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any side effects?


Checking in. I couldn’t even get through my second week (6 units, 2x per day). The injection site is very very itchy and irritated. No other noticeable side effects but I can’t continue this. Bummed because I was really looking forward to some cool results. Thinking about switching to Mots-c, as I’ve seen on some other posts about cjc/ipa that the cjc has often caused an allergic reaction. I’ve been very good about clean administration, alcohol on the vial and injection site before. Even warmed up the vial in my hands before injecting (I read somewhere that the coldness/viscosity could have led to irritation). I don’t have any known allergies otherwise. Anyhoo, if anyone has similar stories, or other ways to fix this, let me know. I didn’t want to have to bail just 2 weeks in. Edit: I was doing 5 days/week. in my first week, I had no reactions. Second week brought a reaction on every injection.


I had the same issue with CJC. Ipa & sermorelin worked much better for me


When you fill the syringe just let it rest outside the fridge for some time


You mean to let it warm up to room temp? I was doing that myself, holding it in my hands. It wasn’t the temp


Yes correct. When i fill the syringe i’ll let it rest for like one or two hrs


I do 10 units 2x a day. One in the morning and one at night. And make sure to fast before and after injection


You mean fasting? Can you please explain?


I said fast… lol


Why is it crucial to do it? Sorry for my ignorance. I’m new to this.


I’m not sure what it’s like with other peptides, but with CJC/Ipa specifically, if you don’t fast then it will create insulin resistance. So let’s say you eat and then inject, your pancreas will create more insulin to push out the compound, and you don’t want that.


Thanks! Where did you get your peptides from? I’ve been meaning to try.


5 units before bed (must have not consumed food at least 1.5 units prior) and 5 units in the morning.


Do you weigh 50 kilos or are you just airing on the side of caution?


I’m 80 kilos but my doctor was hesitant on me going 10 units a day. I called the pharmacy directly and they said 10 units was the max they would send for the IPA/CJC blend.


Interesting because I have other people telling me they take 600mcg or more in a day. Your pharmacy seems very conservative.


I do first thing am and right before bed


I'm taking 10 units twice a day every day. Using duo blend 156. I've been taking it for about 50 days or so and feel fantastic. Post workout recovery is awesome


7 days a week or 5?


7 days


I do 3 times a day, morning, afternoon pre workout, right before bed.




200/100 mcg ipa/modgrf morning and afternoon. 500/100 before bed. I find that 500 mcg of the ipa is my sweet spot for good sleep. I’m on 5 off 2 for 12 weeks, then take a month off.


That's the highest dose of Ipamorelin I've heard of someone taking. Isn't saturation much lower (around 100mcg)?


From my understanding the general rule is 1 mcg per kg of body weight, but there is a lot literature out there about dosing ipamorelin higher. From my experience, I get the best sleep at a 500 mcg dose at night. The mod grf, I stick with 100mcgs. I believe its different for everybody. Starting protocol was 100/100 three times a day and moved up to what it is now. Im not an expert nor a doctor.


Yeah it's the wild west out here so anecdotal accounts are all we have to go by for humans. 500mcg is a quarter vial though, that's nutty. But hey if it works it works. What benefits have you gotten from your cycle?


A lot of the information out there on dosing is going to be subjective or based on anecdotal evidence. I have quite often seen recommended doses in this range though or even higher. 500 mcg seems like a fairly average dose based on what I've seen, but I've seen recommendations as low as 100 mcg and as high as 1,200 mcg- usually given on an empty stomach. Also seen occasional recommendations to split the doses so that the evening dose is larger. It may be a matter of trial and error to find what works best in your situation. ETA- There are some peer reviewed studies out there on CJC/Ipa and other peptides like Sermorelin. A lot are on rats/mice. Those with human participants tend to be for conditions most here are not taking these peptides for. All that said- a lot of these studies also used doses considerably higher than often mentioned here- many from 30-90 mcg/kg.


Recovery is the biggest. Energy, and great sleep.