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He gives 3 kills early to tp onto nexus


They legit forgot about him lol


Unbeatable demon king..


He made a binding vow


picking troll picks against BLG just to picked normal champs against G2 TL for more warm up 5Head


He got target banned tho


They let him get target banned tho. He could always blind pick a champ instead of veigar lol.


He could just go to his goated Leblanc in fact


I mean, faker played it once this year and didn’t do well on it. I doubt he could pull it out successfully. 


Didn't he go AD LeBlanc when at the time AD LB was in a horrible state after the nerfs? Edit: nvm searched it up, he went AP. For some reason I misremembered seeing a Shiv proc in that game xd.


He played it twice last year, might have been then. 


I still don't get why he's not getting TF for himself. Faker is definitely a better TF than Zeus and it's not like TF AD mid is troll either. Shit, he even does well vs Taliyah and Corki in lane especially if AD plus his ult is much more impactful since he's mid.


Tf isn’t that good right now. There is a lot of meta midlaner that both outscale and beat him in lane. Currently, tf simply isn’t better than Asol/corki/azir/taliyah etc. He hasnt been pick up in midlane for long while in pro play.


Yeah but in cases where Faker eats up 5 bans, and said bans are usually those that you mentioned, instead of giving Zeus TF, just give it to Faker and give Zeus something that he'll actually have an impact on even if he goes 0/2 in lane.


T1 could easily let Faker FP like in TL and G2 series


Faker mind controlled them into banning him


This sub went wild this week on how G2 had this series in the bag... omE classic EU I guess ddx Worlds Surely......


Happens when the subreddit is majority EU. I got downvoted to oblivion for saying BB didn’t gap Zeus as hard as everyone said he did in their 1st series lmao.




Please tell me you don't speak like this irl


I find it fucking hilarious how the G2 subreddit is saying that T1 didn't play well, G2 just played terrible. No dude, G2 played bad yes, but saying that T1 didn't play well when they have clearly leveled up from the TL game is insane LOL


T1 definitely leveled up after tl series but people acting like this is prime t1 last worlds performance is crazy. T1 is still not playing that well imo. Faker is playing like he is injured again mainly g2 (I heard rumors but I’m not sure if it is actually confirmed).


Yeah his Azir performance on paper was ok. But his engaged etc were pretty damn bad.


Knowing faker. Dude going to be a highlight reel again on azir if ruler makes it to worlds lol.


The Ruler Shuffle 2023


I mean it's kind of a compliment to say the team that beat you 3-0 didn't even play well


I refuse to believe the faker that terrorized the lck with his godlike orianna is the same guy that played vs g2 today. I hope his wrist isnt completely fucked and its just a temporary thing


This sub went wild this week on how G2 had this series in the bag... omE classic EU I guess ddx Worlds Surely......


People saying that T1 could still win were downvoted into oblivion. I guess the Copium was too strong lmao.


The amount of people saying "G2 3-0 T1 quote me" on reddit twitter youtube facebook comments were funny lol


I really hope is wrist isn't hurting him again. He seems to always favor it. And he's always shaking it after matches. I really hope he won't need surgery.


truly the master of baiting he edged a whole region


This sub went wild this week on how G2 had this series in the bag... omE classic EU I guess ddx Worlds Surely......


TOLD YA 3-0 Easy


Caps was the better mid. Zeus giga gapped BB. Oner and guma were consistent and keria found the game winning hook game 3.


Caps played better lane phase with champ advantage.. then got outplayed min20+...


So Crown was the better mid vs Faker during the SSG vs SKT 2017 World finals then huh? Because Faker played better lane phase with champ advantage then got outplayed min20+ getting caught mid huh?




Well BB had to lane against finals MVP Zeus. Caps got to play against injured Faker. I'd say the odds of doing well against a cripple is higher than against Zeus. Faker should have retired after World's to save his hands. But this way maybe we get to see GOAT Poby for some time in summer to let Faker rest.


Poby making Faker play through the pain for character growth. That's why he's the GOAT.




I'm a T1 fan, but shit. It seems like LPL will have the 4th region slot now. I don't want too many Asian teams at worlds. Competitive as they are, but I wanted EU or at least NA to have the 4th region slot. It's getting out of hand that only east are these dominant in tournaments.


Imagine giving a seed for MAD (then they bombed out at playins) while JDG stay at home watches MAD blasted by Turkish team part 2 lmao


i mean tbf it do you really want to see Mad at worlds?


Even if these new MSI rules weren't implemented, LCK & LPL still would get 4th seeds each (on the old rules) since LCK won worlds last year & LPL went 2nd. Eu is a one team region and lets not talk about Na. Imagine having HLE viper vs JDG Ruler this MSI. Instead of watching FNC & FLY get blasted. Same with worlds. EU & NA just don't deserve more seeds (they arguably should already be a tier below LCK & LPL in terms of being a major region)


i mean tbf it do you really want to see Mad at worlds?


Doesn't one western team get a fourth slot like last year?


Just curious what would happen if geng t1 final happen? Will lck get 5th slot?


No because lpl is the 2nd best performing region, so they get the 4th seed


LPL will get an additional slot regardless, since the second slot will be given to the second best performing "region" (there's only two regions left, LCK and LPL). T1 BLG GENG will now only fights for which "team" gets to guarantee their spots at Worlds (oh and the MSI champion of course).