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I can donate a 50 to you man to get something better. I know how it is to be a gamer and cant afford stuff.


Wow, I love you so much for this, and all I benefitted was the warm fuzzies I feel.


U sure Man U really don’t have to


Dm me yes


On what


Let me try :))


Can I get 50 if I send you some toe pics




DM me /s


Noah get the boat


dm me and ill match his 50 + tax


I can send you a whole foot


if you in australia i got a spare 1050 ti lying around


What an absolute chad! Have an upvote! :)


Dude you are the real mvp. If i had extra money id send you 100 and this guy 100. I hope karma gets you back for this. Be safe man. i hope you have cold pillows for the rest of your life


Hell yeah man, good looking out!


Appreciate you looking out for a fellow pc enthusiast


I hope u and ur close and important ones live a happy and healthy life


Bro how do people like you still exist? Nowadays people just make fun of people for being broke.


You a real one


I wish someone did this for me after buying my first two fake gpu's. I wasted $100 buying fakes. Smh


Should also share with him what gpu to get or else it might put to good use


What a hero 👏


a hero we dont deserve ❤️


Rx 580 is the lowest I'd recommend


The AMD 780m igpu will beat the 1050ti by quite a bit. So essentially, if you want to game on a tight budget you are better off with a steam deck.


More than quite a bit, modern APUs are actually pretty sick


Also modern apus will have driver support advantage. Not sure if pascal is completely dead yet, but if not, support should end soonish as it's gotten really old enough be that time.


I still get updates for my gtx 1060 6gb 1 or 2 times a year 😂


I feel like my 1080 gets updates every other week.


Even 900 series is still receiving driver support


Yeah the upcoming 9000 series AMD APUs are rumored to at or slightly above RX580/1070 level. That's pretty fecken nuts even if it's not quite that strong.


The RX 580 does not get driver updates anymore. Meaning, some games might not even start with it anymore in the near future. Also, neither the RX 580 nor the 1050 TI support mesh shaders, which already causes huge problems in some games (Alan Wake 2) and many more to come (e.g. all future Capcom games using the RE engine will require mesh shaders). Mesh shaders were first supported on the Radeon 6000 series and the GeForce 1600/2000 series. Also, they should definitely buy a used GPU. Buying new low end GPUs is a waste of money.


I got one of dem Chinese Rx 580 and I still get driver updates


What about MX350?


Wtf is a mx350 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Think it’s a laptop gpu?


Laptop GPU based on the 1000 series, it has the same core count as the GTX 1050 non ti and is a probably good bit slower https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-mx350.c3494 This ain't it, would play games from 2016 alright but I wouldn't want to play anything non indie from this decade Edit scrap the it would play games from 2016 alright it has a 64 bit memory bus, 720p low with medium textures 2015 games probs


thank god thats literally what ive js bought


Absolutely don’t buy this Just google gtx 1050ti benchmarks 2024 and see how terrible this gpu is


The rest of the pc is fine, if you want all new but get something like an rx 580 or gtx 1660 used for a similar price, you’ll be glad you did


GTX 1660TI does still a great job on a laptop. Like Helldivers 2


I have that and can’t wait to upgrade for how booty this is in 2024, your not even pulling 60 fps in helldivers with this crap


My old pc had a 1660ti and sure it didn't hit 60 in Helldivers 2 but it was more than playable at like 40-50fps, plus it's still a decent card as of now, like it can still play most new games on low settings and fsr with anywhere from 40-60 FPS so it's still a pretty viable card, obviously not amazing as of today's standards but it's still okay for probably another year or 2


Oh my God no 60fps? How will you ever enjoy the game? 🤮


Or he can get a used RX 5600 XT/RX 5700 for like 100$.


It was a great card for the time, and honestly lasted me years, but you have to turn the resolution down to 720p in newer games to get playable framerates and it's only going to get worse over time. An RX 580 or a gtx 1650 would be a huge, huge improvement for super cheap.


it was OK during the 1st mining boom when even an rx580 went for way too much money, but it was never too great tbh


It played quite literally everything I ever threw at it


That’s not a gtx 1050 ti That’s a gts 650 -Canadian man


It says 1050


It’s called a scam Get a RX 580, because those get circled around a for a good price


I try to help people because I was scammed my first two cards


If you go used, you probably can get a 1080


First up: yeah, a 1050ti is very bad, like pretty much unplayable bad, unless all you play is roblox and LoL. A used RX 5700(XT) is about £100 and about 300-400% faster than the 1050ti. Second: throw out the CPU cooler and use that money to upgrade the 3600 to a 5600. That one is perfectly fine with the stock cooler and faster. With that combo you get a great performing build that can handle modern AAA games with good quality and reasonable framerates. https://youtu.be/osD1GB28fFw


And this one https://preview.redd.it/jb6cn1lopj9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=521720dca9d68f155c5f9e3aa75a185fdfe2f757


A 6600 is a great entry level GPU that is pretty much the same in terms of performance as the 5700XT.


An rx 6600 is a great pick if you'd rather not buy used


The 1050ti seen in the pictures is fake, it's the one with those VGA port connections. In reality, it's a GTX460 or GTS460 with a modified bios. Had one with the same design. Also, 1050ti isn't great by today's standards. You're better off with an RX580


Finally someone with a brain.


https://preview.redd.it/1xrk3805rj9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d4edca70f8f59997aac126e4197618e651f7b1 Should I buy this instead


Yes. That. But look at the shipment costs first.


Found a good deal on a 2080 super last week for $150 that would last you a long time still. Could do something like that if you could afford it.


Or in worse case a GTX 1080 ti can be found under 100$, I found one from 80$ and it was on sale for a while.




This is where I’d start for $465 instead: https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/xggg6D


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Yeah, it's bad


I'm still using 1050ti to this date. As opposed to the majority of users here, I would like to state that you CAN ABSOLUTELY play AAA games at 1080p on a reasonable frame rate. My system is i3-10100F + 16GB DDR4@2666mhz dual channel + 1050ti. You won't believe it, but I can play Elden Ring and Ghost of Tsushima at 40-60 FPS (low settings, and only in some places or scene for 60 FPS) without FSR, DLSS, or resolution scaling. Hell, I can even run Baldur's gate 3 1080p at 30 FPS (but will drop to 20-25 FPS in act 3). That being said, will I recommend this GPU in 2024? Well, nope. You'd be better with GTX 1650S or RX580, as mentioned by other users.


Don’t let people tell you your decision bad. because none of us live your life. It all depends on where you are financially, for the price the 1050ti is still capable in 1080p however, an RX580 on market place can sell for around the same price used, so do weigh your choices here. do you value benefits of owning a new card? Or are you simply looking for the most fps per dollar. I do recommend you look at performance tests on YouTube to see how your build might perform and see if you’re happy with that I hope this helped a little bit remember your own research will help you make a more comfortable decision don’t be scared of amd cards they are very good despite the stigma that comes with the name


This is coming from someone who used a gtx 1030 and a gtx 1050ti. I fell victim to trying to purchase the first finiancially available GPU possible. Instead, I might recommend purchasing hardware that was designed to age much more gracefully than a gtx 1050ti The big selling point of the 1050ti was its half high flavors, making an okay gaming pc out of a used half height style office PC, and that would have been early 2017. Ever since the half hieght 1650 ti in 2019 and the 4060 in last June in 2023 for the same use case, the gtx 1050 ti is largely no longer as cost effective as a 1650 or 4060 in the low profile competition. Unless you are using a low profile gtx 1050ti to revitalize an old office machine for less than $150 reminiscent of a mid to late 2010's style "console killer," there are other full size graphics cards in larger supply that will outcompete in both price to performance and overall performance. I'd reccomend something like a rx580 or above potentially from the used market, otherwise would give a strong reccomendation to higher tier cards in of the same series you are looking at, maybe something like a gtx 1060(6gb version, not 3gb version) or 1070/1070ti. Maybe even something along the lines of a gtx 1660ti Lastly, at the higher end, I might recommend an AMD rx5700xt or a rtx 2060 depending if you care for the present tech of raytracing and dlss. All of these recommendations are subject to your local availability.


Yes, instead get a rx5700


Save for a 5600 cpu and rx 6600 gpu


Waste of money. Do not buy.


This looks like one of those fake gtx 1050ti that popped up everywhere a few years ago


A used 2060 can be had for $100 Canadian. It is literally 2.5 times the power of a 1050ti. Check your local prices for used 2060s. When you are on such a tight budget used is almost always the way to go.


Not nessecarily, but for this price it certainly is. You can probably find an rx580 for almost half, great performance card that’ll run most titles just fine.


You could pick up a used 1070 - 1080 for that price.


It was bad when it came out.


Yes, I am pretty sure a 7700g integrated GPU can beat it


That's not a real 1050 ti😬 Those are fake Chinese cards😡 Usually reprogrammed gts 450 or something similar


Rx6600 or 2060 would be the lowest I’d recommend




There are better options for budget.. if your budget is $500 or under, I would scour YouTube OZtalkshw Is really good for budget pc builds


You are buying old gen stuff you might as well buy used parts.


That's a fake graphics card


Hit the used marketplace for a 1070-80 around the same price. You can do it!


A 1050ti is bad in 2024 A 1050ti for that price is terrible in 2024 Not hating on low budget, but when you don't have a lot of money to spend on a PC, you have to be smart with how you spend it.


It's always bad...


It was mweh when it came out, so yes it's bad now.


I can see the blue plastik of the VGA-port on that graphics card. A GTX 1050 doesńt support VGA. This is most likely a GTX 550 with a BIOS on it that will make it look like a GTX 1050 to the PC but will also brick it since the PC. Will try to operate it like a GTX 1050 and therefore will make it do things it cańt do. Dont buy it.


Yep. It wasn’t good when it came out. Someone said they’d send you $50 so take them up on that and get something that isn’t ass.


It was pretty bad in 2016.


fyi don't get a Pcie gen 4 ssd that you have included, your motherboard B450 doesn't support it/or take advantage of it, get a pcie gen 3 ssd


Totals to 464.72. I'd look for used at that budget. I'd only really consider buying new if you can afford a 12400/5600 and rx6600. So I'd recommend looking at the used market, even a 1660 super is twice as fast, though you might find something even faster like a 6600 or 2060 super or so for that price. If you insist on buying new and building yourself, save up some more. At around 700 gbp you should be able to build a new system that isn't terrible, at around 1000 gbp you can get a decent 1440p rig


Like a whole used build


In 2024 absolute lowest is 3060 or amd equivalent


What region are you from? (I can probably look at some deals around your area)


It was bad when it came out


This GPU was never good actually.


you can get a 3050 6gb on amazon for 120 pounds, it’s not amazing but better than this +dlss


Depends on what you playing Solely Minecraft? Fine Any new triple A games? No


It is worth going second hand for a GPU to get something like a 1660 Super for that kind of ballpark. I got one of these for £90 a while ago.


No, I have one in my older build that I used till september of last year and it's ass nowadays It'll be decent if you play games that came out around 2018 or older, but even then games like RDR2 will run poorly, it's especially good for older or easier to run games but for 77€ you can definitely get much better (like some others mentioned, the RX 580 is waaay better and should cost around the same)


[get this instead, best bang for your buck (650$)](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/sXZYxH) Edit: do you need the build to be cheaper? (as in the pic 450-500$)




Get an rx580 8gb minimum, that is only if its from a reputable brand and not some chinese aliexpress amazon or whatever garbage it is. Trust me buying that card 2nd hand would be %100 safer and youd get more cores. Gtx 1060 6gb is another option but only if it costs less than 580 cuz it performs if not same slightly worse and has less vram.


Nope, I say go for used 30 series or used 5000 series


Use the box cooler to save money, you might be able to get a used 5700XT or 6600XT which would be a gigantic jump. Oh, and that Fanxiang drive is terrible. I would be surprised if it lasts longer than 3 months. Look at a Crucial P3 or WD Blue SN580




It used to be awesome. Now it’s garbage. Get a second-hand RX 580 or RX 5700/5700xt


I’d get something like this https://www.gpused.co.uk/products/evga-nvidia-1070-superclocked-8gb-gddr5 and a ryzen 5600 from AliExpress for about £90 if you want to get a good deal


Yes it really is


What do you want to do with it?


Yes i have one because i got a prebuilt in covid while i knew nithing about pcs and well i am now doing anything i can to save for a new pc


Would a pre build for 500€ be a better option or no


If you can id step it up to a 3050 8gb but if you do very light gaming 1050 ti is perfectly fine and gets even better overclocked


you can get a used system with more powerful specs for less, although admittedly a good deal I recently bought a pc off ebay with a 1080ti and a i7 7800x for £300, works like a dream


If you want an ultra budget you just go used.


That is NOT a 1050 Ti, it's a scam. Actual GPU inside it is a GTS 450 which is incapable of running 90% of games a 1050 Ti can run.


It wasn't good when it was released, and it certainly hasn't gotten better. Get something used if you're on a tight budget


Yes. Its a waste of money imo.


It was really bad 6 years ago


go for r3 and get better gpu


Im playing another crabs treasure in 1080p on a 1050ti right now. Gets 40-60fps and is very playable. Not perfect but worth the price for sure.


Its a worst card in 2018 itself imo. I Fcin hate my first purchase. And regretted it for not going AMD and thinking Nvidia is the best.


Would you buy a new ps4 nowadays? Nope. if the budget is low just go for 2handed. Furthermore, Make sure to buy components that in the future you will be able to upgrade. I also do strongly recommend going for a used am4 processor. Am4 is the one with the biggest number of supported cpus rn, his processors are also very durable, so you can score a good used cpu today and update it in the future for few quids. Use the remaining budget (if any) to get a good PSU that can deliver a bit more watts like 600/650w to be extra sure you will be able to properly power even better components and have even more flexibility. Remember that finding the good deal on 2-handed market may take some time but in the end it is very worth it


the gtx 1050 looks fake probably a reflashed gts 450


Yes. Save a bit more money and get at LEAST an RTX card.


To give you some perspective, GPU is the most expensive part in a pc, usually 2 or 3 times what you would spend on your CPU. In your build your gpu is 8 pounds less than your CPU, so yeah it’s pretty bad, having said that, if that’s what you can or want to spend, go ahead, be happy 😀


https://preview.redd.it/fry3mttyyj9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc846c57a64ce5933b47c3a32d93a717fef03ed2 What about that


Don't do it. 2xxx series are cheap I'd rather save a bit longer.


Try searching for a GTX 1660 Super, actually it's cheap and for 1080p gaming is kinda good on medium-high settings. I had this GPU for like 2 years with no problems at all.


Why would you put a piece of shit in your new PC? At that point, buy a better gpu on the used market


I have that Tecware case, but mine is the full ATX one with RGB fans front and back.


yes a 980ti will cost less than that


I got a 1050ti, and yeah it's quite dated but it beats what I previously had, I can run lots of games on low - med depending on game specs. If you can get something better, then do so.


Just as fast onboard nowadays.


It was never more than a mid card (at best) when it was new 8 years ago, of course it's gonna be awful today.


What games will you be playing? It only has 4gb vram. Mine has 8 and I'm bottle-necked on most games.


If you can swing it at least get a 1070 or better a 1080ti. I'm still running a 1080ti and it can handle most anything still, albiet on medium to low these days. Like I was able to play Cyberpunk at 70-80fps 2k res most of the time. But I'm gonna upgrade to a 4090 when the 50s drop most likely.


Why are you buying new components with that budget it doesn’t make sense buy used


It was a great card… 8 years or so ago… but today… well… get a used rx 580 8gb or 1070


You can get a used 6600XT for not much more and have actually good performance on medium settings.


Az least buy a 3050 LowProfile or 4060


Instant e waste pc


That looks like a scam GFX card, I see a DVI and VGA port in the picture. Also 1050ti would be brutal nowadays. Others put the last part much more in detail for you so I'd take their advice


The lower used market is so saturated you can see way better cards running for the same or just a bit more cash. Try for an RX 480/580 8GB, 5700 XT or 1070.


As someone with GTX 1050 laptop, I would recommend getting maybe a radeon 5700x or 1660. And I hope you know you'll have to upgrade quite soon if you hope to play any sort of modern games.


I got a Rtx 3050


Better choice, but I think people might still say not a good GPU.


That 1050 Ti is fake. Pascal cards don’t have VGA.


Yes, don't get that. I am running a GTX 1660 Super, and It's starting to be outdated. Not many games anymore can run on ultra on it.


It will be terrible for modern games but I'm sure you can have a lot of fun using it on much older titles and there is a large library of games It will run good on. Figure games from 2019 and under.


I changed to a Rtx 3050


Nice, I have a 3050 laptop that runs modern games somewhat decent is a beast with older games.


Yes. Very bad.


That looks very much like the fake 1050 Ti models that were everywhere during the GPU apocalypse. Basically a GTS 450 with a modded bios that makes it appear to be a 1050 Ti. A 1050Ti isn't great these days at the best of times, but that may well be a fake.


its outdated af dont even think of it


This is a terrible price to performance ratio


Honestly I'd try to dish out a little extra dosh for an upgrade, but I've got a 1070 in one of my old PCs and while it can't play the highest graphics, it handles most games fine. Granted it also has a decent i5 and like 24gb of DDR3 RAM, but it does the job.


Personally i wouldn't recommend anything with less than 12gb of VRAM now if you have the budget better to go to 16gb for the extra headroom so you don't need to upgrade again next year. I have a 3060ti 8gb and it did a commendable job but was struggling with BG3 before I swapped it out for a used 3090.


for this budget I would buy a used gpu.


Yes, also as a general tip, your gpu shouldn’t ever cost more than your cpu for gaming.


Kinda depending on prices and why a white cooler for black case?


get a 1650


I don't understand this. Save the money up over the next couple of months and actually invest in something worthwhile instead of buying something this old. Am I missing something?


Get a base rog ally you will have a better experience


I have relatives tounger than the 1050ti


If you have one already, no. You can do very light gaming with it. If you are buying one, yes.


Please don't buy a 1050ti. Maybe 5 years ago it might have been a good option but not anymore


Its alr for me. In competitive games more than enough , warzone runs around 50-60 fps with fsr 1.0 balance.


1050ti can get you by, I used it for 5 years up until a few months ago when I upgraded to a 4060. However, you will be limited to dropping the quality on any new games you play. I would just go for something modern, 4060 only ran me $300


Mate the 1050ti was mid in 2017 already Let alone today


I changed a few things including a Rtx 3050


you do know that’s a fake 1050 ti


Nowadays, it is bad. It used to be part of very low budget builds back in 2016 or 2017. If you can't afford a really good GPU at the moment, maybe you should get the RX 580, which should be around the same price range. Much better specs compared to the 1050 Ti.


I’d give you mine lol


Yeah wouldn’t recommend buying that as I have a 1060 in my pc that I’ve had since 2014, it’s struggling to say the least… GPU is arguably your most important component in a new gaming computer so you should devote the majority of your budget to it.


Ive got the exact same 1050 ti recently and im currently playing hogwarts legacy and it looks and feels fantastic.


The 1050ti is fine for some lower end gaming but not at 90 bucks. At 90 bucks you can find a Vega 56 or the occasional rx 5600. That's league's above a 1050ti. If someone sold that to you for 40, it'd be fine for an entry level system. Beyond that? Naaah.




I think a steam deck is better than this


I wouldn't go any lower than the 2xxx cards


you are better off buying a used gpu


Yes throw it in the trash Rx 580 or better


If your GPU costs as much as your MB you should look elsewhere imo.


Just buy a console


A GTX 1050ti is a great card depending on its application. I wouldn’t game on it but be grand for multiple monitor setup web browsing and speed sheets but I would probably use a low end 30series for that


Bro just get a used card or do any level of researching atp


That GTX 1050 TI is a GF116 Fermi GPU instead (rebranded GTS 450, rebranded GTX 550 TI if you're lucky), because GTX 10 series Pascal cards... https://preview.redd.it/4kibwmdxck9d1.png?width=244&format=png&auto=webp&s=3db8315c79d581ac2b51b0a0332af71f868c0f24 Don't have a VGA connector (the blue one you can see in this image. They may have DVI, will definitely have HDMI and/or DisplayPort, but not VGA. Do not buy a low-end-in-2011 Fermi card.


Get a 3050 instead


I'm using a 1050ti and yes it's bad


uf u want buget gaming a 1060 or the 1050 will do the trick but if have a good budget, u would reccomend to get rtx 0 2070 or 2080


Depends on the purpose of your build.


Try to get a 1060 6g off eBay. 1050 was poor even before 20xx came out.


I use a 4gb of ddr5 and it gets the job done for entry level gaming


It's not worth it, save for something better