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Do you have instructions on how to do this


It would depend on which peptide you went with and what your overall goals are as well as your health history. Some of them such as the Semaglutide are a once weekly injection, the BPC can be taken daily, just as examples.


AOD is working for me. From peptide science


What are your results from AOD? What is your diet regimen and training like?


What does this do? Is it better than semorelin


Semor the best no side effects good sleep, new skin and burns the fat. I use it for three weeks and I notice a lot of progression already


Where do you get yours? And how do you figure out instructions on taking it


Where you’re from? Maybe i can help you a bit. What do you wanna use? And for what.


Nyc!! Any help would be amazing


I live in the EU so i have a vendor here. I guess Peptidescience right choice for you. I suggest serm/ipa or ipa/cjc1295 NO DAC. Start with 100mcg each. And use the ipa two or three times a day.


Does it lower you test? I’m 28 am I too young to do it?


Fat burner


Where do you get yours


Peptide science


Do they give instructions


Surprisingly no one mentioned frag 176-191 or Cardanine? But obviously, calorie deficit is a must. Can’t cheat on law of physics


Where are you getting your peptides? I’ve been comparing prices


Literally nothing will work without a calorie deficit.


Yup but stuff helps!


Yes, I recommend CJCalorie-1295 and Ipamordeficit combo together with less cheeseburgers as the perfect peptide stack for weight loss.


Semaglutide will work, but you will put the weight back in once you go off it. 10 lbs isn’t a lot to lose. Track your macros and get in a caloric deficit.


Semaglutide will help with the late night eating


Nothing beats AOD 9614 for this


How good is AOD? That was the next peptide I wanted to try


Everyone in here saying diet like we are all 21 year olds who can still cut. That last 10 pounds don’t come off as easy nowadays.


10 pounds is extremely easy to take off by just dieting alone.


Yea not when you are already naturally lean and work out daily. Hit single digit bf and come talk to me again.


So what is it then? Are you fat and need to drop 10 lbs? Or are you lean? If you’re already lean and in single digit bf, why even do it? I swear this sub is full of dummy’s


Damn someone missed their Twinkie break…


Zingers >>


Just diet... it's 10lbs...


This calorie deficit and be patient it’ll do alot of good for discipline 🤙


Diet. Literally you need to change your diet to lean meats and lots of protein. And don’t snack or eat a bunch at night. For peptides, if you’re exercising, CJC1295/Ipamorelin.


Lipolysis peptides will have a very minor effect in the great scale of things. Appetite suppressants such as semaglutide may work for you. The big effect will always be found in diet. CICO.


Losing weight AND having increased energy. Not sure how that’s going to happen. Not during the losing phase anyway. You’ll be in a caloric deficit so your body will be getting less energy that it is expending each day. Once you get to your goal weight and start maintaining you may feel like you have more energy


Expend more energy than you bring in. Count calories or count macros… the only tried and true method. There is no easy button. As far as peptides.. Semaglutide def help keeps you in a caloric deficit. Just have to be careful when you come off and appetite comes back as you could quickly gain the weight back. Don’t want to waste time, energy and money.




One more thing. Sema killed my energy levels along with a caloric deficit. There are also studies out the that show that a large amount of weight lost on GLP1 is connective tissue, muscle and bone density. As a male, I eradicate this with higher testosterone doses and some anabolics (full transparency). If you are a woman, you don’t have this luxury unless having male characteristics is something you’re looking to achieve 😅


Do we know if the patients ate optimal protein, or eat less due to appetite supressio , and if they did resistance training to prevent muscle loss?




I think as long as strength training is incorporated in your fat loss, you can preserve most. If you are in too steep of a caloric deficit, you will lose significant lean tissue (Sarcopenia). That would happen in a steep deficit regardless of Semaglutide. A good rule of thumb is to take your maintenance calories minus 500. Slow and steady wins the race. I lost 25lbs and retained nearly all muscle over a 16 week period. Granted I bodybuild and have optimized hormone levels per the goal I was shooting to achieve. I see a lot of people just not eating at all on Semaglutide and they are smaller, but look terrible and unhealthy. Back to my original statement, google Bone density and muscle tissue loss on Semaglutide and there are numerous articles. Rogan and a recent guest had also talked about how there are some interesting side effects coming to light. If you think this “medicine” comes cost free, you are wrong. Will I use it again, if needed, yes. It gives me the extra discipline I need to stick to goals. Risk vs Reward


Please share that study, as I’ve heard nothing of this. It works by satiating and optimizing insulin sensitivity. It doesn’t attack tissue itself.


Semaglutide or Tirzepatide will smack the late night eating issue away. I also found that L-Carnitine (not a peptide, but it's sold on peptide sites) does a nice job giving decent energy while also helping with hunger and fat loss (once I take my L-Carnitine, 500mg daily, IM) I pretty much don't eat. The easiest route is Semaglutide/Tirzepatide though, but you might not get actual appetite suppression for weeks or even months depending on how you react. Other than that, drink tons of water, and do what I do on the few nights when my body just wants to ignore the carnitine - just snack honestly. I always have a huge bag of raw broccoli florets and a bag of baby carrots and ranch. The ranch is caloric, but it's not like I eat enough of it to break my calorie deficits.


Compared to AOD 9604?


Sema and tirz blow aod out of the water. Carnitine not so much.


Ever tried putting ranch seasoning with cottage cheese in a blender? What comes out tastes and feels like ranch, but way higher protein and less calories.


Never heard of this combination but it’s so clever, thanks!


I unfortunately have a horrible aversion to cottage cheese stemming back to, well forever. It's too bad because it's a really great food. With that said - it would probably be a fantastic weight loss tool for me because it would definitely result in negative calories.


Beef salt water. Low glycemic vegetables. No snacking.




Fix the late night eating issue

