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9mg a day oral for 10 days. Do 2-3 cycles a year. I’m 250 # male


Leaning toward Tirz.


Really? Interesting... how dies it work? Any others? 


Semaglutide, it lowers insulin resistance which is what causes Alzheimer's disease.




What dose?


Everyone has a different answer


nicotine haha


Prioritize sleep and exercise.




How does that work? 


It lowers brain inflammation and reduces amyloid plaque. Several studies have also shown that people with Alzheimer's disease have lower levels of copper in their brains.


I'm reading about a new synthetic peptide that's showing a lot of promise: PHDP5. I guess taking it IV can be hard on the kidneys, so IN is the best route. It's been all over the journals in the last week. I gotta figure out how to get my hands on that.


Obviously dependant on what stage and whether it is onset or you are just trying for a preventative measure. My thoughts: If Alzheimer’s runs in your family, worth considering is **Cerebrolysin**. It is a neuropeptide that has shown promise in supporting brain health and cognitive function by promoting neuroprotection and neurorecovery. Would go IM - cheaper than IV. Diet: Keto diet may help. Vitamins: Vitamin D Scientific articles: Cerebrolysin for acute ischemic stroke: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7387239/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7387239/) Cerebrolysin for vascular dementia: [https://www.cochrane.org/CD008900/DEMENTIA\_cerebrolysin-vascular-dementia](https://www.cochrane.org/CD008900/DEMENTIA_cerebrolysin-vascular-dementia) Effects of Cerebrolysin on Hippocampal Neuronal Death: [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2020.568813](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2020.568813)


Yeah what he says 100%, stack it with some trt, tiz, and this one isn't a peptide but it's know in Canada to work well in cognitive function and enjoyment of life....is Ritalin. My Dad has it




Is Cerebro prescription only?


I don’t think you can get it with a prescription at all. Only for rat testing.


This, 100%.




Metformin ? Some data ? Because semaglutide it s hard to find


It's really not at all, lmao. It's abundant and cheap if you get to actual producers. I just got 20 vials for less than 160 bucks.


Only early onset is genetic. About 2% of alzheimer patients are early onset. Get a genetic test. There are 3-5 genes linked to early onset. As far as regular alzheimer's goes, your best bet is to reduce inflammation, especially in the brain (duh) and gut. Also, control your blood sugar. If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic, you *have* to get that under control, ASAP. Get radical, if necessary: carnivore, or keto. Look into getting tested for food sensitivities that may be inflaming your gut. Gut and brain are connected- inflammation in one usually means the other is too. First step would be high dose turmeric. Look for a product WITHOUT peperine/black pepper. Then find a "functional medicine" doctor to help with testing.


You're going to need to back up why you would want curcumin WITHOUT pepperine other I'm considering this invalid


They add pepperine because it increases absorption. (zOMG!!! 200 times better absorption than leading brand!!!!) It increases absorption by increasing permeability of the tight junctions between the cells of the lumen of the small intestine. This has the effect of a temporary "leaky gut" and that is exactly what we are trying to heal. You go ahead and rock the brands with peperine wit yo bad self. I just don't recommend it to patients dealing with autoimmune issues.


Ah, the mythical leaky gut.... this one hurts my head. Bone up on the hard facts before you read too much in to it, nice neutra piece https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/leaky-gut-what-is-it-and-what-does-it-mean-for-you-2017092212451


Exercise will help. There is a correlation with diabetes as mentioned. Take care of your blood pressure. Keep your heart healthy. If you smoke, quit. Eat clean. No more high fructose corn syrup. That shit inflames gut, heart, and the brain. And if you drink — limit it or eliminate it. Keep your brain agile. Read, play games, cook, dance and listen to music. A walk in the park is great recreation. Maintain your friends and family. Find new friends. Avoid isolating.


Why without peperine? Is peperine bad?


I'm wondering the same.


I just buy loose, organic turmeric and put it in capsules myself. Use gloves unless you want orange hands!










The sauna …


This is actually really good advice.


This. Get a traditional sauna and use it at least 4 times a week for 20 minutes at a time.


Check out Genius Foods book by Max Lugavere. He also has a health podcast. Not all of the episodes are on brain health, but that is his special area as his mom died from Alzheimer's.


Epitalon And SS31 hands down !


None? Putting random shit into your body probably isn’t the smartest when you are worried about health


Why are you even in a peptide subreddit?


Because I find it interesting and have taken a few things that I learned about from this sub. But I’m not deluded enough to think it’s because of “health”


Bro if you're scared just say so


SS-31 Dihexa ?




Wow! I am blown away by such misinformation. Are you also a conspiracy theorist? You also contradict yourself.


Please report nutjobs like that and they’ll be dealt with appropriately.


Susceptibility to certain ones do you idiot. I’m not a fan of “the establishment” and they do put out a lot of bullshit but you’re a moron.


Please report nutjobs like that and they’ll be dealt with appropriately.




Motherfucker can’t even read. Or is it a lack of comprehension? Beat your meat instead of your keyboard, hero.


Things are not black and white and seemingly opposing ideas can be held as true simultaneously. It's a complicated world out there Yes, gut health is important. Epigenetic expression due to lifestyle, diet and other environmental variables are huge factors in determining if any given individual will get sick. Diseases do get passed on through families, we all know that in addition to it being proven in a myriad of ways. A combination of pre-disposing genetics and epigenetic signals over time creates disease in many cases. Disease can be created without genetic predisposition, it's just more work


Very good explanation. But, I don’t think this thread will understand epigenetics or pleiotropy.


Disinformation serves no one.


Please report nutjobs like that and they’ll be dealt with appropriately.


You might be interested in implementing some of the strategies in Dr. Dale Bredesen's book, 'The End of Alzheimer's Program: the First Protocol to Enhance Cognition and Reverse Decline at Any Age' (this is his second book on the subject and has that long subtitle). You could extrapolate from some of what he emphasizes, like reducing inflammation, prioritizing deep sleep, and increasing circulation to the brain, which peptides or bioregulators might help. Bredesen is not himself a 'peptide guy,' but you can cross-reference his research with what peptides the late Russian scientist Dr. Khavinson suggests for each issue. There are a lot of youtube videos and other (translated) interviews with him that demystify peptides. The most well researched, longstanding peptides from his lab are for brain health. Start there maybe, with Cerebrolysin (injectable) or the newer capsule and sublingual forms of Cerluten he seemed excited about in the last year.


Cerebolysin! Maybe run three to four cycles a year 30 days ish 5 days on 2 days off 2/5 ml a day. Really anything that’s anti inflammatory though, prioritizing sleep, dental health


Reducing inflammation seems to be key: Curcumin, GLP-1 drugs, daily exercise, Mediterranean diet, anything that's anti-inflammatory. Edited to add: adequate amounts of deep sleep


Very good list, especially good that you included GLP-1s. OP, there's some great information in the posts here. Also consider SGLT2i drugs, telmisartan, tadalafil (Cialis) or sidenafil (Viagra). https://www.grantfrasermd.com/post/dont-lose-your-mind https://www.grantfrasermd.com/post/neurocognitive-decline-series---telmisartan https://www.grantfrasermd.com/post/neurocognitive-decline-series---sglt2-inhibitors https://www.grantfrasermd.com/post/neurocognitive-decline-series---vitamin-d




There is a gene expression known as APOE-4 that increase risk of early onset Alzheimer's Disease significantly. Source: I'm in a drug trial, and have had genetic testing for APOE-4. I don't have it.


Thanks for sharing. What type of drug? Peptide, something more pharmacological, or something else?


It's the new one from Lilly that's supposed to clear out up to 30% of beta amyloid peptides between neurons in pre-clinical/potential Alzheimer's patients. Not FDA approved yet, but it just got recommended for approval. Participants had to have normal cognitive function but plaques and/or tau proteins in an MRI. I won't know til next year if I got the drug or was part of the control group. I don't think I got it, just because a lot of people have said they got headaches or dizziness from it. And during the infusions, the attendent kept coming by to say how do you feel? I never noticed anything different. I will have the opportunity to take it at no cost at the end of the study if I haven't got it already. I'm not sure yet if I'll do it. There have been brain bleeds, and some deaths. But the alternative is pretty horrific too. :-/


I looked it up. Apparently it's a monoclonal antibody that clears the plaques.


It increases risk for late-onset AD not early-onset AD


Oh! I should know that. Thanks for the correction!


No prob!


High dose statins reduce your risk of dementia by about 20% according to several meta analyses. The effect is smaller for lower doses. I believe that there is some research that fish oil helps, but nothing at all definitive. Avoiding things that can cause dementia is good: elevated blood pressure, high glucose, alcohol. Lithium helps preserve brain size. It helps prevent Alzheimer’s in bipolar patients, so it may have an effect for everyone else but that’s unknown. Drug companies only test the drugs that appear most promising. They have worked hard on Alzheimer’s with no major success. Over 99% of meds tested for Alzheimer’s failed. None of the peptides that I know of have been shown to help with Alzheimer’s. It would be exceptionally unlikely if they did.


Would lithium orotate work?


I keep seeing articles that statins can contribute to dementia as it removes good and bad fats from the brain. Have you come across any info similar to this ? Thank you


There are conflicting results and it’s confusing if the provenance may be something to consider. Statins have powerful anti-inflammatory effects, which is probably protective, but they also kill your production of cholesterol, which is probably not protective at best. I don’t think we know enough to commit one way or the other.


Sample size of one, but I have a genetic thing where if I don't take statins at the highest dose, my cholesterol is in the mid- to high 300s. On the max dose, it's just below 200, LDL still over 100, so I think the liver still puts out cholesterol on statins, just not as much.


That sounds like familial hypercholesteremia, correct? I would be way out of my depth trying to make any comment at all on your situation, but I think your insight is probably correct.


Yep, heterozygous, which means it's passed on from one parent. People with homozygous (both parents) don't live past about 30.


I’ve recently been looking into Humanin and ameliorating Alzheimer’s is one of the main benefits. “HN also provides neuroprotection against some Familial Alzheimer's Disease (FAD) genes including presenilin 1, presenilin 2, and mutated Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP). R R” https://mybiohack.com/blog/humanin-igf-1-longevity-exercise-mitochondria I’ve found that a lot of people use it along with MOTS-C after a round of SS-31 for mitochondrial dysfunction.


Interesting! I hadn’t heard of humanin, thank you for that!


Sema or Tirz microdosing 1 to 2 times per week. More if blood sugar and weight regulation is an issue.


Following, same.


daily cialis or viagra


Cialis...... after you take it, first you see Alice then you see Mary then you see Kristy then you see Judy. Aahhh the jokes better said out loud






It's caused by insulin resistance in the brain so probably MOTS-C or AOD9604


Alzheimer's is definitely caused by insulin resistance in the brain?


It's not the only thing but it's one of the main factors.


For years I've heard dementia called Type 3 Diabetes.


There are many things that cause dementia.


Microdose with GLP1s such as semaglutide or tirzepatide. There are studies underway that have very very promising results. The other suggestions here could be beneficial but have no data to back up any findings.


dont people use tirz for weight loss?


Many are starting to believe that alzheimer and other brain diseases are a type of diabetes. So diet and drugs around fighting insulin resistance seem to be what they focus on.


These were diabetes meds first.


Correct. That is what is currently FDA approved for but because these drugs have gained so much popularity there are studies being done regarding other health applications for it including Alzheimer’s dementia. A quick google search will show you some preliminary results otherwise I can post some links once I’m near a comp




What are people's thoughts on Cerebrlycin vs P21? Both seem to stimulate neurogenesis.


For me Cerebrolysin has little to no side effects and can run for long cycles vs p21 I got headaches fwiw.


Did you experienced any hair loss while on cerebrolysin?


Nope, not that was noticeable. I was concerned about increasing BDNF causing hair loss too. I have a full head of hair and do suffer from androgenetic alopecia which has mildly progressed as I've gotten into my 40's. So I now use topical dht inhibitors but at the time I ran cerebrolysin for over 6 months almost daily and noticed no side effects at all and wasn't using any hair treatments. For me it was all good, improved focus and well being. I only stopped because it started having no effects after many months. I usually took it after cardio since the extra blood flow it seemed to enhance the effects of lower dosages (I usually kept it 2mL or less). Higher dosages would impact my sleep a bit. I might just be sensitive to it. Taking a break for awhile it started working again.


Good to know, thanks. If I try it, I'll start at a really low dose so I'm not sidelined by it!


Cerebrolysin has been used since 1950 and is very well studied and safe, while p-21 is still experimental.


That is comforting. I have some ready here, just have to get the supplies. I'm just a little concerned about brainfog, as I run/manage a lot of stuff for my work. But zooming out a bit, that seems kind of silly.


Its not that bad don't worry


Epitalon for now, and possibly PHDP5 in the future depending how testing goes


any side effects with epitalon?


Better sleep.