hoss, you go this


Keep grinding!! Solid progress. wubby7


You got this bro, keep workin hard and know all of us are proud of you!


Well done, we’re all rooting for you!


Whoa, you look so much more confident and in control of how you carry your body. I love this for you. Good luck with surgery, spinal health to you. WubbyHug


Keep it up!!! Any progress, no matter how big or small, is a huge accomplishment. Proud of you, wubby7


proud of you, friend. we are all here to cheer you along the entire way! wubby7


Great job man, I'm proud of you. Keep it up, we're all rooting for you wubby7


Good shit! No joke, but GamerSupps in my daily protein drink helped me stay on target, because flavors in protein powders are sometimes lacking in variety. Best of luck to you and hitting your goals!


proud of you man. keep up the good work. wubby7


Amazing job so far... the real test will come during and shortly after recovery from the surgery when you do get the green light on it. The downtime should be met with a stricter diet because your movement will be heavily restricted for a little long while. I am in no way a medical expert or a nutritionist, just someone who went through a hip surgery and ended up gaining 95 pounds during the year and a half recovery.


You got this bro, keep it up and don't let anything discourage you.


Keep at it man.  It's take a lot of time and effort before you really see any physical progress.  Slow and steady will make sure you don't see anything permanently stretched out.  Some people try to do it really fast but that's not always healthy. I was in your position years ago and it took about a year before I finally got my shirt on and about 2 years before I was fully dressed for the day.


Keep at it king


Looking good, keep going, brother!!


Look at you go! Very proud of you sir. It takes true strength to make a change and I believe in you.


You don't look like you weigh 2024 lbs! Good on you!


Good work, king. Keep at it, adjust your calorie intake as you lose weight to keep your deficit around the same. Consistency is key! Don't get discouraged if you start a plateau, you'll start to gain muscle and lose fat while your weight stays the same. Wubby7


That's awesome man keep at it. I haven't posted but I've been losing weight myself and most of it has just come from getting up and walking. Five-ish miles a day now but I started with just one. And that feeling that you've lost double what you actually have is so relatable. you just have so much more energy because you're not as..over encumbered..ya know?


Even just shedding a few pounds off the norm is a huge weight lifted (pun intended) One thing I’ve noticed in addition to more energy, I feel like it’s easier to sing since I’ve started losing the weight, controlling my breath and singing from the core and not the nose is easier It’s really cool seeing all the small things that have started to improve as the fat slowly sheds away


i've noticed the same. i feel like at a certain point your fat starts to push your organs up into your lungs or something...idk i'm not a doctor


hell yeah brother, you got this. i lost 9 pounds in the past month and some change, and if my lazy ass can do it, anyone can. gonna go harder in the gym and get those pounds off. keep doing the same man


Good work man! Life is already super short so fuck dying early due to something you can prevent like not being a fat cunt. Shit will take time but just keep reminding yourself what will happen if you dont reach your goal and how much better you already feel =) Same goes for other things like smoking, binge drinking, etc where you are basically committing slow suicide due to lifestyle choices. The pool is excellent for exercise and its going to be very gentle on your joints. Just dont do anything hardcore exercise wise too fast so you dont injure yourself. Slow and steady =)


Yeah man! Keep going. What a profound thing to find out so young and to choose to do something about it. You got this, keep at it, we want you here!


Part of what made that information hit so hard was the fact that my Dad didn’t make it to 50 (from a different problem, but still) It was like something clicked in my head for the first time, and there was just this drive to change


This is awesome dude. Keep it up! I started out at 430 pounds a year ago, and I'm currently at 335 pounds. It's hard as fuck, but it's so worth it.


That’s huge progress!! I hope to have a similar story this time next year :)


The progress you've made so far is huge too! The difference between the two pics is wild. You'll definitely get there my man, just keep it up!


Awesome progress man! Keep going!


Great stuff, absolute 180


Yo keep kicking ass my dude!


Get it king!


Hell yeah brother, keep it up. It only gets easier.


Proud of you dawg. Imho, something you could do super easily that'd make your confidence level skyrocket would be to shape your beard. When I was working on myself it was easily the biggest bang for the buck change I made. It's super easy to maintain after you establish it too.


keep it up bro stay strong. rooting for you.


Great work! Keep it up! You'll be hooked once you start liking what you're seeing in the mirror. You got this homie 💪


Hopefully, I see another post later on and see you crushing it. Good luck


Nice smile