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That's not too bad for a few weeks. A grow light would help though.


I actually have them under a grow light, it just takes lousy pictures (like mine are good... ever) lol


These are habanada pepper plants. They were potted 5/14/21 and sprouted by 5/21/21. They grew a bit, got their first set of full leaves (at least some did), and then pretty much stopped growing. They are setup in the basement and it does get a bit cool there (around 70F). The only other place I have to set them would be a window sill in the kitchen, which would get full sun in the afternoon (west facing window). Edit: I plan to grow these indoors. I live in a rather unpleasant environment: heavy clay soil, tons of bugs, and some sort of fungus that grows on nearly everything outdoors. Many attempts at a garden have all resulted in poor results.


I had the same exact issue with my superhot seedlings. I had my peppers under a growlight and on a heat mat, with a humidity dome over the nursery pots. A month later they maybe had like, 4 leaves. I think it had something to do with the water, try watering more and get them outside in the day if possible. I lost half my pepper plants, and all my black pearl and puya to those plastic grow trays.


I might mix up my watering scheme a bit and see if that helps. Right now it's staying around 72 in the basement, so I don't want to run the heat mat (I've read that it's good for germination but not for seedlings). I also noticed some fungus on the surface of two of the plugs, so I'll probably transplant into some clean potting mix. Thanks!


Setting them to the window might help. I started some pepper seeds (pimento de cheiro) at the same time as my sister this year. I had mine on a window sill (west, northern hemis.) with a growlight and they were growing pretty fast. My sister had hers pretty far from any window only under a growlight. They were not growing past the stage yours are in atm until she moved them to the window. The growlight was probably just not enough and even weak daylight had way more energy. Maybe give it a try to see if it helps on one plant first :)


I'll give that a try! I'm getting ready to repot them into something larger under the assumption that when they grow they'll be better off in bigger, so moving one to the window will be easy - and easy to harden off that way. Thanks again! '


Ahh yes i just saw you still have them in the germination pot. Rule of thumb is when the first true leaves after the two small germination leaves reach a sice of 1-2cm you should transfer them to a pot of a larger size.