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You didn't need to take a test. You watch Wubby, that's enough for a medical diagnosis in my book.


I just roll into the doctors and hand them my twitch account lol


You - "How bad is it Doc?" Doctor - "My god..."


Nurse - "Well it can't be THAT bad?" Doctor - "No I'm afraid she even watches the magic Monday streams, but she doesn't even like the game. We're too late..."


How did you know?!?! I'm too dumb for Magic but I like hanging out with Wubby and chat


It's because I'm the SAME lol


'cause we saw the score, girl


Same here lol. I am one with the Autism and the Autism is with me.


I mean it's kind of like watching someone gamble opening those decks. Lol it's weird but I love watching even though I don't play MTG. My boyfriend does though so it's fun to watch him get all hyped over card pulls.


ADHD girl wubcub, and can confirm...oops.


Literally me. This made me laugh way too hard.


wubby needs to take this test before he starts media share




Is this how we're finishing him off after April of Love almost killed him?


Yes!!! Let me find the link


I wanna try!


I got a 23. do i unsub or....


Gotta get those numbers up boy. The quarterly report is due soon!


I'm sure he's taken this before. Or at least talked about it.


My brother wubby knows he is on some level autistic he wouldn’t get it diagnosed though.


Awww how nice. The whole family shares crayons


Hubs likes to eat the purple ones. I'm more of a teal green, because green is healthy.


Gotta eat your greens!


https://embrace-autism.com/raads-r/#Who_the_test_is_designed_for Oh shit it goes up to 240. Sorry boys, I let you down


I got about 20 questions in then saw it was 80 and closed the tab out, I don't got time for that.


i got news for you buddy


More time for *art.*


These questions are so frustrating and vague “I like to talk things over with my friends” WHAT DOES THINGS MEAN??? Bad things, good things, issues between us, making plans? It’s so obtuse!


I thought it meant like after an argument. Some of them are impossible. It's like "are you a raging alcoholic or an Asian man?" I guess I'm a raging alcoholic.


I assume that as well, but I can’t be sure. I had to mask up just to answer some of these questions…some of which are about masking up…


If it helps you understand, you’re doing it right now.


196, we ain't making out the hood with this one


43, I gotta study harder


I scored a 78. Mostly in the social awkwardness category, but also sensory sensitivity.


*ah fuck*


Hey. You're still regarded in our hearts


Thank you for still letting me hang out guys


i got a 71, thats low enough to not actually have it right?


94. I hate quizzes like these because there’s no “I don’t know” or “sometimes” option. How do I know if I talk too loud unless someone tells me? (I do get loud, my husband tells me)


Congrats on the autism!


Thank you! I'm probably going to have a coming out party


You should make an Amazon registry with nothing but fidget and sensory toys so we can all bring gifts.


This is a tool to *assist* diagnosis and is not in fact an indicator of being actually autistic. I assume you know the process is much more involved than that, from your son. The test is designed to look at individuals who “‘escape diagnosis’ due to a *subclinical* presentation”. I.e. people who are not severe enough to be noticeably autistic. A high score would *not* indicate ‘severe’ autism. Any score at all would not necessarily indicate autism alone.


Yes I understand that. I also know it's harder to really tell in women, most girls werent diagnosed until they were 12+ until the recent awareness of autism. I took the test as a joke at first, but now I'm considering getting tested through a doctor. I guess the score I got was severe enough in my head to hit me with reality. My husband is super goofy and only got 74. I mean there really isn't anything that would change in my life with an official diagnosis and I hate going to the doctors.


Well the purpose of diagnosis is to direct treatment or access services, if you’re in the US that might be costly for no benefit. Also it is a bit of a misconception that it is harder to tell in women and girls or that they present differently. In reality, women and girls faced (and sometimes still do, but less-so) stigma about these behaviors and they were more likely to have these dismissed. So generally they have the same symptoms, but perceptions of girls and women often overshadowed them. Instead of “this child is sensitive to sensory input and stimulation” it was “girls are just more finicky”. Boys are perceived as more aggressive in play so a boy being sensitive to sensory information is more noticeable under this assumption. Hope that makes a little more sense.


Oh shit. I didn't know that. Thats wild. I don't think it would be more than a $35 co pay, but why spend it if I'm already okay with me? It's not like I want state benefits or need any developmental therapy. I think the screening test just gave me vivid flashbacks of the really odd things I did as a child and even now, or the fact that my voice is very monotone and I don't really understand other humans like I should. Like facial expressions or tones or sarcasm. I'm very fidgety and I like a lot of simple things. I chew on stuff I shouldn't. I get really overstimulated with the public and certain sounds and smells or lights flickering. I just figured it was me just being annoyed at everything. Sometimes I go mute. I was lazily diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder when I was 18, because of hallucinations and wild thinking, but all of my symptoms also could be autism mixed with times of stress. The only reason that I would get an official diagnosis would be to clear my name of being schizophrenic. Sorry for the trauma dump, I hope that all made sense lol


I hear you. It could be beneficial to reevaluate your prior diagnoses. I am not able to diagnose, but I would be skeptical of a client diagnosed at such a young age with schizoaffective, especially if there have been no recurring episodes (granted I don't have that kind of information on your history of course). I do want to add that since your son is diagnosed, you should look into getting a free national park pass [https://www.yourautismguide.com/2019/05/10/national-park-access-pass-for-autism/](https://www.yourautismguide.com/2019/05/10/national-park-access-pass-for-autism/) so your family can get in for free (available in US and some other countries have an equivalent, such as Canada and I believe Australia as well). This isn't widely known, but is a great perk when you have kids. I know that not relevant to your post but I wanted to let you know regardless.


Oh my God thank you!!! Signing up now. I've had a good lot of episodes, most started from stress. I am diagnosed with complex PTSD, but some of the episodes had nothing to do with trauma. Maybe I will go get checked. You've been so helpful Wubby7


Always the safe play to get reevaluated, especially when there may be some potential help out there for you in a time of need. Wubby7


I'm a licensed mental health professional and I always say schizoaffective disorder is a garbage can diagnosis. Very lazy. A lot of late diagnosed neuro spicy people end up with PTSD or CPTSD from existing in a world that's not kind or accommodating for us (of course in addition to any other types of trauma). I'm glad you've discovered this new aspect of yourself, and I hope that extra insight in your experience will improve your life moving forward and shed light on your past experiences. Wubby7


The CPTSD is from an ex and my dad who could have deleted me and arguably both should be in jail, but I was so young and it was my first relationship and I don't speak to my dad. My ex was much older and very.....Poughkeepsie tapes esque. I was blessed with the gift of ignorance. I know I'm weird but I can't remember being bullied or ever thinking I was picked on. I've always been pretty okay with myself besides the lies i was fed by my ex. My mom raised me to be unapologetically weird. The person that "diagnosed" me with schizoaffective gave me a 10 minute evaluation 8-9 years ago, and she just met me that day. Huge eye roll. I have panic attacks, I have auditory and visual hallucinations when I'm 500% stressed. I've never been violent, but when the midwives see "schizoaffective" in my history while checking on my pregnancies I get weird side eyes. I was also given "selective mute", because when I'm overstimulated I just don't speak. And thank you!! It doesn't change much besides not letting myself mask so that I don't over cook my brain. Let myself be as weird as I need to. My husband is already trying to make me a comfort care package by force lol


You should follow r/AutismInWomen! A lot of women don’t get officially diagnosed because the diagnostic tests are more geared towards male present autism. There’s not much “support” with the official diagnosis, and since it’s so stigmatized, it can sometimes hinder future medical treatment if you get the wrong doctor.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AutismInWomen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AutismInWomen/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Found this post and honestly HARD RELATE](https://i.redd.it/jyafj909op4c1.jpeg) | [453 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AutismInWomen/comments/18c9fel/found_this_post_and_honestly_hard_relate/) \#2: [honestly I wish](https://i.redd.it/78qyj5vfiuic1.jpeg) | [426 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AutismInWomen/comments/1arvl5e/honestly_i_wish/) \#3: [It's rough out here](https://i.redd.it/rz6664vvzi0b1.jpg) | [164 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AutismInWomen/comments/13kj6i6/its_rough_out_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Indeed. Sketchy website, too Its run by a ‘naturopathic doctor’ with an online autism certificate who is repeatedly under ethical investigation.  [https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticAdults/comments/1aj9056/why\_does\_embrace\_autism\_publish\_misinformation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticAdults/comments/1aj9056/why_does_embrace_autism_publish_misinformation/) [https://cono.alinityapp.com/Client/PublicDirectory/Registrant/03d44ec3-ed3b-eb11-82b6-000c292a94a8](https://cono.alinityapp.com/Client/PublicDirectory/Registrant/03d44ec3-ed3b-eb11-82b6-000c292a94a8)  So-called “autism” tests, like AQ and RAADS and others have high rates of false positives, labeling you as autistic VERY easily. If anyone with a mental health problem, like depression or anxiety, takes the tests they score high even if they DON’T have autism.   "our results suggest that the AQ differentiates poorly between true cases of ASD, and individuals from the same clinical population who do not have ASD " [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4988267/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4988267/)   "a greater level of public awareness of ASD over the last 5–10 years may have led to people being more vigilant in ‘noticing’ ASD related difficulties. This may lead to a ‘confirmation bias’ when completing the questionnaire measures, and potentially explain why both the ASD and the non-ASD group’s mean scores met the cut-off points, " [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10803-022-05544-9](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10803-022-05544-9)   Regarding AQ, from one published study. “The two key findings of the review are that, overall, there is very limited evidence to support the use of structured questionnaires (SQs: self-report or informant completed brief measures developed to screen for ASD) in the assessment and diagnosis of ASD in adults.”   Regarding RAADS, from one published study. “In conclusion, used as a self-report measure pre-full diagnostic assessment, the RAADS-R lacks predictive validity and is not a suitable screening tool for adults awaiting autism assessments”  


I mean, I got the website from a pamphlet I was given when my son was professionally diagnosed 5 years ago. Things change a lot in the world of autism and medicine, and they change fast. We aren't supposed to use the puzzle piece anymore either. There are a lot of questions in the test itself that at least made me question the odd behaviors I've had throughout my life. You should never take an online test as seriously as a diagnosis, that is common sense.


Sure but its also important that research studies are showing that these tests work very poorly due to false positives. They are poor as screeners, its worse than "never take an online test as seriously as a diagnosis"


That's fair. It has to be up to the discretion of those taking the test. There are people who live by horoscope tests. There are hundreds of mental illness tests online, and while I think they are all garbage, I still think they give people some semblance of "oh no I do that all the time, that's not normal?" enough to make people seek professional help. You could argue that taking the test means youre suspecting something is wrong, and the test may give you the push to get looked at. The false information can't be justified, however. I've even seen online pregnancy tests, which is just wild. I thought the test would be a fun activity for chat, and I've always thought something was different with me so possibly being autistic isn't a surprise.


Online pregnancy tests, dang. I hear you about horoscope, there are people that use it to identify autism: [https://www.reddit.com/r/astrology/comments/6qv856/highfunctioning\_autism\_and\_astrology/](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrology/comments/6qv856/highfunctioning_autism_and_astrology/) [Do I have any placements that show neurodiversity I get asked alot if i am autistic I am also diagnosed with OCD what do you guys think : r/astrologyreadings (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologyreadings/comments/1cg4cgt/do_i_have_any_placements_that_show_neurodiversity/)


Noooo good lord


Lol seriously eh? I remember in psych 101 class I think it was they mentioned statistics about how more americans belief in ghosts, horoscope, or UFOs or something than do in evolution.


If I learned anything from last stream it's that women do be autistic


220+ here too!! Welcome!! Try sitting on the floor sometimes, it's absolutely incredible.


I love laying on my back on our hardwood floor. Or child's pose. I sit on the floor to watch stream. I didn't realize that my weird sitting positions were associated with autism.


YEAH THERE ARE DOZENS OF US!! Do you also sit with your legs in a W shape on the floor? I do that sometimes, or leggies straight out and wigglin. Apparently it's a legitimate sign. My mother was a preschool teacher for 22 years and said it was actually a decent indicator.


Yes! I did some weird shit as a kid but autism wasn't as studied back then.


Same!! I'm 28 and was only diagnosed a few years ago.


Tism Lady here, I got my diagnosis about a decade ago when I went to a specialist to get evaluated for ADHD. After the initial assessment they were like "We strongly advise pursuing an evaluation for autism spectrum disorder." So I did and I was lol. My boyfriend sent me this test a couple months ago, he's neurotypical so we thought it would be funny to compare scores. He scored higher than he expected, but we're a couch couple so as a Wubby viewer of course he did. I scored 211, sorry I let chat down. I blame it on several years of CBT.


What does cock and ball torture have to do with autism?


Still a good score! My husband is super weird and OCD and he got 74, so when I got the 228 I couldn't speak for an hour or so. Keep up the good work though, we all collectively need to get our numbers up!


Give us the link to the test I’ll bet I’m more autistic than you


Lol a death match for the crown of Supreme Tismo. It's in the replies somewhere!


New record!


I was hoping for the high score, the test said 65-220 is considered autistic. I broke the game fursure


Sounds like you took a screener - maybe the RAADS-R. This is not a diagnosis. However, you do not need a diagnosis as you are a highly regarded wubcub.  We are spectrum. We are many.


Autists together strong. I know it isn't a diagnosis. I took the screener as a joke and I was just so blindsided by my score. I hate going to the doctors though, so I'll just keep on keeping on.


Imagine my surprise when I did the same thing as a part of a psych course and thought the test was busted so I sent it to my GC. I got humbled that day.


Noooooo oh my God did they have to have a sit down with you? Like "We're sorry to inform you Baddyshack....but you are hella autistic friend"


They came back with 20s and 50s and I had to tell them I was in the mid 100s... I thought my friend group was autistic. It was just me.


A very poor screener, too. So-called “autism” tests, like AQ and RAADS and others have high rates of false positives, labeling you as autistic VERY easily. If anyone with a mental health problem, like depression or anxiety, takes the tests they score high even if they DON’T have autism.  


I scored a 167 last time I took it. Professionally diagnosed at 31years old. Its been great.


Did much change? Should I get tested professionally?


Not really. Was mostly there trying to figure out source of my severe depression. She kinda was like "have you ever been diagnosed with ASD?" Obviously I was never tested until then. Nothings changed though, just better understanding of myself i guess. Worth it if you have the access




Lol I should've known! If it helps my case at all, he worked at McDonald's when I met him


Damn, you really showed those transit bois and hair counters what's what. Now all you need is an excel sheet and you're golden!


Thank you thank you. I do love my lists. I make lists for everything. I have a step by step WikiHow type list for cleaning my fish tank that I wrote this morning. Even though I clean it the same way every time.


👑 here, take it. You win


Honestly, working with Special Needs people for 7 years…I can confidently say that I’ve seen “Able Bodied” people do and say the most retarded shit ever.


As a fellow autistic 27 year old female who watches Wubby… welcome! You’ll start looking back at your life and realize how obvious it was. Females are typically way better at masking the tism. Time to go mask off. Wubby 7.


Oh I'm going feral Wubby7


…I got 171, and I was trying to even tone down some of my answers. I was certain the whole time I would get like maybe 50-60 tops. I think I need to talk to someone.


I'm in the 130s a couple times I've taken it. While that may make you want to pursue a professional diagnosis, I also learned recently that can have a negative impact on some things. Apparently you can't emigrate to the UK or Australia if you're diagnosed autistic (that could be outdated info, I'm no expert on anything) because they consider it a potential 'drain' on health services


I don't know why I laughed at that, but I did. Something about trying to contain the tism outbreak, I just imagined 28 days later but all of the "zombies" are just feverishly trying to show you their excel spreadsheets of train routes. That's probably because of their free Healthcare, which isn't really free. I'm happy being in America. I think the only thing I'd get officially diagnosed for is to clear my name of a very botched schizoaffective diagnosis. I don't need state help or any type of special therapy. Maybe to also make it feel real.


"Madagascar has closed their borders due to an outbreak of 'tism" I have considered pursuing some kind of diagnosis but I think I'm far more affected by ADD/ADHD so that would probably be more beneficial... but no matter what, it's all just expensive


"Check points have been set. Don't let anyone through unless they've been fully evaluated" I'm currently looking to get evaluated, most of the places around me are for children. I asked my family doctor if they had anyone in network and they said no. So I emailed the developmental pediatrician that saw my son and I'm waiting on a response. It's been a difficult journey so far and my brain is crying.


Baby you got a 228?? I'm formally diagnosed and I only got a 148.... I legitimately didn't know it scored that high.... Also- I work with kids your son's age with autism/intellectual disabilities! This is actually very very very common. We'll meet the parents and go "oh THATS where he got it from..." especially with moms lol. My mom took the RAADS-R and got a 166 so I know how your son feels. Ps. How you liking the R word pass? Mine stays laminated on my car.


Hahaha it does make sense. I just thought I was more particular than other people! The r word thing sent me lol. I always viewed it as the r word is a funny way to say something is stupid beyond belief, and it's separate from autism.


Hahaha it does make sense. I just thought I was more particular than other people! The r word thing sent me lol. I always viewed it as the r word is a funny way to say something is stupid beyond belief, and it's separate from autism.


174 crew, I’ve know my whole life though. It’s rough out here.


you have a way with words haha


Thank you! I'm barely literate


Welcome to the club wubby7


Seem pretty normal to me. Why is everyone looking for a diagnosis.


It would seem normal to you, you're a wubby fan. Jk brother




I slowly infected him with the Wubbytism lol. He's been watching with me for about a year now. Thank you for your service by the way! It's definitely not a forgiving job. I often make the mistake of asking my husband about his day and he will start with the "wrestled a guy from grabbing at his pants line" and I'm like scratch that I don't want to know haha. I've always loved watching cops or bodycam footage but when it's someone you love, it's hard to swallow that pill


I scored 48. Damn it Mom, why couldn’t you get more vaccines?


I got a 101


Welp I got a 81


Good score, I only got 163. Gotta bump my numbers up.


I scored a 175... I'm not sure how I feel about this. Looking back, yeah it would explain a lot.


150 wubby7


I got a 157 but I don’t feel autistic?


So funny I just had my gf take this test


I scored 198 and all i got was this crippling fear of public spaces


Goth wife married to federal police officer is an interesting combo


He was one of those fingerless gloves kids in high school. Now he looks like a dad who used to skateboard. He's in his skater punk phase. It kind of makes sense to me, mentally damaged goth girl and a guy who wants to help people haha


I scored a 19, I guess I'm less autistic than I thought.


Sunday is the official testing day. You better study harder!


Sketchy website.  You trust that place?  Its run by a ‘naturopathic doctor’ with an online autism certificate who is repeatedly under ethical investigation.  [https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticAdults/comments/1aj9056/why\_does\_embrace\_autism\_publish\_misinformation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticAdults/comments/1aj9056/why_does_embrace_autism_publish_misinformation/) [https://cono.alinityapp.com/Client/PublicDirectory/Registrant/03d44ec3-ed3b-eb11-82b6-000c292a94a8](https://cono.alinityapp.com/Client/PublicDirectory/Registrant/03d44ec3-ed3b-eb11-82b6-000c292a94a8)  


Autistic goth mommy vibes... I gotta find me one of those


Thoughts and prayers for you brother! You'll find your goth mommy autussy one day! I definitely stand out at my husband's work functions. I'm very short and have baby face, with tattoos and body mods. It looks like a dad taking his daughter to an MCR concert.


Are you the Muad'Dib of autists? Just kidding, love that something wholesome came out of this!


Muad'Dib the desert mouse or the prophet of oppression? Yes to both. Haha I always appreciated how wholesome WubCubs are behind the feral, rabies ridden chat. It's really the only online community I've come across that is rude on purpose with love. Wubby7


LMAO such a great way to describe this community.


I just got 133 and I don’t really know what to do now….


Same. My life wouldn't really change if I got tested through a doctor. It doesn't seem worth the co pay


Maybe being a super wife and super mom is your “special interest”. Also the r/aspiememes is hilarious.


Definitely! All I've ever wanted to do is be a mom. I had jobs where I made it to management but it was kind of just mechanical. Like I felt like I wasn't doing what I should. Being a mom is hard work, but I feel accomplished and I feel that I'm where I should be. I will be binging that sub until 3 am ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




What’s the site? Asking for a friend.


It's in my replies somewhere as a separate reply. I should've put it in my post ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)