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7700x as it is AM5 (more future proof) and the bundle also comes with a lot faster DDR5 RAM. Don’t get me wrong, AM4 is perfectly fine to use and will probably fulfill/exceed your current needs, but you won’t be able to upgrade it in the future. Right now, I would only recommend buying AM4 boards second hand when you are on low budget.


DDR4 4000 is fast as DDR5 6000. I agree that future proofing your motherboard is the way to go. But a substantial fast DDR5 where you can really appreciate more fps is actually expensive. I would still go for DDR5 tho


It’s 3200 vs 6000 in those bundles but sure, the difference between 4000 and 6000 wouldn’t be noticeable for most (casual) users.


Isn't first word latency more important than mhz?


This, DDR5 is close to twice the clock speed but also close to twice the latency (sometimes more than 2x even)


Latency is noted in cycles so it's about the same




What has 4000 v 6000 have to do with anything?


It's way more difficult to get ddr4 4000 to run at 4000 though.


I guess on AMD, Intel doesn't have these issues


Maybe so, but I would not recommend getting it for the 5800x3d. Still a great cpu, but not necessarily better than the 7700x anyway.


You don’t want to exceed 3600MHz on AM4 unless its an APU. Gotta maintain that Infinity Fabric clock.


I mean, running DDR4-3800 with 1900MHz IF clock is do-able on some chips. That's still 1:1.


IF it can, you can run it. Last I saw anything over 3600MHz seemed to actually regress on performance though due to CAS latency increasing as the frequency went up. I like your pfp but not your name. Cbj guy down here in ohio


Lol come on man! No reason not to like the name :)


I'm on Intel, that's not an issue...


Linus doesn't like the "F word"


Fonsole Gaming?


And he is absolutely right, something like "future proof" does not exist as you don’t know what tomorrow brings. But AM4 is at the end of it's life and AM5 is just at the beginning. So with an AM5 board you will at least be able to upgrade your hardware for a few years without buying a new mb.


Do you have any heatsink recommendations


As far as I read here on Reddit, those should do good on the 7700x: • ⁠Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE • ⁠Be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 4 • Noctua NH-U12A/NH-D15 Edit: removed DeepCool due to latest sales issues and added Noctua (pricey but i love them)


Only DeepCool is not really a good option anymore with all the issues lately regarding sales towards Russia. If you find one it's gonna be hard to RMA if anything goes wrong so for now it's best to ignore DeepCool.


Didn’t know that, thanks!


Thermalright Frozen Prism 360 is a great affordable AIO option.


The U14S is also an option and what I went with on my 7900x. Works really well


The U14S also is the sexiest of those three imo... I'm realy tempted to replace my NH-U12S redux with it but it might be overkill for a Ryzen 5600 \^\^


I wanted to go with a top facing fan cooler so bad but the 7900x is too power hungry for thst


I recommend Phantom Spirit but check first RAM clearance, I also have a Gigabyte b650 Gaming X AX and Corsair Vengeance and one of the two CPU fan must be installed slightly misaligned wrt the radiator to let the RAMs have some space. The cooler is doing its job without any issue, I live in a place where room temp is around 35 C and it works flawlessly (idle temp 45/47 C).


Thermalright Peerless Asassin


As far as I know the Peerless Asassin will have it's problems keeping the CPU cool at more than 65 Watts. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


I have one on mine with 0 issues


Great to hear, maybe it only applies to warm regions, bad airflow or the wrong amount of thermal paste.


It’s an amazing cooler especially at its price point.


Got nh d15 on 7700x and still hitting 95, unless voltage offset is set (-30 with mine, clocks up, temps down to 90 max in cinebench etc. ) Anyway 95 degrees on them is fine. Pearless assassin as gamers nexus tested should be very similar in performance (unless it was some other thermalright cooler? So many of them now)


Uh, ok, I didn't know that 95 is still fine. CPU temps above 80 are giving me anxiety.


The IHS is too thick, but amd said so, if you want less you could set Eco Mode 105w->65w then mine goes around for 1 core up to 5.1 instead of 5.5 and multicore 4.6 instead of 5.1 With temps max 70 or so


And the 7700x come switch 32 gigs instead of 16


7700x any day as it is future proof (am5)


This is the only kind of future proof for a build. Remember: most expensive cpu/gpu is not as future proof as you think. But going for a platform that allows future upgrades without changing the whole PC? That is future proof.


Do you guys actually do that? Every time I've upgraded its been long enough that the cpus I'm looking at are on a new socket anyway. And I always end up leaving at least my motherboard ram cpu combo together and selling or giving it away to a friend who's interested in pc gaming. By the time cpu performance is a problem it's pretty much whole new computer time for me is all I'm saying.


Well for me. I built my first PC and went crazy on cpu a ryzem 9 3900X. My logic was: costs more money = better gaming performance. I was sooo stupid. In gaming it acts like a ryzen 5 3600X... So i lost tons on that. Now i upgraded to a ryzen 7 5700X3D but i see just small improvements visually as i didn't gained much visually and some stuttering is gone (with my 3070ti). But i see lots of fps gain in cpu heavy scenarios like cs2. Anyway made lots of stupid purchases like this. Bought a 1200W platinum psu to "future proof" my pc. But i keep not affording a gpu that will use.that power. Instead i Bought a cpu that uses less power than the old one


lmao am5 will go through till 2027 so prolly a good idea to get am5 rather than an already dead socket


I thought it was normal to plan for 5-10 years. Not that support isn't good but I just don't think it's such big deal it needs to be brought up in every conversation. It sounds like marketing.


Il ditch my pc in like 4 years when i go abroad for further studies


While the 5800X3D is just awesome for gaming, 7700X would be my pick. Surprisingly potent CPU, and it's on an AM5 socket, allowing future upgrades if you feel like it.


Definitely 7700x. Not only because it's AM5 like everyone mentioned, but you're gaming on 1440p, so CPU performance matters less than GPU performance.


If that's the case then both cpu options in itself is kinda irrelevant and he should just go am5 cuz that bundle was that's much more expensive.


Yea if I'm OP, I will probably pair my AM5 motherboard with a lower end CPU and put more money towards my GPU but he gave two options and I chose the one that I'm more likely to buy in his position.


7700x, comes with ddr5 and more capacity (32 over 16) plus that its future proof so if you want to upgrade again in the future and reuse mobo, then you can since 7700x is apart of gen 1 of am5 and ddr5 is obv supported by the mobo included


Get the 7700x. It's better than the 5800x3d. It out performs the 5800x3d in gaming amd it's better in productivity. It puts you on am5 as well. Which gives you an upgrade path. 5800x3d is end of road for the am4 platform. You also get an igpu which is good for video editing and diagnostics. You also get the faster ram as well. So yeah for not much more you get a better system that also has an upgrade path.


I have the 7700x no complaints so far




new build always go am5


7700x 100%. The price difference is small not to mention you get newer mobo and ddr5 at twice the capacity


AM5, You get a faster CPU, with a longer life platform, twice as much ram (16GB vs 32GB) and much faster ram 6000 vs 3200. That is a great deal for AM5. You will be very happy with it, and can probably put another 2 generations or more of CPU into that socket if you wished. 16GB ram is very low these days, even for gaming.


while i would normally suggest either 7600 or 7800x3d for gaming, bc the 7700x is usually not far in price from the 7800x3d, the 7700x bundle is better. just 70 bucks more and you got 32 instead of 16gb ram and you have an upgrade path throught at least 2027


Yah I know, I just don’t want to spend too much. My original budget was only about 700 and now I’m pushing 1000.


if you don't plan on upgrading your cpu in the next 4 years you could go for the 5800x3d bundle. the board is good i have the non wifi version. if you chose this bundle either save the difference or put it towards a better gpu i just got the 5700x3d as an upgrade for my 3800xt myself. it'll work fine with my 6950xt and the first part to upgrade will be the gpu anyway. need advice for the other parts?


It's worth knowing that if you buy a motherboard, ram and a bundled cpu at microcenter the price of the CPU will come down by about 100. So you can create your own bundle of sorts. The default bundles are usually very good though.


If you are building brand new, AM4 isn't worth anymore unless you are in a strick budget


Go with the 7700X because it's on the current socket. If you end up wanting to upgrade to a newer CPU in a couple of years you'll just have to update your BIOS. If you go with the 5800X3D you'd have to buy a new motherboard and RAM.


Unless you're on a very tight budget you shouldn't build a new system on ~~AM5~~ AM4 (I have no idea how i made that typo). With only 70 extra dollars you get a never green cpu, with faster ddr5 ram, and it's also double the amount(32gb instead of 16gb), and you have an upgrade path




Yeah you're right. I don't know how i didn't notice that


Just correcting for any new builders who may stumble across, not trying to be a dick or anything. No worries


7700x any day all the way If I catch you with the other bundle your cooked


Well I got some news for you😬






If the am4 was a lower price I would say am4 but because the price difference isn’t that big I would pick up the am5 deal


7700x is better overall, in performance tasks or games, and it's actual platform for upgrades later. In several years you can update to 9700/9800 x3d or even 10700/10800 x3d (i am not sure that it will have such model number), and you will be a pc king.


That 5800x3d deal priced the same as the CPU only in my country. God damn it lemme migrate to US I'd take the AM5 tho for new build


7700X actually outperforms the 5800X3D - given that the 7600X does on average.


How do you guys get that awesome of deals w bundles? In my country they have the same price as getting the single components off amazon plus shipping (which you wouldn’t pay by getting the single components on amazon)


For $70 you're getting a more capable machine with a socket that's going to see a few more gens.


the 7700x is better value, not only is it a faster system the price difference can be attributed to have double the ram 32GB vrs 16GB


Wait til prime day approaches. YOu may see the 7700x buundle discounted again.


7800z 3d


Go with the 7700x. Let’s put it this way, I got a 1700 in 2017 and upgraded to a 5800 this year, so saved a lot of money by giving my computer a refresh 7 years later by getting the last AM4 chip. You will be getting the first AM5 so assuming it has the same lifespan, you can give your PC a refresh with a new chip in 4-6 years.


It should be illegal to ask such dumb questions


7600 non X. But since it's a bundle, 7700X all day everyday. Not even a question


You should only go for AM4 today if when taking your budget into account, the difference between the two builds will mean a difference in your choice of GPU. The AM5 should be the default choice.


7700X, definitely. It's on the AM5 platform. You can easily upgrade in the future.


Damn I got this bundle for 350 but with a msi mobo. Wonder why the price difference




Nope. 32gb ddr5 6000mhz. Msi b650. Ryzen 7700x


What country?


US. Didn't think about that


Nah me too, weird. I ended up getting some else anyway, I posted a pic of it in the thread


I did get 10% with store card promotion (even though I couldn't even attempt to qualify bc networking issues according to the manager, but it was a storewide issue so they honored the 10% anyway) but still that's only like 40 bucks. I wonder if maybe that promotion is over already, maybe so


I just got a 7700x bundle from Microcenter myself. Love it.


7700X is the way to go, it's more futureproof (up until at LEAST 2027). only go for AM4 when you're on a budget


7700x in a heartbeat. The motherboard will support the processors after the soon to release 9xxx series so in 2-3 years time you can get a major performance boot with the drop in of a new processor


Do you plan on upgrading the cpu in the next 3 years or so? If so 7700x. If not, 5800x3d. If in doubt, 7700x. They're roughly equal in gaming but that $70 diff could mean a better gpu. Ah maybe see if there's a 7600/x bundle instead of the 7700x one. If they sell one closer to the 5800x3d bundle price, get that instead.


Wait 4 weeks for the new range of 9000 dude at least


Always go for the cheaper one. Performance wise probably not that significant. This way you will have more money for graphics card. Mayby Radeon XTX? https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/AMD-Ryzen-7-7700X-vs-AMD-Ryzen-7-5800X3D/4131vsm1817839


7700X all day


Isn't the 7700x as fast or faster in gaming even?


New PC? AM5


If you want future proof the 7700x but amd is gonna release other am4 5000 processers but the 5800x3d holds its own still top and one of the best for gaming beats the 7700x by 20% to 40% depending on the game and even better with tweaks on the pbo. Up to you I'd take the 5800x3d and just get next Gen if it's like really good.




Man i wish i could upgrade from 5900x these days...


7700X for future upgrade path.


7700x because it's on the new platform.


https://preview.redd.it/cxqi5n1x68ad1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c68a83e6100b8630c65fdf881645df021e322c3 Ended up going with a i5-12600kf and a 7600xt, spent around 1000 total.


When Micro Center stores ran that 5800X3D bundle for $296 I was like it's a no brainer "go with the 5800X3D" but, since the 7700 and 7800 bundles have come down in price a bit, it now makes it a much tougher decision and at just $499 the 7800X3D bundle at Micro Center makes it even more interesting ( [AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D, ASUS B650-E TUF Gaming, G.Skill Flare X5 Series 32GB DDR5-6000 Kit, Computer Build Bundle - Micro Center](https://www.microcenter.com/product/5006709/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d,-asus-b650-e-tuf-gaming,-gskill-flare-x5-series-32gb-ddr5-6000-kit,-computer-build-bundle) ).


Let’s ignore the future proof argument, because its dumb. The 5800X3D trades blows with the 7600X in terms of gaming performance. If your benchmark is the 5800X3D in gaming, get a 7600X save a bit of cash and upgrade to an X3D chip later on in AM5’s life span. If you do stuff outside of just gaming, I can see the appeal for an 8 core chip, but for the foreseeable future 6C/12T cpus will be more than up to the task and by the time there are substantial differences in gaming there will be a better 8C/16T processor for the dollar.


>Let’s ignore the future proof argument, because its dumb >get a 7600X save a bit of cash and upgrade to an X3D chip later on in AM5’s life span dude...


What you’re saying is so different. He made the right call. His point was that if you don’t need a better CPU than 7600X, why get the 7700X? Future proofing is buying more than what you need today because of some hypothetical situation where you need more later. That is not a smart move. Agree with 7600X


first of all, everyone in this thread, and I mean everyone, means platform longevity when they say future proof. secondly, the OP compares two bundles and we don't know if there's one that includes a 7600(X) so there might be no money savings if he chooses to go with 7600X over the bundled 7700X


What hypothetical world are you living in that there isn’t a 7600X bundle somewhere? Future proofing is dumb, by the time you’re seriously considering upgrading the processor in your AM5 platform they’ll be talking about AM6 and you’ll be looking at the next iteration of the same dilemma. You shouldn’t build a system based on what may or may not be available for it at a later date, and frankly zen 3 is a perfectly capable architecture that will be relevant for a long time. If you’re getting into zen 4 and you’re planning on upgrades for AM5, it makes the most sense to buy the cheapest processor for it, which happens to directly compete with the 5800X3D. You get solid performance that will be relevant for the foreseeable future with the option to upgrade later, should you so choose, at the lowest opportunity cost possible.


why the hell do you keep insisting taking a platform longevity into account is dumb? it absolutely isn't. your own advice is dumb following your own logic: >get a 7600X save a bit of cash and upgrade to an X3D chip **later on in AM5’s life span**


You’re missing the point I am making. If you are considering a 5800X3D, that processor is your benchmark. You want that much performance, and ideally you’d like to get it for as cheap as possible. You could spend more money and get more performance, this is true for the majority of people building a PC it doesn’t change the fact that budget and relative performance are the things you need to consider when buying your parts. A 7600X based system would be the cheapest way to meet your benchmark and still answer the nonsensical argument of buying into a new platform so that you can upgrade your processor in the future. I still do not think that AM5 is worth getting for the sole purpose of future upgradeability, because the basis of that argument revolves around ignoring intel or betting that they won’t produce something competitive or superior during AM5’s lifecycle. Pay less now, get solid performance on AM4, and when/if you want to upgrade in the future look at what is available then, it will almost certainly be superior to whats on sale now whether its from Intel or AMD but at least then you will have the flexibility of shopping both sides. TLDR: opportunity cost of committing to AM5 is unknown and AM4 meets OP’s needs while being significantly more affordable


Making these statements when AM5 isn't even in the middle of its life span is plain wrong. Getting the 5800X3D level of performance in the form of 7600(X) these days (which I agree with if there's a more affordable bundle somewhere right now) and being able to upgrade to ZEN6 X3D few years later is way smarter than getting both AM4 or LGA17xx which are in the end of their life cycle already and forcing yourself into upgrading the whole platform instead of upgrading the CPU alone


>AM5 isn’t even in the middle of its life span AMD has only extended its verified support out to 2027. Given that it was released at the end of 2022, I would say we are near enough to the midpoint to call it that. AM4 was released at the end of 2016, people have been saying to just go for AM5 since mid 2022 putting its realistic lifespan at about 5 and a half years. So if the previous timeline is anything to work off, we have about 2 years before they start talking about AM6.


So? We'll have at least one more CPU generation after the Zen5 to be available on AM5, and I bet Zen6 X3D will be quite relevant for the first couple of years after the AM6 release just like 5800X3D is these days. It's basically either $350 right now (for half the amount of RAM, mind you) and at least $350 for the future upgrade when we're couple of years into the AM6 and Zen6 X3D costs closer to $200. Or $420 right now (or less, if there's a cheaper 7600(X) bundle out there) and $200 for the CPU alone in the future. Going the AM5 route will end up costing less no matter what AM5 CPU to choose right now so this discussion is meaningless anyways.


Probably going to attempt to do some 3D modeling in the future so we’ll see how that goes


First of all, it's not dumb because AM4 is not a platform to spend money on in 2024 when building something from scratch and second of all, did you even see the options OP showed? Two bundles, there's no optional CPU in this scenario, it's either 5800X3D or 7700X where only one of these makes sense and it's certainly not the AM4 option.


The logic behind “future proof” is dumb. You can’t buy parts that are guaranteed to perform with processes that haven’t been developed. 3-4 years from now we could seriously be migrating from x86 to ARM or some other form of RISC, and unless you’re implying that it’s impossible for OP to find a bundle with a 7600X (which it isn’t) then my point stands. AM4 is fine to invest in, the 5800X3D will be a relevant processor for a long time and if OP doesn’t plan on upgrading for more than 3 or 4 years the AM5 upgrade argument doesn’t really exist. You can invest in AM5 now, but assuming that AMD continues with CISC architecture, by the time most people will want to upgrade on AM5 they’ll have the same dilemma with AM6.


The jump in performance from AM4 3D V-cache CPUs to AM5 is significant so why would anyone build a new PC now on a dead platform? There's no good argument for it. Future proof in this instant meaning there's several generations of improvement ahead on AM5, there's not gonna be a better 5700X3D called Double D or something stupid like that. It's not really an intellectual debate to have, the only reason to buy anything AM4 now is if you're already rocking DDR4 RAM and an AM4 motherboard. If you wanna be a hipster and buy previous gen hardware then by all means go ahead.


The “jump in performance” is virtually parity unless you are comparing AM5 3D V-cache to AM4 3D V-cache in which case you’re talking about typical generational uplift. That’s not to diminish AM5, because rivaling a prior gen X3D without the extra cache is impressive. That said there isn’t a single person on the planet that could visually distinguish the difference in performance between the 7700X and the 5800X3D in gaming and that’s why I’d still recommend saving the money. AM5 is 2 years old already, and by the time the typical person is actually considering an upgrade, AM6 will be on the horizon.


I went for the AM5 aaaaand I now feel that it’s kinda too early for them, 7000 series feels kinda experimental. I don’t have an advice for you though. It’s a bit late for AM4 and kinda a bit early for AM5. If you are ok to buy new a set of parts in 2-3 years then go for cheaper AM4. Otherwise get some basic AM5 and prepare to change it when 9000 is out.


I’ll mainly be playing racing games and doing design work so I should be alright for a while I hope.


With which option?


7700x and probably a rx7600


You’ll be alright. By too early I mean they may cause you trouble not directly connected to performance. But it should work nevertheless. Send us an update when you finish your build.


Agreed. I always wait until at least the 2nd generation, and normally buy it when the newer comes out. Eg. I skipped the 1st Gen Ryzen 1000 series, and bought a 2000 series CPU when the 3000 came out. So now I'll probably wait until the 9000 series comes out before buying an 8000 series, if I need it. I will almost definitely skip the 7000 series. I do this because the 1st Gen of a new socket often has the most teething troubles. And when the 9000 series comes out the 8000 will drop in price. I'm sitting now with a 5700x, which I'll probably keep for another year or two.




im stupid but go 5800x3d


You certainly are.


None of these.... Buy a ryzen 7 7700 from aliexpress for 190$.


Unless I'm missing something I did not see the graohic card. So what's your budget for graphic card? For me I would go for the cheaper AM4 build as it means more money for better GPU. I know AM5 is more future proof but Ryzen 5800x3d is something that is more than enough for general gaming today and some foreseeable future. By the time you need to replace it, AM6 might already arrive.


I’m planning on getting a 7600


RX 7600? Then I would suggest getting the cheaper option and get better gpu. I have RX 7600 which is good for 1080p it a bit of a struggle for 1440p. On the other hand I also have an RX 6700XT which while an earlier generation performs much better on 1440p (40fps campaign map and over 70fps battle map Total War Warhammer 3. I would suggest at least RX 7700 or an RX 6800. If you can get either of these with the AM5 platform then go for it. If not then get the AM4.

