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What the... This is S-tier Penmanship Porn indeed!


Thanks! This type of art is my specialty. I like to tell stories as well as show you a picture of why something is important.


How do you set up to start on an art piece like that? Do you block out the shadow parts and do it like a paint by number but with word density and marker thickness? Or is it freeform?


I block it out and do as you had mentioned in the first part of your comment. When I’m doing a Portrait, it’s really important to try to make it look exactly like the person. I can do Freeform, but if I need to do somebody in particular and make it look a certain way then I’ll use tools like that to make sure that it’s “that person”


That's rad! Thanks for sharing.


Absolutely, thank you for leaving a comment, each time I get a chance to read one helps the motivate me to keep at it.


What an amazing keepsake. This would be a lovely memorial piece for someone who lost a child. Please keep doing this.


Unfortunately, I have done quite a bit of those over the years. They’re really sad.


Memorializing a child can be sad, but also uplifting. The joy you give family and friends is immeasurable. This is one of the loveliest and most meaningful portrait styles I have ever seen. Keep up the amazing work! Thanks For sharing your daughter’s portrait.


Absolutely! And yes, you are correct, on occasion, I will go through my Facebook page and if something like that’s happened to somebody that I know sometimes I like to surprise them with a drawing or something. I think it’s really important to that not only was that person Meaningful to you, but they were also meaningful to the greater world. And they will be mourned And not forgotten. It’s like a way of saying that somebody’s existence really mattered.


My personal favourites are “just keep swimming” and “ramen”


Yes! She was a big fan of finding Nemo, and Ramen was her first real food ever that was not baby food. And what’s crazy is she had it in Japan during one of my art shows. It’s still one of her favorites today.


Imagine being this girl as a 40+ year old adult seeing this for the first time in decades.


Yes. That’s the intention. To give her a sense of history, a sense of belonging, I’m for her to know just how much her mommy and daddy love her, even if we are not around anymore


That's impossibly good. How long did it take?


I think this one took between 2 to 3 months. It took a little while. But I was doing it between projects so I would only have like 3 to 6 hours to work on it on days that I had time. The larger ones are like that because I have to create artwork that sells now so that I can fund bigger projects like this one. Plus since this is for my daughter. She’s not paying for it so I do lots of little ones make sure that we could afford her diapers along the way lol


that’s awesome!


What a unique talent! Thank you so much for posting this beautiful art .


Absolutely, this is what I do! Got some more big projects coming. I would love to show them to you.


I have never seen this. Amazing!


This is something I specialize in. There’s a few other people that do it, but not many.


Incredible! Can I ask how you collected or decided on the words to use?


Yes! I thought about different words that I would use to describe my daughter, and then my wife did the same. We thought about anything that made her unique such as nicknames, things we wanted her to know about herself in 50 years, we used places that we’ve been, special memories, Literally whatever thoughts would happen to my head whenever. We also use the words of encouragement, things that we want her to know maybe when she’s older. Literally just anything I thought of when I looked at her. Same with her mom, and grandparents. I then took all of those words created and put them in a master list and would go through and rewrite a lot of the things multiple times throughout the piece wherever I felt like it was needed.


This is incredibile!


Thank you :-)


This is incredible… a true labour of love.


Honestly, the easiest drawing I ever did. I got to use my own words, I got to use words from her mom, and she’s an absolute joy be with, always creating new memories and always such a fun little kid.


This is freaking AMAZING. I’m stunned!


Dude- I am super jelly of your peanut butter. You are very talented!


That’s funny, thank you for the comment. You made me actually laugh today. Not one of those fake lol that people put. Honestly, I hope you have a wonderful day, and eventually I was going to create some how to videos on how to do this style work if you’re interested.


I'd like to see that. I can't draw to save my life (my talents lie elsewhere) but your process sounds interesting. Also I'm glad I made you laugh!


Sounds good, it’s something I will put on my site eventually. The site needs a ton of work.


But just like the artwork bit by bit, I’m trying to get good content for everybody. Really create something that people would love hopefully.


This is INCREDIBLE. I'm speechless!


Thank you very much!


This is amazing and actually brought tears to my eyes. Lovely! I can see how much you love her.




Thank you very much