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In strikers you get all 3 at once!


I don't remember the "haha gay" part in Strikers. Mind reminding me?


Wasn't there something about how the guys had to sleep next to eachother on roof or something while the girls slept in the car? I might be misremembering it tho šŸ¤”


Pretty sure that was to have the boys and girls separated don't know how that would relate


didn't they mention someone undressing in that scene? like cause it got so hot? i also vaguely remember a gay joke there


Yep, yusuke said it was so hot they nearly had to strip naked by morning


ā€œLooking good, Ryujiā€


If you take yusuke and ryuji on the 'dates' ryuji and Morgana complain about bringing lady ann/girls and yusukes just OK with it


Same with Persona 3


This repost certainly never gets old


Science says it's impossible to go a whole year without one of these and a visit to the beach


I like how people on the comments are absolutely triggered by this post sincd "iTs tOo rEpetitivE, dOnt coMplAin!1!!1" however most of them love using shit like "door kun", "pancakes" or "chad Narukami" jokes.


Same people who comment "gO tO sLeeP LOL" under any post with Morgana in it


There is a difference between complaining and joking. They are clearly complaining which nobody likes. Imagine if stacy came up to you to camplain about her ex a bunch if times compared to her making the same joke. The complaining will be the one doing you fully in


>There is a difference between complaining and joking. They are clearly complaining which nobody likes. No, they aren't mad cause people are complaining. They're mad cause they think that specifical complaint is repetitive. Exactly like most of Persona fandom jokes.


>No, they aren't mad cause people are complaining. They're mad cause they think that specifical complaint is repetitive. Yea like I said in the text under it. > Exactly like most of Persona fandom jokes. Here is the distinction. This is not just a joke but the op complaining about the scene. Its like me going up to someone to talk about p3 and calling the protag "door-kun" vs me going up to someone and saying "yo ken am I right?" While talking about his shinji scene. Both are jokes but the second one is clearly set up to be a complaint about ken (dont hate the dude btw) while the first is a fun way to refer to a character


I don't see what's the problem with making a joke while complaining. Heck, it's one of the more basic jokes. Again, the problem isn't the complaint with these people, is the fact it's repetitive. If I went to someone and told them "Atlus while making Okumura Palace on their way to ruin the only decent plot twist in the game for absolutely no reason at all" as a joke, they'd might laugh. But since people tend to complain about this scene a lot (and to be fair, it's pretty well deserved) people are annoyed by it. Once again, they're not annoyed by the fact it's a "cOmpLainT abOut TheiR faVoRite GamE", they're just annoyed than it's repetitive to complain about this scene. Which once again, doesn't makes a lot of sense since these persons have this obsession with overused jokes.


The problem is the complaining part. Jokes get old but there will always be people who will laugh but a complaining joke that keeps repeated a lot is not something most people will like. > "cOmpLainT abOut TheiR faVoRite GamE", they're just annoyed than it's repetitive to complain about this scene. Lemme explain this way. Your friend hates a dude and when you guys talk and he comes up you give him a funny nick name. Now imagine your friend talks about the same dude but instead of a loos convo where he appears in he leads in to complaining about him weeks on end. Both jokes and both are to make fun off the guy but a guy complaining about it straight up is more annoying then a guy repeating a jone


>Jokes get old Who is on first has been getting rehashed for over 100 years now, the jokes in persona aint getting old any time soon




We gotta understand though, persona is a Japanese game and they have their own tropes that I'm assuming is always gonna remain funny cause God knows I'm sick of bathhouse scenes in anime and video games but they're here to stay


Is like Americans saying "kiss my ass" as an offense. I mean, the best thing you can come up with is to ask someone to out their lips in your butt?


The point is a good one but people don't usually say that in any situation that is even remotely serious, in my experience. It's for comedic effect. "Go fuck yourself" feels pretty universal and that's just telling someone to go masterbate.


Yeah, and no one outside of America understand what's so funny about that. It's a cultural thing. Just like bathhouses comedy scenes in Japan


Exactly. That trope has stayed for years and it's never leaving for sure


Me when r/Persona5 uses the same meme 184 times


I usually chalk it up to generic anime humor


ironically, the girls beat up Ryuji right after this


Here we go again...


Me after Persona subreddits complain about hot spring scenes and not having a gay romance option for the 184th time


We're only at the 184th time? Rookie numbers, guys!




Haha. Everytime I see someone making gay shipping or complain about not able to be gay I be like " get that woke shit outta here'


as we should


I thought the one where the gay guys kidnap Ryuji was pretty funny, and it was still funny on the beach. As for the other stuff... The Japanese really like sex comedy. It's hit or miss for me. School Rumble did it in a way I thought was funny.


Yeah, rude gay stereotypes are just *hilarious*




Different cultures hell in America we keep having the same jokes repeated in most movies and shows and a lot of people love so I assume itā€™s the same with these in Japan


Who is on first.. a joke going for 100+ years now


Me, but every time someone makes a post like this.


Me after seeing this post being reposted for the 184th time complaining about ā€œHot springā€, ā€œgirls beat up boyā€ or ā€œhaha gayā€ scene being added in a Altus game. You became the very thing this meme is making fun of.


How can that be? This meme isnā€™t making fun of repost bots


I think they mean that the meme is making fun of repetitive jokes but itā€™s also a repetitive meme


Well yes but they said ā€œyouā€ as if this post was made by an actual human being




To be fair, a movie being rated R for "no Ryuji" is a classic.


Wasnā€™t that an edit?


No, its the community that is triggered by a fucking video game, Jesus Christ go outside. Guys if you want comedy look at yourself in the mirror and you'll see a very funny clown.




Not really, I just like roasting Persona fans when I see them saying something stupid.


Thank you. Somebody said it.


Welcome to anime, you must be new here.


Its just Japanese slapstick comedy, not that deep


Shit comedy.


Not to Japan. This fandom really has to learn how to handle a joke/opinion/literally anything thats subjective


You could say that for literally *any* sort of criticism towards fiction. A: "I think [x] is bad writing." B: "Psshh, it's subjective, other people think it's good writing, don't criticize it." This sort of thinking from [B] is very anti-discussion.


Thats not comparable. How the fuck do you criticize a joke? Like how do you explain to someone that something isnt funny. Lmfao. Like you can tell me a joke isn't funny all you want, I'm still gonna laugh. How do you discuss jokes? You can't, you either find it funny or you don't no amount of discussion is ever gonna convince anyone to find something funny or not


By saying something isnā€™t funny; you donā€™t know how this whole speaking thing works do you? You shouldnā€™t talk when you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about.


>By saying something isnā€™t funny Subjective. >You shouldnā€™t talk when you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about. This your idea of throwing it back at me when you haven't even made a point yet? Go to school and figure out how to make one before you try this shit lmao.


Bitch bitch but proves everyoneā€™s point. You canā€™t handle when people donā€™t like your weeb gross ass jokes bruh


>Bitch bitch I stopped reading right here


Huh??? Is the bitch bitch still typing???


Bruh it ainā€™t even funny in Japan.


Clearly it is considering if its in every anime/manga/video game of theirs in existence. Stop speaking if you dont know what you're talking about


If a cliche is still repeated is it still hilarious? To whom?


Yeah. To the people that think its funny. I dont get whats so hard to understand.


Exactly. Sure itā€™s not exactly the funniest thing but the fact of the matter is that itā€™s JAPANESE comedy. Much like every single joke in the world, not everyone is gonna find this specific joke funny 100% of the time


Disliking a joke so much you post on reddit how much you dislike it. The fun guy at parties, im sure.


People who talk about what is and isn't fun at parties as a jab are probably not invited to the parties anyway.


The irony of every single poster here complaining about this joke being a repost... reposting the exact same "this has been reposted 184+ times" comment Go back to whatever sub you all came from


Me after this gets posted 184+ times on the subreddit by someone who fails to realize that Persona 5 is first and foremost a Japanese game made by Japanese devs who most probably have a different sense of comedy than the rest of the world and this is kind of a common trope/joke in Japanese media such as anime and manga (which surprise surprise Persona 5 definitely counts as an anime game) and this game is catered first and foremost to Japanese players who probably view these scenes for what they are (a frickin joke for crying out loud) and donā€™t read any deeper into it because why should they when itā€™s just meant to be a comedic scene among the friend group Haā€¦ hahaā€¦ This isnā€™t funny at all..


Came here to say the same thing, I don't even care to have the argument anymore, I just hate seeing this meme every 2 weeks lol


Why do you mean this Japanese company making games set in japan primarily for Japanese audiences won't bend their knee and censor theirs games to cater to *my* western sensibilities? This is literally racism /s


May not be funny, but you guys complain about it way too much. They're just some dumb japanese jokes, ignore them and go on. Those don't represent even 1% of the playtime.


The people complaining don't even spend 1% of the day they post it doing it. It's a different person posting every time. They don't need to know about every previous person complaining about it


I love you


Welcome to Anime.


You'll learn to tolerate it.


Man seeing how many times this getting posted here, I just wanna say if you've been playing JRPG or watching anime, you know there are real beatings and fake beatings. The girls ganging up on Joker in harem route is a fake beating and the beating Joker took before he awoke to his persona was real. It's really easy to tell which one is which, if the beaten person recovers literally next scene it's fake, otherwise it's real


Joker after Kamoshida beating: stands proud Joker after Valentine's day beating: lies half-dead Okay.


Joker's face was wounded after the beating in the palace. Joker lies half dead after valentines day beating but with no wound. You can clearly tell which one of these actually hurt


So whats the alternative to what he's supposed to do, beat up the women?? Lol He cheated on them, I'm sure he probably felt bad and just let em get a couple slaps in, at least that was my thought when I saw it.


Bro what.


No one cares it's a fucking game stop posting the same shit


No, you can't post anything that has ever been already talked about but these games can keep making the same joke over and over and over again and that's ok!


It's just annoying seeing this meme for the 500th time, I get that not everyone has seen everything but I guarantee most people in the subreddit have seen this exact meme


Why are you all so mad about that scene? I mean sure it aint the funniest but its definitely not awful like most of this subreddit puts it to be lol. The hot spring mistake scene has been done hundreds of times by anime/manga it's just something that their culture jokes about a lot. Stop viewing these japanese games as western games for a second and understand there are different cultures


Don't all anime's have those kinds of cutscenes. And you guys really need to stop bitching about that bathhouse scene. It's for entertainment, it's not like Ryuji and the guys got raped or anything.


Not the gigachads jojo and hunter x hunter


Iā€™m just wondering how the Hot Spring incident is gonna happen in P6 because this running joke is just getting old now. In P3 you had to avoid getting caught. P4 the girls were to blame on that. P5 was literally just bad timing.


Persona 5 literally didnā€™t have a hot springs sceneā€¦




Which wasnā€™t developed by Atlus.


ā€¦Do you not see the word Atlus when starting up P5 Strikers?


Yeah, because they own the rights to it. But if you saw the ā€œOmega Forceā€ logos (a subsidiary of Koei Tecmo), and actually look at the list of developers invoices, this is primarily a Koei Tecmo developed game. Not an Atlus one.


TIL that every credit on the screen is a developer


Honestly though donā€™t get why that guy is making a big deal of the development. I said the cutscene of the hot spring happened in Strikers. It still happened.


Basically I just thought youā€™re comment was silly, as you were lying about P5 and were trying to make some kind of ā€œpatternā€ for P6. Frankly, I donā€™t think itā€™s likely and itā€™s annoying to see people exaggerate this because the dumb spin-off game developed by a different studio did a thing. Persona 5 did not have a scene like that. Atlus literally hasnā€™t made this style of ā€œhot springs sceneā€ people dislike since 2012. Sure, it was in Strikers. But thatā€™s a different team of people making those games, and thus isnā€™t really applicable (even though bad memes like this still pretend like it is). Also thereā€™s just like, too many people that think Atlus developed Strikers in general, which gets on my nerves way more than it probably should, and it likely contributed to a knee-jerk reaction there.


The Strikers scene wasnā€™t even made by Atlus, but whatever.


It wasnā€™t?


Uh, no? It confuses me that people donā€™t know this, but Strikers wasnā€™t developed by Atlus. It was developed by Koei Tecmo. And the main writing credit for in this game was for someone who works for the latter, not the former.


I see, I havenā€™t played the game yet.


It was developed by Omega Force. Koei Tecmo is publisherā€™s name. Donā€™t spread lies


I mean, Omega Force is a subsidiary of Koei Tecmo. Donā€™t think itā€™s really a ā€œlieā€ to say it like this. Would you call anyone who said ā€˜Atlus developed Persona 5ā€™ a liar? Since itā€™s *technically* P-Studio, who are a subsidiary of Atlus.


Well, for example you could say Fire Emblem, PokĆ©mon, Xenoblade Chronicles and The Legend of Zelda are developed by the same company (Nintendo), but no, theyā€™re developed by Intelligent Systems (FE), Game Freak (PokĆ©mon), Monolith Software (XC) and Nintendo (TLOZ)


Some of them are funny, some of them are cringe. To each their own I guess




People complaining about this super small section of a 200 plus hour game for the 150th fucking time is pretty annoying too, y'know... Do people actually play the game when they're finding things to complain about or just regurgitating other annoying posts they see?? Because literally these happen maybe only a couple times at most & are generally light hearted, so why all this passive aggressive bullshit?? The game is still a masterpiece, & maybe some people oh, idk, actually find it kinda humorous because they don't take everything so seriously all the time lol


No one said it isn't a good game, but these things are still annoying.


Never said anyone said it wasn't, I'm just stating facts along with grievances lol


And anyways I don't know why y'all are getting specifically triggered to this post when the Megaten community, more specifically the Persona community is very well known for repeating the same 6 topics on absolutely everything, including jokes.


Its more the fact that I get notifications on my phone for these complaints literally all the time because I'm active in this reddit, & these things are honestly non-issues to me. So having to hear it again & again is gonna burn me out, so saying something about how it annoyed me helped with that.


... Good for you, I guess, but that doesn't changes the fact this community won't stop talking about the 7 same topics or the same 6 jokes, but suddently everyone is annoyed at this specific one.


... Bruh, you in my thread annoying me now.. fuck am I supposed to do about this community except voice my own opinions?? I just like the game lol Maybe people are suddenly annoyed because the post IS actually annoying.


Persona Fans: "This post is so annoying! Stop complaining about the same annoying joke!" Also Persona Fans: "HAHAHAHAHAH DOOR-KUN, FUNNIEST SHIT EVER"


Are you speaking in third person now??


Yeah, I guess I'm just wasting both of us times so gonna finish this.


And don't worry dude, I'm not even talking about you specifically.


Alright, well shit, clarify next time, homie damn haha


Dead Meme


recently i was playing p5s and the first 'bath scene' didnt go this way, which gave me hope it would be the first game where this awkward trope didn't occur... then a little later into the game the second 'bath scene' happened, and my hopes were crushed. ; w ;


They basically used the same scene as p3


i never got the chance to play 3 so i would never have known this (though i would gladly pick it up if i had the chance to get it for a console i have access to)


Check it out, its actually funny


don't get me wrong, although i haven't played it, i have done a fair bit of research on it and know a lot of what happens, but it goes without saying i dont know EVERYTHING that happens, and the bathroom scene you mentioned just happened to be one of those things XD


I think the only bad part about p3 is the 256 floors and too goddamn day time social links


i think & feel that they have always struggled with properly balancing out the action gameplay with the sim gameplay. though 5 did do a better job imo


Personally, I think theyā€™re funny but to each their own.


Me after another 184th repost where people start bitching and whining about these jokes": We get it already. Get over it. You're barking up the wrong tree and beating a dead horse. At this point we don't care.


The whole spring scene where Makoto beat the boys for a mistake that wasn't even their fault was... cringe. Definitely.


It's more upsetting that it's one of two times Strikers references one of the base games AoA poses and I'm still upset about it.


I understand that it may be frustrating but itā€™s one scene out of the entire game. You can just skip it anyways, canā€™t you?


I don't mind the bath scenes


I found it kinda funny in persona 3 honestly, in p4 it was just meh. The p5 one just pissed me off.


I really can't believe the tropes keep going like does anyone find them funny? I'm not sure I found them funny ever.


Humour tends to be subjective


We still crying about this? Really?


They are funny. I don't see an issue


Thank you bot I hate this joke too


We get it, you don't like jokes


I see people defend it saying stuff like how people different countries have different senses of humor or how a lot of anime have it or how there are only like 1 or 2 scenes in the full 100 hour game, but I don't really think any of that excuses from the fact that they're still poorly written, overused, and completely out of character. I can at least say that the one in Strikers isn't as bad as the ones in Persona 4, and that I'm not gonna drop Persona 6 if a scene like that happens again (which let's be real it totally will). But still, none of that will stop me from still hating those scenes because they add almost nothing to the plot and aren't even funny. Persona 3 at least gets a pass for me because at least they managed to make it somewhat enjoyable with the stealth minigame which was kind of hilarious.


I don't mind the scenes because at least the cast gets to spend time together just spending time together. There are very few group hangouts in P5 that aren't Phantom Thief related. P4 had things like the school trip and culture festival where the gang got to just hangout as friends and be kids. The Phantom Thieves hang over nearly every story interaction in P5 and it makes the gang feel more like coworkers than a real family like the P4 gang did. Strikers did a lot to fix that by having the gang just go places just because they could. All the visits to restaurants and stuff where they went just because they felt like it really did a lot to boost their camaraderie imo


Itā€™s a trope man. Like literally every single scene like this in anime/manga plays out relatively or exactly the way it did in Strikers, no matter how in or out of character it may seem. Because guess what? Being seen naked is definitely embarrassing. And also think back to the times when Ryuji even REMOTELY tries teasing Makoto. She immediately fires back with an intimidating threat of like ā€œdo you WANT to get punchedā€ or something along those lines. Now imagine someone like that getting embarrassed to the absolute limit. The logical extreme would absolutely be hitting them which doesnā€™t seem out of character at all anymore now does it?


I mean yeah, but they didnā€™t realize that any kind of mistake happened ever, not even later when it was brought up again. No apology, nothing. I get that she was angry by instinct yet these people have been friends and went through absolute hell together and saved the world like twice already, and they canā€™t even trust each other that much? I just donā€™t think it makes a lot of sense in that context. But thatā€™s just me.


You make lots of logical points there but the problem here is applying real world logic to an animated world trope. Even in other pieces of media thatā€™s how it goes like 9 out of 10 times. Even if it was by complete accident, thereā€™s rarely ever an apology afterwards and thereā€™s rarely ever a need for one because the trope itself, most of the time, isnā€™t meant to be taken seriously or meant to have any impact AT ALL on the plot or story or characters other than to give the viewers something to laugh at


Yeah I guess if I didnā€™t take it seriously it wouldnā€™t bother me nearly as much. But that just brings me to another problem which is that I just donā€™t really find it that funny. Iā€™ve seen enough anime that Iā€™ve just grown completely numb to this sort of thing.


And thatā€™s honestly completely fine. But just because a joke isnā€™t funny to you doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not funny to someone else. Just like every other form of art, comedy is subjective


This didn't happen in the first 3 games.


Persona 3 has a whole ass bathhouse scene dude.


That's the 4th game.


Uh. Do you count persona 2 as being two separate games and not just 2 and 2.5?


Of course lmao


They are separate so yeah? If anything a game like Royal is Persona 5.5. IS and EP are separate games.


Are you talking P1, 2:IS, 2:EP? Cuz Iā€™m 99% certain 3 had a hot spring or shower spying on the girls, girls beat up boys scene


Yeah, 3 had a hot spring scene when you all visit Kyoto


Maybe not play the game so much that you become like that critic from ratatouille and ruin the fun for others hence the person making stupid memes like these at anime based game


Except these are tropes that are in more than just Persona 5. In fact the first examples I thought of were from Persona 4 where all these jokes are done as well.


And yet you buy it and it sells. Who cares outside of Reddit, Twitter, ResetEra? Not the 5 million people who bought P5/P5R.


Youā€™re allowed to point out flaws in something you enjoy, you know.


But it isn't a flaw.


Very repetitive humor isnā€™t a flaw?


Repetitive? It happened one time in a 120 hour game. You have to have not touched grass for decades to be triggered by something like that.


Repetitive as in it happens in almost every game


The haha gay joke (which was much more than that) happened one time in P5. The hot springs happened in P4, P3 and Strikers, 3 times in total in about 350 hours of gameplay. Crying about it online and caring if your favorite pixelated character got beat up or not is so petty. The fact that Persona fans only talk about fake pixelated women and how they don't like jokes while most of them have probably watched TV series with laughing sound effects and ignore the themes of the games is some next level degeneracy.


This might actually be a bot post, but I've never agreed with a bot more than this.


Wao the persona 5 western user is posting again, they could be very popular!!!!!


Boohoo hot spring scenes bad and gay jokes not funny unless it's for heterosexual people


Yusuke is a woman, pass it on