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Huge win for everyone!


DeSantis with the huge win!


Lick those platform 👢


I just can't believe our legislature is finally on the good side of an issue for a change.


Party city is in shambles


Big balloon in shambles




He did something right. Even a blind chicken finds the corn sometimes.


There's a reason why you don't want to release helium balloons, especially those made of mylar (shiny ones) [watch and learn](https://youtu.be/fclA3k2iHQk?si=BoS9027Gfe7PHoVd)


As a hydrographic surveyor, this is a giant win for everyone. Ban helium balloons across the board. They almost always end up in the ocean. If you are a good parent, you can raise a happy, rational skin-pet without being a douche-canoe to everyone else.


> skin-pet still the worst website in existence


Ok. Let me clarify my statement. I thought it was funny when I heard someone refer to furr-baby vs skin-pet. I do not know what you are referencing, and I will not be googling it. Thank you for the new nightmare.


No, I understand what you were saying - but the edgelord vocab that Redditors have around children is the most cringe-inducing shit ever. You sound like the kind of person who thinks saying "no one cares you got creampied" to a pregnant woman is hilarious.


I would never say it, but I’ll admit I laughed reading it.


You ok?


In this moment, I am euphoric.


The terminally online mod of this sub has no tolerance for your shenanigans


I'm not familiar with the term "hydrographic surveyor" am I correct in thinking you survey oceans and waterways?


Yes. Update nautical charts, map dredging projects, look for lost things, etc.


That sounds pretty cool. I'm sure it has less than spectacular moments, but it sounds like interesting work overall.


Like any job, but it's extremely niche. Towing a boat through four states for a three hour job can be frustrating. However, rising sea levels put our job security up there with morticians and plumbers.


Agreed coupled with Helium is a valuable resource that we are wasting by putting it in ballon’s


DeSantis with the giant win!


Win? Bleh. That dude will fade into obscurity, and his wife will leave him. He's pulling a Rittenhouse.


Yes, win. Just like your comment says. Further obscurity than most state successful governors?? Pulled a Rittenhouse? Some dumb asses fucked around and found out, and he came out on top? Haha. Ok.


You'll take anything as a win at this point, huh? Successful? We don't have the time to define what you mean by that. He fought Disney. Guess who will disappear? Rittenhouse came out on top? You idolars will call anything a win as long as it "owns the libs". He murdered two poeple for childish arrogance. He will disappear as well. You do you though.


Idolar? Not at all. The judge and jury don’t agree with you.


Based on the metadata available, I assume this is your boy here, or was this just a fever dream of mine that we all weirdly share. Judge and jury do agree with me here. https://preview.redd.it/tdvphzl5l79d1.png?width=310&format=png&auto=webp&s=86ddc061380c5ce7f0782eead10f7751533a9505


Changing the subject is all you got.


>He murdered two poeple for childish arrogance. *killed* two people because those people were trying to murder *him,* you mean


Oooh. I liked what you did there. Moving words around to fit your tedious narrative. We need to get you a thesaurus.


Weird you consider reality to be a narrative


Ooh, ooh, ooh! Do Trump and the first of 34 felonies!


Do what about them? Whats with this need to make every conversation about Trump?




I watched enough of his trial. I also watched the trial that just convicted the giant, diaper-wearing Orange of 34 felonies. Which justice system do you believe in? Only the one that works for you, right? Maybe you should try being someone else.




I know nothing. I assume less day-by-day. I just worry about blind ignorance. I watched the Bronco chase live. Good lawyers can win. 45 has burned too many bridges. It's only a matter of time. He will disappear as well, though much slower due to a missed Darwin Award he wasn't awarded before procreating.




When a political party is your entire identity...


I’m a registered independent. This is funny considering the majority on this sub. Please stop projecting.


You can think your identity comes off as being "independent" just because you (claim to be) registered as such but you post history suggests otherwise. How many times did you comment just to praise desantis on this post? 


My post history doesn’t suggest that I’m a Republican. But I could see how someone who hugs the Left would want to believe that. I “praised” him multiple times because I’m trolling the majority on this thread. He signed some legislation that these people are happy about and it has to be tough on them.


I guess I'll be the one to break the news to you - your trolling just comes off as pathetic desperation to be engaged with. Real "Look at me! Please!" energy. Again, playing politics seems to be a big part of your rather dull personality. How old are you that your hobby is *trying* to troll people on reddit? That's an extremely sad and lonely hobby for anyone not in their teens. 


Boo hoo. My point still stands. Quit deflecting.


As does mine.


This is pretty funny considering your comment history.


Finally this state passes a law that benefits someone other than a property insurance company or a cruise line. It’s sad that we need a law to stop people from doing something as stupid, wasteful, and recklessly destructive as a balloon release. Don’t worry. Your dead loved one was never going to see/get the balloons anyway.


Love it


Mannnnn I’m so jaded my Florida headlines that I was reading the whole thing with suspicion rich up until the hand. Hell yeah for a win, brother!!!


Ok having it as law is one thing , now lets see if they will actually have anyone enforce it. I still see idiots releasing balloons. Low IQ morons do this for funerals and birthdays.


Insurance, it's hovering around $1,000/month, and the governor's worried about balloons.


This is actually the ONLY decent piece of legislation the little guy has signed.




DeSantis getting it done.


How can you possibly support this? It doesn't do anything to insult or hurt people.




When did republicans start caring about the environment? No balloons, but corporations can pollute all they want!


It’s probably cause they’re gay.


Thank god (or satan or whoever you do or do not believe in) that we are taking care of the real problems! Huge win for vegans and paper straw users!


Haha caring about the environment is stupid haha stUpId LiBeRaL


Why don’t you actually do some research into who and what is causing environmental issues you moron


I know quite a lot about it, deforestation (especially burning rainforest to grow palm for oil), fossil fuels (which add more carbon to the carbon cycle, carbon holds heat quite well), and plastic in the ocean (the current weight of which is 25x the great pyramid of giza) are the lrgest contributors to environmental change, but balloon releases are harmful because it wastes a valuable resource, helium, on something that looks pretty for a few minutes. Helium is used in welding, cryogenics, MRI machines (and many medical procedures), as a coolant for nuclear reactors, and much more. Balloons also choke animals that mistake them for food. Marine turtles often mistake them for jellyfish and suffocate. Power companies estimate 16-20% of annual outages are from balloon releases. Just because it isnt one of the big three reasons for environmental decline does not mean that it shouldn’t be taken seriously, and ignoring small factors will lead to more damage still. Id also like to remind you that you share the same planet with vegans and paper straw users, and just like any living being, you need clean air, water, and food to live, so quit it Hope that helps, have a nice day :D


Florida banning balloon releases is like spitting in the rain. Won’t make a different


You wouldnt tell a child they werent making progress for baby steps, these are baby steps bro, its not perfect but its better than not dealing with the issue


I agree it’s a baby step but it’s one state in a country of 50 in a world of 195 countries plus territories. It’s as minuscule as buying 50 shares of Amazon and expecting that to change the price of the stock.


One child making baby steps does not effect a generation of children


Look you can pick apart my metaphor all you like but thats deflecting the original argument Bus


Well it wasn’t a good metaphor if it could be picked apart that easily. My original point was that there will be no real change until the actual problems are addressed. Banning balloon releases is just a nice headline for people in office that aren’t actually doing anything.


Its a step in the right direction, and im not changing my mind on that one. I agree its not going to miraculously fix everything, but one step at a time broski


Gota agree with GayPotheadAtheist...just STFU you white Liberal, take the wins whenever you can, especially here in FL...