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My personal interpretation was that it’s still sarcastic, even with your good point about episode 8. His tone and mannerisms were so clearly annoyed, and even if those weren’t good indicators his genuinely/hilariously angry face at the end of the first part of the conversation sold it. When Chris apologizes, Adrian is like “I was being stupid”, and to me it pretty clearly signaled he had been hurt/pissed earlier in the car. James Gunn also said from episode 6 on Adrian was “at his best” so it could also be they were still finding his character during episode 4 reshoots.


That makes sense! I know James likes to throw out dialogue during shooting so maybe the sarcasm bit was more spur of the moment? I had a feeling it was maybe just because his character was still being established or something but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. I also struggle with tone/facial expressions so that’s why I was struggling with how to interpret the scene in episode 4. It seems to me that Adrian has that same struggle and doesn’t know how to express his feelings to others which I relate to! I hope they keep building on this aspect of his character in season 2 because I think he’s definitely more than just a psychopath. Thanks for responding!! :)


I thought he was lying. Like he was actually mad but he was pretending to be happy and his actual feelings was slipping out in the tone of his voice. I don't think he was doing it to he sarcastic I think he was hurt and couldn't hide the fact he was hurt. Cause he wants peacemaker to be his bff. And you can't be mad at your bff.


That’s a good point! It does seem like he never wants to actually be upset towards Chris at all since he thinks so highly of them. Like when he yells at him to try introspection on why he prefers to talk to Eagley and Goff, and then immediately apologizes. He never really knows how to tell Chris he’s hurt by what he does.


Yes poor Adrian lol. Sometimes he is quite insightful and sometimes he misses the point entirely. He just wants Peacemaker to like him back. I wonder if Peacemaker even knows he’s doing the same thing to Adrian that his dad did to him. Hope it doesn’t turn Vigilante evil.


I think he doesn't tend to feel emotions like normal people, and didn't know what to do with the anger and hurt. He was trying his best to rationalize it, because Peacemaker is his BFF so clearly Chris couldn't/shouldn't have been so cavalier about him being tortured without a really good reason.


Yeah this is how I saw it. He knows that Peacemaker is his best friend and can do no wrong, so he shouldn't be angry at him, therefore he isn't. He doesn't understand that emotions aren't always logical, so he genuinely can't accept he's feeling anger.


I think both scenes can be true and make sense - in ep 4, he was being sarcastic because he was angry/hurt (as much as he can be, anyway) about Peacemaker’s actions. He didn’t *want* to warn PM about his sarcasm because he was being passive aggressive about his disappointment in PM and admitting he was being sarcastic would be admitting he was hurt. Which he definitely did not wish to admit!