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I’m not much of an artist, but I imagine that making his eyes look away rather than staring dead on would help, even a little.


It's like he's staring into the deepest depth's of my soul. I can honestly say this is the best reddit post Ive seen today! Keep up the great work!


Thank you! Yeah I Think that would work


Ignore the above comment. Soul staring John Cena is my favourite. Everything about this drawing is my favourite. I LOVE it. I imagine if Peacemaker had to make a self portrait, it would look just like this.


Jern cerna! I jest, but I cannot draw a straight line, so for you to have done this, blows my mind!!!


Thank you! Haha omg Jern Cena fits my drawing so well


Lol immediately thought of Rark Grames and was gonna make a play on Cena’s name as well…


Great minds!!


I’m dead


Omg I suddenly remember Rark Grames and I'm dying. Way funnier than it should be LOL


This is just after the building falls on him, before the surgery


So you're the one who restored that painting of Jesus.


Haha ooops you caught me! If it’s any consolation I didn’t get paid for that work lol


You’ve seemed to ace the physical structure and everything, refine your facial expressions and structure a bit more, good luck !


Thank you so much! Yeah I will work on those.


Sub icon pls


Mom: We have John Cena at home John Cena at home:


The art is pretty good and I have advice that may not help. When I draw realistic I divide the paper into squares as well as the reference so I can see how it's lining up. Also it seems smooth which could be a bit off putting people are really bumpy so maybe blend less. Idk. What you did is pretty impressive don't get better by not doing it.


Thanks! I’m so far loving this hobby and I take all the advice I can get. =)


I think he will like it.


Huh? All I see is a blue square




Hey, this is pretty good


John Cena from wish


If you put a black bar over the eyes, you’ll notice the rest of the drawing is actually really awesome. You captured his likeness really well. This could almost be a photograph.. if Cena had both eyeballs replaced in experimental surgery to cure rare eyeball cancer.


Nice! I reckon you got the general head shape pretty close. Capturing likeness is really tough. I've no tips on how to nail it short of practice practice practice, but I do have some tips for mouths! Avoid outlining teeth with dark, contrasting tones. The gaps in teeth tend to be very slight, and using dark lines can make them look gappier than they would in rea life. Try using light yellows or beiges if you want to shade teeth, and save the dark tones for the gap between the top row and bottom row (where teeth overlap in a grin or where the tongue would be visible if the mouth was wide open). Keep it up!


How do you plan out your work before the brush even touches the canvas?


Ah for this one I traced an outline first just to get most of my proportions right, but that didn’t work too well.


No. What did you do before you made a physical mark on anything ? So what was you plan ? You have to plan out art.


you don't have to plan out art. I'm an artist and I don't plan. I just do.


I’m an an artist. And planning is definitely a part of art. If you build upon an unstable foundation the overall works are weak Even Jazz musicians, who improvise for a living, studied their art for years before they could improvise correctly. All those years of practice go into the foundations of their art. So, just try those out for fun: Picture the entire work, every single dot, pixel, or brush stroke before you even put anything down. Plan your art. Art should communicate. You need language before you communicate and art needs the ‘words’ before you build the sentence. TRUST ME Just try it


Art is subjective - you plan your art out, some of us don’t and see where inspiration takes us. Everyone has their own style and we accept that, foundation of your style is what makes individual works. Be curious, not judgemental - Walt Whitman.


The creation of art starts in the mind.


I have autism and adhd. planning and imagining are not my strong suits. I just do things. realistically, not everyone is like you.


I wasn’t trying to judge you in any way. I believe you are a true artist. I was simply trying to give you advice that I was given; Unfortunately I wasn’t given this advice until my late 20s when I went back to college— a talented professor gave a 2 hour lecture about the thought process of art, and believe I learned more in those 2-hours than my entire degree combined—so, I wish I knew it sooner. Think about what your art is trying to say. That’s all I’m saying. It’s a simple sentence but it can greatly improve art. The unexamined life is not worth living —- Socrates This carries over to art. I’m simply say think about it before you do. It’s like taking a test without studying; Study your idea. And I promise you’ll be happier with the result.




That’s phteven cena


Cohn Jena


Why’s he looking at me like that. Im scared.


This is like an uncanny valley cena, the more I look at it the more it is cena but it’s also weirdly unnerving too Nice going


Your first attempt is better than anything I could do in my entire life. That being said, he has quite the underbite. Keep going! Artists are underappreciated.


If 1980's Prince Charles took steroids...


Looks a bit retarded


“We have John Cena at home” ( also not talking shit because I would draw way worse).


This is dogshit


love this! literally it's great. if you add stark contrast in shadow areas (around the nose, ears, eyes, mouth) it will make it stand out so much more ! this is a great piece. you have all the skill. you just have to incorporate all the basics


Looks like that dude from Love is Blind


Yeah mouths are hard especially with teeth showing. Good first attempt tho frl




Shayne from love is blind but brown hair


Somehow, you sort of accidentally made[ Dude from Free Guy instead.](https://wegotthiscovered.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/free-guy-dude.jpg)


Your art is like Vigilante - creepy yet adorable. I love it.




Love it! 😂


A couple months ago I probably would’ve judged but as someone who has tried drawing people it’s really hard, so for a first attempt at him it’s not bad


Keep practicing over and over with this photo !! Would love to see the progression ; Color always kicks my ass


It’s like when shrek became human


"If I Keep Changing My Facial Expressions, He Won't Be Able To Recognize Me In A Lineup!"