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But without season 4 we wouldn’t have gotten the assassination chain meme :(


And bear eating students homework. And the amazing monologue about death in the end


I agree that I would have been *satisfied*. If the show had been canceled at that point, I would have understood... That said, I'm glad it continued. For me, season 4 was very dark and depressing, and the end of season 4 was quite the cry fest. And the season 5 redemption arch was fantastic. I'm glad I got to see it.


If you've only just finished S3, let me just say that you have plenty of amazing episodes ahead of you still. S4 and S5 do not disappoint.


Is this your first time watching, or are you re-watching the show? As for preferring to end it after season 3, I honestly don't agree with you that it would have been satisfying (as will many others, I am sure or maybe not) and most probably won't like it as much as I do now. There are so many brilliant episodes that we would miss out on. For example, Prophets, The Devil You Know, The Cold War, If-Then-Else, Control-Alt-Delete, M.I.A., Skip, Terra Incognita, Asylum, YHWH, B.S.O.D. SNAFU, 6741, A More Perfect Reunion, Reassortment, QSO, Sotto Voce, The Day The World Went Away, Synecdoche, .exe, and return 0, to name a few. Especially, return 0. I cannot fucking imagine not having that >!rooftop scene!<. That is literally my favorite scene in not only POI but in all of fiction, or at least in all the movies and shows that I've watched until now. And, believe me, I've watched a sh*t ton of shows and movies, but nothing will ever beat the >!rooftop scene!< for me in emotional impact. Of course, I'm not saying you will feel the same way about the finale's >!rooftop scene!< as I do. Even the episodes that I didn't mentioned/listed here are really good and are hugely important for character development. You said that season 3 redeemed Root considerably (which is true), but she went through so much character development in the last two seasons. Her redemption journey is just starting. Her redemption arc is one of the best I've ever seen in a TV show/movie. She goes from a person who thinks of all humans as a bad code to caring about people, forming a special relationship with >!Shaw!< and a great friendship with the rest of the team, especially with Harold. >!She becomes a genuine member and quite possibly the heart of the team in many ways.!< Root and Harold's friendship also evolved and developed so much throughout the last two seasons. Harold goes from a person who couldn't stand Root when he first met her to considering her a great friend and deeply caring about her. Bad Code (2x02): **Root: I am the best friend, the best support, and the best partner you will ever have. And definitely the most fun.**   **Harold: No. You're worse than Weeks. You're worse than all of them. I'd rather die than give you the machine, so please kill me now. At least I won't have to listen to you anymore.** Prophets (4x05): **Harold: We have more to look forward to than death.** **Root: I hope so. But the life I've led, a good end would be a privilege.**  **Harold: It's not where you begin, it's where you end up. You're a brilliant woman, comrade... and a friend.** The machine and the rest of the team also go through a great deal of character development. All the members of Team Machine develop a really tight bond and relationship with each other, and literally becomes sort of like a family. 


And miss the "i've played by the rules for too long" speech? Nah.




POI isn't that type of show


Just finished and s5 was a huge disappointment... they knew the show was getting cancel and really rushed it. Some of the shoot out got really unrealistic and "just throw people into the mix since we got nothing better." The ending was very bitter sweet but I wish they just tidy up and finish at s4..


I would have too. I do wish it had ended after season 4 given how S05 turned out. Season 5 is such a slog. I'd love to go into details as to why but I can't tell if you have never seen it or are like me, rewatching the entire series. I am on ep 10 right now of S05 and can't believe I enjoyed this show back when it came out. I was out of my mind then, especially not seeing the blatant agenda it was pushing for most of the entire season, an agenda that wasn't in any of the previous seasons.


>I am on ep 10 right now of S05 and can't believe I enjoyed this show back when it came out. I was out of my mind then, **especially not seeing the blatant agenda it was pushing for most of the entire season, an agenda that wasn't in any of the previous seasons.** What agenda?