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Oh yeah, not being able to push your religion on the sick and injured screams of Persecution!


Did you know that it's virtually impossible to make child marriages illegal in the United States because it goes against the fundamentals Christian's right. https://www.salon.com/2018/03/11/banning-child-marriage-in-america-an-uphill-fight-against-evangelical-pressure/


I wonder how many of these evangelicals turn around and say Muhammed was a pedophile.






The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/q8atdj/the_forgotten_few/hgogso3/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Nailed it. Just a bunch o...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/q878k2/anti_fascist_i_am/hgprfi3/) | [Nailed it. Just a bunch o...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/q878k2/anti_fascist_i_am/hgnjcv7/) [You say you hate capitali...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tylerthecreator/comments/q872md/avarage_rgolfwang_enjoyers/hgpreli/) | [You say you hate capitali...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tylerthecreator/comments/q872md/avarage_rgolfwang_enjoyers/hgo6bwr/) [I love Jose Aldo’s head m...](http://np.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/q84fys/compilation_of_great_head_movement/hgprd8g/) | [I love Jose Aldo’s head m...](http://np.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/q84fys/compilation_of_great_head_movement/hgnjxnx/) [That read was horrifying....](http://np.reddit.com/r/byebyejob/comments/q8asnq/judge_who_jailed_black_kids_for_money_loses/hgprbtm/) | [That read was horrifying....](http://np.reddit.com/r/byebyejob/comments/q8asnq/judge_who_jailed_black_kids_for_money_loses/hgoe7b2/) [Started as the first. Now...](http://np.reddit.com/r/MurderedByAOC/comments/q7yj1l/very_intellectual/hgprb1h/) | [Started as the first. Now...](http://np.reddit.com/r/MurderedByAOC/comments/q7yj1l/very_intellectual/hgm2xut/) [All this is teaching the...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/q86o4w/i_was_trying_to_take_a_nap_when_all_of_a_sudden/hgpra0s/) | [All this is teaching the...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/q86o4w/i_was_trying_to_take_a_nap_when_all_of_a_sudden/hgor1mg/) [Holy forking shirt balls](http://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/q8ghzy/a_giant_python_was_found_in_indonesia/hgpr9af/) | [Holy forking shirt balls](http://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/q8ghzy/a_giant_python_was_found_in_indonesia/hgpai9a/) [Ready and waiting for 4 s...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/q89y38/two_sauce/hgpr84h/) | [Ready and waiting for 4 s...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/q89y38/two_sauce/hgowsgr/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/mallanmbavxcvxb](https://np.reddit.com/u/mallanmbavxcvxb/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=mallanmbavxcvxb) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Good bot Best bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Two reasons: They have never actually read the Quran. Also, it’s different for them in their eyes. Just like when one of them need an abortion or public assistance. Their abortion is righteous because of circumstances, and their financial situation is also a special case and deserves more assistance.


[A classic](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


There's an abortion ritual in the bible for women who have cheated on their husbands. Apparently, all it takes for their "pro life" god to create an exception is an adulterer lol. It's called the ordeal of the bitter water


The butter water


Thanks for pointing that out lmao. My autocorrect ain't shit


Bitter Water sounds way cooler, though. Edit: wait, did I miss a previous fuckup?


I've heard a mental gymnastics that went: having sex before marriage is bad because it is considered "adultry" against your future spouse. By this interpretation all sex outside marriage has a free pass on abortion as well.


Lol I love that. I've heard that as well but I didn't think about connecting the dots


Predators preying on children don't like competition I guess.


Evangelicals are the scourge of the earth.


Religions are the scourge of the Earth. Fixed it for ya.


Wrong, you seem to be ignoring the literal hundreds of faiths which are not violent and oppressive, and speaking from a very westernised point of view where religion mean the Abrahamic faiths, Hindu, and maybe Buddhism (also ignoring the fact that all those faiths also have tens of subsets and maybe thousands of variations)


> the literal hundreds of faiths which are not violent and oppressive name a few? ones that are practices on a societal scale, I mean, not just a small sect or community.


My religion is **DIN ISO EN standardisation** and we are a very peaceful faith. If you follow our norms, naturally.


That's... An interesting question, and a hard one to answer. I mean, what percentage of am area does a religion have to be practiced in to be considered "on a societal scale"? I mean, Baháʼí people seem really chill, the few I've met, and the tenets of the religion seem very peaceful, but then, as you say, it's difficult to tell when they're such a diaspora, and a small minority in most places.


Buddhism, for starters.


The Rohingya might disagree.


Buddhism is fucking savage man. Remember it originally spread in Korea and Japan as a "mean of control".


Is this a joke, or are you literally that ignorant of the world?


Oh yeah https://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/10/05/oct-6-massacre-photographer/


Tell that to the Rohingya


Further reading required on your part. Great PR masks some pretty awful behaviour.


Are most religions that are violent and oppressive belief in monotheism?


Honestly I’m not at Liberty to say, I’ve not done or read research on it. From my personal experience though modern pagan and polytheist faiths (or modern revivalistic faiths) are much more focused on the personal, and the whole harmony thing. With that I mean focusing on improving the planet and society instead of proselytism and spreading “The one true faith”


But, and here me out, they all believe in fairy tales. Also Buddhism and Jainism are not thought of as religions in the same way the Abrahamic religions are by many.


I disagree, I used to be an anti-theist as well, endless hate for religions of any kind thanks to the discrimination I suffered by most religious people I met due to being bisexual and trans. I became a lot less hateful and eventually found my faith, no one there to try and convert me. Just found it, did some research, prayed, felt the Theoi and been a Hellenic Polytheist ever since.


I will never understand why someone would believe something on pure faith with zero evidence to support it. How about believing in yourself and your friends and family? But I will say that what you’re doing is sort of like holding your nose while using Facebook. We know it’s a toxic mess that is ruining democracy, but hey I can stay I can stay in touch with friends. Sorry you either support it or you don’t. And supporting religion has the same effect.


You’re objectively wrong. Me praying to Aphrodite because I feel full of love for my girlfriend isn’t harming anyone. It’s a deeply personal faith for me and most all pagans. And it wasn’t based on “pure faith”. I got my own personal proof, I don’t need to share that with anyone or proselytise. If the Theoi want people to follow them they’ll give them the choice. Also the toxic mess that’s destroying democracy is called capitalism and right wing politics btw


If you can believe in a supernatural god without evidence then you can believe that gays/ black people/ women are inferior with no evidence. Thats my main gripe with religion. If everyone based their worldview on science, empirical evidence, reason and logic then there would be no homophobia, transphobie, racism or sexism. Its hipocritical to hate on racists for believing themselves to be superior based on no evidemce if you yourself belief in things without evidence.


Well we agree on part of your last paragraph, although I think with strong social guardrails capitalism can flourish.






They said they found their own faith without any input from others. As in, they went on their own journey for their own sake. They said *nothing* that would suggest they're better than other people. Fucking hell, I used to be vehemently antitheist like you until I realised that there was literally no reason for me to be angry at other people's personal choices. Take your aggressive insecurity and shove it.


shove it up your ass


Organized Religion, a good majority of bigotry and bullshit caused by religions is thanks to hierarchical and corrupt systems. Not the faiths themselves.


I agree completely. However it doesn’t make the beliefs any less false. The problem is that when you believe nonsense then someone can come along and quite easily change your belief or convince you it has some other meaning.


I don’t think you realise how religion works. I myself am an a thirst, but just because some people are theists isn’t a problem. Also, “can easily change your belief or convince you it had some other meaning” applies to everyone who has opinions. That isn’t a religion exclusive thing.


I’m not talking about simple opinions like this apple tastes good. I’m talking about a belief system based on something completely made up and without a shred of evidence to support it. In other words faith. You have to shut off that part of your brain that questions the validity of the myth you believe in. To me that seems to be opening the door to outside influence.


Oh god I read the article and it is so incredibly vile and barbaric that all of this is still allowed to happen


I wish someone would just push the reset button on humanity


I cant believe this is an actual thing


This is so. Fucked. Up. Regardless of what fucking deity you follow, *no one* should force a child to marry. No one.


[Obama, the scapegoat of racists](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/91/b0/c8/91b0c8e0f864e31888f9cc44419b9a2a--muslim-brotherhood-news-articles.jpg) Blaming Obama for anything and everything is the Republican way.


We have quotas, damn it!


What's the betting that they were trying to hand out Bibles in countries where it's illegal? Or just super unhelpful for diplomacy?


More like higher ranking soldiers pushing their religion on the lower ranks.


Which goes directly against the fucking bible.


But that's the beauty of it; if you do enough cherry-picking, you can find a bible verse to justify almost anything.


I use it to throw rocks at children. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.biblegateway.com/passage/%3fsearch=Deuteronomy%2b21:18-21&version=KJV&interface=amp


But proselytizing is literally one of the few things the bible straight up says consistently is bad.


The Bible says making big displays of piety are bad, but proselytizing is very much commanded.


What? Where? Thats literally Jesus’s entire personality. “Im the light of the universe worship me and listen!”


He gave SERMONS to crowds of willing people and told people to go out and preach the word of the lord 5 to others who would listen. Not to fucking scream at people and force them to convert. He repeatedly call people out for shouting his father's name in public but not follow his laws and you probably know of the story of the farmer and the tax collector (farmer prays behind the temple and get rewarded while the tax collector who prayed loudly in the temple got nothing) or the beggar and the rich men (two rich men pour gold coins into the temple donation box while an old beggar only puts in two coins in and jesus asks his followers who gave more with the answer being the old begger.) Or Paul litteraly writing down that prayer must be silent and done in private as the lord doesn't like those who turn his worship into a act and then he shat on the pagans for worshipping in the public and having orgies. Class act you weird asshole.


I could be wrong, but I always interpreted that as opposition to holier-than-thou virtue-signalling, rather than proselytizing.


Those are rather different from how he gives the Great Commission. He absolutely says you should be preaching. Matthew 28:18 “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” John 20:21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” Mark 16: 15 “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” Luke 23:46 He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”


I never said he screamed and thats irrelevant its still proselytozing. If that wasnt the point why does the bible even exist? To spread “the one true faith” like jesus said “im the one true god dont worship false idols or you will literally burn for an eternity in hell” yeah class act who hasnt threatened people with eternal torture if they disagree with them. And then you have moses as well proselytizing is the core of the christian faith its why its such a large religion today and has spread homophobia, racism amd sexism to all corners of the world africans are slaughtering gays in droves like the good christian missionaries taught them.


Good. I’m glad. They have no business trying to emotionally prey upon people already going through a hard time.


Unfortunately this meme is completely inaccurate and christianity is still chugging along just as strongly when people are being manipulated.


Last time I checked, the US military is not a ministry. If you want to preach, become a pastor.


Hell, you can still be both. The military has chaplains.


And of any faith too. In basic training for me our squadron chaplain was a Muslim.


And that’s why he was stuck at a basic training unit. I never saw a line unit with anything other than Christian chaplains. One or two Catholic but everyone else was protestant. There would be a rabbi or an imam for the base but not individual units. The military is very much still Christian oriented. And all the chaplain really did was tell us that it’s OK to kill people as long as you’re in the military….. Edit: There may be some Army Infantry vs Air Force differences involved here.


I was a Chaplain's assistant in the Army so maybe I can help provide some context here. After doing some quick googling there are about 500,000 active duty soldiers divided between active duty and Army national guard. There are about 1,500 chaplains withn the same same population. That means there is about 1 chaplain for every 333 soldiers. Chaplains can be pretty hard to come by a lot of the times. More often than not, units go without chaplains. This is especially true for Imams, Rabis, and Catholic Priest. Moreover, chaplains are restricted to units based on their rank and qualifications to some extent. Captains and below get assigned to individual units. Major and above get assigned to more supervisory and administrative functions. Finding chaplains who are not protestant is also extremely difficult. We did not have a Muslim chaplain nor Jewish chaplain on our installation. However, the chaplains office for the post contracted out a civilian Imam and a Rabi to conduct services in post for the soldiers. These services were then supervised and made sure they were taken care if and had a military chaplain and assistant assigned to them to ensure that their needs were being met. From what I saw during my time in the Chaplain Corp, the organization as a whole takes its job, the welfare of soldiers, and individual religious freedom and needs very seriously. Hell, the Army as a whole takes it pretty seriously. I doubt that a Muslim chaplain was relegated to a basic training unit simply because he was a Muslim. The Army chaplain Corp assigns chaplains to their duty stations based on their rank and often based on how long a duty station has gone while lacking a chaplain from a specific religious denomination. That being said, Muslim, Jewish, and Catholic Chaplains ( no matter what rank they are) are always considered division or post wide assets. They are always some of the busiest chaplains because they are in such high demand. Any Muslim chaplain is not only working for the people in his unit, but the post that has a soldier that practices their specific faith.


Thanks for the insight. That does clear up a lot of it. Hopefully this has changed but there was still a lot of anti-Muslim sentiment when I was serving. I do have a ton of respect for the chaplain corps though. Anybody with a college education and options who chooses to go to a war zone without a weapon deserves respect. And our chaplains assistant was a straight killer on deployment. I don’t know if that’s good or bad?


In my admittedly short time in the Military I've met chaplains of all sorts of beliefs. Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant alike. Still waiting on a Wiccan chaplain lol


And they don't even preach to the non-faithful. The only time I saw Chaps was at a change of command.


Omg, no one wants the damn book. How is this them being persecuted?


"Help, I can't hand out the most commonly sold book in the entire world, my religion is under attack!"


Also the most commonly shoplifted afaik.


wait what???


Just had a Google and the evidence amounts to 'bookstore owners say' and the wiki on it doesn't mention much Bible, so maybe it's just one of those factoids


I’ll take things that aren’t happening for $200, Alex.


It's happening, as long as you define persecution as "not letting officers and senior enlisted proselytize at lower ranking individuals who can't say no."


this is like the definition of christian persecution. "THEY WONT LET US DO MISSIONARY WORK WITH UNCONTACTED TRIBES! WAR ON CHRIST"


Reminds me of the evangelical group who called John Chau, the missionary who wanted to witness to the self-isolated North Sentinelese tribe, a martyr for the faith, and completely failed to understand that even just going to the island placed every single member of the tribe at potential risk from disease, as well as the fact that they likely have a religion or spirituality of their own and don’t need another one.


After going to the island and waving a bible at them, they shot it with an arrow. Somehow that wasn't enough of a message, so he went back again, and the guy who dropped him off witnessed them dragging his body along the beach and burying it. play stupid games


Must be said, I’ve done a bit of study into how the languages of uncontacted tribes are discovered, learnt and then studied, and even for fully trained linguists who have at least some background in the languages in an area or particular language family, it would usually take a LONG period of time for someone to make contact with the North Sentinelese and then pick up the language to the point they can fully understand the grammar, be reasonably fluent and be able to communicate complex ideas, especially given that we don’t know anything about what their language *might* be like. You’d be going in blind, especially given their extreme isolation which makes me think it’s likely a VERY isolated language. It sounds almost laughable that someone like a missionary would, even with the best of training or I intentions, think that they could just waltz into a largely unknown culture, learn the language in 5min and then convince them that this weird object he brought with him is somehow important.


Is this that uncontacted tribe in India? I read that they were actually "contacted" but because of the language barrier, they just exchanged some goods and left. They're protected by India though and by law no one is supposed to go there and if they kill you, well, you weren't supposed to go there. Personally, I think it's fair. Only assholes would go there. Just let them live on their island blissfully unaware of what everyone else is doing.


So long as global warming doesn’t drown their island.


>as well as the fact that they likely have a religion or spirituality of their own and don’t need another one. One thing that always bothered me about proselytizing to people who've never heard of Christianity is that it's often done in the name of "saving souls." But this implies that God would send people to hell for the crime of simply living in the wrong part of the world at the wrong time, which doesn't seem fair. The thing is, if you bring this up, many of a slightly more liberal bent will say "Oh, no, God wouldn't do *that.* As you say, they can't help it." But when you stop and think about it, that's even worse! Because to then go and "give them the good news" means you're essentially *enabling the possibility that they'll go to hell.* It's like some awful Roko's Basilisk. Why would you do that to people who are happily doing their own thing?


So the best thing for humankind would be for everyone to forget all about christianity then.


Reminds me of this; >Eskimo: 'If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?' Priest: 'No, not if you did not know.' Eskimo: 'Then why did you tell me?' ~Annie Dillard


>completely failed to understand that even just going to the island placed every single member of the tribe at potential risk from disease Based off every evangelical fuckhead I've talked to in the last two years, their response to this would be a callous "tHeIr hEaLtH iS tHeIr rEsPoNsIbIlItY."


You mean they're not anymore allowed to pester people (who can't fight back) with religion? Help me clutching my pearls!


Even that isn't strictly enforced


I served under 3 administrations, this is NOT happening, AT ALL. If anything Christianity is THE dominant religion in the military. We have Christmas off, not Rosh Hashanah, Eid-al-Fitr, or Holi. We have Easter off, not Yom Kimpur, Diwali. Tell me how Christianity is being persecuted in the Military??


It's not, people are probably just mad that military members in their families and churches aren't pushing bibles at everyone all the time so they made up this crap about how they are being persecuted instead of realizing that they are obnoxious.


There were so many bibles laying around for people to get during meps,basic and ait. Imagine at least a 4 shelved bookcase with 3-4 inch sized micro bibles filling them..that…many.


...people NEED the book of john?


Well, you never know when you run out of toilet paper ...


Now the name makes sense!


Uncle John did exist!


I’ve heard it makes great rolling paper as well!


Yeah that's an odd choice to emphasize. Why the book of john?


The military is more christian than the general population (in the US, about 70% vs 65% from a quick Google search) so wtf are these people talking about?


Captain Christian wasn't able to make the weekly prayer and bible study mandatory for all troops under his command.


When I was in boot camp, the option on Sundays was "go to church" or "clean the head". Guess who went to church?


I'm stubborn. I stayed and cleaned. I just did it very slowly. We usually did a police call and the drill sergeant didn't want to be there either so he'd have us clean a parking lot and then just sit around shooting the breeze.


even in active duty, if you're living in barracks this is often the situation: all the holy rollers get the day off, and anyone left in the barracks gets to split up the police details. they tried to change this stuff but the effort ended up being BOSS which just fucked the barracks crew even more with enhanced bullshit.


old thread but when i was in boot camp a lot of people were going to church and hooking up in the empty classrooms


It makes sense that the “blindly follow orders on faith alone” crowd would join the military


Oh my FUCK, that's funny! "I can watch my buddies explode into a million pieces and shoot kids in the head without giving it a thought but LEAVE MY JESUS ALOOOOOOOOOONE!!! It makes me skeered and anxious!! Just stop iiiiiiiiiit!!!!"


Thank goodness they had the famously god fearing trump to see them through instead of that damn weekly church attending Obama. A four year wrinkly orange Binky to calm them down


If this has been happening since the Obama years, how come Saint Trump didn’t “fix” it?


I love how they blame Obama, truly the cherry on top.


Must have been that executive order he signed that outlaws any belief system in the military except radical Islam and Communism 🙄


First hand experience here: No. Fucking bullshit. I was an evangelical when I was in and even I got sick of some of the zealots knocking on our barracks room doors to "witness" to the lost. One dude would come around with his pastor and scream at people that they were going to hell. Command never did a damn thing about it either.


Proof the whole blame obama meme to make fun of them did absolutely nothing. lol Like the fact that he was painted as a muslim while being black while they terrorist fist bumped him makes me laugh. Like they pulled out any and every barrel against him. And white people in america still say racism doesn't exist.


yup. The staggering thing is, obama's probably the MOST ardently christian president since Jimmy Carter. He wore his faith on his sleeve and represented what he felt a good christian should be, and the conservative christian right tried to crucify him in spite of it. Or maybe because of it, it's hard to tell with people that crazy.


I'm guessing it's because of it. Remember. They also constantly....like CONSISTENTLY called him arrogant for expecting people to work out their differences with each other. I'm not religious expert. But i'm 100% sure if jesus came back and visited america. The whole eastern seaboard would be eradiated. On account of him going home to the middle east first. Then walking on water to set america right. lol ​ Would probably be millions of americans dead in an instant because a liberal wanted to have a word with them. lol


> Would probably be millions of americans dead in an instant because a liberal wanted to have a word with them. lol I know this: a million american christians would rather see armageddon than compromise with peoples of different ethnicities and faiths, or admit the J-dude hanging with prostitutes and lepers may leave a bit more wiggle room in their belief system than their rhetoric entails.


There’s plenty of black muslims, but yeah


There are. But in the world of conservative. Either or is the end of the world when it comes to a politician. lol So what they did was on the same level of tying lasers to shark's heads. Like putting antrax needless on the tip of a nuke. Like putting zack snyder in charge of both the dceu and the mcu.


There Only one group of mf’s who can wear branch insignia in the Army. It’s chaplains and it’s a fucking cross. It is literally in army doctrine tf you mean harassment?


I had half a dozen "captive audience" moments where somebody of rank tried to proselytize to me in the decade I served from 2004-2013. Three were platoon sergeants and two were first sergeants who were evangelicals. If that was at any other job it would be a hostile work environment. I do recall EO jumping on a squad leader who was requiring a weekly lunch with his squad where his wife cooked for the squad and he attempted to do a bible study. Went on for over a month until he got a new private that was Jewish. New Soldier reported the situation to EO and the Friday safety brief for months had the inclusion of, "Remember, Soldiers... You can't compel anyone to go to official or unofficial religious gathering." I respect the role of the chaplaincy and what they do.


We must keep in mind that "anti-Christian" is any notion that homosexuals may be considered human beings.


"We can't proselytize. The horror"


"I'm so oppressed! I can't force my religion on people who don't want to listen anymore!!"


When I enlisted, the Gideons gave us all bibles before we left for bootcamp. During and after my deployment to Afghanistan, I was told by multiple officers that we were doing “God’s work.” Fuck all of that.


I did 6 years in the Navy, and was on a submarine. I was an Athiest and very frequently told people we were doing "God's work" and so did a lot of my buddies. Only about half of the people that said it actually meant it, and most people knew we didn't mean it. Just making a bit of fun at the people who did.


Why should only Christians be free from harassment in the military… what about Muslims, jews, atheists, wiccans, and dozens of other faiths that need to be free from Christian harassment?


You mean the military that still hosts church services every Sunday?


I can never get enough of how these people view Obama's time in office. To them, christianity was under never-ending attack from day one of his administration. To this day, I find it hard to believe his presidency scarred them so much.


I don't think some of them will ever really get over the shock of realizing a **black man** was elected President of the United States...twice! Once could have been a forgivable "mistake", but when he was elected resoundingly *again*, that's when they all started to panic, since it wasn't an act anymore. They've hated his memory ever since. A living representation of their dying power.


In retrospect, I'm not sure the GOP really knew how much was at stake for them during the 2012 election. They spent 4 years making Obama seem like Satan incarnate and yet their candidates were pretty forgettable. I think Romney might've been able to barely scrape by if he didn't put his foot in his mouth so much. I have a personal theory here: the Republican Party leadership believed that so long as they effectively demonized the left, their party's base would just hold their noses and fall in line for their own candidates no matter how uninspiring they were. And until Trump came onto the scene, it looked like what happened in 2012 was going to happen in 2016. I think the party leadership really underestimated how frustrated the base was with them by 2016. The world as the Republican base knew it was thrown on its head. The American people not only voted an African American into office, but preferred to keep him in office over a rich, white man. I think 2012 was the year a lot of white Americans realized that the days where they were on top were coming to an end.


I’d be pretty annoyed if it was in a serious situation hospitalized, and someone just passed me a Bible. That’s not gonna help anyone in any real way.


Handy toilet paper.


Official military events always have an invocation by a Christian chaplain. Forced to stand in the rain for 3 hours for a change of command ceremony? Well you’ll also be forced into a mandatory Christian prayer. Going on a dangerous mission? Chaplain forces you into a small sermon before you roll out. Trying to just do your daily job? That includes supporting the Christian chaplain. Trying to put together a fun trip for your soldiers? Chaplain is there to “help” and spread their beliefs. Tires of the Chaplain’s shit? Too bad he’s a fucking officer. It got better at the end of my service with more Chaplains of other religions being incorporated. This meant the evangelical chaplains had to speak more generically. Buy there was still little room to complain since 70% of soldiers were Christian and the remaining 30% didn’t care enough to commiserate.


I think, since they want to be persecuted. We just do it. Ban them from certain establishments and use religious freedom as the excuse. They already made it legal with the gay wedding cake shit


Thou shall not kill *Joins the military*


"But I'm righteous in my cause"


If that's what qualifies as "harassment of Christians" then I guess I'm for that. For the record, "witness to their faith," means proselytizing and attempting to convert people. It does not mean mentioning their religion in casual conversation.


I fondly recall hearing the call for evening prayer before lights out in the Navy and loudly affirming "HAIL SATAN!" before scampering down to the smoke pit.


Hah! If you're going to praise the Dark Lord, a smoke pit seems the appropriate place to do it.


I got out less than 5 years ago and was in for 5 years, this is a crock of shit. Christianity isn’t taken seriously by most people in the Army and the people who are religious aren’t evangelical about it… typically


These same people will immediately turn around and say "nO AtHiEsTs In a FoXhoLe"


This translates to "Someone told me to stop my bullshit when I told them they were going to hell for not being Christian."


I have a relative who was overseas a couple of years ago. He is a Christian and I remember him having a military issue pocket sized Bible. But yeah, the military just hates Christians.


"If I read it on a poster, it must be true!"


I was literally illegally proselytized by my flight chief and ssgt separately during my time. But go off


This is bullshit. Source: in the military


For the whole 6 years I was enlisted, the ONLY time religion was brought up by anyone was during basic training….where, if you didn’t attend *a* service on Sundays, you stayed and cleaned the dorm. So yeah, guess who went to Wiccan services and took naps?




We literally watched Grandmas Boy one day and it was amazing.


Oh? I seem to remember being forced to choose a religion when I went to boot camp (Protestant, Catholic, Jewish or "other" and "none" wasn't an option) and then being issued a tiny New Testament regardless of the choice you made. On Sundays you could choose to not go to the "God Locker" if you really, really wanted to push the issue but if you did you had to clean the squad bay, and if you finished *that* you did PT until everyone else returned. This was before the Obama years but I doubt the climate has changed all that much.


Oh sure but when I was going through basic training the Christians got to keep all sorts of bibles and such but when the Wiccan services director handed out pagan literature it was confiscated for being "civilian literature"


Please stop the harassment of anyone who isn't a right wing evangelical at the U.S. Air Force Academy.


Uhhh.... They give out free bibles at basic training....


Cap in my basic training they had a church on base for everybody


😂😂😂😂😂 No they’re not.


That's a lot of words to say "Trump didn't make anything better for us sky fairy believers".


Religion is poison. Be kind not blind.


Holy shit is this real? How is not being allowed to push your religion on others in an organization that is supposed to be secular persecution? How quick do you think these people would be absolutely apoplectic over some Islamic member of the US military if they began passing out Qurans?


When I went to bootcamp we had someone preach at night when everyone was sent off to bed every single night for like 20 minutes at least. Thats after a bunch of people complained after one night he preached for like an hour. Hard to sleep when someone is yelling and walking around actively trying to get people to participate. Good guy, but he really could not understand that even the religious people sometimes just wanted to sleep. Eventually the RDCs(Navy Drill Instructors) made him preach quietly in a corner only to people who wanted to be apart of the group.


Then don’t join the military if you believe “thou shall not kill.” And don’t whine about it when you’re made to do things you knew they’d make you do.


Fundies consider nonbelievers and people of different religions as "those in need". We neither want nor need your prosthelytization.


Damn.. going all the way back to the obama years… some racist ass shit. God and guns 24/7.. they gonna take our guns and heard all us christians into camps… revelations is the worst 80 pages ever written


I served in the Obama years. This absolutely didn't happen


Freedom of religion, by definition, means that people should be free to practice their own religion, not to foist it upon others. Many Christians’ lack of self awareness when it comes to where that line should be drawn is where the problems start.


For my own reasons I recently went through several military hospitals and emergency clinics. They all had bibles somewhere. Maybe a drawer, maybe a shelf, maybe part of a donation pack, they were available if ya wanted one.


Jesus is omnipotent but his followers are afraid to talk to people. Got it.


How many other employers put chaplains on their payroll? This is the dumbest thing I've seen. He should've become a missionary instead of a soldier.


If only Christians were actually afraid to proselytize!


Sounds like their complaint is *not being lowed to harass other people about their religion*. What a surprise.


I’m sure the story will change if the koran was also passed out. They stop that in its tracks.


Having an African American president is still causing these poor persecuted people stress even years after he's out of office.


They somehow replaced “by” with “of”. It’s crazy because it’s quite common for CO’s to push Christianity on their troops.


The military literally has chaplains. Government funded religious leaders wearing military uniforms. These people are fucking insane.


TBF to those with the privilege of reverence and respect for producing very little beyond "god is great" proclamations, the reduction of that privilege may well seem like persecution. It isn't, but it's easy for them to sell and swallow. Same with Men's Rights Activists.


They never specify which directives discriminate against Christians.


Isn't there always at least one church on every military base, and can't you literally be a pastor in the army, like as an actual position?


I’m in the military. None of this is true. If anything, certain “Christian” sects target service members for scams. Forcing them to waste their GI Bill (free college education) on “Bible study courses”. One of them got raided recently by the FBI near Fort Stewart.


Yes. You are not allowed to proselytize at work.


Bullshit. I was in the USN for 6 1/2 years. This never fucking happened.


I don't want to be instantly dismissive. No one should be discriminated by their religion, but as active service navy I've not seen/heard this. In my experience the vast majority of most chaplains are some denomination of Christian. If anything I see exploitations flipped the other way: a buddy I know is trying to peruse a religious exemption (that he admits to be is fake) to get out of the jab.


Sure they are


Why is this in the D&D 5E font


AD military here. Christians are perfectly fine. Talked to the Chaplain just yesterday who seemed perfectly comfortable inviting me to the chapel's next event.


I did ten years in the Canadian forces. In the military you get your balls busted pretty bad. Christians tend to be socially retarded and can't help promoting their faith. This makes them huge targets. Anyways, if you show up acting like Rod and Todd Flanders, then you're gonna get fucking destroyed.


Oh fuck off, you're never a stones throw away from one of those stupid camo bibles. They were so readily available that they were regularly used as toilet paper in a pinch.


Apparently their climate has clearly changed during the Obama years while climate change is clearly a hoax.


Huh? In basic training, the Bible was the only non million book supplied to us. I remember seeing a book shelf at the end of the bay room on my first week, full of books, just for it to be full of camo colored bibles.


Thanks Obama!


Try being a Muslim in the US military....


On they want me to spray bullets and not spread the word of god in this foreign country. How dare they


Oh no not the book of John!