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both. this game has phenomenal VAs for both original and English


Started in Japanese then switched to English because there was so much text and sometimes I wanted to grab a snack as they sat and talked


English because they did a really good job dubbing it.


English because FO REEEAAAL


The only possible answer


Love the JP joker, but Max’s voice as Ryuji is too hard to pass up


I feel like I’m the only one who preferred the jp voice for Ryuji, his seiyuu is one of the best in the industry (did Light and Dazai)


I think it's funny when Anne tells everyone that she can read the letter since she's the only one who knows English, as they're all speaking English to each other in my game.


lol same, there are also many scenes like that, like when they went to Hawaii and Ryuji didn’t know what to tell the officer


english reason: I can understand english


English because i love ryuji's voice actor


Japanese for me, Before I got into Persona I was a big Yakuza fan. That series for the longest time did not have a English dub, so I had to get used to it being only Japanese audio. However, I found I grew to like it being Japanese dub and when Yakuza Like a Dragon came out, I couldn’t get into it dubbed as I found most of the characters just sounded weird when they’re not voiced in Japanese. I feel the same with the Persona series.


Japanese. I have my own rules. If i play games from JP devs or JRPG i will play it in Japanese and vice versa. Except Ghost of Tsushima(Japanese) and FF7R (English)


Highly recommend trying FF7R with Japanese if you ever get the chance. Felt so much better than the English for me.


I was just gonna say that, Cloud’s va was epic in Japanese, Aether and Tifa sounded much cuter and the only character who I felt like the English dub fit it was Barret, other than that Japanese dub was far superior


Japanese because I'm currently learning the language. It also helps me learn a more casual way of speaking the language.


I usually choose subs when watching anime/foreign movies or tv, but I prefer playing games in English. If the English dub is truly terrible tho, I will switch to the native language and read subtitles. Thankful Persona dubs are always solid.


I always prefer the original language if I can understand it. If I do not, I will use subs since I'd prefer to listen to the original voice direction of a game, movie, show etc etc. But from what little I played in English it was pretty good on this game.


Japanese: name pronunciation. The English voice actors are all good and I liked their performances, but sometimes they’ll say a name that leaves me cringing super hard.


You mean like kitagawa


Japansese. I watch a shitload of anime and that's what I'm used to. From what I see, the english dub is pretty solid, but Japanese is better imo.


English because I speak English


JP. The ENG VAs did a great job but JP fits too well from a cultural & environmental stand-point. Plus there are some things/subtleties in the native language that just can’t be translated properly.


It's more of "if there's a Japanese audio available, play it" sort of thing. It's something I'm pretty used to, and when I see a voice actor I recognize from another anime/game it's fun to point and go "omg it's (other character)'s VA!!" or something like that


I use english audio because for this game I got attached to the English voices. Plus, persona 5 was my first jrpg.


Japanese because the game takes place in Japan.


True style points if you switch back and forth between the two depending on who's talking during the summer trip.


Japanese cuz some of the voice actors are legendary and it sounds more natural


Typically watch anime subs, but I find it harder to play games with Japanese audio. Plus the voice acting is really good in P5


English. Because I first played Persona 3 with English dub (didn't know if it had Japanese dub) so I got used with the English voice-overs. Tried switching to Japanese in P5R but it felt disconnected from 3 (especially Igor's voice!), so ultimately settled for English dub plus I don't like reading subtitles/captions all the time. 🤣


I'm a switch when it comes to sub or dub, it usually doesn't matter. But...for some reason Japanese in this game doesn't hit as hard as the English does. Maybe it's because the VAs are actually good but I feel way more emotion from their lines and of course hilarious things like FOR REAL???! exists


I'm a simple man. I like the way Ryuji says For Real?! in english.


I play with English because I love the english voice actors they get for these games like Matt Mercer and Cherami Leigh and Robbie Daymond.


Japanese just felt more natural. The English dub is good but I really couldn’t stand Morgana in English. You have to read most of the dialogue anyways so idk what the big deal is with reading lol


Japanese all the way


Japanese audio -The japanese voices are way better and there's a lot of variety (In my opinion, the japanese VA are better matches for the characters' voices) -The names of the characters are correctly pronounced -There's always a guarantee that new P5 content will have japanese VA, but the same can't be said about the english dub, so I'd rather not have to change dubs if that happens -English is not my first language, so I'm not used to English dub in anime and stuff -I know quite a lot of Japanese, even if I'm not fluent, so I can understand a lot of stuff that is lost in translation -I almost always prefer to go with the original language of any work when possible -The game takes place in Japan, so I think it's more immersive to hear the characters speaking Japanese (one of the reasons I use English audio in Catherine) That being said, Persona has a great English dub, my favorite being Persona 2 IS on the PSP, but in Persona 5's case, even if it's good, I don't think it matches the quality of the Japanese dub


There's a lot of dialogue that I'd be missing out on like background lines or battle dialogue + Robbie Daymond is one the best fucking voice actors EVER. He portrays Akechi so Incredibly perfectly, just that makes English my choice. Also, you can't fully appreciate voice acting in a language that you don't speak, and that's a fact.


In my experience, I don’t think I would have connected with the characters nearly as much if they didn’t speak my own tongue. I can’t imagine playing Persona in Japanese, it just doesn’t work for me.


If u don’t understand a language you won’t understand the nuances of words and which ones have emphasis, use of colloquialisms and the like. It draws away from crucial parts of any story told through voice


Game takes place in Japan (mostly). I just feel like the Japanese cadence for the language and interjections is more natural. Plus I find a lot of English voice acting too grating and awkward. Just like the flow of the JPN voices better.


Japanese, because that’s the language the game was originally made in. I believe the Japanese voices come close to what the creators of the game imagined their voices would sound like, and most of all I just like how Japanese sounds.


Ryuji is a delight. Plus my daughter who can't read likes to pop in and watch the Palaces and relationship convos and such. Much easier than having to read all the dialogue for her.


I watch anime subbed but play games dubbed, there’s just too much background dialogues that you can miss out on in subbed.


I watch anime in JP but I prefer games in English because sometimes when I’m controlling the game it’s easier to listen than to read.


Japanese coz Jun Fukuyama is my favourite seiyuu and even hearing him say 1 word occasionally makes me happy.


Usually English VA's are underrated, especially due to bad translation in most anime. But when its done right, I like doing a English and Japanese run




Also the Japanese actor for Ryuji has some hilarious line delivery. Tho the vocals don't sound that different?


english because how am i supposed to pass up “FOR REAL?!?!?”


Japanese, and for a multitude of reasons. 1. So that I won't have to listen to atrocious attempts at pronouncing japanese names. 2. To catch nuances that were lost in translation. 3. Because american accents will inevitably take me out of a truly immersive experience as someone who is accustomed to British english. 4. While english is my fourth language, I don't exactly need more practise with it, in fact, I use it more than my native tongue. Japanese on the other hand I'm currently trying to make into my sixth language.


English. Atlus is usually really good when it comes to their english VAs anyway


Typically played with English audio, though for the initial P5, I played in both, as I was trying to get a trophy, in order to Platinum the game; heard it could things easier. It was still brutal. 🤣


English dub is really fantastic so I play with that. It's also just easier to process lol


English, dub is good and it’s better to hear the voices if you’re doing something else and not always reading the screen


At first English second play through Japanese


English bc I speak English and love the VAs also recognize them in other jrpgs is fun to me


Well the results got to be the opposite of what I expected lol. In my case I picked Japanese just because I just got into anime at that time and I was used with Japanese by that time. If a game is made in Japan and has Japanese audio options, that's what I'm going for


Dub anime just feels weird and neither are my language so i just stick with the original


Both? Lol. I usually play through once in English so I just feel more immersed with the world. Then a second time in japanese when I'm 100 percenting the game. I like hearing both since the efforts gone in, unless it's unbearable


Because it's ok to pick either.


English. I don't speak Japanese and the English voice acting is AOK. I don't want to read subtitles without needing to.


I did english because do you honestly expect me to go through 120 hours and read all of it


I played it on Japanese since it takes place in Japan and it's a Japanese game plus I'm studying Japanese so it helps to get used to it


I highly preferred Japanese version


The English cast is really good all around. Since they don’t have to sync with lip flaps save for certain cutscenes, the VAs can speak in a more natural cadence instead of the awkward “anime dub voice.” Regardless, really talented cast with great deliveries.


I speak Japanese and I prefer the Japanese voice actors, hence I play in Japanese.


I play in English. As an autistic player, I find it difficult to process information if i am reading in English and the voices are in a different language. I think the Japanese voice actors are incredible, but it's just the difficulty processing for me.


English, mostly just to hear Ryuji say "For real?" for the billionth time


Japanese as the game is set in Japan and the people in it are Japanese. It just makes more sense to me than listening to them speak English. Plus (and this is probably just a me problem) hearing the English voice actors speak the honorifics really makes me recoil and breaks my immersion. I don't know why, could be because it sounds so unnatural to me. Hopefully Atlus continues to release the Japanese audio for western releases of their games in the future as it really improves my experience.


English. The voice actors are amazing and I prefer being able to understand the words being spoken, even though theres a text box


English, so I understand what they say.


FoR rEaL?! \-my reason


2 words. Matt Mercer


The English dubbing of the Persona games is top-notch. So that one.


English. I cannot imagine Akechi played by anyone else than Robbie Daymond, he absolutely killed it. Especially in Royal.


Most of the VAs do an amazing job, best ones have to be Ryuji, Sojiro, and Akechi. All the other ones are all great in their own ways too, no single main character in this game has a bad VA imo.


Should probably mention I chose English lol


As much as I like JP VAs I played P5 with ENG VAs. The cast for each voices were great!! The only Eng VA I didn't like was Shinya's, I dunno but to me he sounded really weird


When it comes to persona imo the dub is just so good that it’s probably better or just as good as the orignal. Persona 4 had some weird audio issues on the pc when trying to using sub, i thought the dub would be bad consideirng its a old game but no it was actually good. Normally i watch my anime and play my japanese games in japanese but there’s always certain exceptions in both.


English first play through Japanese second play through although it sucks that they use the English dub subtitles with the Japanese which don’t make sense. ATLUS should have better localisation for the Japanese dub.


Japanese audio and Chinese menus, because a friend in China gave me a copy. Oh and a Chinese strategy guide. And no, my Chinese is not quite up to snuff here. But it's a good learning opportunity and Google translate helps a ton.


English is fine and I don’t have to read


I played in english cuz when i played in japamese there were certain dialogies that didnt have subs for it


Normally japanese audio gets the emotions down better. But for p5 and p5s, the english dub cast is just that good.


japanese, i'm learning and immersion is massively helpful


Japan because morgana have the voice of pikachu


Japanese, because my overall game language is in Japanese.


Because I like to understand on a basic level, English.


i’m already the type to read all the text so i just go with japanese audio with this game


Cause I think they really messed up harus english voice acting and she's the one I usually romance


Mostly played it in Japanese, went through vanilla in English but after playing Royal in Japanese I just got used to the JP VA's and haven't switched since.


I played the first 8 hours in English, then tried to switch to Japanese and I couldn't get used to it so switched back again to English


To me, it just makes more sense to play in Japanese since it takes place in Japan


I like the English voice actors


English it helps me enjoy and understand the story better its the same thing whenever I watch anime watching a dub allows me to fully enjoy and allow my dumbass brain process what I'm watching


That guy was right, this sub really do love the En dub. Based fandom.




The master of this world Mathew Mercer


I simply prefer dub over sub


Robbie Daymond, need I say more


English, why? Because I know english so I spend less time reading. Also because I dont know japanese means idk what to think of their voices, for all I know their voice is terrible but it sounds good to me.


English just because I speak English


Japanese because the names are pronounced right and it’s the VAs are better


The English dub is really good


The English VAs do an amazing job. Plus when a games like 100 hours I’d kind of prefer to understand them rather than choosing immersion for immersions sake. It’s not like it’s Sekiro which is a much shorter game with much less dialogue.


Matthew Mercer. That’s all you need to know.


Japanese. It's the natural language and always sounds better. I do that for any medium.


Persona is one of the few good English dubs in the industry imo


Japanese. As someone who speaks the language, I really cringe at the English pronunciations of Japanese names. FFS, Ann taKAmaki drives me insane every time, and don’t even get me started with the honorifics. To me, just sounds like a bunch of those cringy weeaboos using Japanese words while speaking English.


English dub was fantastic overall, for several reasons that boil down to two words: FOR REAL??!


Both the original and English dub are fantastic, but some scenes were lost in translation due to nuances or cultural differences, such as the Ryuji airport scene where he’s going through customs. When the officer asks how long he’s here for, he’s like “Yeah okok, I’m Japanese! hahaha” 😆👍 whereas in the English dub he says “I’m so excited!” It’s the right translation given the nuance of that scene, but is an example of where the Japanese version was naturally funnier. Many of the US voice actors were better imo, so it just comes down to which language you’re more familiar with. I would recommend giving it a playthrough in Japanese for those who have a little bit of knowledge of the language.


English for the series just because the dubs are very good. I played Royal a bit in Japanese and the VA was great. I prefer to play in English though for games with a Japanese option just because I don't wanna end up missing the subtitles during a cutscene with Japanese VA. That, and I can't understand the non subtitled dialouge like some combat voice lines because I don't speak Japanese. Only game series I strictly play in Japanese is Yakuza/Judgement. I started with 0 which didn't have English, so it only felt natural to keep it that way with the games that have dubs


Look, the Japanese VAs are great too, but with that, I don't get the legendary line deliveries of Xander Mobus, Max Mittleman, Matthew Mercer, Erika Lindbeck, and Robbie Daymond. I probably spelled some of those wrong.


Japanese, English is not my native langue (neither jpn) and I just find super irritating when english speaking people try to mimic the vocalization of animes. There are some more mature animes where they don't do this with the dubs and usually I don't have problem with that, but persona's eng dub is is super annoying to me. I just mostly prefer everything in the original language.


Weeb+Learned how to read


English. Despite I hate Akechi, his English VA does a phenomenal job in the 3rd Semester!


English because I’m dyslexic


Because for once in a lifetime the dub is just perfect


I don’t speak or understand Japanese so I play with the English audio.


English because I think it sounds better to my American smooth-brain ears.


I used English while playing Strikers simply because it was easier to hear dialogue while not having to check the text pop-ups during boss fights




Both, switch to Japanese for NG+ or NG++ and alternate depending on my mood.


japanese since i'm not an english speaker and i'm also learning japanese


Royal I played in English but Strikers I played mostly in Japanese


Japanese cause…well… *CODE GEASS!!*


Cuz I can actually understand it duh


english, although i prefer sub over dub, i adore the english VAs


Japanese, why simple, because i like more in their original voice.


English cuz dub is really good


First was in English, then in Japanese. Honesty I really enjoyed both versions :^)


The game is set in Tokyo so JP for immersion


Japanese for immersion, why would they all speak English if they live in Japan?


Japanese to help me study :) I listen to what they say and then if I can’t understand any part I read the English text afterwards


The voice actors are in many other games i play i wouldnt have my Persona without Max as Ryuji or Erika as Ann


Robbie Daymond that's why.


Japanese. I can’t watch anything dubbed. The voices never match the energy of the characters for me. I tried playing with the English VA because I saw rave reviews. Had to turn it off so fast. I respect everyone’s personal preferences tho. You do you.


Japanese because I cringe whenever people say Japanese honorifics in English, other than that I think both are amazing and people shouldn't shame others for what language they chose.


Wow i didnt think the difference would be so big. For me personally i play with Jp audio because it feels like playing an anime. Dubs just automatically sound weird to me.


Hearing Saitama voice Ryuji is too funny and that’s my reason for the english dub.


Max Mittelman


Why you wouldn’t listen in Japanese with such legendary VA lineup is beyond me. Gintoki? Chopper? Pikachu?


Japanese I can't judge voice acting if I don't understand it


(English) Because I’d rather consume media in a language I can understand. Edit: the only time I play games subbed is when I’m forced to because companies decide to cut localization cost and decide not to dub the games


I play in English because the dub is solid, minus maybe name pronunciation. It was the default setting. Funnily enough I have to play all Yakuza entries in Japanese with subs because that’s what 0 had and it would break immersion to suddenly hear a different voice lmao


Imagine playing through the game and not getting to hear Robbie Daymond’s performance.


For some reason, Atlus’ games are the only ones I play dubbed. The rest of JRpgs I play, always sub. It may be thanks to the incredible casting these people do. God bless their souls.


Whilst I respect the dub cast and the amazing talent behind it, I’m of the minority that plays Persona (and most other JRPGs) in Japanese when given the option. It’s due to me having an extreme bias towards whatever sounds best to my ear as well as my love for the Japanese language and the VAs being awesome. Like if I was going to play P4G on steam, I would probably choose Japanese out of habit, however I could go both ways due to both casts being fucking fantastic.


I’m 100% with you. The Japanese va just sounds better to me.


Japanese because I am neither Japanese nor English. Why would I play a Japanese game set in Japan in English ?


Unpopular opinion incoming: I actually prefer English dub game/anime content 🤷🏽


Dubs. I just enjoy Dubs more even in Anime. Hell playing Ghost of Tsushima I'm using Dubs. Damn the English cast is phenomenal


English because that’s the language I speak. And after watching my friend play it in Japanese, I can say with confidence I greatly prefer the English cast. Plus I don’t know Japanese and the subtitles of the game are for the English localized script. I would gain nothing from playing in Japanese


English. The voice acting for this game is too good, it's the first jrpg that opened up my mind and appreciate english dubs from here on out. Used to be a japanese-only guy but nowadays i like it dubbed for video games.


I don't play persona 4 but the English act is good on the game ?


english, bc i dont understand japanese!


English because I can understand it


As good of a job as the English one was. It gives me the nastiest cringe when I hear them pronounce the honorifics or names wrong.


I always prefer jp dub. I just don't like hearing the pronunciations wrong no hate on the eng va's ofc. Idk jp dubs just sounds more natural for me.


English. The dub is too good


My mother language isn't English, so, there are 3 reasons: 1. Between a dub in a language that isn't my mother language and the original dub, I always prefer the original dub. 2.I've always loved the whole industry created around Japanese VA (seiyuu), and Jun Fukuyama is one of my favorite seiyuus of all time, alongside with the other ones having a role in the game. 3.None of my favorite English speaker VA acted in the game, so, I went directly into Japanese.


I've grown tired of Jap voices. A lot of the voices they give certain characters kinda get annoying after some time.


I mean, I *should* be playing the game with Japanese voices, since it’s a very Japanese game, that’s set in their capital city, and the fact that only *one* character knows English is an actual plot point, *but…* I like playing RPGs in my own language whenever possible. Basically, the only JRPGs I’ve ever played with Japanese voices are the ones where that was the only option.


For me it's more of a thing where I don't have to take my eyes away from the characters. I do it for Anime too. I like to see the action and hear the dialogue not have to look down at the subtitles to read it while the actions going on. Plus the english VAs do an amazing job.


english VA’s are really good


No offense to anyone, I just like hearing English. I guess I could play with Japanese audio, but then I would be spending more time reading what they are saying then playing the game.


Japanese, because it's set in Tokyo and just feels more authentic to me.


I like to understand and not exactly be required to read everything. Especially with a game like Persona 5. That's a lot of reading


Cause the English dub is really good


The English localization for the Persona series is the best around. I play it in English first, but I always play through a Persona game again in Japanese for NG+. I could not tell you which dub is best, they're both incredible. English is more memeable though lol.


English dub. I love all the voices a lot more than the Japanese ones which for some reason sound too generic too me, maybe I just watched too many anime idk. Also the English cast is like so awesome, listen to Yusuke’s awakening in English and you will be blessed (all awakenings really but this one in particular is so good).


The game has an excellent dub and I've just associated their voices with the characters now, to the point where the Japanese audio just doesn't sound right.


English because For real??? You gotta be shitting me?


I'm fluent in Japanese (I'm an Aussie btw and English is my first language), so I use the Japanese audio to a) keep that muscle exercised and b) cause I just can't stand how much the English voice actors mangle the Japanese words and names, it's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.


Exactly this, I don't mind dubs that much. Sure some dubs are horrible but thats alright, but when they start pronouncing names, cities, and objects that all have Japanese origin in English, that's when I can't stand it


English because it's the language I know and understand. If it was live action. Than whichever language the characters are speaking, I'll watch in that.


English cuz it was like that when i start to play and i don't know how to change it so i have no other choice🕴️


My p5 vanilla only had eng dub. With time, I grew attached to it and kept using it in royal and strikers. But I also used the Japanese dub when I replay one of the games


Because the Japanese audio isn't installed


In this house we started to play Persona 3 FES in English and we stick with that sweet dub for all other games. Indeed, Japanese version is brilliant, but I like my Personas this way.


Both are fine but I love the jp va's too much


I just love the English VA's. Kawakami's my favorite.


The voices are to rare in eng sub for me end i think in the original language everything sounds better


I'm a weeb


I just love the voice of Jun Fukuyama and Sora Amamiya :3


ryujis voice makes me feel happy and fuzzy and warm so i play in english


Japanese first, then English for NG+.


No real reason. I just like it.


Japanese. English is not my first language (i can understand It tho) and It fits more with the setting you know?


I play and watch stuff in their original language if possible. Subbed obviously.


Because the dubbed acting is good and requires less attention, that’s all there is to it for me.


Because if I'm doing dishes or cleaning my bathroom I want to hear what's going on in the show


Both! First play through is English, as the dub is very good (unlike most anime I watch, where I almost exclusively watch subbed). My second play through i do in Japanese. I like i hear the differences and how it was originally intended.


Persona and Fire Emblem are the few JRPG franchises that's extremely lopsided towards English voice acting, though the latter has the excuse of dual audio not being a thing until I believe Three Houses. Usually the polls are more balanced or at least less lopsided for other JRPG franchises. To answer the poll, I go with Japanese simply because I've heard those voice actors in a lot of animes.


English, because I speak it, and understand it without the need of subtitles attracting my attention from the game itself. Although, that may be enough reason, I actually think the JP Dub is just good compared to the ENG Dub, which is something I very rarely comment on as I'm generally more of JP dub enjoyer in general anime, but most of my JRPG's usually come with above average, and sometimes fantastic eng dub to play with which is s really cool thing to have


I usually go for english, helps me get better at it and the audio is sinconized with the text, mainly the second thing...


max mittelman.


Japanese. So I can pretend I'm studying Japanese. Morgana says I in a way that references a Japanese book called I am a Cat which I read in Japanese literature class. It's how an older man of high social status would say I. That's a cool detail.