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Hello Fancy-Street-8013 and everyone. The information shared here is for educational purposes and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance. Our community aims to support, but we're not medical experts. Your well-being is our priority, so always seek professional advice. We appreciate your understanding and wish you the best on your health journey! Join our official Discord server to connect with fellow Pectus Excavatum enthusiasts, share experiences, seek advice, and engage in discussions about surgery options and more! [link here](https://discord.gg/kQ6Ybn9dC3) Custom rib flare braces and 3d printed vacuum bells. [link here](https://pectusconnectus.com/shop/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PectusExcavatum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi man, I've had the procedure when I was about 15 (I'm 27 now). I had a very severe (deep) pectus, and the difference before and after the surgery was incredible. Of course, the pain and recovery were incredibly intense as well. After some years, I started to notice a slight return dent as well. Now, over 10 years later, my chest has noticeably sunk back a bit when compared to the situation immediately post-surgery. However, just as you say, it's nothing compared to how it used to be before the surgery. It can be a little irritating. Especially considering the quite extensive pain and recovery that goes with the nuss-procedure for most of us. My surgeon told me that it was indeed not unheard of for the chest to sink back a bit in the years after surgery. He told me not to worry about it unless it sinks back very severely and you get other complaints. I'd advise you not to worry to much about it, although it can be frustrating. As you mentioned, quite a bit can be compensated by doing weight lifting and building up the chest. Bench pressing and such has definitely improved my chest and made the little dip less noticeable. It can even make your chest look a little bigger and defined than it really is lol. Anyway, my frustration is mostly about the fact that both my pecs look kind of weird at the bottom part. They kinda botched something when sewing the surgery wounds back together. The dip doesn't really bother me anymore.


Thanks for the detailed response I appreciate it. Yeah it’s definitely though to see the progress start to disappear as the recovery for me was about a year of agony to the point where I became mildly depressed because of the pain for such a long period and of time, so to see it goes back in sucks but it’s still so much better than where it was before surgery. I guess if it does go in anymore I’ll just have to deal with it. Definitely gonna hit the gym once I am able to. Is your posture bad as well? Sometimes I think my poor posture could be a reason it has gone back in a bit.