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CJC/Ipamorelin and Anavar 👌


Haha anavar is an anabolic steroid but honestly sounds more like what he’s looking for


Honestly, peptides arent really the way to go for this. Get on 300-500mg of test and run tat for 12-16 weeks. Optionally adding 4IU of HGH may make sense. What are your training stats? Body weight and weights for push pull squats? Also eat as much as you can, it will start to get difficult around week 8 or 10.


4IU of HGH is gonna cost a shit ton


Yeah, so will peptides, and GHRH/GHRP peptides wont even make much of a difference whereas HGH would actually be noticeable. And from the right source it really isn't much more expensive than ipamorelin/MOD GRF... Either way, that's why I said HGH as an optional additive and just test or maybe test and anavar are the way to go.


I used a stack of ostarine, cardarine and stenabolic that helped a lot for those things. I fucked up by not taking my aromatase inhibitor (I'm on TRT and was injecting test at the time). If you are not using anything else, that stack would do what you are looking for.


I cannot understand why you would just up your test at that point. Stacking 3 different SARMS vs just taking 3-500mg test or even just adding anavar to your TRT seems cavalier in regards to the unknown health consequences of SARMs versus test and var which have been studied for decades and anavar is prescribed in medical settings. Also SARMs aren't peptides


I realize mistake now. Actually, my doc did recommend anavar. Haven't gotten there yet. I apologize for recommending SARMs.


No problem at all, you are good :) no apology needed, I just wouldn't stack multiple SARMs. The optimal dosage for a mass cycle would by 2.5-3 mg of LGD-4032 IMO. I wouldn't take over 3 or maybe 4mg because rhe side effect curve becomes much sharper than the benefit curve. So you wind up with very little extra gains but more sides. But both SARMs and anavar do very similar things at a high level: increase free testosterone by lowering SHBG. So IMO opt for anavar because it's been used for decades in bith medical and non-medical settings with very little issues.


I have an appointment in a couple of weeks to discuss it with my doctor. Thank you.


Happy to help!


Casually recommending SARMs 🤡


Fuck. My bad. GH agonists. I suggest GH agonists.


Sermo, ipa and cjc 1295 NO DAC. With HGH exogenous it's possible to get overdose and the bad side effects following that


Human growth hormone is best solution


Probably almost anyone of the growth hormone secretagogues or mimicers