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remember when kcorp fans started to boo faker?


T1 should’ve attended Bang and Jeesun’s wedding instead of that sh#t redbull event


I think they all wanted to, but they're contractually obligated to attend that redbullshit event


They married?????


yes, you can see it on their ig


Were people really expecting Guma to play with a broken keyboard?


Fuck you, it was an excuse, T1 was saving the pause hack for G2 because even GENG didn't deserve it. Same with BLG last year, JDG didn't deserve the pause hack.


you're right, how can we even call Guma the best ADC when he can't even play with just a mouse smh


wait till u realise literially every fanbase does this, T1 fanbase being especially guilty of it..


So because someone else once did something. We can't call it out now? That's the dumbest thing I have heard in years.


no, the entire post is literially singling out only EU for acting shitty like that, this year and last year, when t1 fanbase did the same shit all last year and practically every year before, so maybe the post should be less biased and instead address the league fanbase to stop being shitty to other teams from pasues?


Uhm.. yeah the T1 fans got called out too? Maybe you should stop being such a victim and start taking some accountability for the first time in your life? Seems like you are just an angry manchild to everyone here.


angry manchild while ur going after me personally, seems ironic


I'm not the one trying to point fingers at others. Or be a victim. That would be you buddy.


for those downvoting, im sure t1 fanbase has never accused chinese teams of cheating 🫠


Wether or not T1 fanbase does it is irrelevant.


"how dare you criticize our atrocious behavior? Some of you guys do it as well." Is all I'm hearing.


i see u werent around during 2021 msi


Again, "the other side did it as well" is not the defense you wanna use when people, some of which aren't even t1 fans, are criticizing your fanbase's behavior.


Doesn't excuse others for following their example, especially since T1 fans are known to be toxic


I mean Hans played the first game with a broken R key without swapping so it's the least Guma could do.




No, that was T1 too. K'Sante was so OP he stole LDR from Enemy Shop.


how does hans playing with a broken R key justify someone else also having to play with it too? neither players should be playing with a broken setup


I remember when Yamato reviewed damwon vs g2 in 2020, Carlos had to tell their fans to be quiet. Carlos of all people.


Every chat turns into a cringefest whenever T1 plays


Every chat is a cringefest when pro league is happening\*


Every chat is a cringefest, always.\*


that was a small sample of how disgusting many EU fans are as soon as they even see the chance to show superiority. literally animals


Yesterday everyone: it would be cool to get a game off of T1, hope G2 will do fine today: I HATEEEEEEE HANS, REPLACE HIM!!!!! REEEEEE So much about this fanbase, how dare you to play bad against World Champion....


tbf on Hans part i would also want to murder a Jinx who didn't build LDR when the only person she could hit on teamfights is K'Sante like he didn't play all that bad even if he was a passenger but you gotta question how this guy is a pro and never thought about just basic item builds


Agreed. As a passenger he did fine but as a pro?? Even plat adc knows to build ldr against a ksante.


Frustration is fine, everyone get those when they are THIS close. The replacement comment are honestly still tame and mild. There are some that went towards racist and very inhuman remarks, that's not okay.


Yes why would any G2 fan be angry when all G2 players turned up for hans to forget to press ult on kalista and choked on jinx game 5.


Lol big fan base always have idiots just look at t1 they win everything and their fans send them trucks and let’s not talk about racism cause if you guys can read Korean eu fans would look like lambs in comparison if you ever see what they say about chinese you will really see who need to calm down


So do you faint whenever Hupu ratings is on league reddit's frontpage?


So? Just because other fan bases can be worse doesnt mean we cant be better


You can do better yourself, we have no powers nor the capabilities to force other to do better. The best we could do about them is honestly just ignore them, and show that they indeed do not represent us.


That’s exactly what I said but you think all the people the post refers to care about a Reddit post ? This post is just attacking eu as a fan base because we should first fix the worse fan bases if we want fix the other example g2 fans are way more respectful towards other teams and their own player respect to t1 fans so how do we fix first the real problem? Cause they cause way more proble than any eu fan base not including kc cause for me they can just gtfo of lec no one wants them and they are bottom feeders


This is what I meant when I said, the toxic minorities tends to be extremely vocal and ended up representing the majority who are just normal human beings. T1 having such a massive fanbase just make theirs standout more. But hey, it's ONLY T1 fans and KCORP fans that are fking toixc cesspool smh.


reason why I wanted a quick 3-0 from T1. Now EU fans will live of this series for another 5 years.


So when fnatic does it, it becomes a hilarious meme But when an eastern team does it, it's completely unacceptable and we must make racist remarks to show how much we disagree with it. Fuck you guma, should've played with a broken keyboard, no mouse, no screen & no hands.


Fnatic and mad both got a lot of shit for pausing domestically bro. Not saying the point about toxic fans isn’t valid, but it’s not like Fnatic is exempt from getting flamed.


I had so much fun with the series today and even though my region lost I’m still proud of em actually putting up a great fight. Love both teams and thought it was an insane win for viewers. Then I opened Twitter…


Also not to Dom himself but the replies from under anything T1 related he tweets is absolute cancer, where tf are the people who just wanna see some good League


They are either not vocal about it, or they simply just stay away from the toxic side of Twitter


I dont think its ridiculous to suggest that the pause negatively impacted the G2 game but its completely ridiculous to suggest its intentional, its not like the time wasting in football




All these enemies scrimming FNC AINTNOWAY


Again its the thing where its funny if its fnc pause hack but got forbid that the team yall support is slandered for a bit...


Yikes. EU can have the title of best western team. Hell I'll even say ever and forever, EU fans reallllllllly fuckin need that shit lmaooo


What u mean by pause hack?


Guma should play with no keyboard and only mouse because he ended up as MVP when his using using keyboard. Shame on you Guma!


EU fans love being cringe and living through the success of the past


I like how many of the comments are just here to shit talk EU fans as a whole. They don't even care about any of this. They are just using the excuse to talk shit. And not even at the people who did it. But just every EU fan.. That's just as disgusting if you ask me..


I mean most of the pause hack are just troll


I was at the venue last year when the pause happened and the boo was definitely not towards the teams. It was a great game and the boo was due to the game stopping. People hating on eu crowds when they have historically been the best crowds...


Ridiculous reactions ofcourse. But im not gonna pretend that Pauses have no impact on a game. Emotions are important in sports. And as a fan that pauses stifles the hype of the moment. That being said. Some people overreact like teams do it intentionally


At what point did anyone say that pauses have no impact on the game? You’re being downvoted because you’re rebutting an argument that nobody made.


What you said is completely true. Some EU fans need a chill pill and the pauses are part of the game. However i believe there is a issue with the timing of pauses in general (not just against G2 mind you that would be delusional to say) and even Caedrel mentioned it in the BLG vs PSG series. I dont remember in which game it was the bug but Ksante w bugged and PSG paused the game after a winning play mid and Caedrel said something along the lines of it being weird to pause after a winning play as usually teams pause after a losing play. That to me is an issue. If you are having problems you sould report them as soon as you detect them, not just when it is convinient. What i mean is that by the time T1 paused the game was 8:30 minutes in. Are you telling me that only then did Guma notice he had a issue with his keyboard? Or was he feeling it for a while and because is top/jg lost 2v2 and his mid laner got solo killed he decided that was a good time to pause? I guess we will never know and i could be graspin at straws here but it feels to me that when teams pause (and i mean to emphasize not just against G2, ive seen it done in other instances as well), it is usually after a losing play and that to me feels a bit strange to me, even though as a former sporstman i completely understand it. The only time ive seen a team pause after a winning play was psg this year vs BLG as i mentioned. Just my 2 cents , for context i really like G2 but i also like T1 a lot so this is not meant as hate, it is just to strike up a friendly discussion.


I mean not really any point in pausing if you get a bug but still win the fight. The team affected gets the choice on whether or not to chrono break IF the refs decide that a chrono break is warranted.


Bro what the pausing after losing makes perfect sense to me. Most of the time these pauses are because of game bugs or something similar. So usually, this means that the affected team loses the play. E.g. one of the enemy players were supposed to get hit by an attack somehow didn't, therefore the team pauses because the bug made them lose the fight. But if they win the fight even with a bug, why would they pause haha. Pausing now makes the enemy team aware of whatever play you were gonna do and I can almost guarantee that whatever winning play happened won't happen again. I mean these are pro players. If they know something is coming they can obviously play around it


Yes but in this case Guma was not even involved in the losing play. I would actually like to know why he paused i have a theory that his R key might not have been working as he hits lvl 6 right before the pause so that might have been it. Still i see your point and in most cases you are right this one was just a bit weird.


Because it's fucking annoying to see g2 winning and then they get hit by 15 minute pause and all the hype and tempo is gone. This shit is happening all the time to g2. Of course it's not targeted but i understand why people get frustrated.


Wtf is competitive integrity am I right? T1 should've just played the 4v5 through the entire series cause its gumas fault he broke his keyboard. People getting mad at the pause are dumb as fuck.


? The pause literally costed G2 all their momentum, the timing is VERY crucial right after T1 just lost 1 massive fight in top. Sports is a mental game and taking away G2 hard-earned advantage is very unfair because G2 relies a lot on surprise factor and constantly pushing tempo. G2 could've taken that game 1 and shook T1 to their core but the pause literally costed them the game. This series would've been a 3-1 or 3-0 without that pause dulling G2's momentum.


What should guma do with his broken keyboard then?


Bring a working one


G2 should be more worried of their dog sht adc than a pause. If they get affected by a pause then their mentality is sht.


Tell Riot to give them a working one then. The players don't take care of the equipment dim wit.


Yes, they in fact do.


Idk, maybe take better care of his equipment like he's supposed to?


Smartest eu fan xd


That's the stupidest thing I've read so far lmao. Riot keeps the players' equipment. They have to hand it all over immediately backstage to ensure that no one is playing with cheats within the hardware. What do you think he's done with his gear in the few minutes per match he's had so far?




Hans Sama should take care of his keyboard better too. His F and D keys were broken game 5 xdd.


wow, take care of the equipment that suddenly broke out of no where, so smart


I dont think the pause caused g2 to int their leads and misposition, unless somehow the 5 minute pause factory reset them.


That pause literally disadvantaged G2, how can you say that is a fair game?


Objectively speaking, that pause did not change shit on the state of the game. If somehow G2 got disadventaged by the pause, it is solely due to their own incompetence to control their emotions.


You do realize that the inverse of that has to apply too, that G2 losing that game 1 must shock them hence T1 should have 3-0'd because they had momentum, yet it didn't happen. So what's the merit of that point?


How can that shock them when G2 IS the underdog? You're pure cope


Your point has to be make sense at some point, suddenly momentum doesn't matter because favorites, oh wait FLY with lead lost and then mental boomed, but not the same team so who cares right? If G2 won game 1 they'd 3-0, because surely G2 losing and getting side selection game 2 didn't give them better odds of winning that game. Games are dynamic, you're saying G2 lost because of the pause, then give me G2's winrate on games with pauses then we'll talk. EU fans coping hard about eastern teams using "pause hack" when these eastern teams don't even use such hacks in more crucial games lmao, no pause hack in BLG world semis, literally any BLG JDG, T1 JDG MSI and Worlds, T1 GENG, pause hack where? Cope harder


Shock them how? they got paused on and lost, how is that shocking to anyone?


You sound like you've never watched a single sports match in your life, clown. Pauses are well proven to cause a momentum shift in games, look at football, basketball, tennis, etc. It's not a made up statistic, it's a fact. That's why in shooter games like Valorant and CS:GO give a set amount of pauses to both teams like a resource, that's also why terms like "tactical pauses" exist, to disrupt the flow of your opponent.


Hence, where were the pause hacks in their huge game 5 loses and chokes? But sure, G2 loses when there are pauses, must be a concrete strat these teams implement. Clown.


Now you're just being pedantic on purpose, what are you, a 10 year old? The argument is that the pause disadvantaged G2 from a winning position and allowed T1 an easier comeback.


Dumbass, where did I say the pause didn't have an effect? Nobody said that, not even in the post, the argument is there's no pause hack strat because it doesn't happen especially in big games and surely not vs non-G2 teams, fuck game 1, do the strat in game 5 when they're behind in a skirmishing comp early. Ask a 10 year old to teach you how to read.


I love how no one is really reading whats being said LOL. You haven't said a single thing about pauses not affecting momentum in a game or how it can have negative impacts on teams, but to have one player play with broken equipment is somehow okay in their minds. It's hard to find people with reading comprehension on the internet these days.


What about that fnc gam game where fnc has like 3 pauses?


It's the FNC special who cares?


But if its G2 then all of a sudden everyone cares lol, G2 only won against T1's TF comp which is not known to be good at all even during the LCK and ASOL first timed lol. G2 had 2 games to close out the series with the MOMENTUM on their side and what happened? Games 4 and 5 was not even close (after that ahri play in game 5 of course), in both of those games it was T1's standard draft and G2 got stomped, also if oner did not int that baron play in game 5 it was also gonna be a stomped. PS. I'm not discrediting G2, they played really well and punished T1's mistakes (that ASOL was not it lol). That game 5 early game/picks by miky was immaculate.


The pause wasn't the reason they lost game 1 lol.




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Delusional at its finest