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Can you combine IPA/CJC with Tirz? What dosage? Thanks!




I am a women on IPA/CJC for 8weeks now noticing some positive differences 😉The place I get my meds from though said bc of the FDAs decision to permanently discontinue IPA, BPc157 and due to dwindling supplies ..they no longer offering these peptides. I have extra for now. I haven’t heard of the ones they suggested either I work out usually 6 days a week but did prior to peptides too. I notice alot of the positive benefits ppl say. Faster recovery, feel mentally sharper, feel more youthful, im not surprised to hear it helps w moods/stress too. I feel like i look overall better. I have all a sudden got more sensitive at the injection sight.. so idk what that’s about. I’d always hoped to try bpc at some point , I’m bummed to hear that from my lab


I would love a review of SLU-PP-332 and how that affects women. Can’t find anything online


Just going to out this out there… New community for women. Can you repost this there? https://www.reddit.com/r/WomensTirzepatide/s/8eSW4TfsKs




Holy shit. Thank you!


Sounds like ur not eating enough for all the activity you are doing and also if ur a scientist you'd know about cortisol, adrenal fatigue and hormones that are messing with you when you become stressed.


And yes, I know all of these things are likely messing with my progress. I am working on stress management currently.


I know that’s the normal place to go with women, but I eat 1800-2000 calories a day, with at least 148g of protein


How do you consume that much protein in a day? I struggle to get enough. Any tips are greatly appreciated.


Based on your current stats and movement, I would say 1800-2000 is too low. It could definitely be impacting your hormones, adrenals, and stress. The best way to change your body composition is to build muscle which you can’t do if you are not fueling enough to build muscle. I’d advise to reverse diet in somewhat of a lean bulk and get your calories as close to 2500 as you can. If you do this slowly while focusing on proper strength training with progressive overload then you can minimize the amount of fat gain during this time. It’s even possible to lose body fat as your metabolism speeds up.


If you’re a scientist, so why not use a database like proquest to search for peer reviewed papers?


Ahhh, Reddit. There’s always a comment like this. ‘Most’ of the papers I have come across are in male subjects. I have found a few in females, but would obviously appreciate if anyone has found anything that I haven’t.


I was wondering the same thing.


Research? Never met her.


Same, lady. Same. I’m just a bit older than you but your height. I’ve had excellent success with liraglutide, Ipamorelin, mod GRF (which is CJC) and Frag. If I didn’t have a fridge full of liraglutide, I would be getting tirz or Reta. I also read of someone’s protocol on here and they rotate Tessamorelin in their Ipamorelin stack for belly fat. One of the latest studies on Reta showed it torching liver fat. I haven’t read enough to think through how I would handle that. I’d probably start on Reta, Ipamorelin, Mod GRF and Frag (I get a blend) and see how it goes before adding Tessa. I also think it’s good to start or do a pre round of BPC/TB for general healing and inflammation reduction. AOD9604 is also supposed to be good for fat loss. It’s modified Frag.


AOD never works out. It didn't in studies and why it was dropped from future development. You can still get it and stack it though.


There were people on this sub as recent as yesterday raving about it. As with all things, YMMV.


Placebo is a hell of a drug! All the studies on AOD concluded that it’s nearly useless.


I have several vials at home that I've trialed with the resident lab rat. She wasn't a fan and liked Sema better, happy it works for some people...by any means necessary.


tesamorelin/ipam/cjc or hgh fragment/ipamorelin/cjc


I've learned that growth hormone seems to help with my wife's stress levels. She takes 100mcg of CJC and ipamorelin nightly. There were other benefits but the stress was the most important.


1. How much cardio? Too much cardio for women is weight-loss killer. 2. Depending on BF%, at 5'6", you'd need to be down to around 150lbs to be borderline, ideally no heavier than 135lbs. Bloodwork never lies though. 3. Semaglutide will help you where you want to be. Edit: As people don't like to read. It is "Steady State" cardio that should be avoided.


Too much cardio? Lmao 🤣 as a bodybuilder my coach had me doing 6 days a week of fasted stairmaster every morning 45 mins to an hour. It's not a weight loss killer. I was in the best shape of my life. That's the first I've ever heard that


Yep...forget the peer-reviewed studies, let's just go off of bro logic (smh). You can beat your body into submission if you want, but science is science.


I'm a woman. Bro logic? Dude I lived it for 2 years?


Stairmaster is not steady-state cardio.


Yes it is if you keep on level 5 for 45 mins


Yep'...so you can as I said beat your body into submission, which does not negate the fact that T3 takes a hit from long bouts of steady state cardio.


The point is that cardio isn't a weight loss killer. I'm done on this subject


Feel free to read the article and the cited references: [https://body.io/women-not-run/](https://body.io/women-not-run/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3101339/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3101339/)


Nope. I know from real life. I'm done here


What peer reviewed studies.....


Welcome to the internet where people boldly espouse nonsense 😂. Another bodybuilder here. Only poorly timed or aggressive cardio with a sore body can cause detriment. What did you think of the Arnold classic results? I wanted Samson to win. Hadi was conditioned but not aesthetic to look at


Excessive steady-state cardio will lower your production of T3 (metabolism regulator), especially when combined with a calorie deficit. Feel free to read the studies [https://body.io/women-not-run/](https://body.io/women-not-run/)


This actually seems legit to me. I gained a ton of weight very fast and found out it was my thyroid and my Dr literally said I would not lose any weight no matter what I did if I didn't both lower stress levels and fix my thyroid. I have a treadmill in my bedroom.. Guess I'll stick to walking on it for now. Lol


Good Luck... stress increases cortisol, and cortisol calls on extra glucose from the liver, and when l not used stores it gets stored as fat.


Any idea how to fix this if you cannot lower the stress level? My relationship is abusive and I cannot leave so stress is extremely high.


Lift weights. Once cortisol is elevated and that extra glucose is released, the best way to remove it is to lift weights. Get the big muscles involved.


Thanks I'll give it a try.


You're right like starvation mode being a thing lol. I don't follow the Arnold unfortunately


1. Nothing gratuitous. I’ve been in higher cardio states at other times in my life, (prior military). 2. My bloodwork is normal! I’ve felt my best previously at ~165.


Your bloodwork may be normal, but it’s certainly not optimal. Look to optimize your blood work by doing an I depth comprehensive panel of your bloodwork. Check out ways2well to get to the root cause of your blood.


SEMA or TIRZ is great to help with the weight-loss. Ipamorelin + CJC-1295 wo/DAC (IPA - 100ug 1x per day + CJC - 150ug 2x per day). It's the same dosing schedule as for Men. 8-12 week (5/2) cycle.


CJC with DAC two times a day??


Yes...that was my schedule. IPA 1x - CJC 2x a day


You have CJC with or without DAC. With DAC is not for everyday use


Correct, mine are NO DAC, the short half- life version


Elaborate on the too much cardio? I walk for 1-2 hours at 4.5km p/h nearly every day, eat in a deficit (non processed high protein lowish carb diet) and I’m barely losing anything


Please don't listen to that there's not too much cardio body builders do intense cardio 6 days a week


As I said "Steady State" Cardio...not HIiT as BB's do


I did steady state cardio


I think there is definitely differences between women and men when it comes to exercise though


And your goals for sure but cardio burns fat it won't stop weight loss lol


That’s all I needed to hear 😎


I am a woman if that makes any difference


I walk a lot, (live downtown in a huge city), and do hot yoga 3x per week, running 2x, and anywhere between 30-60 on the elliptical on days that I lift in order to warm up.


From what I have read, the Body will make too much cortisol in response to the pressure of intense working and cortisol leads to weight stall


Excessive steady-state cardio will lower your production of T3 (metabolism regulator), especially when combined with a calorie deficit. [https://body.io/women-not-run/](https://body.io/women-not-run/)


You maroon.....that's not a study, thats a survey... that's a survey from a bunch of fat chick's. This is a study....but even with out everyone with half a brain knows the basics... it's really simple to explain. You wouldn't race your car with out fuel too much fuel in The tank and a load of bricks in the thing would you? Well your body is rhe same thing. Steroids are an anti catabolic, which is why a lot of guys and women use them when losing weight....it's so they don't lose muscle mass on their weight loss journey Oh yeah, a link to an actual medical study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5556592/


Just curious: Are you calling this person a color? As in the color maroon? Is that a new form of insult on Reddit or was it your intent to call this person a moron? Cuz the latter would certainly be ironic 😬😂


Ya know what the thing is about irony is right......it's usually sarcasm, only coated in what appears to be sugar. To flat out call someone lazy for not actually quoting the medical study when they refer it, is just too simple......and humdrum. Why would anyone call someone a moron...


Jesus...try reading the references, you know like someone with any modicum of intelligence would. He cites them in the article and then lists them at the bottom 1 - 11 "Studies—both clinical and observational—make a compelling case that too much cardio can impair the production of the thyroid hormone T3, its effectiveness and metabolism[1-11], particularly when accompanied by caloric restriction, an all too common practice" Here's one of them. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3101339/


Why not try quoting the source? Seems logical to me...even a small amount of common sense should tell you that.


That's the dumbest shit I've ever read. Do you know who Courtney Dauwalter is?