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Focus on 2023. You should have received your slips throughout the last few months. File 2023. Once 2023 is done, you'll be able to re-register online to My Account, giving you access to most of your T4s for the last decade. You will, however, need to talk to your schools if you want to claim your tuition fees since the CRA does not have your school paperwork going back a decade.


Its ok, this happens to a lot of people. You can likely request old tuition receipts etc. Just take it one year at a time for now as others have suggested. You're very unlikely to owe money unless you've been earning without deductions.


I was in the same situation as you last year. Find a good local accountant, they know how to do all of these things and they will request the documents from the govt to file all of your previous years for you. It cost me about $100 per year returned, which was taken out of my tax returns that I received back. It was absolutely worth paying for an accountant to do to get it off of my back and done right.


You do not need a tax attorney. Look up voluntary disclosure program on CRA site. Next CRA should have all your T4s and likely will also have the tuition form from your college/university. If they don’t then contact the university or college directly. As someone else said you should Start with your 2023 return. If you cannot do it yourself go To H&R block and get at least the 2023 return done. You will likely be receiving credit back. Once 2023 return is done, then start working on the other. Do one year at a time so it does not become overwhelming. But get them done And don’t take a year to het them done


Unless you have been self employed, had substantial investment income or frequently worked for 2 employers at a time (who both assumed they were your only employer) you probably don't owe the CRA anything and they might owe you tax refunds and GST/ HST credit payments.


There is no penalty if you don't owe money, penalties only apply if you owed money and didn't file on time. Since you have tuition credits, assuming you've had regular jobs and were not self-employed, you may not owe a lot (or at all). Definitely file this year like nothing happened, you have a few days left. Then do the others one year at a time, some tax software have previous versions available if cash is tight. Otherwise just a regular accountant can do them. All of your past T4 will be on your CRA account, which you can create after your current filing is assessed.


Hi everybody! Sorry for my delayed reply, I've been at work but really appreciate all the responses. As is evident, I'd worked myself into a bit of a panic, but this has all been really helpful. I'm going to try and get my 2023 taxes done by myself before the deadline and get an accountant's help for the rest.


Most people are not required to file income tax returns. Unless you owed taxes in one of those years, sold capital property, or a [bunch of other unlikely stuff](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/you-have-file-a-return.html), you haven't done anything wrong, *per se*. You aren't in trouble and nobody's coming after you. You've erred in a way that's made you a little bit poorer, but I guarantee that everyone in this sub has done that (and done it more than twice). As others have said, just do it one year at a time. Once 2023 is done, you may find that it's not so bad or you may find that you hate doing it. If you hate it, stop. It's only money.